To inquire about this edit, email krausfadr at gmail dot com and include the word fanedit in the subject line.
The Rise of Skywalker: Resurgence
A restructured “Rey Nobody” edit of The Rise of Skywalker to move the reveal of the Emperor to later in the film.
Complete restructure to move the Emperor reveal to later
Ren is so tormented by visions of his father that he destroys Corellia, planet destruction moved to the beginning
Finn is more serious, less sassy
Jannah’s presence reduced
No Klaud
Ben lives
Rey-TIE Fighter showdown is more like the trailer
Force ghosts vfx by jonh
Palpatine clones, Imperial shuttle, Falcon ending shot vfx by poppasketti
Rey’s parents were nobody
Rey killed her parents (idea by idir_hh)
Release log:
Possible additions to ver 3.1 (to be released at a much later date, maybe…)
if I release a version 3.1, I would like to add in:
the final Vader castle flyby VFX on Mustafar, if/when shared by HAL 9000.
the puppet show VFX on Pasaana, if/when shared by HAL 9000.
November 18, 2021 ver 3.0
Audio transition corrections, volume levels, center channel fill, and SFX work for seamless, professional level sound.
Improved night Ach-to regrade again.
Removed Luke’s V.O. during Rey’s vision with the cave serpent and replaced it with Kylo Ren‘s voice.
Added shot of dark side Rey to the vision with the cave serpent.** (thanks Dominic Cobb)
Added Vader’s castle into the Mustafar sequence from the Ascendant project. I fiddled around with the existing audio so it’s passable for now.**
Changed and simplified the new Ren dialogue for the big reveal scene to remove the wonky, robotic dialogue!
Zoomed in a bit on old-school Obi-Wan so that his shot is similar to the other force ghosts.
** a double asterisk above denotes: kindly shared by HAL 9000. Many others also contribute to the talented work that HAL 9000 shares.
Oct 6, 2020 ver 2.3
*Improved audio levels for Knights of Ren voices
*Removed Finn’s loud grunting during lightspeed skipping
*Finn yells “Rey” one less time somewhere in the movie (does it matter where?)
*On Pasaana, stormtroopers no longer sound like slapstick droids when they die, including the one with the exploding jetpack
*Removed Poe saying “we only have 8 hours left”
*Improved Ach-to night regrade
*Darkened the flashback of young Luke and Leia, reduced/obscured footage of young CG Leia’s face
*When Luke raises the X-Wing, the sky is now blue instead of gray/overcast
*Removed some of the narration as the Resistance preps for the final battle
*Removed Poe exclaiming during the battle of Exegol, “they’re toast!”
*When Rey looks to the suns, extended the shot of BB-8
*Improved reverb sfx and audio level of Yoda’s voice during lightsaber burial
August 27, 2020: ver 2.2
released to fix a video cut error on Exegol when Ren takes the elevator down to see Palpatine. Also now released in 3 different filesizes in High Quality, Good Quality, and Tiny Encode Quality. See readme file in download folder for details.
August 24, 2020: ver 2.1
released with vastly improved video render from prores, no artifacts, with 5.1 channel audio and removal of brief but noticeable slow motion from 2 scenes: the force duel between Rey and Ren and the BB8 with suns. Filesize 10.4 GB.
August 22, 2020: ver 2.0
released in stereo with voices for the Knights of Ren, runtime 2h 9m, filesize ~5GB.
PM me for link; by requesting a link you agree you own the HD version of The Rise of Skywalker, The Last Jedi, Solo: A Star Wars Story, and The Force Awakens. This edit uses audio and/or video from these films.
After viewing this fanedit, please post an honest review here:
Thanks to Axlanian for processing the vocals for the Knights of Ren and also thanks to him, his wife, Mr. Benjamino, and poppasketti for voicing the KoR.
All who dared to speak the name Luke Skywalker are silent, slaughtered by the merciless KNIGHTS OF REN. Yet whispers of the fallen Jedi Master still echo across the galaxy.
Sensing a sinister presence, General Leia Organa sent many spies deep into the UNKNOWN REGIONS, but none were ever heard from again.
Meanwhile, Supreme Leader Kylo Ren ordered all troops to evacuate Han Solo’s home world of CORELLIA. Its population now ignites into open defiance of the First Order. . . .
Changelist (scenes have been drastically reordered in the first act; changes are in relative order of edited chronology:
- New opening crawl made in blender (template by jackpumpkinhead) to make the Knights of Ren the dangerous threat they are supposed to be, remove mention of Palpatine, and set up the destruction of Corellia.
- The original opening slo-mo music montage on Mustufar is moved to later.
- Ren’s Exegol field trip and the Emperor reveal are moved to later.
- First scene after the opening shot of the TIE fighters is now reforging Ren’s mask but with close-up shots of the monkey elf’s face removed, which reduces his chewing and grunting.
- Knight of Ren speaks during the mask reforging, “And may our bond never again be shattered.”
- Moved Ren’s flashback of Han Solo with Luke saying, “You killed him” to be during the mask reforging scene. This gives context as to Ren’s motivation in again hiding behind the mask.
- Cut the Knights of Ren’s junky looking ship.
- In the next scene, when Ren and his Knights walk down the hallway, cut the stormtrooper banter, narrating “the Knights of Ren…” Trimmed the stormtrooper reaction.
- Changed color of the decapitated alien head slapped down on the table to differentiate it from Boolio, who is still alive.
- During Ren’s “board meeting” with the First Order leaders, cut Ren’s line “…from what I’ve seen on Exegol…” In this edit he has not been to Exegol yet.
- Kept the force choke but cut the ceiling levitation of the guy asking (rather normal) questions.
- Cut Ren’s reference to hunting the scavenger, instead he ends his meeting with “Prepare to crush any worlds that defy us.”
- Right after the board meeting, the Star Destroyer arrives at Corellia (using Kijimi arrival footage) and lowers its super cannon. Added brief planet footage from the film, Solo, to slow the scene down.
- After Rey meditates with stones, cut her groaning and saying “they’re not with me”, and cut her walking like an ogre.
- Trimmed Leia just watching Rey, so her clunky insertion now looks natural.
- While Rey runs the training course, Ren meditates with Vader’s helmet as Corellia is then destroyed; he no longer induces a co-vision with Rey.
- Superimposed Han Solo’s fall into the abyss over the destruction of Corellia.
- Recut Rey’s vision sequence which now includes a brief flash of Palpatine, Finn about to die, and Palpatine’s evil cackling. Used a few of the key visuals (force lightning) that OT faneditor Dom so cleverly thought of for his edit. Changed the very quick shot of the fleeing ship to green to differentiate it from Ochi’s ship.
- Poe, Finn, and Chewy’s scene on the Falcon is moved to just after Rey returns the lightsaber and says “Yes, Master” to Leia.
- Moved chess scene to the end of the film.
- Cut Poe turning off the game.
- Cut Klaud (the weird alien tree monster) from the Falcon and from existence.
- Trimmed much of Boolio (the alien spy) so we see and hear just a little from him.
- Changed Boolio’s ridiculous fake Australian accent voiced by Mark Hamill to an alien language. Changed Boolio’s dialogue through subtitles to say, “They killed my son for this. Take it!”
- Cut sassy-pants Finn as he’s bumped around in the Falcon’s gunner seat.
- Used footage which digitally removed Klaud from the background in two shots of the Falcon. Vfx by poppasketti.
- Cut Finn’s sassy-pants agreement about “bouldering” the TIE fighters.
- Cut Finn’s line to Poe in the Falcon, “Get us back to base” and cut his glance over just before he says it.
- During the lightspeed skipping, cut Finn’s grunting and loud reaction, and replaced his loud lines, “WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” And “HOW DO YOU KNOW HOW TO DO THAT?” He’s now calmer and maybe more in tune with the force.
- Since Klaud doesn’t exist anymore he doesn’t scream during the final lightspeed skip.
- Cut Poe’s line before the final lightspeed skip, “hold on.” Klaud was screaming over him.
- Moved Rey reading Luke’s notes on the jungle moon of Ajan Kloss and the Falcon arriving there to just after Poe’s last lightspeed skip.
- Cut Rey greeting Finn and Rey’s extended argument with Poe over lightspeed skipping. This removes Finn’s sassy-pants line “always” referring to Poe being in a bad mood as well as Finn’s eye rolls, huffing, and acting like a sassy mother hen.
- Cut Finn’s useless line, “It’s true” to Rey after Poe storms off.
- Trimmed and completely rearranged the Resistance briefing scene to remove Poe and others’ references to Palpatine. Exegol is still described by C3PO as a Sith world and this is what scares/surprises everyone. Moved the line “secrets only the Sith knew” to be spoken as Rey is picking up her handy book the Dummies Guide to Finding Wayfinders. Baby Ackbar is cut from this scene completely!
- Cut Rey’s line to Leia “find the Emperor.” Now Leia is just saying no to an Exegol visit.
- The Falcon’s flight from the jungle moon to Pasaana is now one continuous sequence.
- Trimmed the amount of time everyone stares at C3PO after his lines about festival kites, and cut C3PO turning around. Now the humor has proper timing instead of becoming a bad, drawn out bit.
- Cut Finn’s useless line, “I’ve never seen so few Wayfinders” to depict Finn as more wise than wisecracking.
- Cut the close-up of the laughing baby puppet on Pasaana.
- During the first Rey-Ren force conversation, cut references to Palpatine, and cut Ren’s line about turning Rey to the dark side. He just says he’ll find her and she’ll take his hand. Also cut Ren telling her she can’t hide from him because this dialogue is now instead used for his force conversation with Palpatine.
- Cut the slapstick scream and head shake of the stormtrooper shot by Lando’s arrow.
- Changed the voice of Lando’s chauffeur to match the creature’s look.
- Cut C3PO introducing Lando and Rey saying “we know who he is…”
- During his conversation with Rey, cut Lando’s inappropriate little chuckle.
- Cut Rey’s ending conversation with creepy uncle Lando (we need pilots, give Leia my love, give it to her yourself); also cut him peering out the window a second time.
- Cut Finn’s prolonged glancing at the rope before he throws it at the Stormtrooper speeder bike. This was overly showing us “hey look Finn’s getting an idea.”
- Cut the Stormtrooper’s blown up speeder landing on the ground in a fireball because this is now repurposed for a part of Rey’s memories. Re-foleyed so the stormtrooper no longer sounds like a slapstick droid.
- Rey does not recognize Ochi’s ship.
- Trimmed Rey and the gang flying through the air after their speeders are blown up so it looks less like they should have been badly injured by the fall. Also re-foleyed the final jettrooper blowing up so he no longer sounds like a slapstick droid.
- As Finn is sinking into the sand, cut his line about telling Rey something.
- Cut the mediocre sketch comedy when Leia tells the Resistance guy to be more optimistic. Now he just says “the Falcon’s not responding” and that’s it.
- Cut one of Rey’s obscenely feral grunts as she falls from the roof of the sand trap cave. Sounded like a voiceover by an ape.
- Reduced the slapstick sound effect when Poe turns on his flashlight after Rey tries to use her lightsaber as a flashlight.
- Cut Rey and Finn’s conversation about the secret he had to tell her.
- Removed the final time C3PO exclaimed “serpent!!”
- Rey does not heal the serpent, instead it senses her powerful dark side and leaves. To accomplish this: Cut all footage of the serpent’s wound. Made Rey vision shots using Exegol scenes, including the Sith throne. The vision ends with Sith Rey hissing. As the serpent slithers away, a short electrical shock sounds as Rey withdraws her hand from the serpent. This foreshadows the upcoming scene where that same hand shoots force lightning.
- In serpent scene, also added a line from Ren about turning Rey to the dark side. Cut Finn nudging Poe, and cut Rey timidly looking at the serpent after her vision, as well as her smiling as the serpent leaves. Closing music is changed to a more ominous track.
- Cut Rey Jedisplaining to BB-8 about healing snakes.
- Knights of Ren on Pasaana speak as they secretly stalk Chewbacca. One says, “Solo’s Wookie.” The other, “I get his teeth.”
- Incorporated better shots from the Rise of Skywalker trailer into the desert showdown scene between Rey on foot and Ren in the TIE Fighter. The main change is Rey not igniting the lightsaber so soon and seeing the TIE come into focus as she holds the hilt.
- Cut the first shot of Ren’s face (masked) in the TIE as he speeds toward Rey to be more like the (better) trailer.
- Trimmed Rey in the awkward runner’s pose waiting for Ren.
- Replaced the shot of Rey in an awkward superhero pose as Ren’s TIE crashes.
- Cut the shot of the Ren’s TIE exploding on Pasanna.
- Cut Palpatine’s line in the force conversation with Ren, “Kill the girl”, and cut Ren’s line saying he knows where she’s going. Ren then leaves to get the Wayfinder and goes to Exegol right after Palpatine threatens to turn the fleet against him.
- Changed Ren’s force conversation with Palpatine. After Palpatine says, “Don’t make me turn my fleet against you.” Ren responds, “No Palpatine. You can’t hide, not from me. Let’s finish this.”
- Added TIE Fighters establishing shot skimming the forest of Mustafar. Vfx by poppasketti.
- Cut Ren sticking an opponent with a pointy thing. Now he just uses his lightsaber on Mustafar.
- Cut several of Palpatine’s lines on Exegol which indicated too much that it was the first time he was speaking/meeting with Ren.
- Replaced the Snoke clones with Palpatine clones. VFX by poppasketti.
- When Ren threatens Palpatine with the lightsaber, Palpatine calmly responds “the Final Order will soon be ready.”
- Moved Palpatine’s line about Ren becoming the new Emperor earlier to when the fleet is revealed.
- Cut Palpatine and Ren’s dialogue about Rey not being what she seems.
- The Falcon towing scene now follows the Exegol scene but the “Chewy is still alive” reveal is moved to later.
- On Ochi’s ship cut Poe saying they only have 8 hours left and Rey and Finn’s dialogue about Rey recognizing the ship.
- Cut Zorii’s line about Poe’s brains in the snow.
- Knight of Ren speaks on Kijimi, “Palpatine wants the girl alive. Kill the rest.”
- Cut the sound flashbacks when Rey picks up the dagger in Ren’s chambers.
- During Rey’s force conversation with Ren while she is on the Star Destroyer, removed references to her parents being good and Palpatine killing them.
- During their force conversation lightsaber battle, Ren taunts Rey, telling her, “It was Palpatine. He was looking for you. You remember what you did.”
- Cut Poe asking Finn about his secret as they are about to be executed by Stormtroopers.
- Cut Hux’s line, “I’m the spy.”
- In the confrontation between Rey and Ren on the Star Destroyer, added new dialogue indicating that Rey wanted her parents dead and she remembers (flashback of fiery debris with force lightning sound).
- Rey doesn’t tell Finn that Palpatine had her parents killed. She says “I killed my mother. And my father” and that she’s going to destroy Palpatine.
- Trimmed Jannah’s slumber party backstory with Finn while keeping Finn’s good monologue about the Force.
- Slightly trimmed the end of the Rey-Ren fight inside the Death Star so Ren brings up his saber faster, there’s less twirling around and it cuts before she jumps down after him.
- Cut Maz narrating Leia going to rest.
- Trimmed Jannah doing a fashion pose behind Finn on the Death Star wreckage.
- Trimmed Finn being thrown back by Rey.
- Cut Finn telling Jannah he can’t leave without Rey and screaming her name a second time.
- After Rey does her backflip fighting Ren on the high seas, cut her searching for an approaching Ren with the furrowed brow of an actor staring only at a green screen.
- Cut Maz’s goodbye princess voiceover as the Resistance first mourn Leia’s death.
- Cut some of Palpatine’s lines to Pryde specifically about making a planet burn. That planet destruction scene was used near the beginning of this edit, as ordered by Ren.
- Cut the Resistance discussing the destruction of Kijimi and planet killer weapons.
- Cut Lando’s pep talk to Finn.
- Luke doesn’t ask Rey, “what are you doing?”
- Added extra night establishing shot after Rey’s return to Ach-to to show more time passing.
- Regraded the scenes on Ach-to so they begin at dusk and continue into the night. Luke and Leia’s flashback scene is also darkened with fog added and slightly trimmed to reduce the bad CG Leia.
- In Rey’s conversation with Luke, cut Luke’s mention of Rey being a Palpatine.
- Cut Rey’s line, “two were made” when she retrieves the Wayfinder from Ren’s ship.
- Before Rey is finished on Ach-to, cut to the scene of Finn with the little cone face droid to show more time passing on Ach-to and to also show Rey sensing Finn.
- Added a sunrise establishing shot of Ach-to with Rey sleeping. Rey now is on Ach-to in the morning as Luke raises the X-Wing out of the water. Regraded the sky so it is blue instead of overcast as Luke raises the X-Wing.
- Cut the hobbit guy giving Chewy a mini pep talk as the Resistance preps for the Exegol invasion. Now Chewy, in mourning over Leia, just gets up slowly on his own.
- During the final Resistance briefing for invading Exegol, cut the sleepy guy’s question about “ground team”, and Finn no longer goes all sassy-pants about the amazingness of the ground team (which is actually not so amazing).
- Replaced the sleepy guy shot with a confused looking alien who was at least awake for the briefing.
- Cut the hobbit guy talking about Holdo maneuvers.
- Cut Klaud from the final briefing. There is still brief shot where you see just his body adornment fins behind Poe.
- Cut some of Poe’s and Finn’s joint narration during the montage of the Resistance preparing for the final battle. Bad lines like, “What our mothers and fathers fought for…” The final briefing also ends with Poe speaking, cutting Finn’s lackluster line about taking the war to them.
- On the way to Exegol, cut Finn all cozy in the cockpit with Jannah asking her if she’s ready. Get a room.
- Cut Finn telling Jannah he has a feeling. So do we, this scene sucks.
- No immediate close ups of Finn and Jannah riding the Endor-horses on the Star Destroyer, just a long shot of the cavalry.
- Cut Finn telling BB-8 he’s doing a great job during the final battle. The droid was rolling. He’s a ball.
- At their first meeting, cut Palpatine calling Rey his granddaughter and all the nonsense about her royal blood.
- Cut Palpatine’s weird lines, “You want to kill me. That is what I want.”
- Trimmed some of Finn and Jannah acting like wannabe commandos as BB-8 is opening the Star Destroyer hatches.
- Cut the contrived lines between Finn and Jannah about Finn having to go do something just so she can dramatically say “I’m staying with you.”
- Replaced Ben’s TIE fighter with an old Imperial Shuttle. VFX by poppasketti.
- As Ben encounters the Knights of Ren on Exegol they taunt him saying, “Well look who finally made it” and “You’ll join your father soon.” As the Knights of Ren pause during the fight one says, “It’s Over Ben.” When Ren gets a lightsaber a Knight responds, “That’s not fair.” Also added a KoR Wilhelm scream.
- Cut Poe’s goofy, panicked face when a random fighter crashes.
- Cut Palpatine’s line, “All the Jedi are dead!” Its delivery was pretty lame and out of place with the line before it.
- Added various com chatter from the fleet (idea by Hal 9000, audio processing by axlanian). Cut Finn’s lines, “Lando you did it. YOU DIIIIID IT!!!”
- Palpatine doesn’t explain the literary theme behind throwing Ben down a chasm. He just throws him.
- Added force ghosts of Yoda, Ben, Luke, and Anakin to the Rey vs Palpatine boss battle. VFX by jonh. Replaced music with Burning Homestead from ANH, idea from jonh. Processed Burning Homestead music for better stereo image.
- When throwing some force lightning at Rey, Palpatine no longer makes the same exact dramatic pause he did before he zapped the fleet.
- Trimmed Rey making a weird face as she holds off the force lightning.
- Palpatine just says Rey is nothing. Cut the line about a scavenger being no match for yada yada yada.
- Rey doesn’t say “I am all the Jedi.” Stupid line and no longer needed with the force ghosts behind her.
- No close up of Jannah after she plugs in the cannon. Poe doesn’t say “they’re toast!”
- Trimmed Finn and Jannah running on top of Falcon mid-flight so they don’t ridiculously pause to sightsee the destruction around them.
- Rearranged Falcon rescue of Finn and Jannah so it seems they had a little more time to climb inside.
- Ben lives.
- Cut Finn and Poe spotting Rey’s X-Wing.
- Cut Finn’s line about everyone in the galaxy rising. Finn can’t suddenly become the omniscient narrator of Star Wars because scenes were cut.
- Poe doesn’t get shot down by his former love interest, instead the possibility of romance is left open.
- Cut the hobbit guy’s big fake happy face to Finn.
- Cut the hobbit guy hugging Klaud. Creepiest. Hug. Ever.
- Cut creepy uncle Lando flirting with his possible daughter, Jannah. Creepiest. Uncle/Dad. Ever.
- Moved the Falcon chess scene to the end. Idea by snooker. Added simple VFX and audio to make it clear the Falcon had landed.
- On Tatooine added Rey whispering “be with me” (idea from axlanian). Added Yoda answering that the force is used for knowledge and defense as Rey is about to bury the lightsabers.
- Cut Rey with a new ignited lightsaber. Now Rey is putting an end to use of weapons offensively.
- Cut the weird 1960’s hippie Luke and Leia force ghosts that look like they walked off a mural on an old Volkswagen bus. Now Rey glances over to the twin suns before saying “Rey Skywalker.” Changed some of the music to Rey’s theme intertwined with Luke’s theme from the end credits of TFA (music suggested by Knight of Kalee).
- Replaced the Rey-BB8 sunset with the Falcon flying across the sunset. VFX and audio engineering by poppasketti.
- After end credits fade to black (suggested by hal 9000)