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The Hobbit (2014) - Resource and idea thread

fishmanlee said:

Ronster said:

I Really did not like the CGI for Azog

They had to, Azog's design was a last minute addition, he originally looked like this:



Why on EARTH didn't they used that? Also, the CGI for the goblin king was terrible, so that would have to go in my ideal edit and the cave trolls would need to be toned down a bit.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

I don't think dialogue makes the stormtroopers more menacing. On the contrary - if they have the need to spell out even the most basic orders (blast them, stop that ship), then they really don't seem to be a really competent force.

It would be nice, however, to see some elite stormtrooper action in the movies, though. The way they are now they look like a bunch of fat cops chasing after a shoplifter.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Ronster said:

Talking storm troopers are more dangerous

As promised I did a mock-up of some storm trooper dialogue put in to stop the storm troopers in Empire Strikes Back from being mute.

Ideally some new lines of dialogue would be better but to show you what I mean and to keep some continuity I thought it was a good idea so I did it. I am not suggesting anything should be done of this nature for revisited but I would really like to see them talk again, and if they did in revisited well it would be great this video is a window to what could be perhaps.

weather or not you like it or hate it as a mock up, is not the point it's that at least for me they don't say a word and and I like some of it myself and am unsure also on some of what I did but it's more a demonstration than 100% solid suggestion.

Enjoy and discuss if you like, the link is below


password = blast them

I think it doesn't work at all, but at times it is really hilarious.

STORM TROOPER while being held at gun point: Do you know what's going on?


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Ronster said:

Why did they alter the model then SD camp?

Thats why I said it was wider they did this to make it appear wider than a normal SD bridge


Sorry, but did you just make the comparison misleading on purpose? The vertical line in the bottom picture should be far more to the right, just look at the details of the tower.

How should have the Empire Strikes Back Plot Twist have been kept a secret in the prequel trilogy???

Now that the weirdo is gone, I can give my opinion on this.

Basically, in my ideal version of prequels, Anakin and Obi-Wan meet in episode I, but when Anakin becomes his apprentice, the focus gradually shifts to other characters established in the first episode. In the following two films, Anakin and Obi-Wan would only make brief appearances. Perhaps the third episode could have included a sub-plot in which Obi-Wan tracks down Anakin's familly on Tatooine to place Anakin's son into their care.

When/Why did you become an OT purist?

I first started to have problems with LucasFilm's "creative decisions" once it was announced that Hayden will be put into ROTJ. Not only did I hate his performance in AOTC (ROTS didn't come out yet), but it just seemed flat out disrespectful to Sebastian Shaw, who was always a part of this movie.

Some time later I stumbled across the X0 project website which interested me greatly and so I kept watching their progress there. Sadly, none arrived. By that time I did have rips of GOUT on my computer and acknowledged them as the versions that felt "more right" in respect to the original movies.

In 2008 I found out about the Phantom Edit and it raised my interest to the point that I wanted to check it out. That led me to this website of which I have been a member ever since, although I have been only lurking for quite some time. I like it here, the community is great and there is so much interesting stuff going on :)