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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

I recently rewatched The Director and the Jedi documentary this week and I just had this sense of happiness about Star Wars again that is rare for me to feel.

I have had a ton a things happen to me in my personal life and it has been almost too much to handle, but while I was watching the documentary it felt like I was transported to just before the film came out. Things online were simpler, nicer (i guess). The sense of dread that I have been feeling around Star Wars discourse and online discourse in general just went away for a brief moment in time. I miss that.

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Alright where am I gonna talk about this apparent Colin Trevorrow script leak…

I can’t believe this is real. The timing is just too convenient. It originated from a very specific corner of the internet that has a very specific agenda. Yet now main stream outlets (I say this tepidly) are picking up on and talking about the story.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Here’s a bone headed idea. Obviously the crawl would have to be different and not reveal Palpatines survival, but… and hear me out.

We open up on the Falcon in flight to get information from Boolio, that whole scene plays out. Then we move to Rey training and that whole scene plays out and the change comes when Kylo is reaching out to her in the force.

Kylo reaches out and we get all of the flashes with some added TLJ Luke in there, then it smooths out and we see an editing version of Kylo’s excursion to Exegol. This way the reveal is for later in the film, but we still get to see it right before Poe informs the Resistence.

It makes sense also for Kylo to flash images of the Emporer to Rey since he is trying his best to manipulate her to the best of his ability, doing this would set her on edge at an earlier point.

I just like the idea of opening up on the Falcon too

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

I mean I was sitting in the theatre and when the emperor’s theme started playing over an image of Rey I literally freaked out at how similar they were. Being a music composition minor in my undergrad, this similarity might not have been planned from TFA but Williams clearly pushes the similarities for this film

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

One thing about the broadcast that doesn’t make sense to me is if he sent this out to the whole galaxy then why are the Resistance surprised when Boolio gives them the information that he is alive? Shouldn’t they already know this because of the broadcast?

It’s not probably possible but maybe change the reason then went to Boolio is they were trying to confirm what they suspected?

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

The scene with them repairing the Falcon is when Jana reveals that she was a former storm trooper. One can assume they finished up repairs and headed back to base. I didn’t think it was a huge leap.

I mean it doesn’t really hurt my enjoyment of the film, I still liked it, but it does seem a little jarring

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Alright during the Rey Kylo fight in the water Finn and Jana are inside the wreckage, then 10 seconds later they’re on top of the wreckage, then Rey pushes Finn through the waves, then we see them on Ajan Kloss with zero explanation of how they got there or when they repaired the Falcon. Just a small scene needed to be added to fix this…

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Small thought from second viewing before I give my full thoughts on it.

Both showings I went to people laughed when Ben and Rey kissed. Thinking about it, the score pushes this a little bit since the score completely cuts out right before Rey says “Ben.” A score coming out tends to imply a joke and people felt awkward laughing, but the way the score pushes for that made it happen I think.

Idk, maybe. Tomorrow is viewing 3 so we will see what I think after that.