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"Lucasfilm currently has no plans to release the original versions of Star Wars"

Wazzles said:

joefavs said:

Can someone quickly direct me to the part where the idea that they’re waiting until next year’s 40th anniversary is closer to make a statement was debunked? Until then, “It’s been four years” carries no weight at all for me.

A journalist for the Wall Street Journal made an article with loads of inaccuracies and said Lucasfilm has no plan to release the OUT any time soon. Master detective work. Completely debunked. Case closed.

It’s on the front page of this thread

If you could only remove one Special Edition change...?

Trooperman37 said:

Wazzles said:

imperialscum said:

TV’s Frink said:

Big fan of Jedi Rocks, I see.

Nah, not a fan of it at all. It is just that the original scene is about as embarrassing as the new one. So I don’t care which one I have to endure.

I disagree in this case. Yeah, Lapti Nek is cheesy, but in a sleazy 80’s way that’s easy to forgive, and fits in well with the atmosphere of Jabba’s palace. Jedi Rocks is cheesy in an uncomfortable 90’s way. I feel embarrassed every time I see it.

In addition to adding a sleazy atmosphere, which you noted, Lapti Nek was written by John Williams. The new one was not if I recall correctly. Also Lapti Nek is consistent with the 80s, and like it or not, ROTJ is an 80s film.

Well put. Agreed 100%

Most telling SE moment

Well Ive always been a sensitive person so whenever I post here I try to sound subjective and reasonable. If not that I may post something ammusing in response to someone elses comment, usually TV’s Frink or someone. But thats more knock on wood than trying to offend people. I personally dont agree with using vulgar language in public threads. PM is fine but people this site is for a purpose and derailing it with negativity isnt where it should go. Everyones entitled to their opinions but should respect others as well. I know Im sounding like some strong voice of reason but its just how I feel.

A lot of the time especially in this case I try to ignore much of the conversation since the word play is too far in and Im not about to throw myself in the mix (although with this post perhaps I am). Not to mention negativity can lead to the topic being ignored completely in the future which isnt fair. Each discussion here is started in hopes that people will provide their honest and respectful opinions and just build a decent discussion from there. Once it gets to this stage now its like ‘well that went downhill fast didn’t it??’.

HBO Star Wars preservations (a Work In Progress)

I actually have what I believe to be the original HBO airing (hosted by Mark Hamill yes??). Interesting story of how I found it. A few years ago my dad was at an estate sale and bought VHS drawers and holders (thinking I’d want them), some of which still had some tapes in it from who every had these holders previously. Anyways about a year or two ago I was looking at the labeled tapes in there and one was labeled Star Wars. Popped it in and it had the Mark Hamill intro where it shows the all the fandom and stuff before the movie came on. Whoever taped this must have had a dual tape deck or found this on a commercial free channel cause after ANH the tape skipped to ESB, for the most part in its entirety. No ROTJ unfortunately though I doubt there would have been much room left on the tape for it anyhow. Still neat find.

Most telling SE moment

TV’s Frink said:

I think the most telling SE moment is not an SE moment at all, in that it was in the original but it foreshadowed what would eventually come along some 14 (?) years later.

In ROTJ, there’s that exterior shot of Jabba’s palace, where a frog-thing eats an insect-thing…and then burps.

For years I thought that was an SE addition, until I watched Harmy’s Despecialized Edition and found out it was in the original.

Funny I thought the same thing too. I always thought the same thing too. It always had an almost digital look to it. Perhaps its because its far away.

Most telling SE moment

Ryan-SWI said:

You don’t need “scientific fact” to prove that a real tree looks more real than a cartoon one.
Similarly, you don’t need “scientific fact” to tell that the speeder chase in ROTJ looked crap when it came out and looks crap to this day. Just because something has a nostalgic value to you it doesn’t make it better.

Ok honestly. How do you say something that is created entirely digital looks more ‘real’ compared to something with actual props and real people?? Plus the nostalgia argument is a bit invalid as well. If most of us were arguing this for the sake of nostalgia, we’d all agree that the matte lines in the original films are better than without them, a big fat lie if I ever heard one. Im huge supporter of the OUT but I can compromise and say some things in the SE’s are better (Luke’s speeder, matte line removal, some CGI battle shots). So no the nostalgia factor doesnt work here. A big reason why a lot of fans prefer practical effects over digital effects is because theyre physical objects that in many cases sell the realism of the object more than digital. For instance, I will take puppet Yoda over CG Yoda ANYDAY! Yes the CG Yoda had more interactiveness and movement but we know which version looked ‘real’.

Most telling SE moment

CHEWBAKAspelledwrong said:

Ryan-SWI said:

You cannot tell me that this:

Looks better than this:

The first one looks better than the second one.

You beat me to it. Where’s TV’s Frink when you need him??

"Lucasfilm currently has no plans to release the original versions of Star Wars"

TV’s Frink said:

moviefreakedmind said:

imperialscum said:

One way or another, putting hope on the “profit” is delusional. As I already said, LF is making billions with each new film. Several millions of profits from potential release of theatrical versions is not even worth a consideration (profit-wise).

Not as delusional as using quotation marks for no reason.


Im not gonna lie. This made me laugh.