Hello. I joined this site recently and I want to give my 2 cents on rewriting the Star Wars Prequels. Since I’m new, I might make a mistake.
I recently looked at a prequel rewrite on FF.net called “Star Wars Episode 1: A Retelling." The idea behind this story was that one detail changed the Prequels altogether. In that case, Anakin freed himself prior to Phantom Menace, thus altering the events of the Prequels.
With my own rewrite, I plan to use the same premise, but my focus is on the backstory surrounding the Prequels. The small change is when Dooku leaves the Jedi Order.
According to the films, Dooku left after Qui-Gon’s death. Prior to that, however, Dooku became distant from the rest of the Jedi due to a certain event that happened in the EU (which is now Star Wars Legends under Disney).
Twelve years before The Phantom Menace, Dooku and his Jedi strike force were sent to the planet Galidraan to stop the Mandalorian group called the True Mandalorians, who were said to be killing political activists of Galidraan’s governor. In reality, the True Mandalorians were framed by Galidraan’s governor, who sided with the Mandalorian rival group Death Watch.
Dooku didn’t realize it until after the True Mandalorians were wiped out, save for the leader Jango Fett. Dooku and his Jedi later learned the Jedi Council knew about the truth, but did nothing to stop the Mandalorian massacre. This happens 12 years before Episode I: The Phantom Menace, and according to canon, Dooku didn’t leave until after Qui-Gon’s death.
The incident at Galidraan gives Dooku the perfect incentive into leaving. So, what if Dooku left the Jedi right then and his Jedi strike force followed him?
Well, here’s what I think:
1-Qui-Gon Jinn, shocked by his master’s desertion and the Council’s misjudgment, goes on an exile. This leaves Obi-Wan without a master.
2-Yoda, ridden with guilt of Dooku’s desertion, steps down from the Council and completes Obi-Wan as a means of redeeming himself.
3-Dooku and his rogue Jedi could form the Separatists a few years later, causing dissent in the Republic.
4-With this dissention, Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas prepares a small clone army for the Republic to face the Separatists. The funding of the army would come from many wealth bankers, including a certain Muun named Hego Damask (aka Plagueis). Eventually, this leads to…
5-The Clone Wars. This happens a decade earlier than the canon Clone Wars (to fit with the Clone Wars continuity from the Bantam Era books). However, there would be a break, between the start of the Clone Wars and when my version of Episode 1 happens.
Cloning in period has exceeded rapidly as the Republic grows clone super soldiers to lead soldiers into battle. These soldiers go from the Morgukai Niktos to Mandalorians. There are no Jedi clones, however.
6-The Republic would slowly lose its trust of the Jedi Order due to the rogue Jedi leading the Separatists. This can play into the rise of the Empire.
7-The Sith can take advantage of the conflict, using it to control both sides and form the Empire (like in the movies). The Separatists would be a legitimate threat, but the Sith are still pulling strings within Separatists and Republic ranks.
And that’s all I have right. There are some bits that need work, but do you think this is a good idea? Let me know your thoughts. Thanks.