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The Original Trilogy <strong>box set releases</strong> on home video tape: 1988 to 2000…

yotsuya said:
Then the Definitive Collection came out, from a fresh interpositive of each movie, but a much revised sound track for ANH (everything that was included was from the mono mix).

Not entirely true. Yes there were elements from the mono mix restored to the 1993 mix but there were additional changes made that weren’t present in any previous mix. Additional glass breaking during the detention block shoot out comes to mind, additional laser like fly by sounds for the Alderaan remnants when the Falcon comes out of hyperspace I’m fairly sure was new. So really the 1993 mix is a hybrid of things new and old.

Info: Mono soundtracks that were butchered with 5.1 remixes in later releases

Tantive3+1 said:

crissrudd4554 said:

Tantive3+1 said:

Are there any mono tracks that have currently never been released on DVD/Blu-ray?

Some of the Dirty Harry films.

The original stereo mixes for Back to the Future haven’t made their way to DVD/BD either.

The mono mix for Star Wars has NEVER been released on video officially!

stwd4nder2 said:

Tantive3+1 said:

Are there any mono tracks that have currently never been released on DVD/Blu-ray?

Yes. A lot actually.
It seems like it’s more rare for the original mono to be included then not.

Sorry, I forgot to say original mono tracks. While it’s true the original tracks for the films mentioned above have never been digitally released, the 5.1 mixes still sound the same as their originals with no noticeable changes made to it.

Actually NO they don’t.

Dirty Harry


Back to the Future


Everything you said about Star Wars is correct however.

Are the JSC LD's the <strong>TRUE</strong> Releases of the Theatrical Version(s)?

Tantive3+1 said:

crissrudd4554 said:

The JSC still has the 1981 crawl to the first film so no.

Your right. I’ve been meaning to say fault-free releases.

What about the 1995 Faces releases? Were there any issues with those?

Those are the same as the GOUT.

Additionally there were minor audio revisions made to the Definitive Collection mix (and thus carried over to the 1995 releases and the GOUT). Some of these come from the mono mix, some are new changes all together. The additional glass breaking noises during the detention block shootout I’m pretty sure were not present in any previous mix. The only video release I know for sure off hand that has the original unaltered stereo mix was the 1982 VHS release (granted it’s not digital audio).

Star Wars 1992 VHS styled DVD covers

crissrudd4554 said:

In the meantime, I created a DVD sleeve based off the outer box. Another option I figured I could do is getting a DVD case thats fits three discs and use this. The poster collage is a bit softer looking than I’d like it to be but its not too bad. I adjusted it best I could. It’ll likely look better in a cover. If anyone wants a full sized copy PM me.

I decided to do a complete revisit of this and have come up with two versions. The front cover is faithful to the original outer packaging while I tried to incorporate elements of the inner packaging for the back. The first I left the GL message on the back while the second I replaced this with the “Here’s the trilogy…” scroll text while moving the GL text to a separate insert that can be placed inside the case.

Version 1.


Version 2 (with insert)


<strong>2006 GOUT</strong> : The changes to the OT films &amp; general 2006 GOUT DVD discussion thread

Nien Nunb said:

Non anamorphic DVDs were of little consequence to me until I bought a Widescreen TV, which was literally within the same month after the GOUT DVDs were released. I knew what anamorphic enhancement was but it wasn’t that big a deal to me one way or another when I was watching DVDs on a CRT television.

Yeah this was the same case for me in 2006. I lived in two houses and at one I had a Sanyo CRT in my bedroom, the other a Toshiba CRT with a built in DVD player so it didn’t matter to me. Didn’t get my first Widescreen TV til 2008 which was when it really began to sink in how crap the GOUT situation was.

Complete Comparison of Special Edition Visual Changes

No that’s not what I meant. I’m speaking in regards to you claiming they fixed what they fixed cause they “care about the original films”. If they cared for the original films then the original versions would still be around. Additionally it isn’t exactly fair to refer to the “flaws” as such when they simply are a reflection to the limits of technology to the time.

Vader's voice change in the OT

The SE’s mixed Vader’s voice differently in both ANH and ESB. The 1997 SE of ANH has his voice mixed the same as the original but the 2004 DVD mixes it to where it’s a bit cleaner sounding than the original but very soft. For example during the dual with Ben his voice is almost drowned out by the lightsaber sounds. Sadly this is how Vader has sounded on every release since. Empire on the other hand amplifies his voice beginning with the 1997 SE and has remained so on subsequent versions.

Han Shoots First - Any valid reason to not have Han shoot first?

Here’s another wrench for ya. George argues that Han shooting second makes him like a cowboy. Well there is a factor in this that George leaves out. Han is already shown drawing his weapon moments before the actual kill. In Westerns it’s typical for the shooter to draw at more less the exact second of the kill. Han wouldn’t be drawing his weapon at all if he had no intention to kill Greedo.

And for me Gary Kurtz put it perfectly. (paraphrasing) “Han had to kill Greedo or he would lose his life”.

Frankenstein (1931) Audio Preservation (Released)

So I gave my test disc a spin and for the most part I like my results. Given this is the first time I seriously undertook something like this not bad! Obviously some scenes sync better than others but then again I also included the BD track as is on my disc and most of the same parts were still slightly out of sync so I attribute that more to the video file I used rather than my editing. Keep in mind most of the editing I was doing was to keep the audio in sync with the BD audio rather than the video. Anyways I did some hard work and I hope everyone likes it so shoot me a PM if interested. I’ll also be making a separate track that keeps the “God” line censored if anyone is interested in that! For now happy holidays everyone and thanks for your time and interest! 😃