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- #195495
- Topic
- X-Men: the animated series (1992-1997) (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/195495/action/topic#195495
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- #194744
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- Little Shop of Horrors original ending (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194744/action/topic#194744
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Little Shop, Little Shop,
I wanna go to the,
Little Shop, Little Shop
Alright it's time, for me to bust a rhyme
I'm comin' at ya, like toon style,
so get ready for a funny bone overload..
That's all I can remember. It was sang by the plant, Junior.
- Post
- #194668
- Topic
- Little Shop of Horrors original ending (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194668/action/topic#194668
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- #194647
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- Little Shop of Horrors original ending (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194647/action/topic#194647
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- #194550
- Topic
- Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie Super Special Champion Edition Turbo (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194550/action/topic#194550
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- #194507
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- Little Shop of Horrors original ending (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194507/action/topic#194507
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- #194502
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- Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie Super Special Champion Edition Turbo (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194502/action/topic#194502
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- #194442
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- Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie Super Special Champion Edition Turbo (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194442/action/topic#194442
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- #194441
- Topic
- Little Shop of Horrors original ending (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194441/action/topic#194441
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OK then, anyone have the original DVD with the alternate ending?
- Post
- #194402
- Topic
- Little Shop of Horrors original ending (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194402/action/topic#194402
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- #194397
- Topic
- Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie Super Special Champion Edition Turbo (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194397/action/topic#194397
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Hehehe. I am talking about the GOOD Street Fighter movie though, the ANIMATED one, which was actually released the same year.
Here is an example showing how my DVD works:
When you choose English or Japanese on the main menu, you are also selecting if you are going to see the opening of the movie in English or Japanese. First you watch the opening, in English or Japanese. This eight minute opening consists of: Capcom logo, credits, Ryu vs. Sagat fight, title screen (SFII- The Animated Movie or SFII movie), "London" caption in English or Japanese, "no Japanese text" or "Japanese text" translating the English Albert Sellers banner, Cammy vs. Sellers, Interpol briefing without or with Japanese text translating the English classified documents and "Vega and Balrog" or "Balrog and M. Bison" on the computer displays. After the opening is completed, the rest of the movie, starting with the Air Force base scene, will play.
- Post
- #194375
- Topic
- Little Shop of Horrors original ending (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194375/action/topic#194375
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I have access to the original black and white alternate ending to the Rick Moranis musical. I guess it was on DVD for only a day or so before the director or whoever pulled it because he didn’t want it to be seen. The DVD was re-released without this bonus feature. Here is what my project is:
A disc two for those of us, like me, that only own the one-sided no-ending re-release. To fill up a DVD-5, and not duplicate features, it has the original ending with and without commentary from the original recalled release, plus the original 1960 version of the movie with Jack Nicholson on there as well, and the trivia from the “Holywood Classics” release of the 1960 movie, with a few more questions added by me. You will have to answer all of the questions correctly in order to view the ending. Also a photo/poster gallery/ animated menus and the soundtrack as mp3 DVD-rom extras.
UPDATE! Maybe I lied and it’s not finished? I just found out that a new version of the 1960 Roger Corman LSoH is being released may 1st. What do you think the chances are that I can replace the version on my project with a b&w/ coler version with commentary? possibly, and have it still fit on a DVD-5? As of now, nothing is compressed at all and the total with the DVDrom soundtrack is only 4.19 I think gb. Maybe before distributing I will wait for this new release.
- Post
- #194373
- Topic
- Street Fighter II - The Animated Movie Super Special Champion Edition Turbo (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194373/action/topic#194373
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I don’t currently have a computer, but I can make copies of the DVD at the local library if anyone would still like a copy of disc one.
I swear I will make the extras disc, just don’t have a computer right now. I should have most of the footage backed up however.
Here is a “script” I made using the English-dub subtitles which I also made. The script was done in WordPad and is an rtf file:
As some of you may know, the US and Japanese versions of this movie on DVD only have the languages from their respective countries on them. The old US “unrated” DVD, VHS and Laserdisc is actually not really uncut, and has no special features, menus or anything at all. There’s also a PG-13 cut on VHS (and the Xbox/ PS2 SF Collection). A DVD was later released by Anchor Bay in the US, dubbed “Uncut, Uncensored, Unleashed”. While that may be true of the Japanese side of this two-sided DVD, the English side is simply the UK edition, which is the same as the US version, with the exception of one shot, which I will go into detail more about below. Everyone probably knows about the shower scene, but here is a list of all of the cuts in the “unrated” USA/ UK edition, as posted in a review of the disc at animeworld.com:
- About 20 minutes in, at the very end of the section with Fei Long, about 12 seconds are cut from the part where they silently part ways, mostly from a long shot of Ryu walking away in silence.
- A one-second fade-out of Ken driving away after the encounter with T.Hawk is cut. This fade-out is actually cut even on the Japanese side of the new DVD. The fade-out apparantly, is only on the versions actually released in Japan.
- Later, in Calcutta, about 8 seconds are cut from the scene where the kid spills the milk–bits and pieces throughout to speed up the scene slightly. At the end of the same scene another 6 seconds are cut from the end of the shot where Ryu walks away.
- In the infamous lead-up to the Chun Li fight, about 25 seconds are cut; most of the edits are pans of buildings, but there is one long pan of Chun Li’s exposed backside in the shower removed as well as part of a pan away from the closed shower door. The Unrated US version also cut one more shot of Chun Li’s chest. NOTE: The breast shot happens in a different place in the UK cut than it does in the Japanese. The UK and US shower scenes are the EXACT SAME LENGTH, despite having breasts showing in UK, but not in US. I think what they did was replace a shot from the English edit with Chun-Li’s breasts. That way, the scenes would be the same length and they wouldn’t need to create more audio for this scene.
- Around an hour into the film, there is a total of 13 seconds cut from the build-up to the villain’s jet running Ken’s car off the road; the edits are all shots of the lights in the sky and Ken driving in silence.
- When the head villain is finished telling off Sagat, a shot of the boxer following his boss out of the room and a long shot of Sagat left standing alone are removed for a total of 10 seconds.
- Finally, in the establishing shot of the mountains in Thailand immediately following that scene, the shot starts a little later, making the total pan 4 seconds shorter overall.
The total of these minor edits is 75 seconds or so of runtime. The Japanese credit crawl is additionally a minute and 45 seconds longer, for a total difference of about 3 minutes of runtime.
There are also two audio edits in the American version. Dee Jay and Guile at one point both say the f-word, for some reason only in the UK version of the movie. This audio, as well as all of the above scenes have been restored into my super awesome DVD.
Karyuudo Fansubs did an awesome job creating a fansubbed version of the Japanese R2 release. I contacted Karyuudo for permission to use that fansub as the basis of my edit.
What I have created is a single layer disc. Special features disc still TBA. It’s the fully, totally uncut movie in non-animorphic widescreen, taken from the R2 Japan release. It contains the original Japanese dub, and the English dub, extended where necessary to fit the longer Japanese video. I also created a hybrid dub, which uses the Japanese voices, but English version music. There are also 5 variations of subtitles: Of course Karyuudo’s translated Japanese subs (in two variations- one of which has the names for Vega, Bison and Balrog switched around to the US version names), English version dub-titles that I painstakingly created myself, and a version of the Japanese subtitles called “Without Song Lyrics” that does not include subs for the Japanese songs (made for the hybrid dub). I did some slight modifications to Karyuudo’s subtitles, correcting typos and things like that. There is also a “forced” subtitle option which mimics the ones on the official English releases, for the locations only (London, Northern Seattle, etc). I fixed the “Interpole” and “Washington Lake” captions to “Interpol” and “Lake Washington” as they should be. This subtitle option is used when the “USA” option is chosen on the main menu, and stays on even if “off” is chosen on the subtitle menu.
The hybrid audio track contains the Japanese voices and MOST of the music replaced with the English version music. Some of the English voices (“Kick his ass!”, “Your drink, sir.”) and move calling (“Spinning Bird Kick!”) remain, since it was difficult to remove them over the English music. For the same reason, Vega (the claw guy)'s voice is also in English. I think these can be overlooked as American characters saying these things, or they were English words anyway. Vega can be considered so vain that he chooses to speak in English because it’s “sexier” than Japanese. Whatever…
Here are some screenshots:
No subtitles:
With Japanese-translated subs on:
My English-dub version (if you choose English dub subtitles or locations only):
For comparison, the official English release version (not on this disc):
A second DVD will be created that contains as many special features as I can find. This should include all of the SFII intros and endings from the PS2 or Xbox SF Collector’s Edition, as well as the verision of this movie on there (PG13 full screen). All three versions of the shower scene (Japan, US, UK) and the promo tapes about the Sega Genesis and SNES games, the scene from the Jackie Chan movie City Hunter where they go into a SF2 video game, and all of the extras from the US and Japanese official DVDs.
Here’s some more screenshots of the subtitles:
Japanese subtitles version 1:
Japanese subtitles version 2:
Japanese subtitles version 3 (no songs):
English-dub subtitles:
- Post
- #194193
- Topic
- X-Men: the animated series (1992-1997) (Released)
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/194193/action/topic#194193
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- Post
- #193849
- Topic
- 'Backstroke of the West' with retail DVD quality : FINISHED & RELEASED
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/193849/action/topic#193849
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Just out of curiosity, I wonder how you clean up "R2! Do you is fcuking!"?
Sucking, thucking, mucking, thumping, bumping. Thucking is just funny to me because the HS rules would not allow you to say the f word (we were performing Python's Dead Parrot Sketch on stage) but I could get away with "thucking".

Or as I did, I guess, "R2! Do you is pooping!"
- Post
- #193834
- Topic
- 'Backstroke of the West' with retail DVD quality : FINISHED & RELEASED
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/193834/action/topic#193834
- Time
It will have three subtitle tracks, one of which replaces the f word with "poop", and of course the retail subs. (I guess in Chinese the f word and the word for "do" are similar.)
- Post
- #193544
- Topic
- 'Backstroke of the West' with retail DVD quality : FINISHED & RELEASED
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/193544/action/topic#193544
- Time
If you don’t know what Star War: The Third Gather: Backstroke of the West is all about, click here.
As suggested by ThatArtGuy, who also provided me with srt files, I have created a DVD with the Backstroke of the West subtitles. It has four subtitle options: 1. Original. 2. Backstroke V1 (F words) 3. Backstroke V2 (no F words). 4. a surprise subtitle track. There are menus with scene selections and one more surprise easter egg.
Since this project is not really considered a fan edit, it will never be availiable as a full download. For more details on why, read Q. 8b: here. So, I’ve created a kit and you will have to supply the NTSC R1 SWIII WS DVD. Others may work, but are untested. Included are full step by step instructions and everything you need in the rar file in the link at the bottom of this post.
What you’ll need to supply:
Star Wars: Episode III: Revenge of the Sith official NTSC Region 1 DVD (WS or FS: FS not tested)
Program such as SmartRipper or PGCdemux to rip the video and audio from the DVD
A Windows compatible PC with probably a version of Windows XP and an NTFS file system (duh)
About 12gb free of HD space
DVD Shrink program if you need to compress the movie to fit onto a single layer DVD-R.
PowerDVD or similar program to watch/ preview the movie on your computer.
DVD burning program and blank DVD if you want to actually make a DVD of this. (duh again)</span>
Please let me know what you guys think of this!
Here it is: Backstroke of the West kit
The menus are 16x9 and when the DVD is created by the user, it is recognized by Clone DVD and DVD shrink so we can all shrink this puppy down to fit a DVD-5.
The download link has been updated to so that everything should work exactly as I intended now. Let me know how this turns out for everyone and if problems persist.
I suggest to rip the DVD, use SmartRippper.
If you have the DVD in your DVD-Rom drive, it will try to read it. It may say something about files being locked. If so, use PowerDVD (or whatever software player you have) to play the movie or a few seconds first. What I usually do is just play it and then skip around a few chapters and stuff. Smartripper should automatically find the main movie on the disc. If not, it’s Title 7, program chain 1. Click on “Stream processing”. Click on “none” to deselect all files on the next screen. Click the check box next to “VIDEO NTSC” and change the little selector to “demux to extra file”. Do the same thing for the second audio track (English AC3 2ch). Change the target folder to your demuxed folder. Click on Start. (Start will not appear if you don’t have enough HD space.)
You should end up with an ac3 audio file and and m2v video file, as well as some blank vob files and stuff. Use these m2v and ac3 files and then use the instructions provided in the download “kit”.
As for a few concerns people have addressed, I didn’t notice any of the subtitles going by too fast, and if so, they are like that in the original version, I haven’t changed this.
The “resume” button is funny. I should have included a way to go back to the main menu. It only works if the movie has already been played, at which point it will resume form that place when the resume button is used.
A GREAT cover has been made by Ell the Ewok and Erikstormtrooper:
Erikstormtrooper: I shamelessly stole Ell the Ewok’s original Backstroke cover and changed up the back. I added an Engrish synopsis, and provided info so that this is now specific to marioxb’s conversion kit.
Which you can download a hi-res version here. The cover is also included in the Backstroke of the West Kit.
- Post
- #193538
- Topic
- Original Trilogy DVD my ideas
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/193538/action/topic#193538
- Time
Thank you for that, I will try and search out a copy, it will be nice to see the original film like that with the effects etc and old crawl in place.
I sent you a PM in regards to getting this. Turn on PMs if you have to. I didn't know mine were off my default. You can send, but not recieve if they are off.
- Post
- #193537
- Topic
- Help: looking for 'Heroes & Villians' in NTSC??
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/193537/action/topic#193537
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- Post
- #193536
- Topic
- X-Men: the animated series (1992-1997) (Released)
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/193536/action/topic#193536
- Time
I just found one of the tapes: X-Men Creators' Choice 2: Enter Magneto and Deadly Reunions. From the back cover: "This tape contains an exclusive five minute round-table discussion featuring famous Marvel personalities; Stann Lee, Scott Lobdell, Fabian Nicieza, and Bob Harras."
- Post
- #193408
- Topic
- Original Trilogy DVD my ideas
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/193408/action/topic#193408
- Time
I would love to see again when watching the original film is to have the "A New Hope" not on the crawl and to see it with the mattes in place etc sound etc as it was theatrically shown in 77.
Well, then get the editdroid mysterious mysteries version of A New Hope, with it's selectable crawls and no upgrades.
- Post
- #192873
- Topic
- What is the deal with NFO files?
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/192873/action/topic#192873
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- #192724
- Topic
- What is the deal with NFO files?
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/192724/action/topic#192724
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- #192431
- Topic
- Info: Successfully added subtitles to the EditDroid ANH!
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/192431/action/topic#192431
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- Post
- #192259
- Topic
- Info: Successfully added subtitles to the EditDroid ANH!
- Link
- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/192259/action/topic#192259
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