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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 338


I don’t see anything at all wrong with the footage of that establishing shot. Then again, I didn’t notice anything off about the Mustafar game footage either. I think it’s a nice shot to add some breathing room before we are introduced to a new location. I agree I could do without a wipe transition, but I like it.

And as much as I appreciate it, sherlock, I will leave the music unaltered.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Ed Slushie said:

Neerb said:

Also tbh we’re kinda killing time while stuff like Rey’s blade and Luke’s hair are worked on.

Well if that’s the case, speaking of ways to slow down the movie’s pacing: here’s a small edit I made that adds an establishing shot of the cave on Ajan Kloss.

As much as I appreciate the idea, it just looks very obviously like a video game to me unfortunately.


I agree, the footage looks very obvious to me too. Also the original quick cut kinda fits the moment, since Rey’s training is cut short & she heads back without finishing the course.


I think the new castle shot on Mustafar works as it is without trees rotoscoped in, personally.

Also, am I too late to send an audio file to be added to the "For Skywalker!"s in the next release?

“It’s like rhymetry. They poem.” - Leorge Gucas

TROS Novelisation: The Faraday Edit, TLJ: Stoic Edition, ROTS: The Faraday Nudge, ROTS Ultracut: Order 66, Kenobi: Faraday Cut, Godzilla Vs Megalon, Godzilla Vs Gigan, Godzilla: Final Wars, The Light Rises, Faraday Jr.'s Star Wars


Jar Jar Bricks said:

JakeRyan17 said:

In the topic of switching up the trees, would it be possible to re-colour the trees from Mandalorian: The Jedi? Is there a shot in there that could be laid underneath the TIEs?

I just took a peek at the episode and I’m pretty sure that every aerial shot has Mando’s ship in it so it would have to be edited out. Additionally, the camera is really low to the ground (like below the trees kinda low). Not sure that it would work.

Theoretically that’s where you’d put the TIEs.


Sounds good, Hal. I appreciate you giving it a listen!

As for the Vader’s Castle shot, I think it’s fine as it is without the trees. However, for a compromise solution that hopefully wouldn’t be as difficult, what if there were some extra plumes of smoke coming up from the lower-right corner, where the ships head on their way to the burned forest? That way, it would imply that the area to which they’re heading has been razed. Perhaps the smoke could even obscure that section entirely, covering any trees that “might have once” been there. I.e. Rather than the castle being in the middle of a forest, it’s right on the edge of one.

At least, I’d imagine that an extra smoke effect in the corner would be easier to add than tracking a bunch of trees around throughout the camera pan. But I really think it’s fine as is for a three second shot.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Quick 2am low quality tweak on Ajan Kloss: https://vimeo.com/508304128

Some thoughts on why the original transition might not look right for some people (and why maybe these ideas could help):

  • The original is very brightly colored with sunshine, which is a giveaway for CGI in general but especially in the generally blue-green TROS. Here I’ve dulled it a bit, specifically with some blue to easier transition into the next inner-cave shot. Might clash a little with the previous shot, but maybe it could indicate some time has passed on Rey’s hike back.
  • Some people mentioned it should cut instead of wipe. While that does help keep the BB-8 scene from being cut awkwardly short, I think it also helps in that you don’t see the video game plants and movie plants on two halves of the screen at the same time. You barely see the video game plants at all now, as I think they were one of the faker-looking parts.
  • The original I think maybe lingered too long on the video game shot, giving your eyes too much time to process it. Now it starts just a bit later and ends a bit sooner. Ending sooner is especially important because I noticed that, in the original, you can see the very top of the ship still rendering extra bits into the game at the very end of the clip, so now you won’t see that.

Framerate on the video game part is still iffy though, especially in my even-lower-quality render. A real fix would need the best quality of whatever the source was, which I’m not sure of.


I mean those help (and there are ways to push it further - proper frame rate as you mentioned, film grain, higher contrast/darkening the shadows), but I just doubt it’d ever look legit.

The other big issue is the music choice, which is too upbeat for this moment.


Well the music isn’t an issue. Ed Slushie had that music in his upload, but we can literally just put any audio there.

As for the visuals, I think with some more tweaks it can become passable enough to be worth what it adds to the setting. It will always look CGI, but there are already way uglier effects in this movie.


I like the Ajan Kloss battlefront shot simply because it gives us an idea of the size of the base. In the film the base has no sense of scale, it’s just a bunch of disconnected areas. A simple shot like this one gives us an idea of they bases size and position.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


Neerb said:

Well the music isn’t an issue. Ed Slushie had that music in his upload, but we can literally just put any audio there.

As for the visuals, I think with some more tweaks it can become passable enough to be worth what it adds to the setting. It will always look CGI, but there are already way uglier effects in this movie.

Well certainly on the music you’re right, that’s obviously changeable. But I disagree on the second part, there isn’t anything in the film that looks like this.


dgraham414 said:

I like the Ajan Kloss battlefront shot simply because it gives us an idea of the size of the base. In the film the base has no sense of scale, it’s just a bunch of disconnected areas. A simple shot like this one gives us an idea of they bases size and position.

Agreed, this shot would help a lot if it could look legit.

Also, the Vader’s castle fly-by work is going great- is anyone still trying to add the castle into the background when Kylo holds up the wayfinder, or was that ever finished?


Brewzter said:

Also, the Vader’s castle fly-by work is going great- is anyone still trying to add the castle into the background when Kylo holds up the wayfinder, or was that ever finished?

Yes I’m like 99% sure that shot was finished. It’s very subtle, though.


It’s finished but I had 2 options. Blur to match the background but lose detail in the castle or keep the detail to have it stand out more. I’m still not sure which one to go with?

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Maybe we need to see a demo to be sure, but it sounds like blurring it would be best. Better to make it believable than in-your-face fanservice, especially since we’ve got the way more in-your-face shot earlier.

Make sure the lights are off, though. Maybe if it’s too unrecognizable without the lights, that would be a problem? But the audience should be focusing on Kylo and the wayfinder anyway.


Yeah, the main shot of the castle fly-by should be when the audience focuses on the castle, and then by the time Kylo is holding the wayfinder, the focus should be on him.

So blur sounds better, especially since it will look more natural. But we can’t know without seeing them yet lol


Ed Slushie said:

Well if that’s the case, speaking of ways to slow down the movie’s pacing: here’s a small edit I made that adds an establishing shot of the cave on Ajan Kloss.

This inserted clip is very interesting and could become usable/very believable if the footage was:

  1. cropped to remove the tree in the lower left corner
  2. run through topaz video enhancer
  3. graded to match the film (beginning of the clip), higher contrast levels, using the color match feature, for example, in Premiere or Resolve-- removing the aqua tint from some of the foliage
  4. all shadows (not blacks) darkened

heil Palpatine!


Neerb said:

Quick 2am low quality tweak on Ajan Kloss: https://vimeo.com/508304128

Some thoughts on why the original transition might not look right for some people (and why maybe these ideas could help):

  • The original is very brightly colored with sunshine, which is a giveaway for CGI in general but especially in the generally blue-green TROS. Here I’ve dulled it a bit, specifically with some blue to easier transition into the next inner-cave shot. Might clash a little with the previous shot, but maybe it could indicate some time has passed on Rey’s hike back.
  • Some people mentioned it should cut instead of wipe. While that does help keep the BB-8 scene from being cut awkwardly short, I think it also helps in that you don’t see the video game plants and movie plants on two halves of the screen at the same time. You barely see the video game plants at all now, as I think they were one of the faker-looking parts.
  • The original I think maybe lingered too long on the video game shot, giving your eyes too much time to process it. Now it starts just a bit later and ends a bit sooner. Ending sooner is especially important because I noticed that, in the original, you can see the very top of the ship still rendering extra bits into the game at the very end of the clip, so now you won’t see that.

Framerate on the video game part is still iffy though, especially in my even-lower-quality render. A real fix would need the best quality of whatever the source was, which I’m not sure of.

This looks a little better but still sticks out as video game footage. I also think it would be better to have no music and just ambient sound, since the surrounding shots don’t have music.


The next time Ed Slushie gets back on, maybe they can give us their source to work with (or maybe they’re working on it themselves).


On no, please, no video game footage. Sticks out bad.

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


If you use video game footage, capture at whatever the highest frame rate the game/capture source allows, then have the editing program interpret the footage as 23.97/24fps. This will make it look slow-motion. Then speed it up and use optical flow. That should help get rid of some of the frame rate issues.


That plus krausfadr’s suggestions I think could all definitely make it more viable than it may seem right now. The stormtrooper landing was axed previously, but only after it was edited and tested several times, and mainly because it had jarring camera movements and CGI people running around (and added nothing of value that the new establishing shots don’t add already). A slow pan of CGI rock and metal could almost definitely be made to fit okay if we have high enough quality footage to work with.

The problem is just whether we can actually get that footage or not. I haven’t been able to find anything online that looks quite like the shot Ed used (though it’s only been like 13 hours since they posted, lol), and I’m not sure anyone here has game tech good enough to try to capture their own footage.


It’s choppy, the lighting and shadows are off, the fluttering leaves in the air literally just appear out of now where and the the textures on everything are unrealistic. It sticks out really bad. I’m sorry … I just don’t get it…

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”