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Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Useful Information from the TROS Visual Dictionary To keep in mind.
(Source reddit)

Many of these are obvious and already stated before.

The Empire took over the famous “Jedi” planet Ilum one year after Revenge of the Sith, and started terraforming projects. Later, it became Starkiller Base. Still don’t know if the Empire itself wanted to transform it into a superweapon, considering there was the Death Star already.

Vader already knew Luke was his son during the hologram scene in Empire strikes back (yeah, I know it was stated in a comic, but it was a nice addition here IMHO).

Palpatine died in Return of the Jedi. It was only the Sith Cultist/Tashu/Acolytes who survived (important and related to my “Palpatine and Chosen One in TROS” post, because, even if stretched, if could mantain the prophecy cohesive and true).

Luke starts looking for Exegol the same year Ray is abandoned by her parents, and he keeps searching until Ben destroys the Jedi Temple.

Snoke became a suitable leader for the First Order because of his Force abilities. His race is still unknown, probably unique (maybe because of cloning experiments). It’s still unclear if he was aware of his nature, and what degree of “mental freedom” he had.

General Pryde understood that Snoke himself was only a tool in the hands of a higher power.

Resistance bombers were on another mission during the Starkiller battle. They arrived just in time for D’Qar’s evacuation.

Maz Kanata helped Leia into acquiring Boushh armor.

The singularity that replaced Starkiller Base/Ilum is named “Solo”.

TLJ Resistance flagship is named “Raddus” after the Mon Calamari admiral seen in Rogue One.

Leia was Luke’s first apprentice.

The Prime Jedi on Ach-To cavern represents the duality of the Force.

Snoke told Ben a twisted version of Anakin’s story, to make the boy believe that Darth Vader was his true nature.

One Sith ritual explains that one must sacrifice a loved one unlock new insights of the Dark Side (Ben killing Han).

One things I’ve asked myself was if Ben and Rey were already a Dyad before Snoke bridged their minds. Here it says that yes, they were a Dyad even in Episode VII. Probably Snoke’s actions strenghtened this bond, or accelerated it.

Snoke was created for three reasons: 1) Become a time-limited leader for the First Order and bring chaos in the galaxy. 2) Turn Ben to the Dark Side. 3) Die at the hands of Kylo Ren, to make the boy prove himself as worthy of the Sith traditions (final test for the Dark Side and the Sith Ritual).

Rey and Ben manage to kill the Praetorian Guards because of their Bond.

First Order Walkers’ formation in the Battle of Crait is called “Veers formation”.

Luke learned his Force projection trick in the Jedi sacred texts. The ability is called Similfuturus.

Sith Cultists built the new fleet for decades, thanks to the fact that noone could find Exegol.

Ajan Kloss was charted by Alderaanians scout who were looking for Rebel bases. It is the planet on which Leia was trained by Luke.

Snoke KNEW that Rey and Kylo were a Force Dyad! But considering that Palpatine DIDN’T KNOW that until the end, does this prove that Snoke was not controlled by Palpatine and had some degree of freedom and individuality?

One of the Jedi texts mentions “the Netherworld of Unbeing”, another way of calling the World between Worlds.

Rey has R2 scan the sacred texts for safekeeping.

The opening planet is Mustafar, which is healing itself after the actions shown in Vader:Immortal. The planet has been controlled in the past by the Techno Union and Black Sun.

Luke’s Jedi Compass (found in Battlefront II and seen in TLJ) works in a similar way to Sith Wayfinders.

Sith Wayfinders are a mixture of Force and technology. They can be “used” only by Dark Side users, but they can be linked to a ship’s navigational system.

Moraband/Korriban has been considered as a new base for the Sith. But too many people knew about it, so it was scraped.

The prophecy of the Dyad is very similar to the Rule of Two.

The previous leader of the Knights of Ren was called just “Ren”. The Knights are Force sensitives, but not enough to use the Force.

The Tantive IV was found by a former imperial senator, and given to Leia as a gift.

Leia saw Padmé through the Force (“things you will see, other places. The future, the past, old friends long gone”), that’s why she seems to remember her in Return of the Jedi.

Charlie from Lost helps Rey into reading Jedi texts.

Lando’s daughter “vanished” and was abducted by the First Order (Jannah).

Dengar is alive and on Kijimi.

Sith Fleet personnel are not from the First Order. Their hat insignia show a Sith Eternal crest.

<strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> — Official Review and Opinions Thread

Yeah the more I read the BTS interviews with JJ and and Terrio the more I get the sense of how out of touch they really are.

I mean saying that the star wars saga is about the “house of skywalker and the house of palpatine” and that they felt ending it on tattoine with the buried sabers symbolises reuniting the skywalker twins on their home planet is just off.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

smpearce1981 said:

As per Starkiller’s opinion:- I think the magic of what Poppa is attempting with these additions is that if you look at it from the perspective of watching TLJ as a first time viewer there are hints and easter eggs that we would have come out of the movie and then questioned, debated, freeze framed, rewatched etc in order to develop theories for the story ahead?

The beauty and fun of it is that when Palpatine’s Return is revealed for TROS, these hints were always there if you were looking/paying attention but it wasn’t ever overtly spelt out.

As fans that’s the stuff we live for…because we like to feel we are cleverer or perhaps just simply care more about these details than general audiences do?

It’s cool to have easter eggs here and there for those with a good eye but narratively speaking it’s not enough to sell the return of “Space Hitler” in the flesh who everyone thought was dead for 40 years, especially when looking at it from the perspective of a middle act in a trilogy which should set up the stakes for the finale.

The Last Jedi: Rekindled (Released)

StarkillerAG said:
It would seem weird to only show the main villain of the trilogy at the beginning of the 3rd movie.

I see where you are coming from but isn’t it even more weird the way the trilogy currently is with him appearing totally out of the blue? At least with him having an active presence throughout the trilogy (mainly TLJ) it would be less of a contrivance and more of an inevitability.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Anakin Starkiller said:

Having her kill her parents, just like having them sell her to protect her, is an idea that’s good, but not as good as the alternative. I prefer the idea that it really did seem possible they might come back and she had to slowly come to terms with it.

Yeah but she already came to terms with that in TLJ which leaves us with very few options for her internal conflict in TROS. I think throwing some dirt on Rey’s “squeaky clean” image by making her the one that killed her parents would go along way.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Here’s an idea.

To put it mildly I disliked Rey’s backstory in TROS, specifically her parent’s characterisation as “good” people that rejected their father’s legacy. For me this removes any nuance from Rey’s arc and renders her triumph as somewhat redundant.

Now as some have said we can change this by removing any trace of her parents “selling her to protect her” and maintain that they where indeed filthy junktraders who where cast out to Jakku by their father “Palps” and tried* to get out by selling their daughter.

Here is where it gets a little radical

*TROS flashback: as a young Rey screams for her parents to come back she suddenly bursts into anger and unleashes lightening at the ship disabling it and causing it to crash land, killing her parent’s, thus being buried in a paupers grave on Jakku.

This event traumatises young Rey to such an extent that she blocks this memory from her mind and even alters it, subconsciously making up a narrative that someday they will return for her.

For me this gives Rey a more pronounced struggle against the dark side and a strong inclination to it, add to that her dark lineage and that puts all the odds against her, but it ultimately makes her triumph at the end more impactful and makes for a more interesting arc.

This idea could be implemented with a few dialogue alterations here and there especially during the Kijimmi force fight since Kylo is wearing a mask, young Rey shooting lightning at the ship during the flashback can be done with some VFX work and maybe reusing some shots from the Passana sequence.

I’m not really sure what can be done with Ochi of Bastoon and his place in the story though.

What do you guys think?

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

babajaga said:

  1. What always bothered me about the movie was that we know within the first 5 minutes of the film not only that Palpatine is back, but where exactly he is. So where is the point of us going on a fetch quest with our heroes, when we already know what they gonna find and where they gonna find it? That’s why the movie lacks suspense. So we need to shift the Kylo Ren scenes on Exogol around a little bit. I don’t know how yet, but that’s kind of a biggie for me at least.

  2. This goes along with (1). Maybe we can shift the Palpatine reveal with Kylo towards to middle somewhere, so to create a build up towards Palpatine. The crawls needs to be changed (goes without saying) and RIGHT AFTER the crawl we could start with the #FortniteMessage by Palpatine. Or Maybe start with Rey’s training sequence and shortly after incorporate the #FortniteMessage into another scene or create a montage of a few planets while the message is being voiced over. So like the entire Galaxy was listening?

If we get the extended Mustafar scene (one can hope), we can intertwine Rey and the gangs search for Palpatine’s wayfinder with Kylo’s search for Vader’s wayfinder and him ultimately getting to exogol first. He finds Palpatine and is told to bring Rey to him(rogues idea) so they can rule the new empire as empress and emperor. This should probably be placed before the kijimi sequence where kylo informs Rey of her True heritage.