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Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

It’s not feasible at all to change those stupid weapons into lightsabers hence my cut a frog in half comment. That’s the biggest failure of TROS: the Knights of Ren were laaaaaaame. The only way to fix them short of refilming would be to add in some good dialogue so at least they sound menacing. In TROS they were basically stormtroopers in a different costume.

The Rise of Skywalker: RESURGENCE (Released)

updated the crawl text:

The Knights of Ren have brutally executed every insurrectionist who dared speak the name Luke Skywalker. Yet whispers of the Jedi Master still echo through every system.

General Leia Organa, sensing a sinister force beyond the OUTER RIM, dispatches spies of THE RESISTANCE only to discover the First Order has acquired a powerful new weapon.

Meanwhile Supreme Leader KYLO REN has ordered the evacuation of the last garrisons from Han Solo’s home world, CORELLIA, spiraling it into civil war….

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

FreezingTNT2 said:

Is it possible to digitally remove the Knights of Ren entirely from The Force Awakens?

Hahahahahaha they were kind of useless weren’t they, armored spectating a-holes. What everyone wanted was to see them kick ass. A huge missed opportunity. Would it be better to digitally erase their clunky weapons and replace them with lightsabers? Then you could add a a new cut scene where a lightsaber at least slices a frog in half or something so one of them caused a death.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

smpearce1981 said:

Re: the removal of the insignia ring:- For me personally, the ring was never something that bothered me one way or another.

The original scene with the ring worked fine even with the edit that completely removed the earlier broom boy scene. The context is very clear. In ESB I didn’t take one look at Yoda’s walking stick and think omg where the hell did that come from. Same with the ring. That said, the edit without the ring is pretty flawless, but I see your point that it lingers on his face too long now.

TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

smpearce don’t let my cynicism discourage you, without suggestions we wouldn’t have great fanedits, so there’s the other side of the coin. Also I’d suggest ripping using makemkv or dvdfab in 2160p then if the video is in HEVC try lossless container conversion to mp4 using VLC media player. Otherwise do a HQ conversion in Handbreak in 2160p. You can easily work with 4K on a basic laptop in Premiere and Final Cut using proxy files.

TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

Simple editing of video is not too hard or godlike (yet amazing things can be accomplished with just this alone). Kudos to those who remove center channel audio smoothly. Double kudos to those who replace portions of the soundtrack. Triple kudos to those who add VFX using after effects (like poppasketti).

Easy solution to most everyone who wants a custom edit:

  1. load the video file into Vegas/Final Cut/Premiere
  2. use the slicer to make edits and move scenes around
  3. crossfade the audio between the clips
  4. export the project
  5. watch it over and over until Rian Johnson comes out with his own trilogy
The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Look the feeling of it being fast paced will not be fixed by deleted scenes.
The problem is they crammed so much into the film, the editing is really overly tight. Deleted scenes will not loosen it to great effect unless you can use deleted scenes for the first 10 minutes of the film. Eliminating the bad Mustafar montage is the starting point… there’s nothing that can be done with a montage so lets forget it exists and… move along now

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

If we are innovative we won’t need Disney’s deleted scenes to successfully fanedit TROS. My aim is to make an edit coming in at 2 hrs or more that fixes many many things, especially the pacing, the bad crawl, Rey’s backstory, too many reversals, no suspense. On that note does anyone have an Abobe template set up to do a legit redo of the crawl? I’m looking for a template that looks just like the REAL crawl with the text stretching across the ENTIRE screen, not the one that everyone uses from online that looks decent but not the same.

Color Out Of Space - EPIC CUT (VERY NICOLAS CAGEY!!!) (Released)

Color Out of Space (Epic Cut) is a fanedit of the Nicolas Cage horror/sci-fi film based on a short story by H.P. Lovecraft. It’s like the movie Poltergeist meets The Shining.

The main highlights of this edit are (spoilers below):

• Slightly trimmed a few lines of opening narration
• Provided faster scene pacing so the first act isn’t boring and coma inducing (most of the edits are in the first half)
• Lavinia (the daughter) is more mysterious and doesn’t give her name to the stranger or have a contrived, unnecessary fight with her parents
• Tightened up the scenes so we don’t have to constantly linger on someone staring, walking, or literally nothing happening
• Added three time-bending flash-forwards during act 1 so we see brief glimpses of the insanity to come
• #1 Added a quick flash of a mutated alpaca’s eye to the dog staring at the alpacas scene
• #2 Added a quick flash of insane Nathan (Nic Cage) staring at the television as normal Nathan relaxes outside in a rocking chair
• #3 Added a quick flash of Nathan splattered with blood during the calm family dinner scene
• Removed bad and redundant dialogue, dumb things like Nathan chasing after the Mayor asking for a doctor
• Removed bad backstory such as the mayor trying to buy Nathan’s land and Ezra referred to as a squatter

Original length: 1h 50m. Edited length: 1h 41m.

No over the top Nicolas Cage scenes were harmed during the making of this fanedit.

PM me for file link. By requesting the file link you acknowledge and agree that you own the Bluray Disc version or online HD version of Color Out of Space and will not share the link with any third party.