I’m not editing so much as making a chronological cut.
Unlike a lot of folks around here I genuinely enjoy these shows for what they are.
I cut one Mando joke and there’s one scene I don’t like that others seem to really like. I have an A/B version of that episode, with and without the scene.
Basically I hate fractured story telling of any kind. My first edit was a Back to the Future in the 1990s using laserdiscs and a version of Kieslowski’s Three Colors (also the LD days) that cut the three movies together into one story.
The Walking Dead and it’s fractured story telling is what pushed me to take the plunge in editing. That project I call “Coast to Coast” and it’s TWD, FTWD and TWD:WB cut into one chronological narrative. Up to about 103 episodes on that one right now.
So the Mandoverse was a natural, quid pro quo here is how I approached integrating the three seasons into one linear story (it’s six episodes that vary from 2-3 hours for me):
Flashback to the Din as a child being rescued by Mandalorians
Present day, agrarian society on planet ambushed by orcs
Mandalorian titles
Boba Fett wakes up in the sarlaac, escapes, looted by Jawas, found by Tuskens
Din and his bounty on the ice world
Din gets the assignment, meets with the armorer
Heads off to another world, learns how to ride a blurgh, meets the IG droid and Grogu
BF tries to escape the Tuskens and has his ass handed to him
Din’s adventures with the Jawas through the repair of his ship
BF heads off to the desert to forage for water fruit, attacked by Ray Harryhausen critter
Din turns in Grogu for the bounty, changes his mind, shoot out and rescue by other Mandos
Din takes off, lands on backwater world, meets Cara Dune
BF realizes the threat of the train, heads to bar and beats up the spicerunners
Din realizes the threat on his world and decides to train the locals
BF shows up at Tusken camp with speeder bikes
Din trains the locals
Battle with chicken walker
Din and Grogu leave
BF trains Tuskens on speeder bikes
Spice train battle, BF triumphant, parties with Sand People & earns his own gaffi stick