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Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)

To me it seems kinda weird that OWK brings a toy for Luke but how did he get it?
I suppose one could say he went to a store in Mos Espa/Eisley/Anchorhead/where ever but I think the Teeka scene needs to be back in there. It would slow down the pace of your story a bit, just seems weird to me that a hermit literally living in a cave has a toy laying around.

Spence's Obi-Wan Kenobi (V3 Released)

This is one of two edits being discussed here of OWK that I wanted to see.
Disclaimer, I enjoy the show pretty much as is. I know a lot of people here have issues with a lot of it, I am not one of those folks. That doesn’t mean that I am open to seeing what someone else thinks is a different way of presenting it.

This edit is pretty lean and moves along at a good pace. I think that a lot of people here would enjoy watching it and I would be curious to see the reaction of someone who has never seen the show watching this first and then seeing the uncut six episodes as a directors cut so to speak and gauging their reaction.

The cuts made to the source material are done very ably and aren’t disruptive.

I would have kept the Teeka scene which is cut here, but that’s just how I roll, anything with Jawas and Tusken Raiders is a good thing in my editorial world.

Thanks, very much, for sharing this with me, Spence.

Why was Luke so impressed when he saw Mos Eisley for the first time? Anchorhead doesn't seem to be much smaller...

The exposition is for the audience, who have no idea what Mos Eisley is (in 1977 when the film was made and was a self contained thing).
I never thought seeing the movie at 11 that Luke was some indentured servant on the farm, he talked about going to Tosche Station (on his own) so clearly he has reign to come and go.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

I don’t really feel like OWK looks cheap, it’s just shot and framed differently and most of the time I don’t mind it.

Really the cheapest looking thing that I’ve seen in the Disney era is the uniform worn by the rebel guard in the prison episode of the Mandalorian. That was top to bottom hideous and exacerbated by how it looked like it didn’t even fit the actor.

The Kenobi <s>Movie</s> Show (Spoilers)

I am enjoying it, the one continuity issue that I have is that OWK doesn’t know that Anakin is still alive?
In Revenge of the Sith he literally watches a security video where Anakin is with Palpatine and Palpy refers to him as Vader, so if even once in the last ten years OWK has heard of the Emperor’s enforcer “Vader” he would have to know that Anakin is still alive. One could argue that he lives in a cave on Tatooine, doesn’t get out much, he’s clearly a cord cutter so he isn’t watching the Intergalactic News Network, but he knows who the Inquisitors are…it just seems a BIG stretch that Anakin Vader being alive is news to him.

Should &quot;Vader&quot; have come back for the sequel trilogy?

In the Art of The Force Awakens book they have some concept art for a force ghost Anakin that doesn’t maintain a static visage. I rather like that idea, like he’s still atoning for the things he did somehow.
Having said that, the only Vader cameo I ever wanted for the ST was a scene where he comes back as a force ghost and tells his grandson, “not in my name you brat.”


Maybe there’s a reason that the plans are on a data file that shows an earlier configuration of the station, perhaps the logic was that the file would be accessed less and no one would notice anything. Or open the file and look at it and say, oh, old data, pay it no mind and look for a newer version of plans.
The location of the dish is not something that bothers me in the least.
Some people see a flub that they can’t watch around, I just look at and think there’s a reason in this case. NBD.

Community Focus Thread 2: Return of the Jedi

My version opens with some repurposed YT film that represents the Bothans stealing the plans but being tracked.
Off to Luke on Dagonah, chats with Yoda who dies.
NO OBI WAN. The hut goes dark, Luke leaves.
Later on Endor Luke does not tell Leia that they are siblings because he doesn’t know this.
VADER is the one that reveals that Luke has a sister, the force reveals it to him during the duel.
Leia cements it that they are brother and sister, the Force has opened up to her, too.
We already know this if we’re watching things 1-2-3-Rogue 1–4-5-6

Re-evaluating Revenge of the Sith

I know that a bullet may or may not have been dodged by having David Lynch not direct Return of the Jedi, however I think that Lost Highway is the Revenge of the Sith that we never got.

Mystery Man = Palps
Fred Madison/Pete Dayton = Anakin
Alice Wakefield = Padme Amidala
Mr. Eddy = Mace Windu
Phil = Obi Wan

Basically Obi Wan and Anakin fight together in the Clone Wars but the whole mentor/mentee thing is off of the table, maybe Anakin is past all that.

I had this epiphany last night and I don’t think I’ll ever be able to watch Lost Highway the same way again.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

Hal 9000 said:

On the one hand I enjoyed having something to watch, but on the other it seemed jumbled.

I had just watched a video essay about how Star Wars was very linear in its storytelling, introducing new things firmly in context of what came before and staying focused on the story. Maybe that was just on my mind, but this series certainly did not feel that way.

Boba Fett felt confused, and I don’t have much more of an idea who he is now than six weeks ago. I’m still not really sure how saving Mos Espa makes the Sand People’s lot any better.

Fortunately, this mess doesn’t have “Episode _” at the start of it, so I’m much more forgiving than if it had.

I have really enjoyed all of Mando and BoBF and am looking forward to doing a chronological edit of the three seasons.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

sade1212 said:

This was a fun episode of The Book of Whichever Established Characters Are About During This Era

I think they are doing great with these two series which to me are basically one thing.

I actually laughed out loud when they showed the 3D printer droids making things as I am a huge fan of world building and that scene, well…

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

My wife isn’t an obsessive SW fan, pretty much seen just the movies and then The Mandaloian (which she liked a lot) and BoBF (which she is tepid about and pretty much watches because I am watching it).
She hasn’t seen The Clone Wars cartoons and I have only skimmed them – don’t like the animation, it just doesn’t sell for me and I have a hard time watching around that – but I do know who Cad Bane is. I was looking forward to his introduction into the show. We watched the new episode and she looked at him and said, that is the fakest looking thing I have ever seen in Star Wars.
My concern with Cad Bane is that they pull a Walking Dead with him where they introduce a heavy into one part of the franchise and then kill him off in the next episode. Even though I am not a TCW fan it would be a real slap in the face to that part of the fanbase if they did that…and the way things are going I can see that happening.

The NumeralJoker/MechaSalesman 4K HDR Edits Megathread, Clips Previews, and Release Info

Have you ever thought about doing just an extended edit of Revenge of the Sith and its deleted scenes without adding in the Clone Wars material? I think that would be a popular edit too, mainly for people who would want a consistent live-action look throughout the edit.

I prefer to try and avoid the chaos and confusion that gets caused by hosting multiple versions (aside from resolution) of the same film, especially since so many other editors have already tackled the material of just restoring deleted scenes back into Episode III alone. Having said that, it seems no one else has done pure “Extended” cuts like I have for Episodes I and II without any removals of other material, so maybe at some point. We’ll see.

adigitalman did edits of 1, 2 & 3 that are the core movies with the deleted scenes added back in and nothing deleted.

DUNE (2021) Minimalist (Audio) Fan edit idea(s)

I love Arrival and Dune…however…my gripe with both of them is the music.
I think both need something more organic, personally I think the works of David Sylvian work better. I’d love to strip the music entirely from both movies and rescore them with Sylvian’s work (instrumentals from the Brilliant Trees era, Gone to Earth instrumental disc, Rain Tree Crow tracks and his collaborative albums with Holger Czukay). Sadly I have no clue how to accomplish this.

Editing other sci-fi movies into Star Wars stories

I did a Prometheus edit that used a lot of film in the opening from Terrance Malnick’s ‘‘Tree of Life.’’
My new opening is about 1/2 hour long and between things from ToL and bonus features on the BR only about 2 minutes of it are from the version of the movie that you saw as “Prometheus.”
This idea can work but you have to be careful in the execution.