Thank you for the extensive notes. While some of them are things that I’ve never thought about, some were deliberate choices that I’ll try to explain below.
- Galadriel and the flashback to her brother on the boat:
The audio and sequence were lifted straight from the show. The only thing I changed were the visuals that went with the flashback, and the reason I did that is that Finrod’s advice seemed a very odd thing to say in paradise before anything bad had happened. In many ways, it embodied the Elvish mindset after Morgoth destroyed the trees and stole the Silmarils, the mindset that drove them from Valinor to Middle Earth the first time and the same mindset that was now driving Galadriel to make the same choice again.
2 and 3) about the transitions and the look between Halbrand and Galadriel. Good points. I’ll consider those.
- The Stranger with the Snails:
Yes, this was a very tricky scene because it was originally intercut with Nori’s father breaking his ankle, which was a plotline I cut entirely. It could probably use some further polishing, maybe using the soundtrack to smooth over some of those transitions.
- Galadriel’s dream sequence:
Honestly, this was mostly done in order to include that Elrond and Galadriel night scene (which I rather liked for better insight into her motivations) without stretching the beginning of the story out further. I can certainly re-evaluate how much of a purpose it really serves though.
Also, I did apply the same slight vignette effect that I applied during the prologue and also during all other flashbacks.
and 7) On extending music further over transitions - sure, I’ll take a look at those.
The cow:
I understand what you are saying, but the black goo really took me out of the story when I was watching it. I do agree that, without it, Arondir seems a bit paranoid, but that’s also kind of how his character starts out even in the original bar scene.
and 10) More music transitions - I’ll look into it.
The Elendil and Isildor transition - This was really tricky since I wanted to cut the rest of their conversation. You make an interesting suggestion about leaving it unresolved until we see Isildor aboard the ship.
The Theo to Stranger and Nori transition - Again, this was tricky to pull off. I tried to overlay the Sauron theme in order to strengthen the implication that the Stranger might be Sauron, but it cuts off very abruptly. Maybe I need a different soundtrack sample of the Sauron music in order to smooth the transition.
Theo and Arondir and the Hilt:
This was a really painful scene for me to cut, because I love it. That said, I needed to get rid of it because my edit has no fake hilt. It always struck me as odd that nobody noticed how basic the thing wrapped up was until that moment, but I suppose I could consider re-integrating it and still imply that it was captured off screen.
- Nori and Poppy vs the Mystics:
Yes, it’s less developed than in the original, but what I hope is communicated is that Nori sees the Mystics tracking the Stranger at night and decides to get Poppy and follow them in order to help him/see what is going on, in spite of everything that happened earlier.
- Saddoc:
I don’t expect that we will see much of the Harfoots beyond Nori and maybe Poppy until maybe the end of the series when I expect we’ll get some type of founding of the Shire thing. If there is a considerable time before we see them again, it should be easy enough to imply that Saddoc died during the interrum.
Again, thank you for all the notes. I got some from one other reviewer as well, and after a week or so, I plan to go through all the feedback to see what I can improve. Around then, season 2 will also start, and I’ll be able to see if anything needs to change in order to fit that content.