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Lucas @ The Oscars
Originally posted by: Jumpman
To this day, it's complete BS that Lucas didn't win Best Director and Best Picture for Star Wars back at the Oscars in '78. I'm sorry, has Annie Hall had the cultural impact that Star Wars has?

If someone can give me a complete and logic answer to this question, I'll gladly change my mind....

The Academy was well aware that Star Wars was a half-finished film in 1977. They were also aware in 1997 that Star Wars was still not complete, but alas, the 2004 release was direct to video...

Star Wars, Hollywood Style!?
George Lucas may be Public Enemy #1 around these parts right now, but there's no question in my mind that we all hold his older work in the highest esteem. And in that light, I'm wondering - suppose Lucas hadn't had creative control in the mid 70s? Suppose the studios had just paid Lucas his little fee and did Star Wars their way - what would have happened?

1) Who would have starred? Who plays Luke and Han? Leia and Obi-Wan? Tarkin? What actors were big at the time?

2) Where would it have been filmed?

3) What do the sets look like? What do the vehicles and droids look like? What about Vader, Chewbacca, the fighters, the Star Destroyers? And the Death Star?

4) How good or bad would the effects have looked? Would the Lightsaber be what it is today without Ben Burtt and ILM?

5) Would John Williams have scored the movie? Would the studio have opted for a futuristic score, the exact opposite of Lucas' instinct on this matter?

6) Would Star Wars have endured to the extent that it has today without Lucas' creative control? Would Star Wars have endured at all?

I have no particular insight into this topic, just a curiosity.
Getting too old for this sort of thing?
I'm 32 (20 January 1975) and always up for a trip to Alderaan.

I was fortunate enough to see ROTJ in the theater in its first run when I was eight. As a matter of fact, Jedi was the movie which sold me on widescreen presentation. See, I remember being absolutely blown away when the Falcon flew into the reactor housing area of the DSII - the sheer immensity of it was amazing to me. However, watching that scene on video didn't have the same effect; I assumed this was because of the small TV screen. Watching Jedi on widescreen demonstrated that the TV wasn't the main culprit, and I've been a stickler for widescreen ever since.

I don't care what GL does anymore, really - no matter how ridiculous the franchise gets, there is no such thing as guilt by association when it comes to the OUT. I'm a fan no matter what.
The end of Star Wars?
What happened to the Star Wars name is what happens so very often in life: Potential becomes reality and so very much is lost in the process. Lucas and company had a huge slab of stone to work with and made two masterpieces with it. But George chipped away a little too much over time.

Lucas, in recent years, has always been very quick to remind everyone that this is space opera, an homage to 1940's sci-fi serials, fun for kids, etc. That is clearly NOT what Star Wars was before 1983 - at that time, Lucas used elements of 1940's serials and created something more significant. Those movies happened to be fun for kids - these distinctions should be recognized. Star Wars and Empire had outgrown its creator and (most of its) cast. It would have been nearly impossible to meet the standard of excellence of the first two films, and Lucas evidently decided to make it clear that he wasn't trying to do such a thing. The silly moments in Jedi (the burping, Salacious Crumb, Ewok antics a.o.) seem to validate that idea. After all, Jedi without the silliness is simply a substandard Star Wars movie. With the silliness, Lucas may argue that Jedi was what a SW movie was supposed to be all along. The SE-izing of Star Wars seems to validate this idea futher still: Mos Eisley antics, the Rastafarian Alien at the cantina (what a cool hat!), Solo stepping on Jabba's tail (would the real Jabba tolerate that for one second??), Boba Fett's mugging, Greedo missing a blaster shot from point blank range. Star Wars is the poorer for these tiny tweaks and additions.

Does this have anything to do with the topic at hand? Absolutely. Lucas, by meddling with the tone of the entire Star Wars franchise, and the content of the Original Trilogy, is chiefly responsible for the demise of his product, and the much-maligned EU is proof positive of that. Star Wars fandom received a significant boost from new EU - specifically the Thrawn trilogy and Shadows of the Empire. We all recognize that EU often leaves much to be desired, but as Fang Zei pointed out, EU creators did what George Lucas should have done: make the new material fit the old. Don't bastardize what's already been established. The EU of the 1990's wouldn't have had the same legs if the authors had tried to rewrite history.

But because Lucas chose to go down this road, there's no easy way to have a discussion about the material. You have to identify which camp you're in and by the time you've spent energy and time defending your stance, you don't really feel like discussing the content very much. I assume that most posters here at ot.com have more or less the same interpretations I do on what's happening in the films. I'm content to drop in every few days here among the marginalized rather than waste all sorts of time in caps lock screaming at StormTrooper 1776 and Darth Toe Jam. That shit just ain't worth it.

BTW, Zombie, huge props to you for your utter pwnage of the GOUT thread at TF.N - it was awesome seeing you crush those hanging curveballs over the fence day after day. Not that you got through to any of them, but it was enjoyable all the same.
10 years of the Special Editions
Originally posted by: Dantha Fodder
Originally posted by: Scout trooper
Was the Greedo change an editing error or did George intentionally wanted him to shoot first in the '77 edition?

From the 1977 script:

"Han Solo slowly reaches for his gun under the table.

You can tell that to Jabba. He may
only take your ship.

Over my dead body.

That's the idea. I've been looking
forward to killing you for a long

Yes, I'll bet you have.

Suddenly the slimy alien disappears in a blinding flash of
light. Han pulls his smoking gun from beneath the table as
the other patron look on in bemused amazement. Han gets up
and starts out of the cantina, flipping the bartender some
coins as he leaves.

Sorry about the mess."

Source: http://www.imsdb.com/scripts/Star-Wars-A-New-Hope.html

[Lucas-apologist] Yeah, but the technology back then didn't permit scripts to reflect Lucas' true vision. [/Lucas-apologist]
Seeing the Saga in order - a review by a first-time viewer....
Originally posted by: Darth_Evil
The thing about the prequels is that, even if they weren't the biggest pieces of crap in years, they were just prequels, and no more. Lucas tried to make them into these films that "patched up" the saga, filled in the gaps. It would have been fine if he just released them as "prequels." Not the saga completion, just a few prequels to one of the best trilogies of all time. Then people would know that they had to see the originals first, and the prequels would just be an interesting experiance, seeing the history they had glimpsed fleshed out. But instead, he makes the PT, and tries to say it is now a complete saga. That's the ultimate failure of the PT.

Lucas misunderstood the fans - big surprise. We didn't want the gaps filled in to the OT after ROTJ - we just wanted more Star Wars. At that time, we assumed he could still knock out a good Star Wars movie. The PT may have been better if it had nothing to do with the OT.
10 years of the Special Editions
Like Zombie, I loved the Special Edition release. Until the release of the SEs, I had only seen Jedi in theaters and that was when I was eight - obviously, I had forgotten most of the theater experience from that day.

The day SW:SE was released was one of the great days. Me and my two best friends, huge SW fans, driving two hours to the nearest decent theater on a combined two hours of sleep. People walking around in costumes. Non-stop laughter. On that day, we were kids with drivers licenses and a bigger allowance. Any day you can be a kid long after your actual childhood ends is a great day. Unquestionably the greatest movie theater experience in my lifetime, and that doesn't appear likely to change.

As it turned out, the SEs were not unlike Anakin's presence in the Jedi Order. The SEs did us a lot of good in the beginning but ultimately ruined everything.
Will you buy the OOT again ?

Let us say that the 2006 edition is a one on the scale of one to ten of DVD quality.

If the research shows that the market will bear another release, then the next release will be a three. If somehow another release is possible, then a five/six. Then a seven/eight.

In other words, it would be next to impossible to get the OUT released as a ten. And if my prediction is accurate and the next release is a three, I guess I'll jump through that hoop and buy it too. Or not. I don't know.

I hope I'm wrong, but GL isn't going to make this easy at all.
What versions of the SW saga do you own (OT, PT, preservations, etc)?
I own:


The 2004 OT: SE

The PT

The 2006 GOUT


OCP's Classic Edition OT

A Digital Man's PT

Magnoliafan's Ep. I and II

The Phantom Editor's Ep. I and II

I didn't think I was going to buy the GOUT, but at $9.99 a piece I changed my mind. And I'm glad I did. I hope it gets us a kick-ass restoration of the OUT, but if not at least I'll have the best official release of the OUT. Half a loaf and all that...
Hey guys, Remember when Star wars had writing like this?
Originally posted by: Dug
Agreed, Wesyeed! I get chills just reading it, and look a the way it's written. Yoda is hardly speaking like he speaks in the Prequels at all. Very coherent, almost normal.

Imagine if this was "prequelized":

"Yoda: Ready are you? What ready know of you? Eight hundred years Jedi trained have I. Counsel my own will keep on on on trained who is to be! Deepest commitment, Jedi have he must, serious mind the most. Long time watched this one have I. Looked away all his life he has... future, horizon. Mind his, never was on where he. Hmm? Doing what he was. Hmph! Adventure. Heh! Excitement. Heh! Craves not, a Jedi these things. Reckless you are!"

Ugh. Still, even mixed up, it's still better "meat" than what was given in the prequels.

Damn, that was funny!

What did the Prequel Trilogy need?
I actually like that the Jedi Council was on Coruscant; it showed just how far the corruption in government had spread that the Jedi (who, one would guess, were surely at one time independent of matters of state) were actually, in effect, a branch of the government.

Now, the overall portrayal of the individual Jedi could have been better - they certainly didn't appear to be the wise, compassionate beings we were led to believe they would have been; none of the new Jedi, Qui-Gon aside, were especially sympathetic characters - but the circumstance of the Jedi being an integral part of the Republic infrastructure works well in the story Lucas was telling. I admit I would have done it differently, but the "corrupt Jedi order" was actually well executed.

I wanted to care that Jedi were being slaughtered, but Order 66 didn't move me much at all.
What did the Prequel Trilogy need?
Originally posted by: BeeJay
In ESB, Yoda did mention to Luke that he kept a council of Jedi. If this council has a place to meet, as in the Temple on Coruscant, then that just means the Jedi found it more convenient for them to gather in a place instead of trying to have meetings while scattered around the far corners of the galaxy.

Could you elaborate on which scene you mean? Because I believe you're referring to this:

"Ready, are you? What know you of ready? For eight hundred years have I trained Jedi. My own counsel will I keep on who is to be trained!"

That is not council as in "city council", but counsel as in "judgment". Below is the link:

Question about the Prequels
I started the "What Did The PT Need?" thread, and in my first post I mentioned that I enjoy the PT to a large extent. SW, even at it's worst (and I'm not saying the PT is the worst of SW), is like bad pizza - it's better than no SW (or pizza).

BTW, CO, you've mentioned that "ANH: Meh?" thread a few times, and I agree with you - the existence of that thread was hard to believe. I mean, we all have our opinions, but the movie that started this entire phenomenon was somehow an underwhelming cinematic experience?? Makes you wonder what people are watching for.

I didn't add to that thread, but I remember one unbelievably funny response in it. It was a satirical piece, ostensibly in agreement with the thread starter wondering where the overly quick character introduction and lightsaber twirling was. So damn funny.
Where do I go from here as a SW fan?
Now for a group of O-OT fans like us, everything with SW now is a downer.

From where I sit, not everything is bad.

I get frustrated with the situation from time to time, but there is a SW Lucas cannot and never did ruin - its the IU (Individual Universe). How each of us have interpreted the SW universe - this, fortunately, cannot be edited by anyone.

For me that includes the entire OUT, A lot of the PT, some of the EU; of the EU, certain books and games have entertained me, at times, as well as the OUT. The KOTOR series was particularly satisfying.

I don't deny the canonical status of the PT, but I am free to reject any part of it as I see fit.
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: JamesEightBitStar
Originally posted by: vote_for_palpatine

Spare me your ivory tower routine. First of all, I expressed a preference - I didn't issue a mandate (I don't own the forum? Crikey!). If expressing a preference is arrogance, than who in fuck's name ISN'T arrogant? Second of all, re-read the passage and say that I think the PT shouldn't be discussed. You have assigned motive to me which doesn't exist, and that's dishonest.

You're right--I misrepresented your stance. Allow me to apologize and rectify it by quoting your original stance:

So? I'd much rather read Jay, Zion, Anchorhead, Gaffer Tape, Darth Evil, CO, Cable X-1, Invader Jenny, Tiptup, and other OUT fans discuss the PT instead of reading Go-Mer-Tonic, Jedi Randy, Stormtrooper 1776, Darth Toe Jam, and other PT fans discuss anything. When I'm in the mood for their opinions, I go elsewhere. At least I used to, before the infection spread.

So... your stance isn't that the PT shouldn't be discussed, but rather it should only be discussed by OUT fans.

However, my original stance still applies. This forum was never meant specifically for OUT fans, but simply for people who want to see the OUT on DVD. Your "preference" doesn't change that.

And by the way, when you start considering another poster a "problem" and outright call Go-Mer a "troll" due to him not fitting your "preferences," that's certainly "issuing a mandate."

Everyone take notes here:
"I'd rather hear from OUT fans here" = mandate
"I don't agree with Go-Mer's perspective on Star Wars" = mandate.
Wow. Some logic.

There was no lyceum. I was mocking the solemnity with which you approach this.

Dude, I don't have a sense of humor.

Yeah, you really needed to make that clear.

I, for one among many, doubt the sincerity of that support.

Why does his expressed support mean anything? It costs him nothing to lie.

And it costs nothing for you to doubt him. Fact is, as far as I can see he supports the OUT as much as the next person, and I have never seen anything to show the opposite.

You say pot-ay-to, I say po-tah-to. That's patently obvious by now.

Why on earth would that petition begin here?

Why wouldn't it? The name "originaltrilogy.com" doesn't need to refer only to the 1978-1983 Star Wars films. In fact, I've always interpreted the name itself as simply referring to a specific edition of those films (See? I can play the interpretations game too!). And since the name is "originaltrilogy" and not "originalclassictrilogy," there's nothing to say that this site can't also work for the original prequel trilogy.

And if we're now getting the original versions of the classic trilogy, I see no reason we shouldn't also campaign for the original versions of the prequels as well, even if they are movies most of us consider lesser-quality.

You are entitled to your interpretation, but I'm not convinced in the correctness of that interpretation.

Then please explain why none of these other PT/SE fans haven't gotten the Gomer treatment. Why is this limited to Go-Mer?

I would suggest it has something to do with the former members having been able to handle opinions different from their own (after all, the other PT lovers I've seen were just as familiar as Go-Mer after a few weeks) and being secure enough as to not feel threatened by someone with different views.

So you're saying that, in the past, there was a different set of members here who were tolerant of PT/SE fans and that's not the case now? I haven't personally seen that (potayto, potahto) and I know Go-Mer's not the only PT/SE fan here. I don't care for the style of Jedi Randy, but there are still other PT/SE fans about. In fact, I like Jumpman's style although his views and mine are often in conflict. IIRC garethxgod (sp?) is also a PT/SE fan, and he's cool. The worst you can say about me is that my tolerance level is 1:1, but I know I'm better than that. For that matter, there are OUT fans I don't care for - DumbAssKeith was one example.

Go-Mer, due to his enormous volume of posts and singular style, makes himself a special case. He is a skilled debator who writes well and thus is hard to refute. He has the same failing we all do - ignoring those arguments we have no answer for. That is particularly grating coming from Go-Mer since he seems to respond to every last point.

Furthermore, I've been involved in many of the same discussions as Go-Mer (and not always on his side) and I fail to see how he's "jamming it up our ass" any more than any other PT fan is, and I've never once seen him derail a topic as many here claim. Indeed, in every topic I've seen where he talks about the PT, the PT was already a relevant topic anyway. The only thing he does is take a stance that isn't precisely the same as all the angry extremist anti-Lucas nerds here, in fact he's probably the most cool-minded and reasonable poster here.

As Go-Mer is fond of quoting, "Your focus determines your reality." You do not see how because it doesn't fit your worldview. Wait, what am I saying? You're objective!

I tend to think it's more likely that valid examples of Go-Mer's "jamming" simply don't exist. After all, I've asked his critics to name examples and all I got for it was a comparison written by one such critic, of Go-Mer to a South Park character.

Of course you think it's more likely because you are dazzled by your own mental powers. You couldn't possibly be wrong, after all.

I agree with most of what you say here. I didn't make (and haven't made) the topic, and I won't start one once this one is locked. However, if you think I'm wrong for contributing to it, well, what are you doing here? You're not a mod. If you're appalled at the illegality of this thread, then your additions to it only make it grow.

What? Avoid the topic? And let an as-far-as-I-know honest poster stand alone against a mob? Not only would that be immoral,

Yep. You have passed the test. Your soul is pure. I can't think of a greater test of moral fiber than this.

but I also know from past experience on previous forums that if you let these lynch-mobbers be once, they'll decide they run the place and will do it again and again until them and those like them are the only ones allowed to talk. There needs to be a balance.

This place IS balance to the crap on other SW sites.

Now, if someone could show me, conclusively and inarguably, that Go-Mer was a troll, then I would very gladly either step aside, or join the lynch-mob.

Well, my demonstration of his troll status was based on a premise you find faulty. Nothing I can do about that. Doesn't make you right. Or me, for that matter.

"Recognized authority figure?" OMG, is this a paying position somewhere?

I meant as in, either a moderator or administrator. I figured you'd be able to assume that.

I'll actually backtrack here. I read this differently than you intended it. Mea culpa.

I would, however like an answer to this:

The underlying tone of your responses is interesting. I've done nothing more than call it like I see it. Yet, you respond as though I have some sort of power to make people do what I want. Why do you feel this way?

Also, I've been a member longer than Go-Mer. Do I get a mea culpa from you?

You haven't even been here half as long as Go-Mer has

Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic

In fact even before Go-Mer came, most of our topics were about the PT. When I first arrived here in 2004, most of our discussion had nothing to do with the OT and in fact was all about the PT and people speculating on how Lucas was going to resolve certain plot points in the PT.

So? I'd much rather read Jay, Zion, Anchorhead, Gaffer Tape, Darth Evil, CO, Cable X-1, Invader Jenny, Tiptup, and other OUT fans discuss the PT instead of reading Go-Mer-Tonic, Jedi Randy, Stormtrooper 1776, Darth Toe Jam, and other PT fans discuss anything. When I'm in the mood for their opinions, I go elsewhere. At least I used to, before the infection spread.

Sorry bud, but it doesn't work that way--you can't say PT discussion isn't allowed, then turn around and say it is but only in certain circumstances. It either is or it isn't.

And the last way you're going to win an arguement is by saying "You can speak, but only as long as you agree with me." Guess what? You don't own the forum, and the people who DO own it apparently see nothing wrong with Go-Mer or pro-PT discussion, or they would say so. Your behavior is the height of arrogance and self-righteousness.

Spare me your ivory tower routine. First of all, I expressed a preference - I didn't issue a mandate (I don't own the forum? Crikey!). If expressing a preference is arrogance, than who in fuck's name ISN'T arrogant?

Second of all, re-read the passage and say that I think the PT shouldn't be discussed. You have assigned motive to me which doesn't exist, and that's dishonest.

Thirdly, if this forum is only for discussing the OUT, why do we have a section called "Theatrical Cuts vs. Special Editions"? Oops, facts shoot you in the foot once again.

Again, for the zillionth time, my belief was that this is a site for OUT fans. That thread title is the topic, not the fans involved, which I assumed was understood.

In fact, the name "originaltrilogy.com" has nothing to do with the forum itself, but simply that this site is a campaign headquarters for the preservation of the original, unaltered versions of the first three Star Wars movies. The forum is not even the main goal or feature of this site--it is purely an accessory.

It's a campaign HQ - for like-minded fans.

Only in your interpretation.

My congratulations on your cornering the market on reality.

The idea that originaltrilogy.com is a site strictly for those who don't like the PT and who only want to discuss the original versions of the first three Star Wars films is entirely a modern myth.

Yes, I remember the extensive discussion on this topic at a lyceum our local university hosted.

Unless the founders and owners of this site were present at this discussion, whatever conclusions you came to are still your subjective beliefs and don't mean jack.

There was no lyceum. I was mocking the solemnity with which you approach this. You are treating this like it's life and death, I'm angry about this in the way one is angry about a development on a TV series. It starts and ends when I check in and out of here.

Again, I gush over your objectivity. Are you running in '08?

The entire focus of this site is getting the O-OT out on DVD and in the best quality possible. If you support that, you belong here. Go-Mer supports that, so he belongs.

I, for one among many, doubt the sincerity of that support.

Too bad your doubts mean nothing. That is, unless you have some damning evidence that his support is just a facade. And no, "he supports the PT" is not evidence.

Why does his expressed support mean anything? It costs him nothing to lie.

(In fact, I've begun to wonder if we'll next petition for the uncut, theatrical release of the PT).

Why on earth would that petition begin here?

This forum was NEVER about bashing the PT or the SEs, in fact there have been many, many members here who have loved both and don't demonize George Lucas

-none of whom try to jam the PT/SE up our ass. Notice no one is complaining about those other "many, many members?" Explain that, resident sociologist.

Again your stance changes. First you say there shouldn't be PT/SE discussion at all,

Stop here and read my response at the top of the page to this fallacy. Then please explain why none of these other PT/SE fans haven't gotten the Gomer treatment. Why is this limited to Go-Mer?

Furthermore, I've been involved in many of the same discussions as Go-Mer (and not always on his side) and I fail to see how he's "jamming it up our ass" any more than any other PT fan is, and I've never once seen him derail a topic as many here claim. Indeed, in every topic I've seen where he talks about the PT, the PT was already a relevant topic anyway. The only thing he does is take a stance that isn't precisely the same as all the angry extremist anti-Lucas nerds here, in fact he's probably the most cool-minded and reasonable poster here.

As Go-Mer is fond of quoting, "Your focus determines your reality." You do not see how because it doesn't fit your worldview. Wait, what am I saying? You're objective!

If anything, it's not Go-Mer that derails topics... its people who spam up every topic Go-Mer is in just so they can bash him. Which, by the way, I've read this board's terms of service, and harrassing another member is A VIOLATION OF THOSE TERMS. And yet, Go-Mer's critics have made a topic all about Go-Mer--by this site's own TOS, that should be grounds for an immediate ban of the topic starter (not to mention, this topic is posted in "General Star Wars" when in fact it has nothing to do with Star Wars, so its off-topic as well).

I agree with most of what you say here. I didn't make (and haven't made) the topic, and I won't start one once this one is locked. However, if you think I'm wrong for contributing to it, well, what are you doing here? You're not a mod. If you're appalled at the illegality of this thread, then your additions to it only make it grow.

I also like the "people who joined the forum quite recently". I'm sure that matters.

It matters a lot--it shows you have no grounds for claiming that this forum is meant to cater to a specific mindset. It's awfully pretentious of you to come in here and act like you know more about this forum and its purpose than the long-time members and even its founders.

Now who's the fucking OT.com police!? I've read the threads, I'm familiar with the membership, I've participated here, so I come around, toss a few opinions around based on my experiences here, and I'm not allowed to comment? Does it matter at all that I wasn't around for PSYCHO-DAYV's controversial departure or OCP's drunken taunting of other fan editors? This is what I've seen during my time here and it's as accurate as I know it to be without spending serious time on it.

It's awfuly pretentious of you to come in here and think you know me, but I forgot - you're objective!

I once knew a kid who was just like you--he would come over on weekends, and proceed to act like everything I owned was his. He would decide what movies we were and weren't allowed to watch, what video games we weren't allowed to play, and what activities we were and weren't to anticipate in. He would even plug devices into my computer without permission (which caused me to have to delete several viruses). I like to keep things perfectly organized, but he would leave games on the floor and CD-ROMs laying on tables, out of cases. Finally, I got sick of him and simply said I don't want him to come over anymore.

See? Objective! I'm exactly like this!

(because you're more literal than anyone I've run across, that was sarcasm)

You're the same damn way: You come to this forum with fists swinging and laying down all these rules about what is and isn't allowed, but guess what: This is not your forum. You don't own it, you didn't create it. All you did was fill out a signup form and recieve a password. You haven't even been here half as long as Go-Mer has

Check each of our signup dates, ass.

and yet you have this notion that God or someone has given you divine authority to tell Go-Mer what he is or isn't allowed to post. So sorry, but Go-Mer has not violated the TOS or any forum rules, so he is quite welcome here unless the actual moderators of this.


YOU are little more than a spoiled, pampered brat, crying "me me me." YOU are the one who does not belong here, because this forum is about Star Wars, and that's ALL Star Wars, not just the parts you want to hear about, not just pandering to your private wants, not just you, you, you.

Fuck you very much. And NOW who's making assumptions about this forums?

You want a forum where all anyone can talk about is what you want to hear? Make your own forum. Don't pester up forums that you didn't create and are not a recognized authority figure on and go telling everyone what we're not allowed to say.

"Recognized authority figure?" OMG, is this a paying position somewhere? Was there a "recognized authority figure" on Meet The Press one day laying out the history of this forum one Sunday?

The underlying tone of your responses is interesting. I've done nothing more than call it like I see it. Yet, you respond as though I have some sort of power to make people do what I want. Why do you feel this way? What color is the sky on your planet?

Does the hostility by some here bother you? Good. Now you have a taste of what it felt like over there.

So... this entire arguement is because you have some unfulfilled need for revenge?

No, but it's a nice bonus.

Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: JamesEightBitStar
Originally posted by: vote_for_palpatine

This, then, brings us back to my post about the ten-year rift of Star Wars fandom. My argument was that all fans - OUT, SE, PT, Holiday Special - should have places to go. The impression I got, by the name


was that this site was for OUT fans.

There's a fallibility in that.

This topic is happening on the "General Star Wars Discussion" forum. When I go to the forum index, it describes this section thusly:

"General Star Wars Discussion
General discussion about the Star Wars universe."

For OUT fans. For OUT fans. For OUT fans.

That's it. Nowhere does it say "OT Only."

Really? What's the URL again?

In fact even before Go-Mer came, most of our topics were about the PT. When I first arrived here in 2004, most of our discussion had nothing to do with the OT and in fact was all about the PT and people speculating on how Lucas was going to resolve certain plot points in the PT.

So? I'd much rather read Jay, Zion, Anchorhead, Gaffer Tape, Darth Evil, CO, Cable X-1, Invader Jenny, Tiptup, and other OUT fans discuss the PT instead of reading Go-Mer-Tonic, Jedi Randy, Stormtrooper 1776, Darth Toe Jam, and other PT fans discuss anything. When I'm in the mood for their opinions, I go elsewhere. At least I used to, before the infection spread.

In fact, the name "originaltrilogy.com" has nothing to do with the forum itself, but simply that this site is a campaign headquarters for the preservation of the original, unaltered versions of the first three Star Wars movies. The forum is not even the main goal or feature of this site--it is purely an accessory.

It's a campaign HQ - for like-minded fans.

The idea that originaltrilogy.com is a site strictly for those who don't like the PT and who only want to discuss the original versions of the first three Star Wars films is entirely a modern myth.

Yes, I remember the extensive discussion on this topic at a lyceum our local university hosted.

The entire focus of this site is getting the O-OT out on DVD and in the best quality possible. If you support that, you belong here. Go-Mer supports that, so he belongs.

I, for one among many, doubt the sincerity of that support.

This forum was NEVER about bashing the PT or the SEs, in fact there have been many, many members here who have loved both and don't demonize George Lucas

-none of whom try to jam the PT/SE up our ass. Notice no one is complaining about those other "many, many members?" Explain that, resident sociologist.

--in fact this board's very moderator has a stickied topic right here on this very forum that is titled "please tone down the Lucas bashing." The idea that OT.com is strictly for people who bash the PT, the SEs, and George Lucas is a modern myth, and furthermore seems to be carried particularly by two groups of people: Go-Mer haters, and people who joined the forum quite recently. Frankly, seeing these people who joined last month telling Go-Mer what this board is about is like a Christian going to China and saying you're not really Chinese unless you believe in Jesus.

First of all, nice of you to quote the title of the thread and not the substance. He didn't say not to do it. He didn't even say to do it less. He wanted the language toned down, some of which sounded like death threats (which I do not condone).

I also like the "people who joined the forum quite recently". I'm sure that matters.

Does the hostility by some here bother you? Good. Now you have a taste of what it felt like over there.
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: Go-Mer-Tonic
I'm just saying if it's okay for you to be subjective, I don't see the problem with me being subjective.

You've admitted you have a bias. That's good! You've taken your first step into a larger world.

I also don't see why anyone would say that TFN has anything against people who just like the O-OT.

Did you watch Seinfeld, Gomer? There was an episode where George had taken to urinating in the shower at the gym. Elaine thought it was disgusting, George argued that the drain was right there and drainage all runs into the same place. The discussion reached a fever pitch when George was about to call a plumber to try and settle the issue of where shower drainage goes versus where toilet drainage goes. Jerry, quite reasonably, stopped George from placing the call, as it was pointless to go to that kind of trouble to prove a very irrelevant point.

This is where you and I are, Gomer. I could spend lots of time, poring over hundreds of archived pages, using direct quotes, showing where pro-OUT members of thefarce.net were suppressed and the PT fans enjoyed free reign. You could also spend lots of time trying to convince me that my experience isn't what I thought it was, but in either case that is simply precious time spent calling the plumber over nothing at all.

Therefore, I propose the following:

You, Go-Mer-Tonic, agree to accept in good faith that I feel discriminated against at thefarce.net, and I, vote_for_palpatine, will accept in good faith that you feel that we OUT fans can't handle opposing viewpoints. After all, it's in your sig - "Your focus determines your reality."

This, then, brings us back to my post about the ten-year rift of Star Wars fandom. My argument was that all fans - OUT, SE, PT, Holiday Special - should have places to go. The impression I got, by the name


was that this site was for OUT fans.

Imagine my surprise and disappointment when I see people on this board who, by their own admitted bias, do not belong here.

My argument is that it is troll behavior to go to a board whose bias is in obvious conflict with yours and argue for the opposite. It's wrong. I don't do it because fans at prequeltrilogy.com don't want to hear me attack their movies and challenge their views. That's a rest area for PT fans, away from the dark doings of us OUT fans.

Gomer, despite your "Poor ol' persecuted me" act, I didn't call for your ban at thefarce.net; you may recall that you and I have had discussions a time or two. It was a civil discussion, you argued well (as you often do) and we both managed to state our case with clarity. (Darth Butt must have been asleep at the switch) You were in your element there and if they banned you, I believe they made a mistake. That board is much more your board than it is mine. However, I don't like that you're selling the same Kool-Aid here that you do there.