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A Goofy Movie - 4K HDR10 - DTS 2.0 HD-MA and DTS-X

thebiggerpictures said:

There really is no need for Disney to “sanction” anything as this was not intended as a public release.

It served as an educational springboard for our team to learn and grow on several of the restoration softwares on the market, provide a demo reel for the team members involved and help create and find jobs post pandemic. We chose this film to work on during the Pandemic because it’s a joyful film that is often ignored and had an organic (relatively untouched) if ultimately problematic Blu-ray transfer.

In short, this was done as a love letter to the director and the cast/crew - and we didn’t expect it to garner as much attention as it did.

We are of the opinion that the film should be properly restored again in 4K from its original camera negative (even if the original capture method was flawed) and its original 4.1 (encoded as 5.1) sound mix should be able to easily be expanded to Atmos or 5.1/7.1 without the use of AI technology.

While the director and sound mixer are happy with that restoration, we are now able to go far beyond what was accomplished at that time.

Can you at least publicly release your uncensored clips of the 3 scenes that were censored on the blu so we can have fan made projects to restore those scenes?

Fantasia Special Edition Laserdisc Restoration v2.3

chris585 said:

Hey there! I just got into this topic, because I had seen Fantasia a couple of weeks ago for my very first time, and that was on Blu-ray. Thanks to the commentary I got aware of the censorship and now I’m here. So I would be more than pleased if I also could get a link to this amazing work of restoration. Thank you so much!

What commentary? On the blu ray?

Fantasia Special Edition Blu Ray Restoration V2.0 (Released)

ChrisFratz said:

I wish there was a version that had the racist stuff cut. I’m just here for the LD fanatasound mix set to the high quality BD footage. I do have the BD myself so I guess I could make the change for myself. Could I get access to copy of this please?

If you’re here for cut stuff you took a wrong turn. Disney plus is that way. And Peacock is over that way.

Info: How many Disney 35mm scans exist?

littlejoe416 said:

Lol at anyone to putting words in my mouth or sticking up for song of the south, an unnecessary and indeed unfortunate association with Disney to say the absolute least. If no one ever saw this film again I’m pretty sure the world would be just fine. Feel how you want but don’t act disingenuous and shocked when someone wants to detract from it, it deserves it.

All this is your personal opinion. Nothing more, nothing less. For some people, it’s worth their time. For you, it isn’t. No one is forcing you to watch it, don’t try to say others shouldn’t watch it. Whoever is offended by it, don’t watch. Whoever feels it’s worth their time can enjoy it. Plain and simple.

There are also plenty of movies I feel aren’t worth my time while others feel otherwise.

imsorrydave2448 said:

What’s even more hilarious is Disney has a G rated movie they made in the 2000’s on Disney Plus right now that has the n word with the hard r twice, the k slur for black South Africans, and has a black South African get his ass whopped by a white waiter lol.

Out of curiosity what movie are you referring to?

35mm Print of Eyes Wide Shut on Ebay!!

The Aluminum Falcon said:

Clarification - this print is an Italian print. It did not come with English DTS discs (I do not have those and lack the knowledge to process the raw disc file even if I did.)

Italian audio is optical stereo, which will certainly stand out if plugged into English DTS.

If anyone has the English Cinema DTS and wants to sync it to the BD/this scan (same timing), feel free.

I’ve heard that some later 35mm restrikes had the chanting removed as well. And of course being an Italian print, you’re not being censored visually (digitally added people in the orgy) like the US.

Correct me if I’m mistaken, but by the time it got to Europe the chants were already removed. So any Italian audio you have should be censored. Right?

35mm Print of Eyes Wide Shut on Ebay!!

Penti Mento said:

You guys keep saying “censored” but I assume all you mean is the religious chants have been removed/replaced as in all subsequent video releases of the flick, correct? You’re not talking about, like cursing bleeped out, etc? I’d like the original audio as I saw it in the theater too, but it was replaced by his estate, and it’s not egregiously different than the original.

Correct. And whether or not it is much different is opinion. There should be two tracks so people can choose.

35mm Print of Eyes Wide Shut on Ebay!!

The Aluminum Falcon said:

Here’s where things stand now:

(1) I attended a cinema 35mm screening of Eyes Wide Shut recently. That was my final color check to make sure I was encoding everything in a way that was faithful to a print being projected.

Took detailed color notes, yada yada. Was in a good ballpark but this helped me hone in on things. The home video releases are really not representative of the original look at all.

Despite being a foreign print (which makes it luckily uncensored), it seems to bear the same color as domestic prints.

So color complete.

(2) Settled on a relatively good crop, more info on the top, bottom, and sides than the BD. But obviously this is still hard matted to widescreen.

Crop complete.

(3) Patched in any missing frames so this is a frame-complete release synced to the BD. You can freely put whatever dubs or subs are with the BD.

Frame-complete…er, complete.

(4) I just need to get my encoding finessed as this is a grain-heavy print. A 4K encode alone takes 4 days on my system once it gets started, even without any of the testing.

This is the stage I need to complete still 😃

I’ll PM everyone in the next two weeks with details. Missed the mark on Christmas but there shouldn’t just be one time of year to enjoy some Kubrick

Fantastic work! But about an uncensored audio track? This can be done by patching the current track with the soundtrack CD

Here is some info:



A famous Russian torrent site has the soundtrack CD in full.

The track that interests us is track #9.

I can’t find online videos showing before and after.

Fantasia Special Edition Laserdisc Restoration v2.3

CMGF said:

I actually owe both of you a great thanks… Fantasia is one of my childhood favorites, and I would have never known what was wrong with the way I used to watch it if it wasn’t the old Laserdisc V1 and the detailed write up that came with it.

Yep that write up was written to have an impact!

BTW, I noticed that this thread is getting more and more PM requests recently, which is very nice to see! I’m considering to upload both this release and the 35mm one on archive, hopefully they won’t flag it.

I think the increased PM requests came because of the links I put in the review of V1 on archive.

Fantasia Special Edition Laserdisc Restoration v2.3

Starbond9 said:

Great work Class.

Thanks man, but greater work to both you and CMGF! And your own work still lives on in the audio tracks of all 3 Fantasia releases that we now have.

its amazing to see how far this has come since the first version we made 3 years ago. I’d like to see the new version if >you could PM me the information

It really is. I cannot believe it was January 2021 when that happened and now it’s already January 2024. Where has all the time gone!

Most impressive film preservation project ?

I might be biased, but I’m going to say these Fantasia projects. Remember before 2021 there were basically no Fantasia projects that existed beyond simply adding back the censored scenes into the DVD or blu.







THX on 35mm Tech IB preservation - HELP NEEDED (work in progress)

stretch009 said:

Class316 said:

Before 2021 Fantasia was the worst restored/preserved. Second worst was THX1138. But since then THX1138 is now last place since Fantasia has come so far. Right now you essentially have two choices for THX1138. Either the laserdisc rip or the Grindhouse Edition. And the laserdisc version looks pretty rough in this day and age.

Nope, this is the only way to go for now:


Can you PM a link to get it?