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Hal 9000

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Here are the subtitles I need translated. I sent a few people PM’s, but I am posting this here to increase the odds of getting them all done. A human speaker is preferable over Google Translate.

Also, if you have a copy of TROS with German audio, please send me a PM.

Lines to translate:

“Final lesson, Rey.”

“Leia sensed it during your training.”

“Ever since Skywalker.”

“But everyone’s only out for themselves.”

“Possibly some sort of spy!” (3PO answering “Who are you?”)

“Come home.” (Leia to Ben)

“Horrible things… have happened with this.” (It’s from the original movie, I know, but keeps me from looking up several subtitle files again)

“What’s troubling you, Rey?”

“But Leia feared the hatred that consulted our father… choosing instead to follow our mother’s path. Despite losing everything… and everyone… Leia always chose compassion over hatred.”

“Let Leia’s legacy guide you on Exegol.”

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Thanks for the feedback so far, and I’ll attend to the audio levels for those lines. What do you think of the youngling ghost line now?

Also, I had thought you didn’t want to use that Exegol line, JJB. I don’t have a problem with it, so I’ll replace it with the one you generated.

Also, I see what you mean about 3PO’s spy line, although I don’t think it poses a problem or causes confusion. I think it’s a funny line, so I am inclined to keep it.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I just put a workprint for V5 into the Drive, so anyone with an existing link can find it in the TROS folder.

There is no color correction applied yet, but otherwise the picture and sound are release candidates. Looking for feedback about anything wrong. Not so much about content we have already discussed in the past.

Thank you! PM me for a link if you don’t already have one to my Drive.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Something softer and panned off to one side might help. I’ll play with it and see. It need not be prominent! If George Lucas reached out to us and wanted to add his voice to the fleet cacaphony, it’d still be a mistake for the noise to pause so that he can speak super clearly. As long as that guy’s voice is at all audible, I’m content from an easter-egg perspective.