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Qui-Gon is back

The Clone Wars is a great series. Not only is it some good Star Wars action, but it really puts some of the crap that was in the prequels into perspective, and makes it make sense. And if you like the EU, there are a ton of references and characters and whatnot from it. Dave really knows what he's doing, I think.

There are some stumbling blocks, like the Jar Jar episodes... but they're not awful and some of the other episodes certainly make up for them. The jumping around is a little weird, too... the non-chronology doesn't jive well with me, but apparently from now on they'll be in order.

It's definitely worth watching the first season at least.

Dooku has his own sith apprentice in Savage Oppress.

skyjedi2005 said:

Anything Lucas has input on in my mind is G-Canon whether this is stated or not.  That incldues the new clone wars cartoon and force unleashed.

But not the EU, and certainly not the Genddy clone wars which lucas had very little control over.

The first person to try and tie all the loose EU ends together was Kevin Anderson, when he wrote the star wars chronology.  It was supposed to be one large epic tome and a novel.  In the end after much delays the scope of that never happened and it became much more a feigned historical text.


But what do i know i have my own personal canon where the Zahn novels are the true sequels to return of the Jedi, Mara Jade is a canonized character, and she never died. Also Jango fett does not exist, boba's parentage is a mystery and he is a former journeyman protector formerly known as Jaster Mareel.

Also he helped Vader hunt down the Jedi with an army of mandalorian supertroopers, and the clone wars was cloned Jedi's not clones of a character made up at the last minute.  Qui Gon does not exist nor do midichlorians.  Obi Wan is trained by Yoda.  Anakin is a great starfighter pilot and good friend of obi wan who follows him on damn fool idealistic crusades.  he is slowly tempted to evil by ambitious senator palpatine who becomes President of the Republic.


Dooku has his own sith apprentice in Savage Oppress.

Okay. I'm pretty sure I'm coming down with a vengeful cold, but since I'm here...


There are five "levels" of Star Wars canon. G, T, C, S, and N, in that order.

G-Canon is George Lucas Canon. This is exclusively the six movies and anything from those six movies used in any other work. (Since you're all wondering, G-Canon is the latest version of the movies, since they are the most in line with Lucas's ever-changing "vision".)

T-Canon is Television Canon. This is for the original 2D Clone Wars series, The (current) Clone Wars series, and the future live-action series.

C-Canon is Continuity Canon. This is basically all the new, and a lot of the old, novels, games, comics, cartoons (Droids, Ewoks), non-theatrical films (like the Ewok movies), and all of that other good stuff. Sometimes C-Canon stuff gets G-Canon'd, like Aayla Secura.

S-Canon is Secondary Canon. This is stuff that current authors can either use or ignore when writing new continuity. Kinda stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else, or were before the time when there were efforts to keep a consistent continuity. I think the old Marvel comics fit in here as an example. S-Canon can become C-Canon if a contemporary writer uses an element of it in a new source.

N-Canon is Non-Canon. This is all the Inifinities labeled stuff and other "what-if" stories and things.


This was all created by the official Lucasfilm "Keeper of the Holocron", Leland Chee, as a system so people could actually make heads or tails of what was actually going on in the Star Wars galaxy... but, of course, all of these are obviously override-able by Lucas. If he wanted to elevate something from any other level to G-Canon, then that's his prerogative. Sometimes it's neat (Like Quinlan Vos), sometimes it sucks (for us [Special Edition]), but... it's his property, heh... If he wants to G-Canonize Melvin Fett, by God, he'll do it.


Anyway... the "Rule of Two" generally accounts for the apprentice to take his own apprentice and kill his master eventually. I don't see a problem with that apprentice deciding his own apprentice was crappy and exchanging it out for a new one - deception and treachery are the ways of the Sith after all.

The "Rule of Two" has been somewhat loose over the years anyhow, since there was a lot of canon created before the Rule of Two was laid down, so most other Sith that show up before the Rule of Two are classified as what amount to "Dark Side Acolytes" and not truly Sith.

Dooku had something of a small army of Dark Force-wielding acolytes during the Clone Wars, Asajj and Savage are just a couple of those.


Honestly, it's all really confusing, even with a system in place and I do not envy Leland his job. Poor guy has to make sense of all of this stuff thrown at him from myriad sources every day... ugh.

A fun example I like to use, because I know it so well, is how Marvel's S-Canon vision of of a jungle planet Mandalore became C-Canon when Karen Traviss used it in her quest to rape Mandalorians, and then Mandalore apparently got glassed and became a desert when Lucas made it T-Canon for The Clone Wars (there's a distant shot of it looking like Tatooine in one of the episodes, I believe), which is partially what led to Traviss having a hissy fit and storming off (yay). Though officially I believe it is classified as a "jungle planet with patches of desert wasteland where the Jedi bombed the shit out of it".

Confused yet? Yeah... fun job.

Adventures in Raising the Next Generation of Original Star Wars Fans

Lucas needs to make three more crappier movies than the PT so we can start seeing them like we see ROTJ now. =P

Ewoks? Another Death Star? C'mon.


I think Star Wars is like sex (better than?). You need to have "The Talk" with your kids about Star Wars the same as with the birds and the bees.

Certainly show them the OT first and get that drilled into their heads for four or five years, but when they're starting to come to you with questions like "How did Darth Vader become Darth Vader?", you need to sit them down and explain the whole story of the PT and OT and the two Lucas's. Maybe they won't fully understand at first, and maybe they will, but either way, they're going to end up making their own conclusions about it when they're old enough to have access to all six movies, and it's better, in my opinion, to give them advice on "safe PT viewing" as opposed to "unsafe PT viewing."

Otherwise, what might happen is they resent you for depriving them of something and then gravitate towards that as a form of rebellion. It's all fun and games until they come home with a Jar Jar backpack. Then you'll wish that you'd have explained it to them.

RedLetterMedia's Revenge of Nadine [TPM 108 pg Resp. [RotS Review+RotS Preview+ST'09 Reveiw+Next Review Teaser+2002 Interview+AotC OutTakes+Noooooo! Doc.+SW Examiner Rebuttal+AotC Review+TPM Review]

Did anyone else have a nerdrage moment when he said the 'Falcon wasn't in ROTS? Or was that just me? Or was this already discussed and I'm just tardy to the party?

When he said it wasn't, I believe I yelled at the computer monitor something to the effect of "YES IT WAS IDIOT!"

CES most impressive announcement

none said:

Weird blu logo (in the trailer, not in this pic), do they have to have everything bluish when it comes to blu-ray?

Wow, you have to have it to Lucas for having the vision to add the blue tint to ESB in anticipation of this re-release.

It looks like they did absolutely nothing quality-wise, or addition-wise, or subtraction-wise to this release... though, I guess that's kind of a step up from having negative changes made...

Putting that snow battle scene in where they did seemed awkward.

I could be wrong, but I don't remember the scene with the Falcon and the fighters charging the Executor at 00:50... then again, it's been awhile since I've seen Jedi. Glad they fixed the sabers in the clash in front of the Emperor, too. =P



CES most impressive announcement

none said:

zombie wrote:

As much as reading that gave me a headache I am actually kind of curious where he got that understanding from. Is there some young earth creationism school of thought for home video now or something?

*waves hand*

Unintended consequence of the 2006 dvds.

*waxes off*

You didn't know... but the 1997 Special Edition was actually a higher resolution shot for shot remake with noise enhancing algorithmic equazional equalization THX certified digital-photo-chemical audio enhancements.  No just on the pixel level but the quantum micro-pixel level.  They actually manipulated the quarks in 'The Star Wars' in the 3 Mile Inlet Collider.  I heard, this is all speculative, but they projected the quarks from the 70mm through the 35mm digital enhancements to create this new intra-poso-neg 3Mega 4High 5Def, which is supposedly a whoapping (yes whoapping) 42bX97.3b pixel in quad dimensions.  The MMO will be out last tuesday.

but you might know the other... smaller story, Ontrack Betting in the Dagobagian Dryland.  Sure you've been following along.

I've seen this process in action. It's quite a thing to see.

Some (not so kind) words about Lucas by Mel Smith

TV's Frink said:

haljordan28 said:

I like the idea of dead actors being used in films. I would love to see a new bogart or john wayne film.


haljordan28 said:

CGI could be used for not just actors but musicians as well. I would love to see  new concerts of Elvis or Waylon Jennings or  Gram Parsons. The possibilities  are endless. 


What Frink said.

You'd have a movie with someone who looked like Bogart or Wayne, sure, but not their voice. And if they managed to synthesize that, then not their mannerisms or their acting style. It worked with Jeff Bridges in TRON: Legacy because it was actually him acting the part, not just a digital approximation of him programmed to act like Jeff Bridges might act the part.

This gets into a whole robot vs. human thing here, lol... in short, you can make something look like someone, but you can't reproduce their personality or what makes "them".

Granted, you could make a digital actor hit their mark every time and never have a bad take, but then what you're left with is like the argument Hammond made against Wu in Jurassic Park (the book): Sure you can use technology to make the dinosaurs act the way you want them to act, but then they're not really "real" dinosaurs, are they? You start making something perfectly how you want them and you lose the personality. One of the most popular lines in The Empire Strikes Back is Ford's improvised "I know" line; you'd lose that kind of serendipity and be stuck with robotic, canned films with no life or personality.


Why do all my posts here turn into novels?

Can the story of the prequels be fit into only three films?

Three movies dealing with Anakin's training and rise to the revered Jedi that Ben talks about in Star Wars, set before the Clone Wars, and then three movies set during the Clone Wars describing his temptation and downfall? I always thought that the Clone Wars were way too short for a galaxy-spanning conflict.

However... three movies of Anakin training would most likely be seriously boring. But you have to keep the "Holy Trinity" of three movies, though. The first three would obviously have more than just training: Growing up, meeting Padme, various adventures looking for the Sith threat or some such. We needed more time to care about him, learn his motivations and his desires and whatnot... and it took us three movies to really "know" Luke and company. Then we'd have three more to see his corruption and fall from grace during the Clone Wars.

Of course, it could probably be done in three movies if they were written really well, or perhaps if TPM was less "Star Wars: How I Met Your Mother" and more focused on Anakin's training as a Jedi. In fact, I like that better than my first idea. Maybe have Episode I deal with the middle-late parts of Anakin's Jedi training and the start of the Clone Wars and then have II and III focus on the Clone Wars itself; Episode II might have a younger, more idealistic Jedi Knight Anakin who distinguishes himself as a hero and all-around good guy who always does the right thing, and, a few years later, Episode III with an older, more hardened, cynical Anakin who's disillusioned enough to be corrupted and fall in the first act, then have the second and third acts focus on the Jedi Purge and the establishment of the Empire and destruction of the Republic, then the end of the third act can pull us out of the darkness with the establishment of the Rebellion and a look forward towards a "new hope" for the galaxy.

There's really a million ways to do it.

The Empire Strikes Back inducted into the Library of Congress National Film Registry.

Thanks for the warm welcomes, folks.

Don't worry about the bad post, I've been lurking here long enough now to get a feel for who to take seriously.


So when do we raid the LOC for these prints? =P I know the first thing I thought was "I wonder which version they got..." Can we authenticate which version they have yet at all? I bet Lucas has a pretty, cleaned-up, untouched version of all the films that he keeps all to himself.