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Furiosa - The Spence Edit

The opening Narration is quite good on the wasteland game I think… It’s Mad Max but it is not but set in the same world Furiosa. This could have been a good set up and Harkening back to Mad Max 2 Narration.


I did enjoy Furiosa and I get where you are coming from it was bloated and pace tightening.

I think the ending is lacking Furiosa cutting out Dementus toungue would have been Hard Hittubg scene and should have stayed in. THat then makes the slow torture of Dementus with the tree more horrific too. Not that you can do anything about this but I thought I would say it.

Check Color Grading of theatrucal Trailer 1


Reds dialed down in official release

It felt to me that when the war was announced it was glossed over far too briefly with a small montage and that should have been expanded somehow.

I am sure it can be whittled down more and tightened but as the trailer says it is an odyssey tale so It is meant to be somewhat long.

It needed the sense that Mad Max was out there and was somehow intertwined with the tale of Furiosa. The Wasteland is actually happening concurrent to some of the events in Furiosa but not shown. But there is not too much to it I don;t think.

Good luck though with it.

Harmy's STAR WARS Despecialized Edition HD - V2.7 - MKV (Released)

I mixed Silverscreen edition with your 2/7 version on the Dark Vader shot and I thought it was an alright result


Whilst not anything revolutionary this was simply blended using a luma key on BLack to help blend out the black crush. Looks like a bit of warping on the left going on though.

I did the smae with the dianoga shot where it pops out of the water (Black Crush again( but it’s not so simple due to the smearing in the silverscreen edition.

David Lynch is up for doing a directors cut of Dune!!!

benduwan said:

Do you a Dune extended combinate the theatrical with TV and unused scenes? All available Material?
Some behind the scenes scenes too?🤔🥳

I got everything that has been released publically.

I have numerous fan edits.

But still… There is still missing stuff that has never been released and to be honest to reallly do the film proper justice you need those missing parts and Special fx and sound fx and dialogue. It’s really quite a shame.

The Fan edits I seen don’t quite get to the bottom of the structure and I can clearly see a way to make what is there better but it’s a waste of time unless all the material is available.

1.2nd Stage Navigator? (Carlo Rumbaldi Mask Unknown if there is footage… Produced yet problematic?)
2.Max Von Sydow death scene Spice Blow (Special Effects Compositing / explosion / Minanture)
3.Terraforming sub-plot full inclusion / Sound Square Training (Optical printed montage / Sound effects / Water Tank Shots)
4.Jessicas water of Life sequence Carlo Rambaldi’s puppet Baby Alia opening it’s eyes and saying “Mother” as soon as she is born (This was shot Audio Dubbing for Baby Alia / Optical effects and compositing water of Life Sequence / Sound and music editing)
5.Patrick Stewart (Gurney) distrusting Paul’s mother as the traitor before learning it was Dr Huey (Might include the Voice sound effect otherwise not requiring anything Suspicion it was written out! Too vio;ent for TV Version)
6.Alia growing up very quick but a misfit in the tribe (ALias Voice required Sound effects / Blue eyes rotoscope))
7.Sting Killing the Sandakar Captain you can see the bloody remains being hosed away in the film (Too violent for TV Cut)
8.Rabaan in the bath tub prior to the true Guild report not voiced by Kyle Mcglaughlan (No specific reason for it not to be included Paul Smith no longer punch the light and release the oil over him Audio for Guild report required)
9.Nefud Labotomised (Disturbing too violent for TV Cut)
10. Dr Huey cut open Dead Soldier (Too Violent for TV cut)
11. Sandarkar Killing atreides Soldier 1st Big Battle (Too Violent for TV cut)

This and more remains unreleased but this is the main bulk of it. Most other stuff would be tid bits or second unit B-roll or outs and trims 2,3,4,6,7,8,9 are kind of needed alongside all the other material released and there is probably some more on top.

There is one more thing I figured out or at least I am guessing this is the proper explaination now. On Caladan when Paul Looks up and sees the Red and White Flag (I thought it was Harkonnen it is the Choam Flag) This shot is the signal the emperor gives so as to neither side with Atreides or Harkonnen but simply maintain the spice production before the big final battle. As previously stated when Paul Looks up he either sees Duncans ship leave or a correct green banner.

David Lynch is up for doing a directors cut of Dune!!!

Well the eyes wide shut story has reared it’s head again about wether ut us true to Stableys vision… There is talk about a 3rd person Narration amongst some missing bit’s which for some reason are always quoted as 20 minutes with zero evidence of this was the intention but Eyes wide shut was released and we got to see a good approximation of what Stanley would have wanted although it may not have been as nuanced had Stanley been directly involved himself.

I think Dune should get the same treatment but you must understand if you are going to either add or take or change things in an extended edit it would be revisionistic certainly gladly revisionistic so we don’t have repeated shots thrown in over and over again certainly gladly revisionistic that we don’t have two pieces of music playing simultaneously. Gladly Revisionistic to restore the music cues and paint in the Blue eyes.

We know that Lynch wanted a 3 hour Dune theatrical but also later wanted to do a 4 hour Dune extended or there abouts but was offered no compensation to prepare it. What is important also is how the structure of the film might change a bit too.

Harping on about revisionism is ironic because the Dune that we were delivered was not what Lynch wanted exactly and was revisionism. Then when they went to do a longer version it was a very ham fisted attempt to restore that original vision. Certainly scenes that required special effects had zero budget and scenes that required audio work were left out too like Alias voice as evidenced by the recent clip by Max Evry and ALias nose bleed deleted scene. The limitations were numerous. If you were to restore Dune to the Blueprint of the scenes that were shot it would be Revisionistic but as I stated and as Ron Miller stated there is stuff missing wether you like it or not that is a fact and those voids or missing parts would need to be filled to make the film work.

You know when we go to the Harkonnen world and you see the Oil Burner Baby face statue thing. You know that the Background is totally missing? THat the Background is not composited in all versions. SHould it remain a uncomposited background or should the world appear behind the statue? Are you in the world or atr you not in the world?

My estimate is Dune completed would come in at around 3 hours and 20 minutes tops I don’t personally see 4 hours of material but there are parts that remain unseen and how they would play out remains unknown. I think Lunch knew he had over 3 hours but by how much he could not remember, Essentiakky first the extended cut should be done properly. Then the exyta material should be handled accordingly.

There must be a missing shot also where Leto Looks in on Jessica when he says “I should have married you” as in the new film this is how it plays out and I think also in the comic book 3 parter recently released by Brian Herbert.

David Lynch is up for doing a directors cut of Dune!!!

CamSMurph said:

Ronster said:

Dabid Lynch Passed away on Thursday 16th January last week. What a shame and he will be a sorely missed film maker. It is with Redgret about Dune too that he wanted to go back in on. I think this must now call for this films extended cut to be finally sorted out and a definitive proper reconstruction of his work not only to celebrate his life and his achievements but for his family and prosperity.

Will a “director’s cut” even be possible now that he’s gone?

Ron Miller says this.

"My copy is the one of the last shooting scripts. And, of course, I have a somewhat better idea than most where Lynch was going.

Spicediver has done a remarkable job…indeed, I helped to an extent by providing blueprints of the spacecraft and other material. The only problem for anyone doing this is that they are limited to the available live action footage.

Ron Miller Was the artist who is also known for Space drawings in like Carl Sagan Documentries and stuff like that. He is very knowledgeable about the production being one of the head artists. So he could theoritically guide a somewhat unsteady ship. Although He will perhaps not have the Skill of the edit who knows and sound and so on. But he is very clear there are effects shots missing.

He knows there is more we know there is more Lynch knew there was more but it has now slipped away from him and I guess with a bit of regret not a massive amount. What is a shame is that the extended cut is not worthy of Lynch’s name and what should be rectified is a version that could somewhat be worthy of his name as an extended cut now and not some guy who did not have the skill or budget or experience to handle such an undertaking and do proper justice to Mr Lynch work. The Extended cut would need professionals not some half arsed attempt. Too long has this been a stain. Put it in the hands of John Carpenter or Spielberg or somone who knows what they are doing of that ILK.

David Lynch is up for doing a directors cut of Dune!!!

Dabid Lynch Passed away on Thursday 16th January last week. What a shame and he will be a sorely missed film maker. It is with Redgret about Dune too that he wanted to go back in on. I think this must now call for this films extended cut to be finally sorted out and a definitive proper reconstruction of his work not only to celebrate his life and his achievements but for his family and prosperity.

From all that I studied about the film the stand out missing scene seems to be Jessica’s Water of Life sequence would have been much better. But tid bits here and there were also very interesting also especially if Sting fought the Sandakar Captain and THuffer tricking the Baron. Nefud Lobotimized etc…

Lynch was a Greatly admired film maker people want to see his work not have it hidden away.

You will be remembered Mr Lynch in many fond ways and with great heart and Entertainment you provided us with.

Bigfoot Patterson film recieves Digital restoration from original negatives by Todd Gatewood

I still remain skeptical but it is an interesting choice for a restoration. That frame where she turns and looks must have been stacked with the Blow-up frame that was originally inserted I guess as it was always an edit due to blurry nature or a way at the time to achieve a bit more detail.

I think the dicumentary looks like it will be a fun watch either way.

Bigfoot Patterson film recieves Digital restoration from original negatives by Todd Gatewood

See this link


I posted this because it is a very famous bit of film and What this guy achieved certainly makes you see things better ot cleaerer than ever. It was fairly interesting. and there will be a official documentary to dollow about it.The Authour of the video seems to be quite specialized in the subject. I keep an open mind on it. But more so the actual film itself is what I find interesting.

When shown a close up of the face of Bigfoot when it turns I am unsure wether it is a legit image from the negative but perhaps a reconstruction?

ANyway it is entertaining.

Here is Latest Video from Todd Gatewood


Info: Films re-released with alterations

Underworld (2003) It was released as an extended cut a while after the theatrical version and len wiseman the director claims it can be considered a directors cut after 20 years.

On the Bluray release of the extended cut now swaps a sequence about the history from the third film which is a prequeal regarding werewolf and Vampire Love affair which was halted and the betrayal there of a new breed of immortal. This was similar but they choose to use the actual prequal instead of the original shoot depicting the back story. Not too naughty but still a change.

Enhancement of a deleted EMP scene

It’s probably the most worthy deleted scene of the lot to have been cut out and deserving of a restoration.

I don’t have a clue at how hard this stuff is to recolor or colorize?

Did you ever have a go at the cantina Rough cut? I don’t think there is too much fottage in it worth a restoration but the informant leaving the bar and the storm troopers entering a bit earlier / Han sitting with Chewbacca alone are sort of better explain what is happening nothing more. Orientation and timing fixes mainly to over editing.

Just spitballing but I am currently looking over this part currently and was wondering if you had a go and how difficult it is?

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

I am eagerly awaiting the release of the touches station scene…

But I did get back to work on some things over the Halloween period.

There is four more deleted snippets required to flesh out and complete Star Wars 1977.

  1. The informant in the cantina.

After Obi-Wan says "“Chewbacca is first mate on a ship that might suit us” chewing walks past the bar. We then see the informant look and quickly leave cantina on the wipe not a wipe cutting him out the film. Then the wipe from him leaving the cantina and switching to the storm troopers makes sense. This deleted clip has a few frames in color then goes black and white. This could be done the same way other clips have been colorized.

  1. Vader Striking the wall from the 1977 trailer for star wars. This would require the lights are to be rotoscoped and footage resized. That guy with no name may have or may not have sorted this…

  2. There is a still image for an alternate take in the death star bridge or main control room. This is simply a quick cut away when Motti speaks. Not Sure if AI could be implemented on this? It would require his lips mouth the words and a slight movement exactly what AI limit is so do-able. It would be around 2 second alternate take. Not that important either but it’s a challenge. This is from the scene where they talk about the princess still being of some use to us and responding to alternative means of persuasion. The cue point for the take is the back of mottos head when he speaks.

  3. I think the big wide shot of the landspeeder with Luke and threepio would be a good addition to sandwich in-between Owen calling for Luke and then entering the kitchen continuing to wonder where Luke is. No dialog just sound effects a nice shot.

Now in further investigation. I have found further issues in the editing that are new by Star Wars 1977 observation standards.

In the briefing to attack the death star showing the plans. “It’s a small Thermal exhaust port right below the main port”

Change to “it’s a small Thermal exhaust port” there is no other port.

When gold leader goes on attack run his wing man says “we should be able to see it by now” this is in the completely wrong part of the sequence. It needs to be part of the missing conversation around “Almost there…” big editing error.

I am close to getting a total edit done but still a way off yet but mostly done. Just wondering if these last few pieces of the jigsaw can’t be sorted?

It is very close now…

Alien Romulus Edit Ideas. (Spoilers)

There was definitely tinkering when they got the elevator down I call reshoot scene there, which seems to say something was changed there,

The whole Engineer hybrid ending was clearly tacked on, It could have easily ended without that and would have been far better to leave that to the imagination for the impregnated girl.

I just got a DVD of Don’t Breathe by fede Alverez so I will be watching that soon. I think he is quite a talented director but you know what these big budget tentpoles are like these days. I can imagine the once great Ridley Scott who is on a bad run currently interfering and is as much so confirmed. Not saying Scott ruined it but he no doubt steered the outcome in his diminished eptitude.

It started out well and I have to say I don’t mind the idea of Rooke but it should have been a puppet or animatronic they obviously must have scanned Ian holm at some point probably LOTR for CGI character stunts and effects like when he became a bit gollum lunging for the ring. A puppet would have been much beter in keeping with previous iterations.

I wonder if there is an alternate ending… Imagine they were all just on the escape craft and they scanned the pregnant girl and the image of the scan was the last shot with tense build up music and everyone looking scared film ends cut to black. that is how it should have ended.

Ah yes that line Andy says oh dear oh dear cringefest I groaned fairly hard on that. Needs to go.

“These are my first thoughts. It’s such a shame they didn’t film the back story instead. The research team finding the original Alien had so much potential.” Prequeal for the prequeal lol. A mix of the 2 would have perhaps advantaged the film.

The Arrow Video / Shout factory un-official preservation thread.

A film that could probably do with a proper Updated Release would be the 1990 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Movie.

It seems Germany Got a decent release with Extra’s amd an alternate cut of the movie but there is still a few things hanging over the film which seem like it’s not been given the recognition it deserves for it’s low budget.

From what I can gather there is a desire for a Directors cut or extended cut. But also for the extra;s to be collected together also.

The cut’s seem to be as follows.

Old UK version uses Alternate Fottage which is sometimes better but sometimes worse.
The opening sequence was Shortened.
Shredder Punishing his foot soldiers
Scene with first meeting Casey Jones was cut down as it was meant to end in Alleyway.
April Drawing Michael Angelo was cut and him training on the punch bag
Aprils Apartment Fight Shortened
Training Scenes Removed from the Farm
Post Credit SCene Comic book sales pitch.

One More that I think probably deserves an extended Cut Is First Blood with Sylvester Stallone.

The TV Cut has some good extra dialogue and scenes but then the Flashbacks to the Vietnam dream sequence from the Deleted scenes also. The Initial Cut has been rumoured to be 3 hours and 30 minutes for which Stallone hated it. I can’t help but feel there would be some good stuff in there and although it is a film based on PTSD There is very little about actual Vietnam contained within the film which I feel that is really the root of what is substantially missing.

I think there could be an interesting in depth story to tell about the production on this film.

The Arrow Video / Shout factory un-official preservation thread.

Godzilla 2014 deleted scenes have been released. They are all pretty good. You can find them on YouTube. Definitely deserves an extended cut.

I Just watched Mad Max Furiosa…

I thought it was really good. Heard about deleted scene where Furiosa cuts out lord Dementus Toungue. That should be included for sure.

There is little word on anything else that was excised from the film.

It should however revert back to the grading in the trailers was better.

Mad Max the wasteland seems to be now Lurking in the shadows and is set a year before Fury Road, another prequel. The dangling carrot is if Furiosa does not do well then the wasteland won’t happen.

Here is another one of my good ideas. How about make the Wasteland movie and intertwine it with Furiosa making it 3 hours 30 odd minutes long. Have an intermission if needed.

Re-release Furiosa with the wasteland movie intertwined within it. Now you get twice as much for furiosa box office with the rest of the story of Mad Max in a Mad Max movie. Simples. It will make money too. All Too easy

Oh well

The Arrow Video / Shout factory un-official preservation thread.

Dracula (1992)

Upon looking over this film there is a case to be made for an extended cut but also a part that is in the deleted scenes that was part of some theatrical cut’s.(Harker first meets Dracula)

Gary Oldmans performance really shines and it seems this would be the desire for assembling a extended version with his scenes, However Keeanu Reeves gives a reasonable performance but his “English Acent” is very bad… I would go as far to say his vocal performance hurts the film as he really strughled with putting on an English Accent. Making a case for Re-Dubbing his voice. Essentially I would be interested to hear what it would achieve to hear a more convincing vocal performance of his character.

I am not sure if all deleted scenes should be re-instated but there is enough material to make a good and worthy extended version. I think fans of the film would appreciate a longer version. There is some very nice transitions that were left out especially at the opening scenes.

Back to Jaws again.


Pretty impressive vfx for the Alex Kitner death. CKVFX has done some good effects work on a few titles now.


ifjg said:

I’m personally a fan of Ronster’s edit of the duel. FVDnz’s video is probably a better realization of what people in the editing room were trying to create and, by extension, a more obvious tribute to the fast paced swashbuckler sword fights that Lucas was trying to riff on. But Ronster’s duel just flows so well and works better at showcasing the pure choreography.


It needs the better angle overhead slash when Vader hit’s the wall from the trailer though which “that guy with no name” may have done… Hoping he sorted that? and as Adywan did fixing Ben’s unrotoscoped sabre before cutting to the hangar. Looks like a sparkler you get on bonfire night otherwise.

There is also more sound effects needed to do with light sabres touching I lost the video of first batch of edits on this I did but I never nailed the correct scene order until this attempt. It still needs a cut away or insert to stormtroopers shooting I feel also too long on Luke shooting at not a lot. The same stormtrooper being hit 3 times before falling over is problomatic but it is better here.

The Cloak… when Vader prods the Cloak with his foot needs smoke added also and perhaps douse flames.

The Arrow Video / Shout factory un-official preservation thread.

JadedSkywalker said:

A dark universe is a terrible idea that Tom Cruise Mummy from Kurtzman is literally one of the very worst films I have ever seen. I only liked the actress in that Sofia Boutella. The Brendan Fraser Indiana Jones Clones were better, in that I mean film 1 and 2 and but no they weren’t horror or gothic. Some of the cgi hasn’t aged well but I liked Rachel Weisz.

I don’t think I will ever bother watching the new mummy film with Tom Cruise. Stargate is perhaps the best mummy movie but again it’s not horror and extremely untraditional. Like you say with the brandon fraser film it was Indianna jones meets the mummy rather unoriginal.

I would very much like to see a gothic horror mummy movie made but as we are mulling over this it seems nobody wants to make a horror version, let alone a gothic horror version.

I could import a copy of last voyage of the demeter from over seas but at £18.00 it’s a hard sell not confident enough on it looks good and crap the same time.

The Arrow Video / Shout factory un-official preservation thread.

So I just saw the teaser trailer for Nosferatu by Robert Eggers. I enjoyed 'the Witch" and “the Lighthouse” and “the Northman” after having looked over the wolfman innot as deep detail as I would have liked… Nosferatu looks good, very good in fact. I never used to be but I have become quite a fan of gothic horror films. Nosferatu fit’s this bill.

I just picked up a copy of the limehouse Gollum which I intend to watch soon.

But as far as this post is concerned I would like to say this…

Universal Pictures seems like they want to create a dark universe thing arounf their monsters namely.

Creature from the black lagoon
The Mummy

First of all I would like to express a dislike of Universe ideas just make films that stand alone as films in their own right then these films remain untarnished and unconnected from anything else released.

However I think the wolfman could be salvaged. The last voyage of the demeter looks good but also ptetty bad can’t decide but also can not see it on dvd or bluray thanks to entettainment one pulling out from the UK market. No physical release in the UK.

I guess Del Toro with the shape of water did his version of creature from black lagoon which was my favourite film that year when it released not so much gothic but really great.

Gothic horror is great when done correctly however who cares about a dark universe stupidness just make or improve on films like wolfman. That is what nosferatu looks like. Give it time and remake “the mummy” but do it correctly and do it right. Make it a period piece. Make it gothic. Make it horror.
