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Jokes thread : Reloaded


I want a man who's handsome, smart and strong,
One who loves to listen all day long,
One who thinks before he speaks,
One who'll call, not wait for weeks.
I want him to be gainfully employed,
And when I spend his cash, not be annoyed.

Pulls out my chair and opens my door,
Massages my back and begs to do more.
Oh! For a man who makes love to my mind,
And knows what to answer to" how big is my behind?"
I want this man to love me with no end,
And forever be my very best friend.


I want a deaf-mute nymphomaniac with huge boobs,
Who owns an off licence and a soccer team.
I know this doesn't rhyme and I don't give a shite.

World Cup 2006

Think England will qualify for the latter stages - but can't see past Brazil to win it. On the day anything can happen though - especially when we get to the knockout stages. Maybe Spain will finally surprise us and do well for a change?

Reckon Paraguay will get the draw vs England come Saturday - still too many unresolved problems in the England line-up - let alone the weak management.

Announcing: OT.Com Online Chess Tournament
You can view each other's games by...

going to schemingmind.com, and clicking on 'My Games', then clicking on 'Mini Tournaments', then click on 'The OT Tournament' and you'll get a grid of the results so far.

Click on any game and you'll see the board of that match - and using the small icons below the chess board shown can watch the whole match to date.

'Tis pretty cool to see what's happening in the other matches.

Skipper - I was far too confident of getting something out of having my queen on a diagonal threatning mate that I didn't take that queen exchange - I really should have gone for it, hopefully I'll learn for next time

Shim - that last game reminded me of the end scenes from the ST2 - Wrath Of Khan battle m8 - slowly moving the pieces around the board in limited space - bit like submarine battles. I don't think I've ever played a game where the queens were threatening each other at the next move but didn't do anything about for aprrox 50 moves! lol

Have enjoyed that nearly every game has been different - lots of various tactics and gameplans. At the moment Warlber has me really boxed in - am enjoying trying to figure a way of it, though may take some time...

Star Trek DS9

Have just finished putting every episode of all 7 seasons of DS9 onto 7 dvd discs - which all fit nicely into one dvd case about the same size as one vhs tape


DivX really does save space

Just don't know what to do with all my old vhs tapes of the series - they take up SO much room, but would be sad to get rid of them...

A Series of Questions for Socialism's Proponents
"socialism = an economic system in which the existing system is abandoned in favor of a system of "...to each according to his needs". In this situation the government must assume near totalitarian powers to administer the economy and ensure that nobody is cheating the system. The government must also take steps to make sure that the system is perpetuated as it would be too difficult to continually switch back and forth between socialism and a market economy. As with pregnancy, there's no such thing as being 1/2 way. Either you are totally or are on your way to being totally socialist." - JediSage.

Why must the government assume totalitarian powers to administer the economy etc? The UK Government is 'quasi-socialist' (though I'm not sure what this means) - and is not totalitarian. Is the UK half pregnant?

I wouldn't agree with you that Labour is on it's way out - I'd say Blair (it's leader) is on his way out - one of the main reasons for this - he is not socialist enough for his own party! It's interesting to see that the person most think will succeed him is in fact a socialist who has been Chancellor of the Exchequor. I, for one eagerly await his appointment as Prime Minister.

Socialism is not 'each according to his needs' - but 'each according to his community's needs'. It is for the betterment of his community and evironment that he works for - which will also enrich his own life as well as others around him. Maybe it sounds an over-simplification, but this is a basic tenet od socialism on how I see it.

North Korea, China and Cuba are not socialist - its' people live under enforced communism who may not wish to live as they do and have no say on how to change the way their lives are run.
Announcing: OT.Com Online Chess Tournament
aye m8 - 'tis hard to concentrate when trying to do stuff on the pc.

I don't understand why my missus continually talks to me and demands attention whilst I'm busy the pc (trying to reply to JediSage's socialsm thread - and all I can hear is her asking questions about something SO not important it was untrue)- yet when her tv soaps/programs are on there must be silence! lol

Am away on hols & without a pc from Monday to Friday next week - so can't be making any moves in the chess tourny matches - thought I'd let people know. Have really enjoyed playing - 'tis a good craic.

Jokes thread : Reloaded
Men strike back! ! ! ! ! ! !

How many men does it take to open a beer?
None. It should be opened when she brings it.
Why is a Laundromat a really bad place to pick up a woman?
Because a woman who can't even afford a washing machine will probably never be able to support you.
Why do women have smaller feet than men?
It's one of those "evolutionary things" that allows
them to stand closer to the kitchen sink.
How do you know when a woman is about to say something smart?
When she starts a sentence with "A man once told me..."
How do you fix a woman's watch?
You don't. There is a clock on the oven.
Why do men fart more than women?
Because women can't shut up long enough to
build up the required pressure.
If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first?
The dog, of course. He'll shut up once you let him in.
What's worse than a Male Chauvinist Pig?
A woman who won't do what she's told.
I married a Miss Right.
I just didn't know her first name was Always.
Scientists have discovered a food that diminishes
a woman's sex drive by 90%.
It's called a Wedding Cake.
Why do men die before their wives?
They want to.
Women will never be equal to men until they can
walk down the street with a bald head and a beer
gut, and still think they are sexy.
In the beginning, God created the earth and rested.
Then God created Man and rested.
Then God created Woman.
Since then, neither God nor Man has rested.
A Series of Questions for Socialism's Proponents
1. Since socialst nations have existed in the past and failed, what do you attribute their failure to? Is it reasonable to believe that these "obstacles" can be overcome in the short term?

some have failed - some have succeeded. The UK is governed by a socialist based party, as are other countires around the world. It is intersting to note that some countries that have enforced a system upon it's inhabitants have rebelled against it.

2. Were any of these nations imperialistic in nature, meaning did they expand beyond their national borders and conquer territory not in their possession prior to the Bolshevic revolution of the early part of the 20th century?

Have a look at the British Commonwealth and just how many countries are part of it - could add the USA to it on past criteria.

3. Were there "exceptions" to the socialist philosophies of these countries, meaning did any of the ruling class own nice automobiles or houses that were well beyond "....his needs"?

Probably so - the idea of socialism is to work together and help those around you to better everyon'e lives. It does not mean people should not have 'nice things'.

4. If inequitable distribution of wealth is the cause of crime and social injustice, how do you explain people who are wealthy that committ crimes?

Greed, love, jealousy. I'm prettys sure there are murderes in prisons from all walks of life.

5. Is brute labor the only force that is essential to the prosperity and equality of a society?

No, of course not. People voluntarily working together to acheive a goal can accomplish a lot.

6. If wealth were to be "redistributed" from the "20%" of the world's population that control it, and then given to the other 80%, will despotic rulers and tyrants be disposed to give this wealth to their people, or keep it for themselves?

Are the 80% all despotic leaders and tyrants? - what of 20% leaders? Do you give the leaders the money and say 'here it is' and leave them to it, or do you agree schemes and projects that help the most needy and take an active role in how it' is allocated.

7. If they did give the money to their citizens, would the social and physical infrastructure of these other nations immediately improve? If so, how?

Immediately? Possibly not - such an underastking takes time. If a hosptial can buy several £million of new equipment for it's patients it will still need to train technicians and and staff on how to use them etc

8. What incentive does a person who has guaranteed health care, housing, food, water, and clothing have to strive for a better life?

He strives for an even better life - helping those around him to ensure it.

9. For socialism to be truly implemented, the government must assume vast powers. Once assumed, what guarantee is there that the government will not abuse these powers?

Vote them in, vote them out - they don't need to be all powerful - tghe electorate (the people) still have ultimate power.

10. Do people try to accumulate more or less power?

As a whole? I don't know. It seems politicians cancertainly lose sight of issues for personal gain.

11. What if 1 or 2 people in said country decided they didn't feel socialism was right for them. Would the government be justified in using any and all means to implement the system for the greater good?

They are free to live wherever they feel as long as they abide by the people's wishes. They do not have to stay where they do not agree with how things are being run.

12. Is force justifiable in the redistribution of wealth?

Ask the IRS, or the taman, or the parking wardens.

13. In a socialist system, who's interests should/will take precedence in case of child rearing? Parents, or the State?

Parents decide on how to raise their childen. The state should be there to protect them, and both should work together to ready the children for life as an adult.

14. Should religious institutions be permitted in socialist societies?

Absolutely - free speech and beliefs should be permitted everywhere.

15. Of the examples the world has known so far, socialism as implemented in Cuba, China, North Korea, Soviet Union, etc; and capitalism as seen in the US, UK, Australia, etc: Which has offered the greater personal liberties to it's citizens?

I disagree - Communism has been implemented in some of those countries you mentioned - not socialism.

16. Given that the socialist death toll is at 100 million and counting, vastly outpacing "facist" numbers, does socialism get a free pass because it's more "altruistic"...at least on the surface? Can any ideology that results in the death of even one life be considered to be altruisitic?

Again, that is not a socilaist death toll - it a commnist based one and enforced on the people.

17. What is the difference between Facism and Communism? Do they not both lead to state control of the economy, thus making ideologies irrelevant?

That really isn't about socialism, but is you wish I'll come back to it later.

18. What is the difference between Marxist-Leninism vs Communism and can the more "pure" forms be implemented without innevitably deteriorating to totalitarianism?

That really isn't about socialism, but is you wish I'll come back to it later.

JediSage - what is your definition of socialism? and how does it differ from Communism?
A Series of Questions for Socialism's Proponents
^ some interesting points, Ric.

Under Capitalism we have seen countries stand by and do nothing (or too little too late) as atrociites have been carried out around the world - it seems if it is not in the interests fo the West to intervene (oil, money, contracts, money etc) then it stands by and does nothing.

What is the point of accumulating money and power (and large militaries) - when people around you are dying and you can prevent it, but choose not to?

A Series of Questions for Socialism's Proponents
^ you can have a democratic socialism on a national level - the UK Labour Party is a socialist movement (though seemingly not over the past 10 years - from my own point of view) - and is currently in power in the UK.

You can vote them in, you can vote them out - no coersion - no one is imprisoned for having a different belief etc.

Local councils run government at a more accessible (and local) level - though there are corrupt and greedy politicians from all political parties - and differing beliefs.

A Series of Questions for Socialism's Proponents
(the following may not make too much sense as my head's been spinning from the OT chess tournament and other PC stuff today, but...)

I basically view socialism as a coming together of a community or group of like-minded people to acheive something for the which will benefit the group or their surroundings.

Many of the questions posed by JediSage can also be applied to capitalism - corrupted Western politicians with ties to private companies giving them lucrative government contracts in return for a place on the director's board after their political lives are over - at the expense of the people they are elected to help...

Each system has it's corruption and weaknesses - people are dying in Iraq, Afghanistan, Somalia and many other places in the world because of the greed and power of Western governemnts and an unwillingness to get involved because it may be unpopular - and they may lose their power by being voted out by the electorate. On the other scale we have governments getting too involved in other countries affairs - and give reasons as stability and fuel as reasons why they should take matters into their own hands.

Besides, in a capitalist world it seems as long as people have a nice house, car, holidays, a big tv and are subjected to the mindnumbing blandness that appears on the majority of it, nearly everyone under capitialism are content - many of which have a 'so what' attitiude to the preventable and addressable horrific events that take place around the world.

I have to say it is communism - not socialism that is enforced in places such as China by the Government. The people do not decide for themselves what is to be done for their betterment - it is a regime that anwers to no-one (which could also be corrupt) - and that is NOT socialism.

Socialism is, and can be, democratic - if it was so I'm confident they wouldn't vote to exile thousands of people many years to Siberia for not agreeing with others, many more missing and liked in China.

(have to stop here for now - time for an anadin)