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THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now
adywan said:
budwhite said:

Disc 4:- A NEW HOPE - (basic colour correction) (AVAILABLE NOW)
Details:- 1080p True 24fps 
AC3 5.1 English Dolby Digital Audio
Ac3 2.0 Directors commentary (selectable with the audio button on your remote)
aC3 2.0 Alternate commentary (selectable with the audio button on your remote)
No menus
Greedo doesn't shoot


No 5.1 from the LD?

yes the EP IV AVCHD does use the laserdisc 5.1



I'm sure I read somewhere in the past that all of these will have the LD 5.1 but I wasn't sure


THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now

Disc 4:- A NEW HOPE - (basic colour correction) (AVAILABLE NOW)
Details:- 1080p True 24fps 
AC3 5.1 English Dolby Digital Audio
Ac3 2.0 Directors commentary (selectable with the audio button on your remote)
aC3 2.0 Alternate commentary (selectable with the audio button on your remote)
No menus
Greedo doesn't shoot


No 5.1 from the LD?

Indy BluRay pushed off til 2010, what does that mean for SW?
Janskeet said:

If Lucas really "spliced in" the CGI to permantely alter the o-negs it obvious his intention is to destroy the the best quality sources of the OT so he has an excuse to not realse them on blu-ray DVD.


I think they made some kinda special edition of an Star Trek movie some 10-15 years ago with new effects. But that couldn't be released on Blu 'cause the resolution was to low. Don't know how Lucas did from a technical view but..

In either way, I think that a lot of effects and CGI will be improved yet again when it's time for blu. The 97 Yabba was horrible and was replaced with a better one in -04. Still CGI of course, but better.

I'm guessing the original is still there and in nice condition for further improvement in the future

If Lucas did a proper oot restoration for blu ray and dvd would he be forgiven for the special editions and the prequels?

It would be pretty stupid to have destroyed the originals for all future to come. I simply do not belive that he's done that.

But if he was to restore it and release it proper on Blu many people would not be satisfied. 5.1. mono, 35mm stereo, 70mm 6 channel? Just to name a few things about the audio... There is to much knowledge nowadays and people are to anal to be ever satisfied. It's kinda a lost cause me thinks. I hope I'm wrong. But I'm pretty sure I ain't


Good thing though that he didn't put out anything from the '04 high def master on blu&HD DVD's in it's youth.

It might take a couple of years or more, but than it would look good, with some more tweaks perhaps, that we all love heh heh

Star Wars OT & 1997 Special Edition - Various Projects Info (Released)
dark_jedi said:

Here is an ESB sample of the 3 different audio options I have,it is in VIDEO_TS form already to burn to a re-writable DVD'r:


The first audio is the official GOUT audio,second is Belbucus 93 PCM encoded to DD 2.0 Surround @ 384,third audio is satanika's DD 5.1

file is 133 MB's in size.


 I just watch this on my TV.

Damn, it looked pretty good in 16:9. My TV dont have any good zoom alternatives for the non 16:9 Gout so this was much better in many ways.

Was the video from the new Gout scripts?

adding LFE to GOUT (Released)
hairy_hen said:

Realising that not everyone has the main channels from the 1993 laserdiscs to combine with the LFE tracks I posted above, I decided to upload my AC3 files for each film to make this more accessible for those who might be interested in it.  They are all in 2.1 format, encoded in Aften at 448 kbps using all the maximum quality settings, split into several RARs.  See above comments about using DTS mode to achieve surround sound if desired.

Star Wars:

part 1: http://www.sendspace.com/file/s8ngzo

part 2: http://www.sendspace.com/file/nc68mk

part 3: http://www.sendspace.com/file/xdz3x5

part 4: http://www.sendspace.com/file/rqfjek

First of all, thanks.

Is the 1.017s delay added to these files or do I have to do it myself?