Originally posted by: Number20Originally posted by: xhonzi
The ending of RotS, even without thinking that Vader is a Force Wuss as a cyborg, still leaves the question in my mind: What does Palpy need Vader for at this point? It seems that the Sith use a "love 'em and leave 'em" tactic against each other and that as soon as they can't use you anymore, they kill you or let you be killed. You bring up a good example of Dooku. Anyways, Palpy has control of the entire galaxy at this point and leaving Vader around only seems to be asking for a betrayal. Especially since he failed to deliver on the one promise that brought Anakin over to the dark side...
But I've already said that I don't think Vader has any reason to a) not kill Palpatine at that point or b) stay on the dark side at all as it's portrayed in L'sPT.
Palpatine has to keep Vader around. He still needs someone to carry on the Sith after he is gone. In ROTS, he brags to Yoda how his apprentice will be more powerful than either of them. If he was purely motivated by keeping himself alive, he could of just found some random weaking jedi to turn sith or leave Anakin to die after the Obi-Wan duel. But he wanted someone who he knew he couldn't beat, because he was the most powerful available. Sure, he wants to maintain power, but he is also loyal to the Sith way and knows that he must have someone to carry on the Sith legacy, even though that meant he would eventually be killed. Maybe he thought he wouldn't be killed by his apprentice like the rest.
I don't buy into the whole "suited Vader is a weakling" argument, though. The way I see it, Vader is still very deadly, but more vunerable because he is dependent on a life-support suit, and one that proves can be shorted out by sith lightning.