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Design failures (and successes) of the PT

DominicCobb said:

I like the Jedi starfighter designs, but again, why did there have to be a new one in ROTS? It’s sort of indicative of the general problem of the PT designs. More does not equal better.

I liked the one from ROTS, it incorporated some TIE fighter designs (window and interior cockpit) which was cool to see.

The subtle progression towards OT-era tech was cool to see in ROTS.

Can't be Bothered: justifying Rey's power vs Luke's

DominicCobb said:

Luke’s best friend mentions he’s a good pilot? Not in the movie I watch.

Also, we don’t see Luke pilot a ship until the end of the movie, so it’s necessary to set it up so it doesn’t come out of nowhere. When Rey says she’s a pilot as they’re running towards the Falcon, we’re still learning who she is. There’s no reason why we shouldn’t take her at her word, and it would have been silly to mention so earlier (“That’s Teedo. He has no respect for anyone. But I’m Rey and I fly ships good”).

“Sir, Luke is the best bush pilot in the outer rim territories” is in the movie.

Return of the Jedi - your opinion?

Possessed said:
But the emperor wasn’t there when he said that was he? Maybe I’m misremembering but I thought that line was when it was just him and Luke still on Endor.

Right, he’s still “around” though, right up on the Death Star. He’s firmly in the picture at this point, not worlds away. He can prob sense Vader’s emotions at that distance as well.

Return of the Jedi - your opinion?

MalàStrana said:

It reminds me that my main issue with the Vader’s plot in ROTJ is the line “I MUST obey my Master”, whereas he explicitly told his son (and his wife !) that he would rather like kill the Emperor and rule the galaxy himself. Just removing that line and leaving only “you don’t know the power of the dark side” would make things work better I guess.

It’s just a slight complain: I know ROTJ is not the same top quality as ANH and TESB and has many problems here and there, but it still is a very good movie (and still the third best SW in my opinion), as a SW and as a fantasy flick.

I actually think it’s interesting to note how differently he acts when the Emperor is around vs. when he isn’t.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

I largely agree with the RLM review. The only intriguing thing about TLJ for me was the Rey and Kylo dynamic, that was genuinely interesting. All of the background elements I am not a fan of however. I do appreciate that RJ went for something different but it did not turn out great (in the context of the GFFA).

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Collipso said:

exactly. i absolutely hate most of what’s in TFA from the moment the Falcon appears until the end, while i’m ok with TLJ. everything that i’m arguing has been about the ST in general, not just TLJ.

I actually like TLJ a bit more than TFA as well. Ren killing snoke and assuming power is unexpected and could be an interesting dynamic, and Rey being overpowered is acknowledged by both Luke and Snoke. The weakest points are all just a continuation of the events of TFA: Luke being a hermit, First Order having ridiculous weapons, cartoonish FO officers (seriously, I miss the OT officers who were just doing their jobs and weren’t such caricatures) and of course the rebels vs. empire rehash. It’s the background elements of the entire ST (as established in TFA) that I and I suspect many people don’t like at all. TLJ had some good stuff between Rey and Ren which was new and original.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

I don’t understand the point of remaking TLJ. All of the issues many people have with it (including myself) are rooted in TFA. The unexplained power/resources of the First Order, the rebels vs. empire deal, Luke being a dick and running away from his failures and Snoke’s rise with no explanation all started in TFA. Granted, TLJ had the opportunity to dive deeper into Snoke’s origin for example, but really the seeds of the issues were all in TFA. If TLJ outrages you, then TFA should too.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

yotsuya said:
Except that we don’t have the Rebels vs. Empire again. Not really. They are indeed going for that feel, but in the OT we had a galaxy spanning empire and a scattered rebellion. In the ST we have a beheaded Republic, a cut down resistance, both in opposition to the invading First Order. So unlike the OT where the government of nearly every world is against you (because they are controlled by the Empire), now there are allies everywhere, and the Resistance can work to unite the planets trying to resist the First Order take over. While the fighting parties are very similar to what we see in the OT, in the OT that was one fleet of a much larger navy and in the ST, we can’t be sure how much larger the navy is than what we see (and in TLJ a lot of the FO ships were destroyed or badly damaged). So on the surface your argument seems to make sense, but when the full situation is laid out, the comparison falls flat as there are too many differences and too many ways the story can go that can be completely different in the third act.

Maybe not technically, but they’re going for the feel alright, and that’s what I didn’t want. The Republic isn’t just beheaded it seems, it was totally wiped out in one shot. According to C3PO, the entire fleet was destroyed in that one shot by SKB.

Also, the resistance is totally destroyed, leaving just a handful of folks in the MF. They even start calling themselves “rebels” by the end of the film.

I hope they take the story in an interesting and new way in Episode IX and flesh out some things.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Collipso said:
let’s play with some keywords here and see what we get:

“I would have much more enjoyed a story of how Anakin got seduced by The Emperor, how the Empire came to be, etc.”

sounds familiar?

That just further proves my point that the new story we’re getting is essentially the same exact thing as what’s already happened. Given the story we got, I would have rather they started from the beginning and tell it properly. One key unexplained element is Snoke, who is a neat, totally new character, except that he has no explanation or backstory and then is killed off. It’s important to flesh out his character because he isn’t relevant at all in the already established OT.

TV’s Frink said:
I can understand not liking what you got but how is that “nonsensical?”

There’s many reasons explained by others above, but basically all of the major, universe altering plot points that happen with no explanation given what’s established in the OT. They just waived their hand with major plot elements (New Republic all of the sudden completely destroyed (it was just one planet system?) by the new mysterious superweapon, ALL of Luke’s new crop of Jedi destroyed by Ben, etc.) just so they could have Rebels vs. Empire again.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

DrDre said:
I agree. The PT ends where the OT begins, right down to the twin sunset on Tatooine. Going from ROTJ to TFA is far more jarring to me, where an obvious total victory is suddenly and without explanation completely reversed, while all the victors have become shadows of their former selves. General Solo has again become a smuggler in debt with everyone, who hides from his problems. Luke’s hiding from his problems on a rock, and has closed himself off from the Force. Even Leia has been demoted from princess, and senator to the general of an even smaller band of rebels, whilst Han and Leia have apparently won the worst parents of the year award.

This is my main issue with the ST. Despite the fact that they’re very good films, the story is just so nonsensical to me. What we’re told happened between VI and VII is far more interesting to me than what’s happening in VII and VIII. We’re right back where we started in the OT (if not worse, the rebels are down to a handful of folk on the falcon), with no real explanation as to how we got there after the triumphant victory in VI.

I would have much more enjoyed a story of how Ben got seduced by Snoke, how the First Order came to be, etc.


Funcha said:

And I’m not sure what to think about the new ending. I’m sure however Ady pulls it off will look fantastic. It’s just I liked seeing the happy ending with everyone together celebrating.

Agree with this. The ending of ROTJ is even more sweeter now that we know that we never see these characters together on screen again. I hope he at least keeps that final shot, even if it isn’t in the same sequence.


ray_afraid said:

Why would Luke say “…your mother. Your real mother.” if Leia didn’t know she was adopted?
It’s the only reason he reiterates that point!
Sure, the PT throws a few wrenches in that, but that’s problems in the PT, not the OT. I’ve said it often around here lately, but the OT can’t be blamed for inconsistencies created by the PT.

I’m not even thinking about the PT here. Luke says “real mother” because at this point he knows that Leia is his sister, and he also knows that Leia doesn’t know that, so he concludes she must be adopted. I’m just pointing out that if we accept the fact that they’re brother and sister AND Leia’s mom was alive for a few years of her youth, it doesn’t make sense for her to not know she had a brother or for Vader to not know about her. Only way it makes sense is the scenario I mentioned: Vader had a one night stand with Leia’s mother or otherwise ended their “relationship” before he knew she was pregnant. But if that’s the case, why would their mother give up Luke and have him live on Tatooine? Having Leia be Luke’s brother doesn’t make sense and that’s without even considering the PT.


adywan said:

And yet leia said that she died when she was very young and NOT that she died when she was born ( which is how anyone would have talked if their parent had died in childbirth) . And that is because Leia’s mother WAS still alive during the first few years of her life when Jedi was written. Silly excuses cannot hide the fact that George forgot his own films and screwed up when doing the prequels.

I always thought Leia was talking about her adopted mother here, and that she probably thought she was her “real” mother, not knowing she was adopted. Considering Leia has no idea she has a brother and her dad was freaking Darth Vader, it wouldn’t make much sense at all for her to be actually living with or in contact with her actual mother. Otherwise, how would Darth Vader possibly not know about Leia? Only possible way for that to work is if Vader had like a one night stand with Luke and Leia’s mom and never spoke to her again lol.

Whatever, Leia being Luke’s sister is a silly idea to begin with.

Ranking the Star Wars films

ChainsawAsh said:

I might be able to give you ROTS above ROTJ, but certainly not TFA.

TFA is certainly a better film on a technical level, what kills it for me is Starkiller Base and the story. Maybe it’ll grow on me with the release of TLJ. I go back and forth on ROTS vs ROTJ.

TV’s Frink said:

I understand people not liking TFA (especially if the rehash stuff bothers you) but I don’t see how anyone can claim any of the prequels are better-made movies.

If you enjoy them more, I guess I understand that…sort of.

I would certainly rank TFA higher if it were solely about how “well-made” the films are. That ranking in my view would go like this:


My previous ranking was just pure personal preference.