I'm a prequel hater. They suck. And I'm in for anything that can make them better. I've checked out Magnolia's edits and I've read/had endless conversations about what was wrong with the prequels and what was good/bad and what can stay and what must go. The problem with this, as I see it, is that they're still based on the crap prequels. (But thank you all for your efforts. Nothing against you Magnolia, just that whole sow's ear->silk and turnip->blood problem.)
So, what I'm looking for is everyone's ideas of what the prequels should have been totally disregarding what Lucas did in his Eps 1-3. I'm sure plenty of people have already written in detail their concept of the PT, so links to pre-existing material is fine.
I guess random musing on the topic is okay, but I'm really looking for complete ideas.
Well, it's cheesey and my two year old loves it, so that's good. He's always like C-3PO and R2-D2 best, so he is able to watch it a little more closely than the actual movies.
Anyways, I thought the real value was that it had 1997 SE footage in DVD quality. I know it's 4x3, but the images that you actually need to grab (i.e. original emperor, original Anakin, etc..) should be fully located in the 4x3 slice. Also, a crisp stereo version of the altered emperor speech. Maybe that's not such a big deal, since so many of you have access to the Laserdiscs... but anyways...
What other scenes can be ripped from the footage in this?