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Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

In any newly crafted scenario having the parent’s crashed ship show up later as repaired will feel off and require some very silly acrobatic explanations.

Having them be different ships is more realistic it’s a model WTK-85A interstellar transport after all. Plus the square front end/sides ship in Rey’s TFA vision does not match the round front end/sides of Ochi’s ship in TROS. So it’s really not a hard sell it’s a different ship. You just cut the dialogue where Rey says she has seen the ship before.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

RogueLeader said:

It might be hard to shape the right dialogue (you should look into those voice emulator AI programs, I know there are open source versions of it, or find a good Adam Driver impressionist maybe)…

I can do the audio engineering into 5.1 surround as well as the impression and voice using proximity effect into the mic. Cranking up the distortion just slightly can help mask the fact it’s not the same voice actor. No matter who does the Kylo “impression” or how well they do it, it will sound a bit different and the sound engineering will be at best slightly different. Which is why any one scene with any changed Kylo dialogue will likely have to be completely re-VO’d even with dialogue which stays the same. Punching in/out between different actors/sound techs will be too noticeable.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

idir_hh said:

Rey’s natural inclination towards the darkside and its Ramifications on her character and the plot need to be adressed. I always thought it would be interesting if we found out that she killed her parents the same way she “killed” chewie, maybe she was born with the darkside and her parents hated her for it, they decide to sell her to unkarr and leave the planet but in her rage she force electrocutes the ship, when she becomes so traumatised that she locks those memories away, in TROS we see her true nature unravel as the film progresses until we reach the climax where she must make the ultimate choice.

That’s a good idea too. Rey killed her parents. We see Rey’s visions of her friends dying. First Kylo tells her he buried her parents bodies on Jakku. She interprets this as he murdered them. He later reveals she’s the one who killed her parents. We then see Rey’s future visions again of her friends dying but this time see her as a Sith. In other words she will be responsible for their deaths.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

RogueLeader said:

Krausfadr, regarding your idea:

So basically, Snoke/Palpatine senses her future as a potential threat, and ordered to have her killed. Kylo went to complete this task, found the parents and they gave her up immediately. Kylo, I’m assuming, sympathized with her abandonment, so he killed her parents and left her on Jakku. Is that correct?

Yes and Kylo also felt a connection with her beyond just her abandonment. Or the order could also have been to bring Rey before Snoke/Palpatine as she was a possible better apprentice than Kylo.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

RogueLeader said:

I just don’t know if repeating the same story beat but being like, “actually, I lied. THIS is the real truth!” is the right direction.

The wrong direction was this: your parents sold you to protect you.

I feel having Kylo involved in the death of Rey’s parents is a natural progression into his dark character arc.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

RogueLeader said:

“If I tell Rey how I brutally murdered her parents and ruined her entire life, she’ll definitely want to join me then!”

In the end Rey blames Palpatine for infecting and manipulating Kylo. Also the dark part of her hates her parents for abandoning her. Also she stabs Kylo— there’s always that.

But if you have your heart set on Rey’s dad being Palpy’s kid then my edit may not be your cup of tea.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

pleasehello said:

So Rey is the daughter of Palpatine’s clone, making her more akin to his daughter rather than his granddaughter?

I’m assuming this novelization is just a desperate attempt to make sense of the movie rather than the movie being a watered-down version of the book, yes?

Palpatine should just go screw himself. And thanks to cloning technology he can.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

snooker said:

As long as Rey Nobody is possible, I have hope that I’ll be able to enjoy a cut of this movie

It is possible and that’s what I’ll be doing in the cut TROS: Resurgence.

Dom is doing something similar in his cut as well. His proposed changes look interesting.

If I’m able to seamlessly add some Kylo dialogue then I would like to also have Kylo admit he’s the one who killed Rey’s parents.

The Rise of Skywalker: RESURGENCE (Released)

Here’s Boolio’s new dialogue which will be in Bocce with English subtitles:

Boolio: “The First Order’s super weapon— someone gave it to them.”
(Ha Wun Orr Da olanda reapon - Koo-dopi hokokeez yolats?)

Finn: “Who?”

Boolio: “I don’t know but it only fires once.” (Donnoj. Fooma wuntimax)

Finn: “How do we thank you?”

Boolio: “Shoot the Supreme Leader. Twice please.” (Zooto meesta fazkup. Dola bleeze. )