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screams in the void

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Heir to the Empire - animated fan film series adaptation (up on youtube)

I have really been enjoying this series . It’s not perfect , but closest to a direct movie adaptation we have gotten so far . I wish Disney/LFL would officially adapt the best of the Legends material into animation in the style of the DC animated movies . Those are pretty faithful to the source material , the Legends novels are still in print ,and I don’t think it would be a conflict of interest . Be a great way to appease the fan base .

A thread for reporting any spam seen on the site

I’ve been noticing massive amounts of spam across the boards lately , too many to copy and show here . noticing most of it in the late night or early morning hours and a lot of it being for illegal and illicit activities . The mods seem to be on top of it ,but I’ve never seen so much of it . banned member using sock accounts ? If so , they are pretty stupid. I’m guessing it’s just a matter of time before they get tracked somehow and hopefully receive harsh consequences for illegal activities .

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

BedeHistory731 said:

screams in the void said:

and sorry if I spoiled the OG Thrawn trilogy for anyone ,but it came out 32-30 years ago , if you haven’t read it by now , that’s on you . And what the heck is wrong with you if you haven’t ? ( meant that kinda tongue in cheek ,with all due respect )

The unabridged audiobooks of the trilogy are also superb, if you’re an audiobook person.

For sure ! They were excellent and Mark Thompson gave a stellar performance. His voicing of the main OT cast was spot on and that’s exactly how I heard Thrawn’s voice in my head when originally reading the books

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

daveybjones999 said:

NeverarGreat said:

daveybjones999 said:

Sideburns of BoShek said:

vranir said:

I’ve realized that the biggest issue I have with this show is the lack of reason to fear Thrawn. I know him from the books. Some fans know him a bit from Rebels. But in this show we have been given no information or evidence of his clout beyond his rank. Even from Rebels we know that he has with him one Imperial class Star Destroyer - what difference does that make? I’m sure there were plenty after Endor that had to be dealt with.

I’m loving the prospect of seeing a new region of space in Star Wars, and I want to see Thrawn in live action, but the threat just isn’t something I feel.

I agree, I want to see him in action in the remaining episodes, to see him be this feared, impressive tactician and leader, and not simply be told about it. Unless that is what the “wrap-up film” from Filoni is going to be, and this is just laying the groundwork for that? That will will be underwhelming if it does.

Yeah I do agree that’s an issue. It’s the problem with making Ahsoka a direct sequel to Rebels because if you haven’t seen that show Hera and Sabine are completely new, and while the show does an admirable job of trying to introduce them to new viewers it doesn’t quite work. Also because it’s a sequel to Rebels it doesn’t feel the need to show why Thrawn coming back is such a big deal because it assumes you’ve watched Rebels and therefore know why Thrawn is so intimidating. If you haven’t seen Rebels he’s pretty much the main villain of the later half of that show. I haven’t read his original trilogy, but from what I saw of him in Rebels he was a fantastic villain. He doesn’t get defeated due to anything he does wrong, it’s other characters in the Empire who screw up his well-laid plans.

Thrawn in the novels is essentially unstoppable despite working with fairly limited resources, and is only defeated because he is forced to extrapolate from incomplete and inaccurate information.

Thrawn in Rebels has all the resources of the Empire and he and his underlings still manage to lose regularly to a far weaker rebel group. So it’s not really the same character to me.

Maybe I’d have to read the Zahn trilogy to really get this, but I disagree with this. He’s not at all incompetent in Rebels and he doesn’t lose regularly. Pretty much every time he shows up he either lets them escape on purpose, which isn’t him losing, and every time he does fails it’s never because he makes a mistake. I’ll grant you that his underlings manage to lose regularly, but most of them aren’t really his underlings, they’re all technically Governor Pryce’s underlings. I’d say rather than Thrawn being the one to fail, it’s that Thrawn is the only one who ever succeeds even remotely, and when he does fail it’s never really his fault. He only fails to destroy the rebels at their base because of Bendu a being he had absolutely no knowledge of showed up and the only reason why the Rebels are able to free Lothal is because Thrawn is pulled away by the Empire and Governor Pryce is the one who screws up, and she’s not one of his subordinates. Again maybe I haven’t read the Heir to the Empire trilogy so I’ll just take everyone’s word for it that he was so much better there, but just because he was done better in the books doesn’t mean he was done badly in Rebels. I think he was probably one of the best parts of Rebels.

Back to Ahsoka, I do agree that the acting can sometimes be weirdly wooden, but I disagree that that’s actually really been a huge problem since episode 1. I agree that Rosario Dawson seems somewhat stilted, especially when compared to Ashley Eckstein’s vocal performance. Everyone else however doesn’t feel stilted to me. Hera and Sabine, I don’t really have many problems with their performances, sure they’re not as animated as they were in Rebels but they do a decent job at capturing their essence in live action. I also think/hope that the reason why Rosario Dawson’s acting is the way it is is because tonight’s episode is going to be the turning point for her character and they’ll let her express more of a range, because her performance at the end of Episode 4 was really the first time this season that I truly felt like she was Ahsoka

I’ve read the original Thrawn Trilogy multiple times ,and I thought his character as portrayed in Rebels was pretty accurate . Let’s not forget , at the end of Heir To The Empire ,book one of the OG Thrawn Trilogy , Thrawn was defeated in his first major offensive against the Rebels at Sluis Van shipyards and in the final book , The Last Command , Thrawn is slain by his own underling and bodyguard , the Nogrhi Rukh . …as for episode 5 of Ahsoka …I thought it was fantastic from beginning to end and the best episode so far of the show . I also suspect we will see Luke again and that we won’t see much of Thrawn in Ahsoka ,and that they are holding back those characters for the big event movie by Filloni .Plus ,we got the added benifit this episode of seeing the de aging tech further refined and looking its best yet …

Starchaser Legend of Orin 3D - 35mm 3D Preservation &amp; Restoration (* Unfinished Project *)

Yeah, I’d love to see this project realized. Starchaser is one of my favorite animated films. The movie that ripped off star wars and then star wars ripped it off years later . I suspect George Lucas got the idea for Darth Maul’s getting chopped in half from this movie and thought it was so obscure and forgotten that no one would notice. I have the dvd 2d release of Starchaser and watch it often. Guilty pleasure.

Rogue One -- a bonus disc?

I think it’s great that all of this material is available on YouTube and other places linked to in this thread , but find it sad that the blu ray bonus disc was so sparse in comparison. I bought the Best Buy steel book the day it was released and I felt like the bonus disk contained mostly fluff pieces and sizzle reel like content. The movie deserved a more serious documentary on the disc as well as deleted scenes, storyboards etc

<strong>Return Of The Jedi</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

Not sure if this has been brought up before , but I noticed something watching my 1992 letterbox vhs of ROTJ this weekend …in the scene on the landing platform ,right after Luke says , " Then my father is truly dead ." , there are two stormtroopers within earshot of him . When they escort Luke back into the hold of the AT-AT , you can see one of the troopers turn his head and look at Luke ,probably thinking , " Holy Shit , Vader’s son !" I can only think of 2 plausible consequences of this …A. Vader has those troopers killed or B. Luke Jedi mind tricks them to forget the conversation ever took place .

What do you LIKE about the EU?

JadedSkywalker said:

I really need to get into the older EU. Star Wars in its purest form. The original Marvel comics, Newspaper Strips from Manning, and Williamson. Radio plays by Brian Daley. Novels by Daley and Foster.

the pre west end games, pre Zahn, Pre prequels stuff.

Reading some old magazines with the comic strips and McQuarrie art, love how pulpy it is. I can imagine the SW universe as this vast place. With lots of adventure. Free of the Saga and, free of 40 years of baggage.

^ That old original EU stuff is great ! When I first read through all of the of the original Marvel comics ,especially the ones set between Star Wars and Empire ,it gave more resonance to things implied in the films . An example being the final exchange between Han and Luke in Empire ,just before the battle of Hoth . I really did get the sense that these two had been through a lot together between films . Same with the comics taking place between Empire and Jedi ,which also made the final film of the OT much stronger for me . Same thing when I read the newspaper strips collected by Dark Horse in the 90s

Hypothetical Star Wars fan edit challenge

I had an idea the other day while watching the 2012 movie John Carter . I remembered that the original Marvel Star Wars comic had a 2 issue arc that was written by Chris Claremont of X-Men fame and drawn by Carmine Infantino . It was made from an abandoned John Carter Warlord Of Mars comic that was repurposed into a Star Wars story and also had art by Walt Simonson and Tom Palmer that bookended the story . This got me thinking about how one might make a fan edit combining the original trilogy Star Wars movies with the John Carter movie to make a new story in a similar vein . I suppose one could pull from all live action Star Wars productions as well in order to come up with something . Probably not something I will attempt myself , but would love to hear others thoughts and ideas as to how they would go about it . Please feel free to share …