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PROOF OF CONCEPT - Boba Fett Reports to Darth Vader in the Empire Strikes Back

I think placing it after the crawl dilutes it, the crawl already tells you that Vader is obsessively looking for Luke, putting it after the crawl just seems redundant, especially as he is learning his identity here and the crawl implies that he knows it already.

I did a pre-crawl scene in my TFA edit, I think that it is something that can work very well if one doesn’t have inflexible ideas about how a Star Wars movie has to start.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

For me the biggest stumbling block of the ST was that I just couldn’t invest in Kylo Ren as a villain.
As the post above this says, Manny is just owning the role of Qimir and for me this is the best developed dark side user we’ve had since Darth Vader and Palpy. I was rather meh about the show at first and I am fully onboard with it.

Yellow Lightsabers

I think the answer (and I am not trying to be mean here) is that they literally don’t care anymore about making sure that things align to everything cannon or otherwise. We’re just going to make stuff.

BTW I am not Disney bashing here or denigrating the quality of what’s come out, I’m down with pretty much all of it as long as the initials JJA aren’t associated with it, just clear to me that worrying about, oh, a yellow lightsaber was only used in one sentence in a book from 1987 that that is now out of print, do you think we should do that? Those days are gone.

<strong>Return Of The Jedi</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

Channel72 said:>
EDIT: Just realized there’s also a shot of some Ewoks smoking pipes. I guess this movie does have lots of smoking in it.

I have contemporary photos of the shopping mall in my hometown from when the movie came out, there’s ashtrays to the left and right at the top of the escalator going down in one of the anchor department stores.
Small town America, everyone smoked.
Things have changed a lot in that regard.

Looking for recordings of the original trilogy on TV (with commercials)

It’s a real niche preservation/nostalgia effort, I feel for you.
Not too long ago I tried to make a 1977 Star Wars edit that felt like watching it at my local theater, period specific ads, don’t forget the concession stand nag, the Duck Dodgers cartoon before the movie that Lucas couldn’t license (when I was a kid they still played cartoons before G rated movies where I lived) and trailers for other later summer 1977 movies. The worst part of it was that everything in the pre-show section looked aged and then the cartoon and the movie looked pristine, I don’t really want to distress/age them to achieve the goal and at the same time can’t upgrade the period pieces and I wound up abandoning the project.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Re the post immediately above, Pacing and Structure (don’t want to copy and paste a ton of text), Ep3 ends with Jedi Wookiester walking into his home essentially nekkid. Ep4 starts with him…walking home through the forest wearing his robes.
So…he went inside, put on some clothes so he could…walk back outside and then walk back inside of his home?

I like this episode a lot, had some great world building.

Something I did not like, however, and I will fault other brands for this sort of thing as well, is they bring in this cool character just to kill him off. Hey lookit! Wookie Jedi! Cool! Neat, huh? Ok he’s dead now.
I figure that there’s future flashback episodes where we see more of him but the way it’s playing so far is disappointing.
Oh and way too many wipes.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

I’ve regarded the show as Nancy Drew/Hardy Boys Star Wars until this episode, not bad per se, just not what I am geeking out about the most for Star Wars.
What I really liked about Ep 3 was how The Coven has a very Taoist approach to The Force and the Jedi are more Confucian. I’d love to see this explored more throughout not just the show but the entire franchise however I suspect this episode is a one-off for that sort of thinking.

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

Gandalf the Cyan said:

I really hope that K-2SO will be handled properly in season 2. He’s in the unfortunate position of being a comic-relief character in a show which isn’t supposed to have comic relief. I worry that they’ll have to add in humor to make him fit in (or elsewise his portrayal will be inaccurate to Rogue One to accommodate the difference in tone.) Ideally, his quotes should come across as blunt/edgy, as opposed to comedic. It’s a minor thing, but the addition of comic relief would really change the feel of show, and not for the better.

You make an excellent point.
Here’s my idea on how to work this, he’s a reprogrammed Imperial droid.
A facet of the reprogramming could be that is not reliable initially or the best done job and Cassian is, for a while, tweaking his work.
K2 feels comfortable around Cassian however around others he masks to try to hide any deficiencies in the reprogramming that may stand out to someone who knows how a K2 droid should behave.
His snark/comedy stuff could be played as a facet of how he interacts with others based on how much he feels he can let his guard down around them or even try to maintain some kind of upper hand.

What changes would you make to the Sequels?

No Snoke.
Ben Solo is still around but he never fell.
Rey is still important.
There is dark side stuff happening, it’s more the dark side of the force flexing it’s muscle and trying to find someone corruptible.
Han has been hiding Ben for this reason.
7 takes place almost entirely on Jakku, much more cat and mouse and more exposition to all of the characters.
Rey is accidentally found by the First Order and sets off some Dark Side alarms as she is a corruptible candidate that was hidden there. Also sets off some alarms with Leia, who dispatches her husband and son to find her and protect her.
Luke is still hiding.
Han doesn’t know what to do but figures that Luke does. They get the other part of the map and the movie ends with them heading to Achoo. When they get there Luke is already dead, he’s a force ghost and essentially a guardian of the island, the whole dark entity thing that we deal with in E8 is present and force ghost Luke basically is convinced that he’s counterbalancing this and neutralizing it, even in his present state.
E8 would clearly bring Palpy back as the dark side agent, cloning stuff abounds, they’re looking for a corruptible for him to possess. E8 would be about training Rey so that Rey and Ben could vanquish Palpy, I can go with the dyad thing.
E9 would pretty much be a mashup of ending what I posited here and elements of the Colin Treverrow treatment for E9, particularly Finn leading an insurrection.

<strong>Ahsoka</strong> (live action series) - general discussion thread

To expand upon the last comment, Thrawn is really a nothing burger ultimately.
This show is set between the OT and the ST.
Thrawn is clearly not a problem to the galaxy at large in the ST (not even mentioned once).
So basically Thrawn and his crew come back from some nether reaches and are quickly put down in Season 2 or the movie that ties these all together.

Looking for a specific fanedited scene of Revenge of the Sith

With this scene I think it’s important to focus on available information.
In RotS there is a Death Star under construction.
In R1 and ANH there is a completed Death Star, 20 years later
In RotJ there is a mostly built larger Death Star, a few years after ANH.

There are no contradictions here.

We honestly don’t know if the DS at the end of RotS and the one in R1/ANH are the same one.

It’s very possible that while building it and running a test that one was destroyed, it’s also possible that it was sabotaged (Tarkin in A New Hope - “there’ll be no one to stop us this time” What is the other time he was talking about and what was stopped that time?).

<em><strong>ANDOR</strong></em> - Disney+ Series - A General Discussion Thread

Genevieve O’Reilly is a MVP on Andor.
As much as I lover her work as that character I understand her not receiving the nod, the attention on this really grounds with Cassian, his associates and Ferrix.
I suspect that she and Kleya are going to have larger roles in Season 2.
One vlogger I follow has a theory that Kleya is a former handmaiden of Padme’s.
And they revisited for filming season 2 a location that was part of Naboo in the PT.

<strong>The Empire Strikes Back</strong> - a general <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> thread

Marooned Biker Scout said:

timdiggerm said:

This could almost fit into the small details thread, but I don’t think it’s particularly obscure.

I wonder why they (Kershner?) decided it was so important to make sure Lando demonstrated proper safety protocols by wearing a safety harness & clipping in when getting onto the Falcon’s roof and grabbing Luke under Cloud City. It’s also such a shame any shots of Lando actually on the roof of the Falcon grabbing Luke were cut.

That was strange. Were the film companies at the time doing some “safety” promo work for the government around that time? Obi-Wan and Luke were shown to to belt up in the Falcon in Star Wars too. I think there was an anti-smoking advert with threepio and R2 around the time as well?

And the old joke about Ewoks having handrails everywhere in ROTJ, so they were actually more advanced than the Empire!

Around 1978 in my market they would play an anti drinking and driving PSA on TV using film from the Cantina.