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act on instinct

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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

FreezingTNT2 said:

act on instinct said:

Can projection yoda possibly be accomplished using his existing Geonosis material? Or in a Jedi temple? Basically if force projection yoda were established it would need a shot of real yoda meditating, so where is he?

At the end of Revenge of the Sith, Yoda is seen meditating just before Bail Organa enters the room. Maybe I can use that shot?

Doesn’t seem close enough to convey the intensity well enough, probably him in the shadows with the blinds is better but I wouldn’t say what’s best without knowing how much preexisting pensive yoda there is out there.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Are there other examples beyond not cutting back to the Resistance? I’m mostly sticking to scenes being moved and how the original script momentum is vs the theatrical edit. Crait was the real point where it felt too long and almost came across as an addendum chapter, of course it also contains some of the most vital pieces of the movie.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

I haven’t looked very deeply into the making of TLJ but at some point I was led to believe the original cut was longer and some scenes were moved around at some point. Not atypical but I did personally find the final pacing odd, maybe tightening the already longest episode so far in the saga accounts for some of the character motivations not feeling perfectly in sync for everyone? Depending on how things were moved.

Episode IX: The Rise Of Skywalker - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

Agree shoehorned is the wrong way to put it, but these side characters really have only had about the same development going into the third film as maybe Jabba or Greedo from the OT, I want to connect, but I feel like I’m seeing more concepts of characters than full bodied established ones, I really need to see IX to declare one way or the other on a lot of the new characters.

Best viewing order to introduce Star Wars to children?

I’m in the release order camp, love the amount of consideration into the question! Honestly the best thing you wrote was letting the kids go through it at their own pace and not try to marathon them. Considering the ages I think now is the right point to take your time letting them soak in the originals, uninterrupted, they won’t be able to appreciate the prequels in the middle of the OT. I would save those for maybe three years older after they are already invested, then I would be prepared for the oldest to even prefer the prequels for a brief time. But at a certain point I would just feed them whatever Star Wars they wanted, if they’re brought up with the OT I think that will resonate the most.

Science Fiction or Space Fantasy - what is Star Wars

I honestly don’t consider Wikipedia a good enough resource in this instance on the exact definition of space opera as automatically under the umbrella term of science fiction, Wikipedia is good but I doubt the author of the article was diving deep into the minutia of the semantics they were implying, unless explicitly stated.

Understand where you are coming from by saying it is not only science fiction if it applies hard science, and it would be disingenuous for anyone to say Star Wars doesn’t contain elements of sci-fi, but I think there’s some similar biases in making space inherently science fiction. This doesn’t discount the droids, blasters, tractor beams and photon torpedoes, but I think most arguing fantasy believe those aren’t quite as muddled by the usual fake tech jargon. George did know what he was doing, he never even brings up how a lightsaber is made, too much Errol Flynn heroics to dwell on kyber crystals. Reminds me of the pitch that never came to be I believe at Warner Brothers to produce an adaptation of The Odyssey with Brad Pitt (roughly close to the time Troy was released) except set in space, in a way without changing much anything else, really trading one unexplored ocean for another, does this mean sci-fi really only needs a coat of paint for consideration? If so…then, well sure I guess that’s fair enough. But I think you had it right when you said Lucas needed to distinguish his movie as more on the side of Flash Gordon than movies like 2001, which is less relevant now because Star Wars mostly succeeded those. The heart of Star Wars is much closer to Wizard of Oz than most sci-fi and that’s how those like myself recognize it first.

Honestly though my truthful opinion is that other genres have just as much crossover and ambiguity but there’s more debate on what qualifies as sci-fi or fantasy because we’re all nerds.

Knights of the Old Republic - Duel of the Fates <strong>(aka the 1.37 3 in 1)</strong> (WIP)

4throck said:

act on instinct said:

  • Making the style not clash with the material, making a bad pan&scan.

Don’t take me wrong, but for me about half of your examples (2, 4, 6, 8, 9) look cropped.
The framing looks off, with the interest points too close to the edge of the frame.

No, this is more than fair! George especially makes so much use of the whole frame end to end which will present a tough challenge, I actually have plans to really get in and rotoscope specific shots and some may be split and squeezed, the 4th shot you’re referring to is actually squeezed with very little cropped from the original frame. All said I’m working on a teaser to show how the project might look, I do understand it’s going to be too cropped for some people who have no interest in a new aspect ratio, but as I’m using it for my own shortcuts to rearrange scenes and dialogue I don’t see right now how I could continue with wide.

The Rise of Skywalker box office results: predictions and expectations

Broom Kid said:

Between Solo’s botched release (largely Iger’s fault) and Iger’s latest strategy of releasing a memoir full of stories where he makes George Lucas feel bad literally one week before the marketing campaign for the end of the Skywalker Saga starts, you have to wonder just how angry Kathleen Kennedy is at her boss right now.

I’m sure the anger is mutual, lot of drama behind the scenes is just inevitable when the stakes are this high, remember the Sony emails?

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

my one criticism is that maybe it moves just too fast by the end, Obi getting to the hill works just great, but if Anakin can still reach a platform would feel more spacially seamless like Obi’s jump, plus I think for some they really might want to preserve that last bit of dialogue between the two, even if it’s trimmed further from that point somewhere in the middle. Just my take!

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

snooker said:


Playing around with sound design in the Anakin vs. Obi-Wan fight. I feel like removing the score and just hearing them go at it makes it much more powerful and less stupid to watch.

Removing the score entirely is a mistake in my opinion if you want power, that music really is some of the best of the prequels, could it be within a longer sequence punctuated by score like the trench run in ANH?

Star Wars - Episode IV: The Heir of Skywalker (V2 Released)

IlFanEditore said:

That looks sooo good! What did you apply?

Appreciate it, I think it’s a really good idea to match the falcon with TFA, I eyeballed as I went through a few layers (no masking) mostly using selective color and shifting around the magentas blues and reds, it’s also a bit darker, sorry to say I was working on the fly so I can’t get more specific, I got there by keeping my focus on top of R2, Han and the floor/chess table stand.

The biggest issue is applying any changes non-destructively, with the lower res jpegs it’s difficult changing anything without picking up artifacts, did my best to avoid.

JEDIT: I couldn’t help myself and made it a little brighter (maybe too bright) and closer to TFA levels, it’s also aumsing to me how just a slight color change really makes ANH look so much more like a Disney movie.
falcon redux

Small details that took you <em><strong>FOREVER</strong></em> to notice in the <em>Star Wars</em> films

yotsuya said:

When the Imperial officer comes in to tell Vader and Tarkin that Dantooine is not the Rebel base, Vader’s dialog toward the end of the scene doesn’t line up to his hand gesture.

This has always been a favorite of mine, those little moments only make ANH more endearing to me.

Small details that took you <em><strong>FOREVER</strong></em> to notice in the <em>Star Wars</em> films

Here’s an audio detail that I only picked up on after my most recent watch of ANH:
when the band starts up their second song you can hear the other cantina patrons applaud in recognition.

I guess I was always too distracted by the band to notice, but I’m happy even a rough area like Mos Eisley still has enough culture that can recognize and appreciate some jazz standards.