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Zachary VIII

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The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

Daxtreme said:

EvenSteven said:

darthrush said:
[Handman] You can cut pretty much all but one scene from Canto Bight, where DJ’s character is first introduced.

Or you just have them leave for Canto Bight, and we see them next on the way back already with the codebreaker when Poe calls. No need to see anything of Canto Bight.

Is that what you guys are planning to do? Cut Canto Bight but keep the codebreaker? Are you going to have the scene where DJ is telling Finn about arms dealers or will you cut right to Snoke’s Star Destroyer?

I was thinking about keeping the initial visit to Canto Bight where they look around a bit, they see the real codebreaker, and then get arrested. No preaching about animal cruelty and bad rich people. I’m debating whether or not to cut the scene after DJ picks the lock and then they go right to the escape ship.

That’s a good proposition. Keeps Canto Bight, but to a strict minimum.

Suggestion: when they escape prison, cut straight to DJ’s ship. No chase, no shenenigans.

That’s the best idea, would there be any way to create a different reason they got in prison in the first place other than a parking violation? It feels comical in how such a frivolous action had such a large effect on the sequences Canto Bight

TFA: A Gentle Restructure (Released)

toastedzen said:

Hmmmm… Alright. Should I look for the link in Reddit then and not from FanEdit.info? The torrent pack I downloaded came from the later location.

EDIT: Seems the Google Drive location does specify that is it 2.1 so it is very possible that the Torrent version has not been updated, or maybe the tracker is wrong. Downloading from the Google drive link now. Thanks for the replies!

The Reddit link has multiple download options for 2.1.

The Last Jedi : a Fan Edit <strong>Ideas</strong> thread

ziggyonice said:

It bugs me how many people want to strip all humor out of Star Wars.

Yes, The Last Jedi had some attempts at humor that went too far. But instead of completely taking out those lines, perhaps just trim them a little. For example, the infamous “your mom” joke that Poe makes was too much in my opinion, but I was okay with him joking for a moment saying that he was on hold for Hux. Cut it there.

I didn’t mind “big ass door” or Luke winking. I will say that I thought his brushing off the shoulder wasn’t really appropriate, but again — don’t take out all humor. Give us a good balance.

I don’t think it’s the humor itself that’s the problem, but rather that it was presented in such a way that it disrupts the narrative and emotional flow of certain scenes. The Poe’s “your mom” joke and Luke’s lightsaber toss feel out of place in otherwise dramatic scenes. Personally I think the humor level in TFA was just right most of the time (except for “so who talks first”). And I agree that not all of TLJ’s humor should be cut.