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Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

DrDre said:
Looks amazing! If you’re going for a film look, I would personally adjust contrast and saturation a bit:

Totally understand, my graded screenshot doesn’t have the last two steps of my current grade, not to mention it’s a pre-converted HDR to SDR file lossless PNG screenshot since handling the full video right now kills my computer as I’ve explained, but I still have the project files that I can throw in screenshots into and don’t make my computer go nuts. My current full method in Premiere, takes the original HDR source uncompressed from the 4K blu-ray, applies highlight compression to put it into SDR range, apply color correction adjustments, convert to LOG, and finally make film print emulation grading adjustments close to Kodak 2283.

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

I’ll try and cap the bitrate for future previews, I just tend to render larger files for previews for internal purposes.

Anyhow, computer isn’t holding up so much these days as it creates a burning smell now if I try and do anything too resource intensive, but I should hopefully have a new machine by sometime this summer, which will be a beast of a desktop, and will be ridiculously more powerful than any machine I’ve personally owned in the past. A full TPM release will be ready soon after, the project files are just sitting on an SSD waiting to be rendered.

In the meantime, here’s a screencap I edited with my latest grade PRIOR to adding the print film emulation or film grain. I graded it to the german theatrical release as reference with further adjustments to give it more clarity.

TPM grade 01

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

Rendering times take about 1.5 days for a 10 minute clip at standard level HEVC 10 bit 4K which is on par with the desktop I used to have, but it’s more problematic because my laptop tends to glitch out or crash when I push the CPU/GPU so long, not to mention the heating issues. 1080p H264 renders take less time but not by much due to my GPU still not doing a good job accelerating multiple lumetri color layers, color space conversions, and curves/levels adjustments.

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

Well, holidays did get in the way, but ultimately the issue remains that I need a new computer at least for the rendering portion. Ever since my Windows desktop died a few years back, I’ve all been on my Macbook Pro from 2015. It actually handles even 4K editing and grading fine in the moment, but final render times are ludicrously long unless I sacrifice quality, not to mention it only being possible to render clips when I don’t need to use it for work, which hasn’t been a problem because of COVID, but it will be once I get back to work sometime this next year.

Currently, working on saving up for both a new Windows machine and a new Mac.

Until then, I can mostly just post screenshots for feedback from all of you.

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

I will definitely adjust the grain, I want something that’s closer to what an actual print would look like with larger, more saturated, and more translucent grain. I haven’t really ever created grain I like, and when I do it too subtle, it seems to look like compression artifacts after it’s rendered, which is why I tend to overdo it.

I’ll render a new preview with modified grain sometime next week assuming the holidays don’t get in the way.

The NumeralJoker/MechaSalesman 4K HDR Edits Megathread, Clips Previews, and Release Info

Just skimming through your ROTS cut, and I noticed that the elevator antics deleted scene was missing. I was wondering why it isn’t in here given it doesn’t have any unfinished VFX, or is it just a creative choice to leave that scene out. I was looking forward to seeing it in context.

Feedback aside, I’ve finished watching your Clone Wars microseries episodes and as someone who’s never seen all of them, I never would have guessed these were meant to be watched any other way. The 4K HDR conversion looks lovely, and I assume it helps having some sort of high quality source for it.

I’m planning on watching your TCW 4K cinematic cuts very soon. I’ve been making my way through the show again and just got to the Ryloth arc, so I will be watching that edit next!

You’ve done some great work, and I can’t wait to see what else you have in store!

Unpopular Opinion Thread

I like having a wide variety of genres within future Star Wars projects instead of everything feeling like classic Star Wars.

The Clone Wars (with the exception of some arcs) is better than any of the films.

The original trilogy should be drastically remastered with modern VFX, something not too different to a project a former member of this site has been working on.

Solo would’ve been better with Lord and Miller.

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

Here’s the clip, apologies for the messed up audio.


As usual, a work in progress. This is only one of several different grade builds I currently have each with their own flavors. In this one I tried to match my TPM grades.

JEDIT: Seems the black levels are too raised on the final render after looking at it on my OLED. I’ll fix this for the next clip.

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)


Here’s a shot with the heavy grain preset I made for a previous TPM clip, which is how I prefer it, though I understand many here don’t like that much grain as have previously discussed. Full clip tomorrow.

I made some more changes today that I think improve it, although less purist to a theatrical print from 2005. Mainly I messed around with the contrast and curves to remove the dated digital look and give it a more modern digital look before adjusting colors to be closer to the 5207 stock the sequels were shot on. Hopefully that comes across in this image.

Also still having issues tonemapping the HDR highlights down correctly, but it should be acceptable for a Beta.

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

As you know, TPM and AOTC have a lot issues in their official releases related to the colors, but ROTS is pretty much correct to the original digital intermediate. I’ve been looking more at color references from the prints. I have a finished grade ready for ROTS, I just need to figure out the grain. Will render out a clip soon to get some feedback. If all goes well, we can have what I’d consider a Beta filmized ROTS. It will essentially just be a recreation of the look of a theatrical print for the most part with minimal creative license in terms of making it look shot on film, and will be more representative purely of a film projection of the movie.

<strong>The Mandalorian</strong> - a general discussion thread - * <em><strong>SPOILERS</strong></em> *

I was very impressed with this episode, I hope this brings more directorial opportunities for Bryce Dallas Howard inside and outside of Star Wars.

Still feel like Bo Katan looks too young, but it is pretty cool they cast the same actress as Clone Wars/Rebels, and I loved her in Battlestar Galactica, so I’ll learn to accept it.

Also, I really don’t mind the main plot taking breaks and telling smaller stories that build up the world within the grand adventure. Personally that’s why in general have found more enjoyment out of Star Wars in television than most of the movies, they allow for more depth.

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

Quick little AOTC grading test. It’s basically just a detail enhancement and grade I did of a screencap in photoshop. I utilized the same print emulation grade from my TPM grade which is on top of an experimental negative emulation. I tried to bring more shadow detail in, and the grain is just basic photoshop settings and not the actual grain I will use as I make a proper video clip in Premiere.


Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

Sadly, not really. I feel guilty every time I’m on here and I’m not showing progress, but like my mental health has been bad since the lockdowns and losing my job. At first I was happy that I had all the extra free time to work on this project, but now I’m just ready to be done with all the shit going on in the world.

But as soon as I’m feeling better and have more stability in my personal life, more samples of TPM will be available for feedback and soon after a Beta release.

And also I really need a new PC to be able to even think about doing a proper high quality HEVC 4K 10 bit render.

The New Republic EP1: A Vergence in the Force 4K (The Mandalorian Season 1 Edit) [V4 RELEASED]

Watched this the other night, and I gotta say how impressed I was. I tend to be a nitpick over Star Wars edits, but besides the transition into and cuts during the mudhorn scene, and maybe the unavoidable time jump issues going from episode 3 to 4 and 4 to 7, this edit was near perfect. (I shouldn’t be surprised given the fantastic TCW edits which I still mourn the loss of) I honestly thought about showing this edit to more casual SW fans.

This movie really felt like the kind of like the EU books I read as a kid and imagined movies of, so it was quite the nostalgia trip in that sense.

Hope to see more excellent work from you on this site!

SOLO - A subtler remaster of 'The Bold One' (unfinished)

I played around with both the blu-ray and 4K blu-ray, and the 10 bit color of the HDR version definitely has more information that can be recovered, of course it is more demanding on a computer to work with and you have to deal with the HDR to SDR tonemapping as well.

Definitely though this movie needs scene by scene or even shot by shot adjustments to make it look more normal, which The Bold One definitely does even if over the top.

Star Wars Prequels 35mm 4K Filmized Editions by Emanswfan (a WIP)

Just started trying out the latest update to Video Enhance AI. Finally, they’ve added an AI model that allows you to adjust settings for compression detail restoration, sharpening, and noise reduction. This greatly improves the usabiity of this, as it was inferior to Gigapixel AI due to missing those options. AI models could still be improved but looks promising. Still takes about 20 seconds per frame to upscale to 4K on my macbook pro, which is frustrating when trying to make adjustments, hence the need for a new PC desktop.

Likely I will be evenutally enhancing at least Attack of the Clones through the AI to enhance the sharpness and clarity of that film, as it is quite soft compared to the other two. And as you know, all SD deleted scenes will be upscaled through this program.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Watched this last night (my third time fully through), and I really enjoyed it. It may not look as good picture quality wise as the new 2020 Blu-rays or whatever will likely be 4K80 at some point, but it’s nice to be able to sit down and watch a Star Wars movie without me complaining about distracting errors or poor SE changes.

Really felt like a kid again watching the film.

Also, I felt a little weird my first time watching the digitally enhanced Yoda, but he’s grown on me now. It was nice to have something closer to the detail of facial expressions on CGI Yoda, while still staying true to his original puppet form.

Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga 4k UHD -- 27 DISC Boxed Set -- 3/31/2020

As much as I can complain about these new transfers for the OT compared to other classics restored to 4K, they’re still a marked improvement over previous sources. Excluding the DNR and SE changes, they’re the best I’ve ever seen these look. I decided to watch despecialized and revisited again, and it’s just hard to go back to such an inferior source even if these have been my definitive ways to view the trilogy them up until now. Even 4K77 and 4K83 look better than the 2011 Blurays, even if they are a little soft.