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OK, the DVDs are coming...so how bad are they going to look?
I think the issue is that the DVDs are going to be so 'okay'. So 'average'. So 'quite good'.

Display and format technologies are moving rapidly towards 16:9 HD. And you can bet your ass the PT and the SE will be out on super-duper-high-def-DTS-three-squillion-disc-ultimate-ultimate-ultimate-edition-box-sets before you can say "dollars"!

Lucas, being the technological fetishist that he is, will no doubt be drooling over such developments daily.

If the last ever official release of the OOT is allowed to be a 4:3 letterbox transfer from Laserdisc then it will be doomed to being 'satisfactory'! So it's better than VHS? I still won't be buying the September releases!

I say tell LFL and Fox to stick their DVDs and I say intensify the pressure!
Ages of Luke & Leia
Originally posted by: Mielr - Well, I'm going to buy the DVDs....

If the DVDs are just going to be the same quality as the hundreds of other copies from Laserdisc then I don't think anyone should waste their money on them. I'm not going to pay LucasFilm or 20th Century Fox a premium price for a pristine copy of the SE and a basic Laserdisc transfer of the OOT! I haven't waited this long for that!
Explaining the shoddy OOT treatment in public
Originally posted by: Vigo - It was not Lucas Goodwill to bring us the OOT. It was the continuing protests of fans and the numerous attempts from fans to preserve the OOT on DVD´s themselves using VHS or Laserdisc sources which changed his mind. The primary aim for this DVD release is to destroy the commercial market for the fan made preservations, which were sold by bootleggers for very high prices on Ebay. Keep that in mind if you try to bring on this "George is so good, be grateful!" argument, since it is only an understandable decision made by a business man.

An excellent summation! I didn't grasp this aspect until I read it here!

Thank you, Vigo!

I shall add this to emails I send out to explain my (our!) standpoint.

We must fight the September Release!!
BFI preserving OOT!!
Thanks Vigo! (BTW is that as in Jean Vigo?)

Do you have any suggestions for other people to contact?

I'm considering retail companies, both on- and off-line, notifying them that I will not be purchasing LucasFilm's new DVDs and will be doing all I can to discourage others from doing so.

What's the American equivalent of the BFI? Anyone?
Ages of Luke & Leia
I think that what has disappointed me most is that I thought of Lucas as being like Tolkein. That he had meticulously created a fantasy and then based his films on it.

What has actually happened is that fans have defined the story and mythology themselves based on the films we have. Lucas himself never had that story mapped out, which is why he didn't keep the sense of it throughout his changes and new films.

Now fans of the 6-part epic really have to struggle to make sense of the whole story and fitting it to the extended universe that has developed based on the OOT.

It's really gutted me, if I'm honest.

I'm sharing, people...
BFI preserving OOT!!
I hope that this is the right place to post this one.

I emailed the British Film Institute about the OOT and this was their reply:

"Thanks for your message about the STAR WARS films that has been passed over to us in the BFI's Curatorial Unit.

I certainly agree with you that the original versions of the STAR WARS films are as worthy of preservation as the altered reissues that came later. Indeed, the BFI's National Film and Television Archive is permanently preserving prints of all three of the films as they originally appeared, and also holds video material that reflects these original versions.


They also brought up the releases planned for September:

"After much speculation it would appear that the original versions are about to resurface. The 1977 version of STAR WARS is scheduled for DVD release in September, and I would imagine that the other titles will follow."

I have replied to the email expressing my delight that the OOT is being preserved on film. I included my concerns for the quality of the DVDs to be released in September and invited the BFI to join with the campaign against unsatisfactory DVD releases of the OOT. I also asked for suggestions of groups and organisations (national and international) to approach.
Return of the Jedi Script Game
Vader - Give yourself to the dark side. It is the only way that you can save your friends. Yes... your thoughts betray you... your feelings for them are strong, especially for..... SISter! So... you have a twin SISter! Obi-Wan was wise to hide her from me... Now his failure is complete. If you will not turn to the dark side then perhaps she will!

Luke - NEVEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Emperor & line change in ESB SE 1997
But it was Boba Fett who alerted the Empire that they had gone to Bespin! The fleet had jumped into hyperspace and gone off to "every possible destination along their last known trajectory", as ordered by Mr Vader.

I like to think that Bespin lay in another direction and that it was only due to Boba Fett's presence of mind that the Empire had even a chance of catching them. Fett probably contacted the fleet once he was fairly sure of where they were making for - Fett has a history with Han Solo and perhaps, therefore, knew about Lando. He put 2 & 2 together, called the fleet, they arrived ahead (due to their greater speed) and prepared the trap.

BTW, who was it that decided how far away Bespin is from the asteroid field? Maybe they overestimated?
Ages of Luke & Leia
That's very interesting! I never knew that!

I guess Tolkein found, like many artists, that, as a series of major works progresses, tweaks are needed to keep the sense of it going throughout. An artist may make thousands of such changes throughout the creation of each work, before it is presented to the public. It must be even more difficult when parts of the series are already vastly popular.

It is notable that Tolkein made alterations to one chapter of one book to get things back in place. Obviously he never suppressed the publication of books which highlighted the changes either. And his alterations were in keeping with the original, to avoid the necessity for further changes.

Lucas, however, has made changes and additions throughout all of the three parts originally released and then brought out three new parts which contained further inconsistencies and so he brought out new versions with even more changes! To further complicate matters his changes have been made in a lacklustre fashion, diminishing the works from their original potency!

This makes it fairly obvious that Tolkein had a very carefully imagined world and mythology from which he created his works. Lucas has made an increasingly jumbled, ill-thought-out series of films from which it is difficult to grasp a clear picture of the worlds and mythology they are 'based' on.
