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Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Hal, your sequence would work well too. One thing to consider though, the Poe Finn ad-lib sounding banter about Chewie being 250 years old kind of sucks to actually watch their faces. The clip snooker made where you could hear their dialogue still going on from outside the ship was much more effective though I would have cut it off a bit sooner.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Moving the Falcon chess game to the end is a brilliant idea! Also the coolest transition is from Chewbacca yelling-- to Rey leaving the ship, but this clearly is not working. And another establishing shot is probably not the best way to fix it. The problem going on is there are no audio or visual cues telling us that they’ve landed. We’re watching them play chess on a ship that sounds like it’s cruising through space, then suddenly in the next scene Rey is walking off the ship.

In this rough clip I’ve started with a shot of the Falcon flying and later inside the ship added some sounds and movement giving cues that the Falcon landed:


Dom's (Possibly) Useful TROS Edit (WIP)

Chase, yeah but its not very popular so I have to talk to people here. Anyway the discussion is specifically about the possibilities for a Rey killed her parents edit which Hal is looking into. I take it you don’t like this idea?

Hal, ok I’ll think about that.

EDIT: Also, I did try in the edit process to make Ren say point blank, “you killed your parents.” But I could not find suitable dialogue. So the closest I could come up with what I had was “you wanted your parents dead.” 😕

Dom's (Possibly) Useful TROS Edit (WIP)

Hal 9000 said:

I can’t help but read it as Rey accidentally killing her parents, similar to what happens with Chewie. She’s frightened, calls out, “Come back! No!”

I guess Unklar Plutt would have just reacted with, “Holy hell! I’m not keeping you where I live. Good luck bringing me shit in exchange for food.”
Unrelated to these events or Rey’s parents per se (since they have no prior connection), Palpatine senses Rey as a powerful person and wants to either put a proactive end to her or bring her to him. Either way, Ochi is sent to find her but ends up dying from a snake because he’s a dumbass. He doesn’t end up killing anyone or anything, just stopping to take a piss and getting killed.

This keeps getting more complicated. Ochi’s ship shouldn’t still exist or look like it does, if Rey destroyed it as her parents tried to leave. If the ship is replaced in TFA’s flashback (and its appearances in TROS), she shouldn’t recognize Ochi’s ship or get a feeling about it.

It was definitely complicated.

But all these issues are addressed in TROS: Resurgence Workprint:

  1. Ren tells her “you wanted your parents dead.” So she killed them on purpose or in anger. It wasn’t just an accident.
  2. The ship is a standard model ship like an X-wing. I recolored the parents ship green in Rey’s visions. If someone else vfx’s a new ship, even better. Alternatively the flashback clip from TFA could be used since that ship looks different, but adult Rey is in that shot.
  3. The parents ship has nothing to do with Ochi’s ship so Rey does not recognize the ship on Pasaana.

The idea here is forgetting the old story and just watching the new one for the first time.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Rogueleader, I like the direction of your ideas. e.g., “The Resistance will fail, and Rey joins Palpatine. Maybe they even see Rey will be the one to kill her friends (with Force lightning).” But this seems something that would have to be decided in the production phase. There’s just not any structure or material to make this happen, I think. Also, I do think ihir_hh’s idea of Rey killing her parents is brilliant, that she crashed their ship. It continues and elaborates on the already established themes and leads us to an unexpected worst case scenario: Rey killed her own parents and then blocked it out and waited her whole life for them to return. Tragic and good storytelling.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Having Rey kill her parents would fill the dramatic void left by her evil heritage, shown through visions and maybe even Rey saying to Finn “I killed my mother… and my father.”

“I killed my mother… and my father” That’s how it is in the released TROS: Resurgence Workprint. There is dialogue of Rey whispering the word “I” in TLJ so it can be blended perfectly. See rough clips:

Hangar confrontation, “You wanted your parents dead…”

With Finn, “I killed my mother…”