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Your Favorite Star Wars Film
i agree, as much as i like the tragedy aspect of rots, the dialogue and acting is still off putting as well as the overly mediocore cged look. i wish lucas had pushed for more believable acting, i know he was going after a style, but a little more effort in that regard would have helped. also the prequels dont flow as well, they just feel like a bunch of loosely connected scenes strung one after another
Return of the Jedi + Revenge of the Sith = one amazing movie!
Originally posted by: Gaffer Tape
Originally posted by: Number20
Originally posted by: Adamwankenobi
How about the biggest plot hole of them all. Why does Leia remember Padme in ROTJ, but Luke doesn't?

Sadly, Lucas painted himself into a corner on this one. If he had Padme take Leia away, perserving the "she died when I was very young" it would of made everyone even more mad. Everyone would be asking "What ever happened to Padme? Why is she dead?" So you had to have her die, to provide closure on the character, and to explain why Vader isn't still looking for her.

As for how to view it, having the prequels cut into the original trilogy is the only was I can think of to do it and have it perserve the secrets. The "Godfather II" method would do this. But since I've seen it, I would guess the best way would be I-VI. For a new person, I would recommend release order. IV-VI, I-III.

I don't think so. I think it would have made perfect sense. Again, not everything has to be spelled out. It would actually amount to a heartwrenching sequence where Obi-Wan and Yoda make it known to her that she has to give up one of her children in order to keep them safe. And then have Bail offer to hide Padme and Leia on Alderaan. We don't actually have to see her die, as we're already told in Return of the Jedi that she died when Leia was very young. And then, as we did before Sith came out, our little minds can fill in the gaps.

Oh, and you can still have the Emperor tell Vader that Vader killed Padme since he was supposed to be lying in the first place. Problem solved.
yeah but vader would sense her presence
Watching in order 1-6 is screwing up the original SW for newcomers!
i also cant wrap my head around watching 1-6 without it seeming really disjointed. i wish lucas hadnt made the prequels so one dimensional about anakins wierd attachment issues. also both anh and rotj explain things about the backstory that seem redundant and /or dont exactly jibe with what the prequels showed us. if they tried to match each others look photographically it could work, maybe when they remaster either the prequels or the ot they could do that, i think it would help
Prequel total rewrites...?
i'm sorry for dissing the idea of this thread, anyways i have a rewrite for ya that i thought after i had seen AOTC for he 30th time how rots was gonna start. obi wan said anakin would be expelled from the jedi order for his love of padme, i always thought at the beginning of rots that anakin had been expelled for marrying padme, and was living near the lars homestead with padme, when obi wan came and asked anakin to help fight one last battle in the clone wars. wouldve explained more of the relationship between anakin obi wan and owen better as talked about in ANH i think