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screams in the void

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Rank The Indiana Jones Films

May be a hot take with some but after seeing dial of destiny my ranking of the movies goes …1.Temple of Doom 2. Raiders 3.Dial of Destiny 4. Last Crusade 5. Crystal Skull . Temple of Doom hits me right in the feels every time, especially when John Williams score swells at the end when Indy returns to the village . I love Last Crusade, but I had more fun watching Dial Of Destiny . I think James Mangold really nailed the tone and feel of Indy and I felt like a kid again watching it .

<strong>4K77</strong> - Released

recently found the no DNR version on a site where it is , ahem , archived . The colors are Gorgeous ! One may have to go with a highly compressed file option to have it to view offline , and there is a very high GB option as well , but even at a lower file size with compression , the colors shine . Only part I found a bit too dark and less detailed were the Jawa canyon and interior sand crawler scenes .Would love to have this on a 1080p blu ray , but I don’t have the system resources .

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

of_Kaiburr_and_Whills said:

screams in the void said:

The Rise Of Skywalker should have a post credits scene at the Lars homestead where an alien named Throg appears to Rey , screams at her and says , ," GET OFF MY LAWN! "( if you know , you know.)

I’m currently pulling up Wookieepedia to confirm, but Throg was from the old Star Wars 3-D comic right?

Edit: Right on.

In Deed . " Throg thanks you little man . "

Behind the Magic CD-ROMs

MasterKal said:

screams in the void said:

Awesome! The interface looks great. How far along have you gotten on this and do you have an estimated time to completion ? I hope you will share it with the community here when it is finished.

Hello, we´re working on this for 4 years, slowly on free time, not all days. but last year was when take shape and structure to be possible. Of course i will share it!!!

Thank you for your reply . Looking forward to it !

Star Wars novels and comics review thread

Superweapon VII said:

screams in the void said:

Mocata said:

Anyway I might find a few online copies of Dark Empire or the Thrawn trilogy.

to paraphrase Yoda , " If into Dark Empire 2 and Empire’s End you go , only pain will you find . "

Well, that and nice art.

^ sure , if you don’t mind Cam Kennedy being switched out for a different artist, in a tonally different style on Empire’s End and the rush job that was done on it , wrapping the whole thing up in just 2 issues

Return Of The Jedi's 40th anniversary

Saw it today and yes ,it was the 2019 cut . The theater I went to has leather reclining seats with temperature controls in the arm rests and they use a DLP projector on a very large curved screen. Enjoyed it for the most part , but seemed to be a rainbow effect as there were straight red lines all around the corners of the screen. When I would move my head to the side , they would disappear and then come back when looking at all the edges of the screen. Was most prominent in bright outdoor scenes. Thought I was having problems with my eyes for a bit but then looked up issues with DLP projectors . Anyone else ever experienced this at a movie theater ?

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Mango said:

I feel like my dad has been disappointed in me since I came out as bi a few years ago. I didn’t think that would make him change his entire perspective of me, but it’s starting to drive me insane.

His intolerance is a reflection of him , not of you .
“Never forget what you are. The rest of the world will not. Wear it like armor, and it can never be used to hurt you.”-Tyrion Lannister

Unique ways of watching/displaying the Star Wars movies

The reason retro gamers seek out CRTs is due to the fast refresh rates and less lag . Those were the TVs that those games were designed for , though as time has gone by ,this issue has improved some with flat panels . The TV manual for that 4x3 LCD that I linked to lists improved refresh rates for fast motion as a feature also . As for watching VHS tapes , those were also designed with CRTs in mind ,as the large flat panels were not a thing yet when they were in their heyday . Part of it is that the technology is completely different between a crt and an lcd flat panel . Interlaced video vs. progressive scan . The way an LCD or other flat panel progressively scans the image and it’s higher native resolution, plus the size of the screen , makes it difficult to display VHS and older analog video sources accurately ,so VHS and other analog video will always look better on a CRT . Some things can be done to give it a boost , like adding video upscalers and comb filters or using a DVD/VHS combo unit that can output VHS over HDMI . I have one ,and the HDMI connection does provide a boost , but I still have to sit back quite a bit to get the benefits on my 55 inch LCD tv . That older 4x3 is not such an issue as it is only 20 inches . And for those who may be unaware , this is what tracking issues are on VHS …https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video_tape_tracking basically , its when the picture has static lines across it or rolls or shudders ,etc . Sometimes it can be adjusted with the remote , sometimes it can’t , depending on the age and condition of the tape . Also , my oldest CRT Tv is an RCA black and white radio /combo from 1984 and it still works great . Same with my 19 inch color Sanyo TV , I bought in 1997 . I’ve had large flat panel LCDs that didn’t last five years .

Unique ways of watching/displaying the Star Wars movies

Just watched my 1992 letterbox vhs of the first Star Wars movie again . I recently went to a resale shop and brought home a 4x3 LCD tv that I picked up for 10 bucks .It was manufactured around 2006 and has a warm color setting that gives everything a kind of Technicolor look . Watching it while sitting a couple feet away from this 20 inch set , it reminded me a lot of the color grading of 4k77 . It didn’t quite have the look of true film that that project has , but the color grading of the 92 letterbox vhs release looked stellar on this set . This is probably the best I have seen vhs look on an LCD , almost comparable to a CRT display ,with a little bit of chroma noise . Maybe I will try component instead of composite cables next time to see if there is an uptick in quality . I have had this tape since I bought the boxed set in 92 and I think I enjoyed watching it today almost as much as the day I bought it and watched it on the 50 inch CRT rear projection tv my folks had back then . The tape still plays great after all these years ,only a little tracking issues/static lines right as the credits roll and then it clears up .I also plugged a set of quality stereo headphones into the tv for added enjoyment . Is it just me , or did some of those early LCD TVs have some better vivid colors ,despite the lower resolution ? This TV has a resolution of 640 x 480 . This is the manual for it …https://www.manualslib.com/manual/97694/Magnavox-20mf500t.html

Behind the Magic CD-ROMs

I still have mine , but no way to watch it or use it . I know there are emulators, iso files and such , but find it a hassle to deal with . Someone did a youtube video in 2 parts recently though , going through all the trivia sections on the discs and delving a bit into the behind the scenes stuff relating to that trivia . I just wish he had delved more into those sections . Here is part one …https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xL1yOiCbGP4

also , the video that Gary1 linked to is for Making Magic ,which was a cd rom for the special editions ,which was a separate thing from Behind The Magic

<strong>Return Of The Jedi</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

I think all parties involved would have discussed the plan ahead of time . Leia showed from the beginning that she can handle herself and I think if Luke had expressed Jabba’s reputation and treatment of captive women , Leia would have told Luke that she is a grown woman and can handle herself . And where was it stated that Luke had sole input in devising the plan ? Perhaps Leia knew the risks and decided how to proceed in her part herself anyway . Still , the plan as shown in the movie was convoluted for sure .

<strong>The Clone Wars</strong> (2008 animated tv series) - a general discussion thread

Pretty neat watch list there . While perhaps not essential to the Mandoverse , I would add the Landing at point rain episodes as well as the Pong Krell arc . I haven’t rewatched the series in many years now , but when I think back to the series ,those two stories are the ones that really stuck with me as they dealt with important themes and had much drama and action . I would probably add in most of season 6 " the lost missions " as they are also important to the overall lore of the saga as a whole ,explaining the mystery of Sifo Diyas , Yoda’s first visit to Dagobah , communing with Qui Gon etc . Those are episodes I wouldn’t want to miss .

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

Yeah , I liked this episode too , despite some confounding logic like the T.I.E.'s disappearing after shooting down the cruiser and the destruction of the Darksaber . I did get a big smile seeing the aerial battle between the Mandalorians and the Beskar troopers though . As for Gideon , I’m not completely convinced he is dead , as we never saw the body …and this has happened with villains in Star Wars a lot . I kinda wonder how much the creators of the show look at fan comments on this site and others and use it for feedback . I kind of agree with the sentiment someone else expressed , that the ending of thee season finale felt rushed like a final exam essay that ran out of time . It did feel tacked on ,but the new assignment that the Armorer gave Din Jarin in regards to Grogu ,seems like an opportunity to reset the series back to the Lone Wolf And Cub vibe of season one . Maybe as a result of fan criticism ,they tacked on that ending for that purpose ? Also makes me wonder if we will see Filoni’s movie before or after season 4 of Mando . I still get the feeling they have been holding things back for that event .

A '<strong>New Republic</strong>' era film (live action movie by Dave Filoni) - a general discussion thread

Mocata said:

I think he meant that Grogu learned that by himself through his own initiative, not that he must have learned it from Luke. Not convinced about that whole 2 year thing at all.

I wasn’t convinced about the 2 year thing either when I heard it . Came out of left field in regards to the two shows , but to me it hints at a reason , contrived as it was , to tie things into the proposed movie . I disagree on Grogu and his own initiative, I think it’s very possible that Luke would have taught him to step in and mediate peacekeeping like that . But we’ll see how things pan out

A '<strong>New Republic</strong>' era film (live action movie by Dave Filoni) - a general discussion thread

And I agree that the set up for the state of the galaxy in the sequel trilogy was poorly set up . It should have been explained in the movies , but there is a book that came out in 2016 called Bloodline by Claudia Gray that does a good job explaining it . It’s set about 6 years before TFA and grew out of an animated short film that was intended to be shown as a prologue to TFA . Man , I’d still like to see that animated short ! Thd book was Really good though. Probably the best book in the new Canon that I have read.

A '<strong>New Republic</strong>' era film (live action movie by Dave Filoni) - a general discussion thread

I’m willing to bet he was playing his cards close to the vest in that interview and they are already working on it . This film will be the big event movie that ties the streaming shows together and I am sure we will see Luke and his Jedi students in their prime against the forces of Thrawn . They hinted at it in this week’s Mandalorian when Bo Katan told Djin Jarin that he taught his apprentice well and he responded with " He didn’t learn that from me ." We saw Luke start to build his academy in Book Of Boba Fett and Filoni has said Grogu was away training with Luke for 2 years now . The Ai and deep fake technology is improving every day so my guess is that Luke will look even better by the time this movie hits . I’m looking forward to it .

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

to the people that are butthurt because " Rey took away from Luke’s story " …the sequel trilogy was never intended to be Luke’s story , even when George talked about as far back as interviews from the 1980s , he said if it got made it would be about passing the baton to the next generation and Luke would be in his 60s . Rey is that next generation . I love a lot of the EU/Legends material myself , but it got over bloated towards they end , enough to where they had to put a dramitis personae listing of all the characters at the start of each book . And Luke didn’t exactly have a happy ending in the Legends material either . So what if Rey is getting her own movie ya whiny snowflakes , it should be pretty obvious by now to anybody who has been watching the streaming shows ,that we will see Luke in his prime again , leading a Jedi order , which we already saw him start to establish in The Book Of Boba Fett . The AI technology gets better every day and I would be willing to bet they have already started work on it . So , both the story of Luke’s Jedi order and Rey’s Jedi order will be told and can exist side by side…https://www.ign.com/articles/star-wars-is-dave-filoni-making-an-heir-to-the-empire-movie