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Fullmetaled said:

TheBoogeyman1023 said:

It always bugged me how A New Hope sounded so much older than Empire and Jedi. This is really promising tech. Exciting times for Fan Editors.

People have pointed out how in spots the actors don’t sound like themselves but i think that can be worked out after all this is a beta. I think the people complaining wouldn’t have as much a problem with the final release version of the program.

Although an intersting tool the devil is in the detail it’s not isolating the audio at all it’s recreating the speech audio and parroted back as a sound alike or that is what it seems to be doing to me.

Although Star Wars does have a lot of Audio issues I feel a bit sad in a way that people are trying to apply A.I tools to an old film from 1977 that celebrates the Human condition the robots were people in costumes. The vision of the Robots being people in costume is one to cherish. I’m not sold on the A.I tech that I have seen seems like it’s another hyped up fad.

Help Wanted: Preserving trailer shots not in the movies

Fruit672 said:

I actually made a post asking if any HD movie trailers existed for OG movies because I noticed some unused scenes. I have like 12 or more shots mostly from ROJ and Empire that I have upscaled/color-corrected already. I just have to remove the scratches. I’d send some sample photos but I don’t know how on this website.

You need to put this ![]
Then straight after it (the URL for the image in brackets)

Or simply put clickable view links of images rather than embeded like above.


SomethingStarWarsRelated said:

Ronster said:

adywan said:

NEW COMPARISON VIDEO … See how many changes you can spot. I’ll put together an illustrated list of changes early next week so you can check if you spotted them all


Liking the Alternate angle of Obi-wan on the Chasm Matte very clever. I think it could be good to splice back to the closeup angle though just before he turns the apparatus on the tractor beam controls for Visual orientation.

I agree, however, I’m wondering if that’s too much cutting between shots that it would be distracting?

My thoughts too until you try it, you won’t know if you should or you should not splice to much.


adywan said:

NEW COMPARISON VIDEO … See how many changes you can spot. I’ll put together an illustrated list of changes early next week so you can check if you spotted them all


I only just watched this and It’s quite a notch up from the Old DVD-9 version.

Liking the fix to the Jawas eyes it’s a nice subtle effect.

As others have said on the Binary Sunset I myself have thought a lot about what is wrong with it and the conclusion I have come to is the sky needs mixture / total replacement for Luke coming out the hut. The white sun needs to be red and omitting a Red Haze through a purple sky which the skymaster version sort of demonstrates the purple look without any light haze. I think you went for something kind of halfway between the Red Version and the Blue Version that are seen in various versions. I don’t mind what you have done with it but It’s a very perplexing set of scenes in terms of the lighting and color and I think it’s a damn difficult part as it’s also subjective as to what 3 versions being around.

There are a great many things that are better I have to say the Mos - Eisley Distant Matte painting looks much, much better that really pops… The Next shot however seems like it could be better color or contrast or something there and C3P0’s eyes are not lit up… The new fix to 2 R2D2 scene is much better.

The Falcon Dish shot looks much better than your last version really good work!

The Elevator Shaft scene feels like a milestone in something that you wanted to do previously and could not do. I think the matte painting looks good now and the fix to the guy walking past makes that pretty seamless now. It’s a very good edit.

Liking the Alternate angle of Obi-wan on the Chasm Matte very clever. I think it could be good to splice back to the closeup angle though just before he turns the apparatus on the tractor beam controls for Visual orientation.

Removing the Shakes in the Turrets cockpit is interesting on the Death Star Escape I am wondering how that might go?
Having the Single Lasers coming out the falcon Turrets is far better than the Double Lasers that actually used to bug me in you old version a bit.

it’s good you put the Correct pilot guy back in on Red Leader Trench Run I have done the same as you on this without even seeing your preview but I can’t help feeling there is a bit more to this missing pilot than meets the eye… 😃

As for that last shot it seems to me that there is too much space on the left of the frame and possibly the x-wing and the falcon need changing position to be further out to the left of frame to fix the angles and perspectice.

Well anyway it all looks good Keep up the good work.

Do these missing scenes actually exist?

Darth Caliban said:

Bobson Dugnutt said:

Darth Caliban said:

So basically no additional story elements, dialogues or anything with alternative worldbuilding information like Han with the girl (Jenny?) in the cantina during the rough cut for ANH?

There are probably some alternate line deliveries, or different pieces of dialogue that suggest other things. Han saying “That bounty hunter we ran into on Ord Mantell changed my mind” was cut, which implies another adventure they had before ESB, for example.
It is likely however, that we generally know about just about everything that was cut, and that there aren’t any big subplots, sequences or scenes that have been cut out or kept under wraps.
People will debate forever still though that Luke missed the first time during their chasm swing, or Leia spat on Tarkin, or Vader’s TIE exploded, or the Biggs scenes were in there from the start. It’s fun to think about, but it’ll never be proven in anyway.

“I love rumors! Facts can be so misleading, but rumors, true or false, are often revealing.” - Hans Landa

By the way, to come back to the speculated about additional AT-AT scene, is it known if a set for the compartment for the stormtroopers inside the walker was ever built for ESB?

Can’t remember ever reading anything about it, but if they built it, i’d guess they would have used it at least for some test sequences.

After Wedge downs the AT-AT with the tow cable that scene was expanded upon in story boards basically the rebel troops and the Storm Troopers were to have a small gun battle outside the downed AT-AT and the troops running out the trench shouting “Come on!” is still in the film but the rest is it is likely un-filmed or unfinished. They just blew it up it was easier.

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

It’s the wall but in order to have a full clean slate of the wall I had to mirror image it in the middle…

The whole Ben’s hut color grade is way different now like switching the lights on… Needed to be more yellow but it’s much better now I will upload a new version soon.

As with anything you have a go at the first time it’s trial and error before you get to the end result. Ut is shaping up though so that is good. The audio is now fixed on the Lightsaber shot and I did extra sound work on the Tushan Raider fighting Luke. Now I added sound for Luke hitting the ground and swoosh sounds when the Tuskan Raider swings his weapon it’s more visceral and a bit better.


I upped a new version but the actual edit file has now corrupted but I have all the pieces needed rendered more or less as desired so It’s not the end of the world but It was really annoying as I would fix a problem the edit file created it would create another off the back of the fix even deleting a whole bit and putting things in various parts in different places and flickering frames when render. I’m done with this part now anyway been a lot of work.

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

Well as far as the Lightsaber close up shot goes I messed up the audio a bit there… I don’t want to give up on it just yet because in the Film the Lightsaber just appears and Luke changes position which is a lot worse than the close up of the lightsaber.

That shot of R2-D2 in the Canyon is supposed to go there for some reason he was put in the other canyon earlier in the film and it just does not work at all in that part as it’s a totally different location and it ruins continuity,

As for Editing of the Banthas yeah it’s been a bit of a tough call because I am not editing it how I would really like to because there are big marks on some of the frames and I tried to avoid that knowing full well that nobody is going to clean it up or it might be very hard to clean up. I am not hitting the cues because I am avoiding big frame damage.

But I did notice when the cue of Drum roll starts this should probably cut to the Tuskan Raider running along the edge of the ridge. I should be able to hit that cue.

Never say final I will try and get another better version up in a while but I think best to keep the Landspeeder scanner as a brief crash cut. I will try and add a few extra frames and see how it goes.

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

Here is the Landspeeder Search and Ben’s Hut


I took the decision to not include the deleted rear projection scenes of Luke and 3P0 in the land speeder they just don’t match the film at all.

Quite a bit of Color work
Added re-created shot of the landspeeder scanner
Put R2-D2 in the correct canyon and now the correct place from earlier
Added some extra shots of The Sandpeople on the Banthas these need a bit of clean up if anyone cares to help on that.
Music Cue Partially Restored
Next Music cue was put in synch as it went out of synch
Fixed it so the footage and sound now match up for the binoculars
Added lot’s of sound effects for various stuff.
Added a new angle of the canyon to time with the music and rhythm and a wipe to R2 in the cave
Used Alternate “Boy am I glad to see you”
Changed Special Edition Ben’s Hut to be the opposite way around
Re-edited Bem’s hut to be in the correct order
Fixed Missing Shot of Lightsaber I think there was supposed to be another one a close up of Luke holding it but I could not do that
Made Death Star Reveal just one shot.

Hope you like it 😃


darthrush said:

That’s actually pretty awesome Ronster!

Well it could be awesome because that shot is used twice I think…

So for Alderaan you just would perhaps want to show the charging up and operational but before the death star blows up you might want to show a critical condition 😃

Then it would not feel as duplicated and telling a story.

Could be cool it’s up to the no named guy.


Coming back to that shot of the Super Laser Control Room…


I found this image of the actual Steam Factory of the Location Shoot.

All the lit Buttons looking yellow is quite interesting rather than white but it also got me wondering about the two big black boxes on the right by the other guy.

Do you think they were meant to be Screens with some kind of graphic? Like showing the power charging up or something?

It could be a very cool addition to make the black boxes screens but creating the graphic or finding a suitable graphic is perhaps difficult if it’s something you feel like also attempting. I think it could be a good idea that is all and I though I would share that.

This Graphic looks retro enough?


I did a quick mock up to see what it might look like.


Ok Did a bit Better attempt anyway just for fun this looks alright I reckon.


Has there been any official Star Wars 16:9 pan and scan?

JF_Sanderson said:

I’ve seen a few 2.35 movies presented in 1.78 pan/scan in the last decade. Some examples are Sound of Music, Enter the Dragon, and Stargate. I’m sure, like me, many of you here were introduced to the OT in pan/scan 1.33, and later amazed what widescreen brings. All because the consensus of the TV or home video market was “the whole screen needs to be filled.” Sometimes leading to creative (or necessary) pans from one character to another within a normally static shot, look at Star Trek IV or Ghostbusters. Now tv shows use 2.35 ratio to look “cinematic,” for better or worse. Black bars be damned.

So tell me has there been any officially broadcast/streamed/whatever 1.78 versions of the OT or PT? (Funny how Back to the Future trilogy in “full frame” had open-matte normal scenes, but pan/scan visual fx scenes. The prequels would probably be reversed.)

Bear in mind that many films of the late 70’s and early 80’s although the cinema release was very important there are many examples of shot’s being designed to be cropped or as it would seem the eventual format that people would watch it many times would be in 4:3 on their little box at home so cropping was already in mind.

Take for instance Alien = The POV shots within the Space Helmets only work in 4:3 aspect ratio. once those are in 16:9 you definitely understand there is something clamped on to the camera to look like a helmet that has no sides.

There is also the Alien looking at the Cat in the Box far better the close up than the expanded image…

Enter the Dragon seems like it zoomed in on the action so much as a pre-requisite for the cropping that would occur in 4:3 that it feels like there is a whole different film beyond the top and sides and also probably done for censorship too.

Star Wars has a few instances like this intended cropping.

The Guard changes at the door in Princess Leia’s prisioner cell when the torture droid comes in. In the 4:3 version there is only the stone faced guard not the soppy looking guy who fancies Carrie fisher 😃 He is cropped out so it has no issues.

Again the Escape from the death star Hanger is also better in the 4:3 version as in the 16:9 version you see the same stormtrooper fall over 3 times in the 4:3 version this is not as bad.

Also the Targeting computers on the x-wing and the falcon guns work better as the box crop fits those very well. The Targeting computer in the 16:9 version feels wider than the prop in the x-wing and zooming in did it favours.

I don’t know the answer to your question but I am saying that it’s not all bad 4:3 aspect and some 16:9 shots could do with being cropped to keep the stylistic zoom in some instances to get eid of stuff that breaks the 3th wall. Film makers knew too well that they would be cropping stuff out and this both hurt cinematic releases by making them lazy fix it in the P&S or pre-paring a cropped image zoomed that should / could be wider in 16:9 to readily slice of the sides.

It’s all budget related no doubt.

Missing frames: Travelling from Tattooine to the Death Star? Millenium falcon Leaves Death Star?

Yes that is considered that it is by the time re-release trailers pop up that we start to see the visual language of ESB of the past camera towards and off away from camera the opposite direction in trailers.

Star wars very much used straight shots either at or away from camera and would crash cut or hard cut.

This does indeed follow that principle.

The Falcon Leaving the Death star which ends abruptly with a hiss and a pop in the soundmix you could be correct it was perhaps one shot that was to hold on the matte painting of the death star a while letting sound do the work.

It’s good to have that pop as a reference point. However I have not attempted to animate the last frame of the falcon to go past camera or anything just yet. I have no idea how many frames it would be until I count that out from last frame of Falcon to the audible “pop”.

Missing frames: Travelling from Tattooine to the Death Star? Millenium falcon Leaves Death Star?

I took a look at the star destroyer arriving at the death star.

The movie script states in is only one shot which would have been on the list of shots to create for the film.

So I wiped from ben Kenobi to the star destroyerand put it at 60% speed as a guess.

It came in exactly at 60% speed for frames to fill the space. It does not look jumpy or choppy either which I was surprised about. But it always looked like it was sped up anyway.

It feels more powerful and purposefull having only one scene and I think this is or was the intention of the scene. The two scenes never worked together either.

Star Destroyer Leaving tattooine is fine no need to now consider this as arriving at the death star works far better with one shot.

Now having done this there is a left over shot of a star destroyer…

When the Falcon leaves tattooine this is I believe the missing star destroyer shot that chases the falcon Before we see two more coming in closer to tattooine.

This is not in the script but it has to be this as there is no other place it could feasibly go.

So this I would consider now a solved issue. This also would maintain the visual language of the film in a consistant fashion and put the scene that never worked back where it is supposed to go.

Chewbacca lifting up his arm was inserted to this sequence but Chewie lifting his arm was meant to be when Han talks about spotting the sentry ships and Chewie is then paired with the side view of the falcon flying which also does not appear in the script.

So a couple of extra shots were added in development of these scenes. However they did not end up where they were designed to be placed in the film.

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

Thanks Kg1977 yes that is correct the Dianoga music matches the footage at the very start point but there really is no discernable detail after this that it really compliments. If anything the music detracts from the scene. However the Audio dialogue is out of Synch in parts so it is now all in synch which finally put’s that right.

The Omitted Trash compactor score was included in full.

In the end it became a hybrid of original stereo mix and Special edition Sound effects and a few extras. The Special edition version of the Trash Compactor scene has a weird mix for the music where it does not sound so good the strings are too loud.

Ended up being more work than I bargained for but glad it’s done. It was a big effort and a big audio job.


A bit of informstion regarding Squiggle marks on deleted scenes. These could very well be purposefully done to designate either start after first frame or before squiggle appears the last frame.

That would mean the devil in the Cantina stays past his welcome and we are missing a cut away to match the laughter. It’s not damage it’s a squiggle marker cue point.

Missing frames: Travelling from Tattooine to the Death Star? Millenium falcon Leaves Death Star?

This is something that I am sort of perplexed by because yes the special effects are there but are they all there? Or are we missing a scene?

When the star destroyer leaves tattooine this is the same footage as the star destroyer initially in space before it changes angle to behind the star destroyer.

So For Arrival at the death Star

The thing is that sort of makes me think. The star destroyer model should travel past camera using the footage present with the frames of the model leaving tattooine. Then cut to the existing shot of the Star Destroyer going towards the death star. This is Star Wars Visual Language however it cut’s short and does not do this.

If you look at the shot of Star destroyer travelling towards the death star it also seems to suddenly speed up at one point.

This may mean leaving Tattoine has cut Frames and arriving at the death star should be one shot and not 2?

Or Arriving at the Death Star should have an initial shot of something else and then travelling to the death star?

Is it possible that only the frames of Leaving Tattooine should be the Paired shot with arrival at Death Star?

I don’t mind the whole re-used fottage I grew up with that and it does not bother me but I do wonder if the Frame counts / Speed is correct?

When the Milllenium leaves the death star the shot before we cut to Luke and Leia consoling him for the loss of ben. You can hear in the soundmix over the chessboard the remnant of of the falcon’s engines then a noticeable “pop” carried over for the missing frames here. So I believe that was meant to be a fly past camera and possibly off and away into space.

What do you think?

Falcon Leaves the Death star is I think is Missing Frames.

But I am really not sure when it comes to the whole star destroyer leaving tattoine and Arrival at the Death Star… Is the Special effects all there but not constructed properly or are we missing something else? Is something being hidden in the way that it is constructed? And if so any idea what that something is?

Do you feel something is missing or it is all there?

Has anyone Read the Book The Secret History of Star Wars by Michael Kaminski?

I read the PDF version when it first appeared and it was indeed a very fascinating read for sure.

Well done Mr.Kaminski your research and analysis was very thorough and it was an enlightening read.

I was listening to an interview of george talking about scene orders and it had to do with princess Leia being tortured and where it should go and about when mos eisley should be reached by Ben Luke and the Robots.

There was going to be a crystal in a cave or something like that which george says I am going to drop that scene out.

This I think ended up on the cover of Splinter of the minds eye book.

I wonder if the Cave scene basically just became the lightsaber in the old storage chest in Ben’s hutt. Perhaps the crystal and the Lightsaber were to be paired and were separated originally?

Interesting that this Crystal Cave scene was hanging about quite late in the script writing process though. I might look at an early draft to see If I can find it.

Ok sorry the cave dwelling became Ben’s Hutt.

The Crystal Chamber was 3 Sith lords praying in front of crystal and feeling a tremor in the force to do with Obi-wan deciding to re-awaken.

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

Slavicuss said:

Nice job!

You’ve edited out the Stormtrooper bumping his head, but left him adjusting his helmet a moment later, when the other troopers enter the room.

The tentacle grabbing Luke sounds very good, as does Chewie beating on the door.

Some of the wider shots look a little lighter compared to the tighter shots (inconsistent black level?)

The video quality is very nice. Lovely colours.

Yeah I don’t have any rotoscoping software for video so I kind of have to leave him fiddling but it’s not that noticeable as the headbanger goof

Also yes I noticed that and I wanted to address that before I read your post. I was not sure if I had to desturate the main source to mix the shadow detail to undo the crushed black. Turns out I did not have to. So I re-upped the video and it’s a little better now on V3.

I think not having sound for the tentacle and R2-D2’s arm was quite bad errors to be honest and what with a little music sound effects and some color work I can say I am done with this now on V3.

The script states “the tentacle by the door” when they get out the trash compactor and I think that is the eye of the dianoga to be honest. I think the scene works better without that shot. And including it late makes the scene when they leave work better too.

I think I spotted one more issue Leia is seen to shout “Luke!” but the actual audio is heard later on. So if I do a V4 i will just quietly fix that problem. But for now this is better than last upload.


5 versions later updated to final. 4 times the audio goes out of synch a headache but worth it… It’s done now anyway the soundmix and frame count / work. It’s as good as I can do.

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

Here is the Trash Compactor Scene edit


There is a bit of the corridor battle.

Added the Echo shout from Chewie going in the Garbarge chute from Radio Drama
Scenes were re-arranged to fit the soundmix here
Fixed Han’s blaster sounds not matching up with the shot’s fired,
Try to fix Crushed Blacks from Special Edition in trash compactor and changed contrast bit experimental
Re-Arramged footage of Ricochet sequence
Added Chewie Banging on the Door which is missing from this sound mix
The Conversation was re-arranged between Luke and Han to make more sense and extra Dialogue was added this also fixed Chewie being at the door then suddenly not at the door but in the water further into the room.
Dianoga popping it’s eye out the water removed as this comes later when they leave.
Added sound for the tentacle that grabs Luke’s Leg
Added Water splash sounds.
Fixed audio Synch Issues.
Flipped shot of Han when searching the water
Partially restored Dianoga Music
Restored Trash Compactor missing music
Added extra sound to trash compactor walls
Extra sound effects in hangar control room for door button and picking up the communicator
Fixed trooper banging his head with normal cutting / editing
added stars to Death star hangar entrance and done color work on these scenes
fixed no sound for R2-D2 arm and changed speed to make it like previous time he used it but top of frame runs at normal speed.
Added Big creaking sounds to increase the tension of the crusher just before it get’s stopped.

Hope you like it.

Star Wars 1977 70mm sound mix recreation [stereo and 5.1 versions now available] (Released)

If I am not mistaken your soundmix is used on despecialized edition.

I noticed in the trash compactor when han first shoots at the dianoga wrapped around Luke it’s out by about 4 frames.

I’don’t think it’s an issue with the original mix so I am thinking it’s an introduced synch issue?

I really like the soundmix though very nice what you have done.

It also seems to wobble out before han dives in the hatch to. I would look at that whole section of the corridor battle and garbage masher.

If it is an exact recreation then no problem but my feelings are it might just be a bit out here and there across this part or section but introduced somehow.

The ‘Custom Special Edition’ That Almost Wasn’t, But Then Was (Released)

Yeah I messed up what I said sorry was a long time ago I did that video… Those footsteps come from the shot of Vader, Princess Leia and two guards walking.

Not the guy in white because I cut him out I thought I used his foosteps but they are from the corridor shot my bad.

But those footsteps don’t either sound like 4 people walking and Motti has no real sound to him walking over… I think those are Mottis footsteps if you don’t think they match that is fine no problem but I have admitted I made a mistake on what scene they came from as I forgot they came from the next shot not the one I originally stated.

I think the corridor shot needs a new soundmix and at least a vader breathing sound like I said before. Anyway No big deal it’s just some footsteps.

Original trilogy deleted scenes restored Project?

That music was a good choice… It’s the right kind of vide going on.

I won’t have much to share for a while with you as I am now back at work. But when I get the time I will get back to working on stuff. The planned bits to get audio done.

Binoculars opening edited needs audio effects music done.

Binoculars Lars homestead no music sound effects mix needs doing

Search for R2-D2 audio is done effeccts shots of Land speeder scanner and video edit needs to be better.

Trash compactor sound mix nearly complete just need to add Chewie bashing the wall and R2-D2 plugging in sound effects.

Battle of Yavin. I have the end of the battle pretty much wrapped for audio and video. Only Red Leader get Hit and wedge get hit. It is a bit extended by about 30 seconds now. The start is sort of done also but it needs to be properly assembled it is not extended version but will have alternate and new shots.

There is more but these are the main things to finish for me. And Cantina V2.

The ‘Custom Special Edition’ That Almost Wasn’t, But Then Was (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Oh, certainly. Again, this is the sort of minutia that makes this a diversion from normal life.

My thought on this is the finished film presents a planet in the viewscreen, after an exterior establishing shot of “hey look we made it to that planet mentioned last time you saw us.” So having Tarkin with a blank starfield wouldn’t feel right unless you removed it from the exterior shot too. Which could work, but would be a level of divergence I don’t want to bring to bear on “Star Wars (1977)”. (See prior pushback to me considering deleting the line about Ben never owning a droid!)

Well that video was an old video I put a link to and it serves a purpose to simply demonstrate the audio but visually I want to use the shot of the guy in the white and Tarkin but with this graphic.


Are the guys in white uniform some sort of weapons specialists or something like Krenic from Rogue one?

now I am sharing my imagination not what I know…

But also this feeds into the radio drama as I’m sure there is also a brief moment where they talk about “final superlaser weapons check” or something