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Episode I: A Prelude to War (TPM & AOTC combined) [RELEASED]

Spectrometer said:

  • I liked the idea of cutting all the first part, but the transition from the diplomatic ship being destroyed to the podracing scene is a little jarring. Perhaps including some seconds of the droid army invading Naboo could help transition the plot better.

Thanks for the feedback and I really like this suggestion. I will play around with this and see what I can come up with!

Episode I: A Prelude to War (TPM & AOTC combined) [RELEASED]

Here are a couple “trailers” which showcase some of the significant edits and narrative decisions I made. Also some of my favorite editing choices that I am most proud of that made this edit possible. They won’t be for everybody, but if you like these clips, there is a good chance you’ll like the edit.

Trailer 1: https://vimeo.com/939102094?share=copy

Trailer 2: https://vimeo.com/939104708?share=copy

Trailer 3: https://vimeo.com/939107070?share=copy

(trailers updated 4/25)

Feel free to use any of these ideas for your own fan edit. I believe all of these editing choices in the trailers are my own and not borrowed from anyone else. The film itself certainly has some edits that I’ve seen over the years from others here. Once again, thank you all.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Bingowings said:

I know it’s a bit wonky but the sparing sequences in Episode 5 of OB1 seem like a better introduction to adolescent Anakin than the elevator scene in AOTC. This show might be lacking in some ways but it and The Mandaloran might serve as additional material for PT edits.

Ive taken a different approach to re-introducing Anakin in my ReWritten PT which uses my Obi-wan series movie edit as the new episode 3 (trilogy a work in progress).

Here is our first glimpse of Anakin in my edit, young Jedi in Action! I repurposed the elevator scene later after the Council tells Anakin to escort the Senator back to Naboo.

Anakin Intro ReWritten

Padme’ Apartment ReWritten

The Prequels as Mando style episodes; PM for Links

Episode 8, the final AOTC episode, has been completed and is now available.

This project has currently been put on hold in favor my movie edits due to a lack of interest. Most of the innovative edits used in these episodic episodes, have been recycled for my movie edit. You can find that here:


If demand is there, perhaps I may finish the Revenge of the Sith episodes, but that movie is quite enjoyable in its present form. My issues were primarily with TPM and AOTC and I have now created content that finally allows me to enjoy those films. Thank you to the forums for encouraging me to try something different.

Child of a Jedi (A Kenobi Movie Edit) [NOW AVAILABLE WP 1.1; Two Different Cuts]

Wanted to share 3 sequences from the “Great Escape” cut to show how I integrated the episode 4 inquisitor base rescue into Episode 2. There are TWO rescue attempts in this cut. The first attempt fails and he is captured by Flea, the second attempt leads him to the imperial base under the city.

First edit sequence is when Obi-Wan meets the drug girl. I rearranged some dialogue so the final line of the sequence is now, “How about some Information?” Next time we see Obi-Wan, he is in the Drug lab. Drug girl leads Obi-Wan to the Drug lab…seemed logical to me.


Next edit sequence is after Obi-Wan escapes Flea, we establish Reeva in the Imperial base (previously show her interrogating Leia in the same Imperial base) with appropriate backup to capture Obi-Wan. Then we see Obi-Wan meet the clone trooper who is working WITH the kid and fake Jedi. The kid even throws a glance to the clone trooper when talking about Money!


Final sequence is Obi-Wan entering the base. Thanks to Anjohan for the idea. I tweaked his idea to better suit my edit and my tastes. Added dialogue from original Leia rescue to this rescue. “Your father sent me, I’m here to help you.”


Child of a Jedi (A Kenobi Movie Edit) [NOW AVAILABLE WP 1.1; Two Different Cuts]

Workprint 1.1 is now available with further adjustments to the color grade and some small fixes.
Also, a second cut of this Fanedit now exists:

The “Great Escape” cut incorporates the Episode 4 Inquisitor base rescue into the Daiyu rescue. Thanks to Anjohan for the key sequence to making this work. I have taken his initial idea and taken my own approach. This was done by completely restructuring the Daiyu scenes. There are now TWO rescue attempts on Daiyu. The first attempt fails and the second attempt succeeds. I creatively edited the girl drug scene and trooper/kid/fake jedi scenes to set this up. The only differences come between the 25:30-58:00 min portion of the film. This is the planet of Daiyu sequence, everything before and after are the same.

Special thanks to forum member ‘thevarsek’ who performed some audio assistance and helped to isolate some dialogue. Much appreciated.

PM for links.

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

DZ-330 said:

Just a shower thought…

Can Obi’s:
“Then my friend is truly dead. Goodbye, Darth.”

Be edited to:
“My friend is not dead. Goodbye, Darth”

This can help to explain why Obi leaves and does not kill him. It will also explain Vader’s line of “Obi-Wan once thought as you do” in ROTJ.

Too bad we can’t have tie fighters launching from the Star Destroying and arriving just as Obi-Wan is about to kill Vader. Reinforcements arriving could provide a reason that Obi-Wan needs to leave. We see tie fighters or the grand inquisitor approaching through the clouds. Something like this:


Or what about recoloring the “apocalypse now” tie fighter sunset approach from the Force Awakens to look like a moon, rather than a Sun?

Obi-Wan Kenobi Redux Ideas Thread

For those that missed my thread 'Episode 3: Child of a Jedi (An Obi-Wan movie edit) I moved an abbreviated Obi/Vader fight into the Bacta tank to solve the canon issues. Obi-Wan would not make the same mistake and leave Anakin alive for a second time, especially after declaring that his friend is truly dead.

Here are the highlights:
-AOTC flashbacks and Obi-Vader moved to the Bacta Tank
-New Reeva aand Leia intro
-Reeva dies at the hands of Vader.

Almost no scene has gone untouched in my edit. A workprint is available for anyone interested.

Child of a Jedi (A Kenobi Movie Edit) [NOW AVAILABLE WP 1.1; Two Different Cuts]

revel911 said:

Sent pm.

I do disagree with the final fight feeling like a tv fight. I found it a far better fight than rots or rotj. Each to their own.

Wasn’t so much the actual fight, more the Volume created sets. It didn’t feel grounded to me. And the floating rocks instantly reminds me of TLJ. Had I seen this before TLJ, prob would have loved it!

The TV reference was more about all the subplots, happy endings, and everything was wrapped up TOO happy too quickly after all the dramatic events we had just witnessed.

Obi Wan with Leia on the landing platform I loved and is the sole reason I created the season 2 episode 0 edit. I just loved both these performers for the entirely of the show. Both are a true joy to watch.

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

Anjohan said:


  • Prolonged Obi-Wan looking for the entrance with 1.5 seconds
    -> Reshaped some of the new soundmix
    -> Added a sewer pipe that Obi-Wan swims out of
    -> Added bubbles as if he just jumped down into the pipe of which he then proceeds out of
    -> Removed Haja’s “Call you in a bit” to see if it flows better - I have no preferance.

@jrs81 Just read your post before render, so I removed that just for you. I felt different about it - like it “sealed the deal” of him and Haja speaking, but perhaps more people agree with you. Tell me

Better. would also move “if it’s the sewers you want” to start while he is walking and end it during the alien fish. LEAD us into the next scene. The dialogue, OB1 Walking, and alien fish are all transition to the next scene which is OB1 swimming. The swell in music while Ob1 is swimming is also too good to cover up with dialogue.

My 2 cents. But you really did make this idea work. Impressed 👍

UPDATE:. I would start the line when he stops walking and stands there a moment to think. He would be recalling what Haja told him. If it’s the sewers you want (Obi on screen) there is only one place to go (entrance on screen) be safe (alien fish on screen) music swells…

Child of a Jedi (A Kenobi Movie Edit) [NOW AVAILABLE WP 1.1; Two Different Cuts]

Sirius said:

I really liked the color correction you provided in the duel between Obi-Wan and Vader, now I can see properly (finally)! But personally, I think the sequence was a bit confuse. I missed a few transitions between the fight, like Obi-Wan crushing Vader’s helmet, and if this is a mental battle, I think Vader’s ship shouldn’t appear.

Glad you like the color correction. I hated the original coloring of this show. I significantly trimmed the Obi/Vader fight. There is no Obi being buried, and no rocks being lifted or thrown. I wanted to keep the vision more of a nightmare sequence that nobody clearly wins. Just like the AOTC training sequences. The broken helmet was not caused by Obi-Wan in this, it is merely a nightmarish glimpse that lets Obi-Wan see behind the mask. The good in him, and the bad.

I have made two more adjustments to the scene, will upload later today, to sell the idea that this is all in his head. I added a bacta tank scene before the “talk”, lengthened the nightmarish Vader walk through the valley, and adjusted the score a bit.

Would love to get rid of the ship in the shot as I agree with you, but I don’t have the skills to paint that out. The whole planet has a dream sequence, not reality feel, to it so I can look past it, but in the perfect edit, yes that would be painted out.

Appreciate the thoughts.