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Info: Our projects released thread

The Griff said:

Sorry, but I spoke too soon. Could somebody else please help DJ out with the US release of Birth of the Living Dead?

 It's available on Blu-torrents...  it looks like Dark_Jedi already has access to it.  Dark_Jedi, will you be including it on your release as well?  I'm specifically wondering if you'll be converting the 50hz content or not that's included on the UK BD.

The Wild Life 1984 *RELEASED*

TylerDurden389 said:

I'm in the middle of watching this and wanted to point something out real quick. Some of the Van Halen musical cues are either replaced with alternate music or there's no music at all.

- When Chris Penn jumps out the window, the music from Back to the Future isn't heard until he's driving away. So we don't hear those notes like we do in the BTTF scene.

- The music when Lea Thompson and her friend are driving is missing (after Lea finds out the cop she's been seeing is married). Oddly enough, we do hear the piece at the end of the film when Chris Penn gets back with his girl. So as to why it's missing in this scene is a real ???

- The Van Halen demo of "Mine all mine" during the scene when the kid almost runs over Jim with his car is replaced with a Hendrix song.

- During the party scene, the demo of "A.F.U. (Naturally Wired) isn't heard until the last segment of the scene. There's alternate music instead. One song sounds like Prince, and one of the earlier Van Halen demos is heard instead.

Sorry for nitpicking. I know this movie is technically unavailable and i should be happy that this release was made (and believe me, as an 80's nut I am BEYOND grateful), but as a Van Halen fan, I miss hearing those cues. Though for the few that are interested in hearing them, the score pieces are on youtube now in their full form :)

 That's quite an extensive list of differences, what did you use for comparison?  Have you just seen the film enough times that you remembered hearing the original numbers, or did you do a direct comparison to a prior release?  I'm quite surprised at the number of differences you've listed.  I wasn't familiar enough with the film to pick things like that out, so it's interesting to hear about.

Info: Our projects released thread

dark_jedi said:

A HUGE Thanks to these guys so far,

sinders, Kingherb, HappY85 and TripleHBK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will see how this goes for a few more days and whatever is left I will just pay so I can get it here and start the long hours of backing up.

So Thanks again Guys for helping out, and keep a watchful eye more titles are coming!

 You are very welcome, and backup won't take too long hopefully.  I just dumped 1.89TB of data from one HDD to another over a USB 2.0 connection in about 24 hours, and that was me only moving 50gb - 100gb at a time and taking a long break to sleep.  Hopefully it'll only take 2-3 days of moving things as you feel the need.

Info: Our projects released thread

dark_jedi said:

Hi Everyone,
Over the past few weeks 2 of my Team members have suffered PC issues that could have been catastrophic, well we have managed to save what we needed and were able to finish our latest project that will release very soon, but now I am paranoid as hell, I have ALL the full completed files on my system along with every single file that goes into putting these together and sharing for you all, so my thing is now I am thinking I need to get a large WD MyBook External and back ALL our stuff up, so I am asking if anyone at all wants to help make this happen, we have a few people that have offered so far and I cannot thank them enough or anyone else that wishes to help, this is what I am actually looking at,


Thanks so far to sinders and Kingherb and HappY85!!

*edit, now I normally would have just gotten one myself and been done with it but over the past few months my Son has been in and out of the Hospital and 2 of the times was in the ICU, so funds are drastically depleted for my Family at the moment, and even through all this we were able to finish our latest project and get a new Home for our BD's.

 I'd be willing to pitch in some cash to help.  I can't send as much as I'd like as I took a new job in October and make around 10k less per year than I did, so we're a bit more strapped than usual each month at the moment until we get some loans (Car and Student) paid off. (Hopefully in the next few months!).  

I will say that I currently have every release that's been offered on BT saved to a 3TB Mybook myself, so in the unlikely event something happens before you get the drive, I have the files for all of those releases, and plan on keeping them indefinitely myself if you ever need them.

The Wild Life 1984 *RELEASED*
The Wild Life

Release Date:  April 13th, 2014          Studio:  Universal Pictures               Release Year:  1984

Disk Size:  19.9GB                              Length:  96 Minutes                          MPAA Rating:  R     


Codec: MPEG-4 AVC (28.00 Mbps)
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect ratio: 1.78:1
Original aspect ratio: 1.85:1


English: Dolby Digital 2.0



Single disc (1 BD)

Region free 

                                   Bonus Inserts:

The Wild Life Blu-ray Review

From the creators of 'Fast Times at Ridgemont High" - something even faster!

Reviewed by TripleHBK, February 2nd, 2015

The “Wild Life”… or as most of us called it:  High School, where Hormones flowed and poor decision making was a prerequisite for a good night.  The Wild Life is very much your typical 80’s coming of age comedy with goof ball antics and coming of age lessons.  Billed as an unofficial sequel to Fast Times at Ridgemont High, the film doesn’t so much follow “Fast Times” as attempt to repeat it and its success.  We’re treated to the usual tropes of 80’s comedy…  Bill, the hard working though dull hero of the story whose journey teaches him that life isn’t always what you plan for as he attempts to leave home for the first time, deciding to move into a singles complex complete with Doctors and Stewardess’.  Tom, the free spirited, red blooded American male that has one thing and only one thing on his mind, and that’s a good time, be it through peeping at his on again off again girlfriend Eileen (Played by Jenny Wright) through an open window, throwing himself a “stag Party” in celebration of his self-proclaimed (and entirely inaccurate) recent engagement, or hosting the house party to end all house parties (at everyone else’s expense of course), Jim, the younger brother to Bill (played by Ilan Michael-Smith (Wyatt from Weird Science) the tough-as-nails 15- year-old boy who's obsessed with Vietnam, Jim Morrison, and Jimi Hendrix, and Anita, (Played by a young pre Back to the Future  Leah Thompson) Bill’s Old Flame and the typical, “looking for love in all the wrong places”, kind of gal. 

Without having ever viewed Fast Times at Ridgemont High, The Wild Life would be an enjoyable trek through a long gone era, however having visited Ridgemont on more than a few occasions myself, “The Wild Life” feels more like a retelling of a joke we’ve heard so many times before. We know that the joke is good, but it’s just not funny after hearing (and in this case seeing) it all many times before.   The young cast is certainly entertaining, and the movie zips along nicely, keeping the audience engaged throughout the 96 minute run time, but it can never quite find it’s own identity, and in failing to do so, never quite rises out of the shadow of it’s much more popular cousin; Fast Times at Ridgemont High.  Without a doubt the most interesting aspect of The Wild Life might very well be that writer Cameron Crowe claims to have successfully masqueraded as a high school student to write the book on which the first film was based, and who wrote the follow-up screenplay for ''The Wild Life” as if living out a real life Peter “call me Lando” Griffin segway of Family Guy. 

Fans of 80’s comedy will undoubtedly find a lot to like about The Wild Life.  Its cast is likeable, and the film is full of memorable moments, however originality isn’t its strong suit, but that’s ok.  The Wild Life takes everything you liked about the 80’s and 80’s comedy and spoon feeds it to you hand over fist.    

The Wild Life Blu-ray, Video Quality

3 out of 5 stars

 The Wild Life is alive and well on Blu-ray but unfortunately fails to rise up above the crowd in this mostly satisfying presentation. The mostly average yet decently strong presentation is more akin to the kid who’s read every book on how to be cool, wears all the right clothes, and says all the right things, but just doesn’t have the confidence or swagger for people to take him seriously.

I feel fairly confident saying that this is likely the best the film has ever looked (and likely ever will look), the picture is clean and an improvement over previous releases, yet the grain is noticeably inconsistent; some scenes are rough and almost noisy while others are appreciably film-like.  Definition and clarity are mostly acceptable for a film of this age and budget, but expectations need to be kept in check. The contrast tends to wander all over the map with Day time scenes bordering on Great, while Night time scenes are flat and muddied with the viewer struggling to see much of any real detail.  Indoor scenes fair slightly better on the whole and tend to be much more consistent, but the film never really captures any sort of dimensionality with the exception of a few fleeting moments outside in the brightest of conditions.  Skin tones look good and mostly natural, however detail is often lost amongst a wash of grain or noise (I’m not always sure which).  At it’s best (outside in direct sunlight) which is sadly fleeting, skin textures are amazing with the ability to count each freckle or blemish on Bill’s face, at it’s worst however things can be a smeary mess with only mild traces of improvement over a quality upscale. Black levels are downright crushing at times, often obscuring any real detail or even large portions of a scene during the night.  Thankfully much of the film brightens up after the initial introduction and things only improve, with a mostly satisfying presentation.  The color palette is mostly accurate, with primaries seeing a nice push.  As one would come to expect there is some print noise/damage throughout the picture, but impressively it’s kept to a minimum and is never distracting.  I’d go so far as to say that the level of minor damage found in The Wild Life is less than that found in Private School, despite Private School having the stronger video presentation overall in my opinion.  The Wild Life certainly won’t win any awards with it’s video presentation, but it still stands proudly head and shoulders above many of it’s peers (all of which have come from Major Studios and not a team of folks tirelessly and thanklessly working from home).  It’s easy to be critical of the video presentation, however one only need look at comparable comedies from this time and it’s easy to see the amount of care that this release received, and to appreciate it all the more.


The Wild Life Blu-ray, Audio Quality

   3.5 out of 5

 Things fare a bit better as far as the audio is concerned, with some excellent music and a surprisingly lively presentation despite being a dialog heavy front centered comedy. Imaging ranges from decent to quite good, and overall the film does its best to envelop the viewer despite its 2 channel design.   Dialog is mostly solid, though at times can be lost amidst the ambient noise and music of the scene.  Like Private School the low end is almost none existent at times and the film suffers from an overly tinny sound.  This isn’t to say the sound isn’t mostly satisfying however, as most films from this era share In this same sound design.  If I had one complaint about the sound design, it would be that the main theme used during the disk menu is very harsh sounding with the high hats sounding very shrill when my receiver was set to THX Cinema (which processed the audio to all channels) since this wasn’t the intention of the sound design, nor was it a part of the film, it had no bearing on the score but was worth mentioning.  Also worth mentioning is that the other 2 menu songs sounded great, and the problem was isolated to the main theme.


The Wild Life Blu-ray, Special Features

  2 out of 5

  • Stalking the “Wild Life” – The Sole special feature on the disk is a written interview with Cameron Crowe from a 1984 issue of Interview Magazine.  It’s an interesting read for fans of the movie and of Crowe himself as the interview covers a great many thoughts and topics all captured when the film was still fresh.  Accompanying the text interview are cast photos and background music to accompany the lengthy read.

Private School Blu-ray, Extra Polish

 3 out of 5

Teamblu provided another stellar Cover art/disk design for this release.  Utilizing the original theatrical poster, its hard to imagine a more perfect design.  As is TeamBlu’s trademark, the release lacks a UPC code to ensure that copies remain off any unscrupulous websites looking to make a buck or 2 from their hard work.  This release more than any other has a very 80’s VHS box art style that I personally enjoy a great deal. 

The Menu on this release is straightforward but still shows that care was given when designed.  The theatrical poster art fills the background as the options for Play Movie, Scene Selection or Stalking the “Wild Life” fill the corner of the screen.  1 of 3 themes plays in the background from the get go and is looped depending on the length of time the disk is left on.  Special touches like the hand and chalkboard from private school were left off of this release; however what’s presented is still an outstanding presentation that’s still better than the average retail release. 




Private School Blu-ray, Closing thoughts

It’s hard to imagine a better presentation of this film ever seeing the light of day.  The video and audio are worthy upgrades over previous editions, and I’d be hard pressed to imagine any special features ever materializing for these throw away 1980’s comedies that didn't develop into a tv series or introduce the world to a major actor (ala Weird Science, The Breakfast Club or Revenge of the Nerds).  The film makes an excellent companion to The Private School release, and is now longingly preserved thanks to the efforts of TeamBlu.  If I had one complaint (and I usually only have one with these releases) It’s that I would have liked to have seen the inclusion of the original Theatrical trailer, if for no other reason, than for preservation's sake, and if there was ever a perfect release to include the soundtrack with the film, this might have been it.  Overall while this release doesn't have the amount of extra’s or elaborate presentation that many of TeamBlu’s other releases posses, it’s still a worthy addition to the library and still well worth the effort required to obtain.  Recommended.



 EDIT:  I've toiled over my review for the past 24 hours since posting it and some of the scores I gave "The Wild Life".  I feel that my original score of 2 for "Extra Polish" doesn't sufficiently convey the quality that this release exhibits.  As this is only my second review ever, I'm still working on how I score things.  I believe I've come up with a new revised system that is more fairly weighted going forward.  Accordingly, I've revised the current score to what I feel is a better representation of the level of quality of this release.  I apologize for any confusion, but I feel that I scored this release too low for the amount of work and quality that is plainly obvious.  The difficult task I've had with these release (and just starting out as a whole) is trying to figure out what makes a Fantastic release different from a Great release or a good release.  All of TeamBlu's releases I've viewed have been good.. but some are certainly much more impressive than others.  I believe with my new system I have a fair system that will ensure these release get the credit they deserve.



Private School 1983 *RELEASED*

dark_jedi said:

@TripleHBK, my menu guy and I just got done chatting and we are both very, very impressed with your review, the wording, the layout, it is all great, so I just wanted to pass a long that we really appreciate what you have done here and we certainly hope you do all the rest of them as well.

Thank you, it is a treat to finally read something on what we do, even if you are one of the only members and a lot of BD's are out now and have been snatched!

Believe me, the pleasure is all mine. : )  I was able to watch another release tonight and I have another review well underway.  I've got what will hopefully be a much better format for the review as well and as long as it looks good on the forums, will likely be my template going forward.

Private School 1983 *RELEASED*

dark_jedi said:

Thanks a lot for the very in depth review, and for posting it here and at B-T, hell we should get you as a tester/reviewer lol.

Regarding UPC's, I have read this before and yes it is our decision not to use them, are we supposed to make up our own? I think we used the DVD or LD for NOTLD 90, but since we have dropped it, we are not a Studio lol.

Thanks again for this, are you going to do more of the titles?

 Thanks, for the kind words. I'm by no means a professional reviewer, but I tried to follow a tried and true formula to help guide me along.  I'm hopefully that my reviews will continue to improve as I write them.  

I assumed the no UPC design was intentional and made sure to mention it in my review so others wouldn't think it was a complaint or that I was knocking the release in any way.  The cover designs have all been pretty fantastic and a UPC wouldn't change that.  It's just something that I personally like seeing, but again it makes no difference at the end of the day.  

My plan is to go through and do each and every TeamBlu release over the coming weeks if possible.  I also plan on uploading some photos of the finished products and collection as a whole as I think seeing these completed works is a very high selling point that many people aren't really aware of.  Right now, there's a couple things holding me back from posting photos.  Mainly, I don't have the full collection yet.  Once I get everything, I planned on doing a few group photos, but more than that.  I need to look into what kind of paper I want to print the lobby cards/Slipcovers on as to best represent the final product.  

I really can't stress just how impressive your releases are as a whole though.  Their are many films that I normally would have passed on, but because Teamblu is associated with them, I feel I need to check them out simply out of appreciation for the work that you do.  I can't promise that I'll have another review this week, but we'll see how I feel yet tonight.  I hope to do one per week until they've been completed but it really depends on whether my 1 year old sleeps through the night and allows me the chance to sit down and focus as my reviews and movie watching comes at night.

Private School 1983 *RELEASED*


Private School Blu-ray


Universal | 1983 | 89 min | Rated R | March 27, 2014





Codec: MPEG-4 AVC (28.00 Mbps)
Resolution: 1080p
Aspect ratio: 1.85:1
Original aspect ratio: 1.85:1


English: Dolby Digital 2.0



Single disc (1 BD)

Region free 

Private School Blu-ray Review

You won't believe what goes on and what comes off in ... Private School

Reviewed by TripleHBK, January 30th, 2015

If the 80’s taught me one thing it’s that it’s my god given duty to chase woman and party hard.  Seeing as how I never really did either of those things growing up I feel like on some level I failed as an adolecent, but that’s neither here nor there.  Revenge of the Nerds, Animal House, Porky’s, all stand at the forefront of classic 80’s Comedy known for their partying and womanizing.  Not far behind these juggernauts stands a plethora of other lesser known films, among them is Private School.  A somewhat lesser known title that share a great deal of similarity to the aforementioned films, but comes off as a bit sleazier in it’s presentation (in my opinion of course.) 

Rather than write a long winded narrative of the film, I’ve decided to include this very short and sweet synopsis from IMDB;

The film deals with the social interactions between girls from Cherryvale and the young men from the nearby Freemount Academy. Of course when I say "social interaction" I mean sex. Simply put, the guys are trying to either score with the ladies, or at least get a good Polaroid of them coming out of the shower. The film has a serious undercurrent in how it deals with the relationship between Christine Ramsey (Phoebe Cates) and Jim Green (Matthew Modine). They are trying to lose their virginity under the best possible circumstances, but there are of course complications and misunderstandings. Christine's next door neighbor, the lovely and talented Betsy Russell, is out to steal Jim for herself using methods that would certainly grab any young man's attention. The resulting action plays out in the most satisfactory of ways. -- TOMASBBloodhound”  

The real reason anyone will bother reading my review in the first place is to see the more technical aspects of this release, so that’s where I’ve spent the majority of my time.  Private School is very much an 80’s male comedy. Filled to the brim with nudity and oddball antics, if you’re a fan of 80’s teen comedies, then Private School has your name written all over it.

Private School Blu-ray, Video Quality

3.5 out of 5 stars

Private School is presented on a 25GB BD-R courtesy of TeamBlu with an AVC encoded 1080p transfer in 1.85:1. With the understanding that Private School was never a crystal clear viewing experience, and is unlikely to ever receive any sort of special treatment, let alone a full domestic retail release, this presentation is highly commendable on several levels and at times bordering on Outstanding. Colors are nicely saturated and accurate looking throughout much of the film, with primaries being especially notable in their pop and vividness. Contrast is surprisingly solid and consistent throughout much of the presentation. Day time scenes exhibit a 3 dimensionality that’s downright surprising given the low budget origins and age of said film.  Night scenes suffer from problems typical of films from this time and lose much of the luster that the day scenes strive so hard to project with the image appearing flatter, less detailed, and exhibiting signs of black crush, but this is again to be expected.  Sharpness is appropriate and not overdone, with minor details evident though without ringing or being surrounded by halos. Close-ups, provide excellent levels of fine detail in things like the fibers in sweaters, car seats and individual strands of hair. A nice layer of Grain is evident though never intrusive throughout the presentation. A healthy bitrate helps to ensure that little to no compression artifacts crop up though the print has its share of White speckles.  These are infrequent and unobtrusive in most instances, but evident none the less.  Brining down the rating slightly are aspects of the dorm room scene and parts of the beach scene at the end of the film which suffer from a loss of resolution and appear hazy at times compared to much of the film.  Not a deal breaker, and I’m happy to report these instances are brief, but they were noticeable enough for me to knock off half a star.

Private School Blu-ray, Audio Quality

   2.5 out of 5

Private School comes with a single audio option, a very average though unspectacular Dolby Digital 2.0 mix.  Dialogue is clear if not a bit shallow and lacking in the lower range. This is a satisfactory sound mix for a dialog heavy comedy of this sort, but there’s no doubt it that it could be improved if an official release was ever given the attention it deserves.

Private School Blu-ray, Special Features

 4 out of 5

  • Private Lessons (1981) (480i; 1hr 27min) – Special features are sparse with Private School, but what is there is well worth the effort.  Private lessons a 1981 mostly forgotten adult “comedy” is the primary feature.  Presented in full frame (1:33:1) the film is a nice addition to an already stellar disk.  Included is the directors commentary track to go with the Dolby 2.0 audio. 
  • Private Lessons (1981) Special Features:  In a move that only TeamBlu and other film preservationists could pull off, included with Private Lessons are it’s very own special features.  Included in this sub menu are a Theatrical trailer for Private Lessons, as well as a segment entitled Sherman: Love Expert. This feature is broken down further in several short segments.  “How to get the most out of touching a woman’s breast” (51 Seconds); “Determining if a Woman is your wife, or a whore.” (51 Seconds); “Did you make it to 2nd base? A Checklist” (26 seconds); and “Avoiding Marriage (But still getting the perks)” (35 Seconds).  Watched alone, these sequences are amongst the funniest (and most disturbing) moments taken from the film as Sherman offers up his advise on woman, life, and other finer topics.
  • Teaser Trailer (480i; 1:19) A Taste of what to expect from Private School after mentioning that this film is more or less the sequel/follow up to “Private Lessons”.
  • Remastered Theatrical Trailer (1080p; :49)

Private School Blu-ray, Extra Polish


As with all TeamBlu releases, Private School came packed with amazing Cover art, reverse cover art, disk art, and an Outstanding Menu system that never ceases to amaze me in its level of quality.  The menu itself is multiple layers deep and outshines all but the very best retail releases these days.  Things are laid out logically, yet menus go far deeper then the average one or two clicks, thanks to the addition of an additional special features menu tucked away within the Private Lessons sub film.  The menu’s are high quality and show real thoughtfulness in their design.  Utilizing a hand with chalk in front of the chalkboard the user selects their options as they listen to the main theme of the film.  When a selection is made the “chalk” crosses off the selection on the list to note which selection was made.  It’s a simple looking feature that looks wonderfully and fits well with the presentation.  The Pop up menu shares in it’s originality as when pressed during the film a clip board rises from the bottom right corner with further selectable options.  It’s again a nice touch that shows the amount of thought and effort that goes into these releases.

Overall my only qualm with the design of the menu/disk/cover is that it lacks a UPC.  Nothing worth losing points over, but it’s the one thing that separates retail releases from the quality releases TeamBlu puts out.  This is likely an intentional decision to help prevent unauthorized sales and it’s by no means a big deal, but it’s something I notice that I’d like to see on future releases. 


Private School Blu-ray, Closing thoughts

Sometimes the sum of the parts is greater than the pieces are individually worth.  This is easily a 5 out of 5 presentation despite what my previous ratings may have indicated.  I’m confident when I say that this film will never have a better looking, more complete presentation than what Teamblu has assembled for us all here.  This is simply 5 star quality work for a film that honestly probably doesn’t deserve this level of attention.  Video shortcomings and audio complaints aside, this release is simply stellar and you’d be a fool to pass on it.  Its well worth the change a blank BD-R costs these days, and the time/bandwidth required acquiring it.  This is easily one of my favorite TeamBlu releases, and I can’t recommend it enough.  HIGHLY RECOMMENDED.

Info Wanted: Evil Dead (2013) Extended Edition - did anyone capture it?

So apparently last night a station in the UK ran a special extended edition of the Evil Dead (2013).  It included extended sequences and an extended ending.  By any chance did anyone on here happen to catch it and/or cap it.  With it looking unlikely that a fully uncut version will ever officially be released, I’m hopeful that someone was able to capture the film and we can get it online for all.  Here’s a link to the clips in question.


Info Thread: 3D Movies Preservation

Oldfan said:

TripleHBK said:

This isn't my creation, it was given to me by another forum member "jsonthegreat" from Blu-ray.com shortly after the release of the collection.

 The reason for the 2 separate sources (one DVD & One Blu Ray) is that one eye is from the dvd (I can't remember which, but let's call it the left) and one from the Blu Ray (Let's call it the Right).  The reason is that when 3D is filmed with a dual camera setup 2 separate perspectives are created and For whatever reason, the DVD used the Left eye perspective, while the Blu Ray used the right eye perspective.  The fact that both perspectives were available meant they could be assembled into a fully functioning Real 3d image, and not just one that was post processed into 3D.  

Again, I didn't do any of the work myself, so I can't go into specifics beyond what I've said as I really don't know much more but from what I was told, the DVD was scaled and synced with the Blu Ray release.

I'm unaware if this was ever released publicly on any sites or newsgroups. The creator was banned from the forum shortly after talking about it, and I haven't seen him since.  I was fortunate enough to be one of the few folks that got a copy prior to him getting the boot, so I really don't know how many other people have copies.  

I'd be happy to share for those interested but need to find a viable method for sharing.  I may try the sendspace multiple link route that TeamBlu has used in the past, as I don't want to permanently host a torrent, nor am I really interested in mailing out copies. With that said, I'll look into what other options I have, and see if I can't get this hosted somewhere.  

One solution may be for interested parties to create their own mega.co.nz accounts as I believe I could transfer the files to new accounts from my my account without it counting towards individual bandwidth limits, but I'm not sure on that.  The file is 11GB in size.  I've used my Plex media server to stream it previously myself though I have a copy burned to bd-r as well.  Ideally, someone would be interested in taking this and turning it into a full release with menu and extra's and possibly the 2D version all on a BD-50, but for now that's wishful thinking.


I'm one of the other lucky few that manged to get a copy before he stopped posting there. We actually exchanged pm's about the project. I gave him some thoughts I had on the transfer, along with some timecodes of when there are glitches and errors. He replied back that he was planning on tweaking the final version but he never posted it to my knowledge.

I watched it on my 3D tv, and it was indeed spectacular. Keep in mind that it is flawed though. One of the sources was the DVD and the DVD has a different color palette to it than the blu-ray. So the right and left eye each see a different master with different coloring and brightness. When seen together your eyes merge them together fairly seamlessly for the most part. That also means the DVD side has less sharpness and resolution due to it being sourced from DVD.

A bigger issue is that a fair amount of footage in this fan release is in 2D, not 3D. For whatever reason, many of the shots use the same eye in both the DVD and blu-ray - which means that throught the 3D presentation, it will randomly switch to 2D, then back to 3D in the following shot. The glasses of course will remain active - but the image itself will be flat. Thankfully most of the 3D gimmick shots are preserved wonderfully in full 3D, but a couple gimmick shots that stick out of the screen are sadly in 2D. Most of the shots in 2D are quick - the majority of the film is still in amazing 3D - but there are a fair number of shots - some just a few seconds, some longer - that aren't in 3D.

It's still the best 3D presentation you are likely to see of this movie, ever, until Paramount or Warner decides to release this properly in 3D.

 I appreciate the info and I'm glad someone else has gotten to appreciate his work.  With that said, I've nearly gotten the full file uploaded on mega.co.nz so I'll be testing my theory shortly on whether I can share with other mega users or not.

Info Thread: 3D Movies Preservation

This isn't my creation, it was given to me by another forum member "jsonthegreat" from Blu-ray.com shortly after the release of the collection.

 The reason for the 2 separate sources (one DVD & One Blu Ray) is that one eye is from the dvd (I can't remember which, but let's call it the left) and one from the Blu Ray (Let's call it the Right).  The reason is that when 3D is filmed with a dual camera setup 2 separate perspectives are created and For whatever reason, the DVD used the Left eye perspective, while the Blu Ray used the right eye perspective.  The fact that both perspectives were available meant they could be assembled into a fully functioning Real 3d image, and not just one that was post processed into 3D.  

Again, I didn't do any of the work myself, so I can't go into specifics beyond what I've said as I really don't know much more but from what I was told, the DVD was scaled and synced with the Blu Ray release.

I'm unaware if this was ever released publicly on any sites or newsgroups. The creator was banned from the forum shortly after talking about it, and I haven't seen him since.  I was fortunate enough to be one of the few folks that got a copy prior to him getting the boot, so I really don't know how many other people have copies.  

I'd be happy to share for those interested but need to find a viable method for sharing.  I may try the sendspace multiple link route that TeamBlu has used in the past, as I don't want to permanently host a torrent, nor am I really interested in mailing out copies. With that said, I'll look into what other options I have, and see if I can't get this hosted somewhere.  

One solution may be for interested parties to create their own mega.co.nz accounts as I believe I could transfer the files to new accounts from my my account without it counting towards individual bandwidth limits, but I'm not sure on that.  The file is 11GB in size.  I've used my Plex media server to stream it previously myself though I have a copy burned to bd-r as well.  Ideally, someone would be interested in taking this and turning it into a full release with menu and extra's and possibly the 2D version all on a BD-50, but for now that's wishful thinking.

Info Thread: 3D Movies Preservation

skoal said:

3D VHD discs are prime to preserve.

Has Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D (field rather than anaglyph) been preserved yet?

ChainsawAsh said:

Anyone interested in preserving...

Friday the 13th Part 3: 3D


Thank you and Cheers!


 I have a very nice quality SBS Version of Friday the 13th part 3.  It utilizes the Blu Ray for One Eye and the DVD for the other.  For all intents and purposes it's HD and looks great.  The 3D effects are absolutely fantastic.  Things just fly out of the screen all the time.  It's effects like these that current 3D has been missing because Hollywood was concerned that it'd be viewed as not artistic enough.  I indirectly offered the files to TeamBlu to see if they wanted to put together a Friday Part 3 project release but never heard anything back.  I'd love to get Jaws 3D as well either officially or at least through a preservation effort.

Info: Our projects released thread

Fair enough.  

I plan on trying to do some write-up's in the future on each of the titles released.  I'll likely also redo my write ups on NOTLD and FNII as well since it's been some time since those initial thoughts were done. Thanks for putting so much effort into these releases.  A fair chunk of them I'm not familiar with, but given the amount of polish that goes into each release I've decided to pick up the entire set as I feel each and every release completed deserves it's fair share of attention in much the same way Scream Factory or Arrow releases deserve a look.

TeamBlu truly deserves many thanks for bringing so many fantastic releases to their fans.  

Info: Our projects released thread

Any chance we can get the rest of the Team Blu's releases up on blu-torrents?  I still have the original files for Night of the Living Dead 1990 if you'd like me to upload that one, however I don't have any of these listed below.  I'll be happy to upload anything/everything I do have access to however if/when I get the files.

Conan The Barbarian US Theatrical

Conan The Barbarian Extended Cut Bonus BD
Night of The Living Dead 1990 Special Edition
The Ninja Trilogy
Private School
The Wild Life
The Terminator
Terminator 2 Judgement Day
The Neverending Story 2-Disc Set

Info: Our projects released thread

Nickeleye7 said:

If someone can provide me an invite it would be greatly appreciated.  Or otherwise give a heads up when registration is open.  Thanks.

 welcome to the waiting list...  by my estimate there's probably 20 members ahead of you (myself included) still waiting for invites or open registration.  In fact, it might be useful to have a public waiting list thread where people could add their names to be considered for an invite when more become available.  It'd cut down on the number of people asking and provide those of us that are waiting with an idea of where we fall in terms of the list.  

Info: Our projects released thread

RedForeman said:

If someone wants to go half with me on a monthly seedbox bill to donate to Team Blu, I'd be willing to pay half the cost of the box every month for the foreseeable future.

Whatbox seems to have the most storage space for the least amount of money. And what's more, they don't shut off the box if you reach your monthly upload limit. They only limit you to 5mbps/sec for the remainder of the month, so if that happened, then the torrents would still be seeding without interruption.


I think 1.35TB storage space would be enough to host all of Team Blu's releases so far, with enough room to spare for future releases.

 I don't particularly want to spend $12.50 each month on an ongoing basis, however I wouldn't have a problem chipping in a smaller amount each month, or paying a larger amount once or twice a year.  (Like one months service (around $25).  I think a pay to play format is more than acceptable for guaranteed access.  I think if everyone that wanted access to these fine releases chipped in $5-$10 once, there'd be more than enough interest to fund the seed box for several months.  Hell if just 10 people chipped in at $10 that'd fund the box for 4 months.  At this point I'm not even sure if there's that many releases I really am after outside of Maximum Overdrive, but the potential access to future releases (Especially if an Uncut Jason goes to hell is ever finished) is more than worth the upfront cost.  If someone set's it up and get's things running, I'm happy to pitch in my share.  

Info: Our projects released thread

I have this version of the DVD:

Along with this version of the Blu Ray from the original christmas classics boxset released in 2010 I think:

I've never bothered to seek out to see if the error is present on both/either, but if you're interested in either version let me know.  As for your request for a blu ray player earlier... I still recommend a PS3. Guaranteed updates, 3d compatibility, the ability to stream, change backgrounds/themes, Tons of free memory and still pretty quick make the slightly higher cost still worth it for me.  

Info: Our projects released thread

vadertyme said:

I received my package last week which included Maximum Overdrive, Private School, The Wild Life and Nurse 2D Uncensored and I wanted to start off by offering a sincere thank you again to DJ and the rest of Team Blu for once again putting together several outstanding projects.

After testing out all of the discs from a functionality standpoint, I am happy report (again) that i haven't encountered any issues to speak off on any of these discs.  Everything functions as it should and I am truly appreciative of the time and effort spent on the QA/QC of not just these but  all of Team Blu projects.  I think what truly separates Team Blus projects from other blu-ray projects I’ve come across is this QA/QC aspect.  I bring this up because the only projects that I have of Team Blu that I didn’t get directly from them were Sheena and The White Buffalo (BTW these are another 2 excellent projects worth getting when they are available) which were obtained from the ‘spleen and took me 20 hrs. each to download…I know, I know I have a crappy internet connection.  Anyway, after downloading and burning them to a BD, they both behaved as they should (i.e. perfectly) right out of the burner.  I mention this because I have downloaded several other projects from others which took the same amount of time to download and the results were mixed at best and I later was able to confirm that other people had the same issues with these projects that I did.  With Team Blu, you never have to worry about that…so download these with confidence.

In closing , I get the vibe sometimes that the team wishes that it could work faster and are frustrated that they don't but for me when you look at the level of care put into the transfers, bonus materials, elaborate menus, artwork (both inside and out) and disc art, the TLC put into these is very apparent and I say take as long as you guys need as the results are well worth it.  Fellow OT member vbangle, hit it right on the head when he said that there is no difference anymore between commercial retail product and Team Blu's because truthfully there isn't.  Actually, I might venture a step further and say that Team Blus projects are superior to the vast majority of what’s being commercially released that we all lay down are hard earned money for.  For instance, take this Maximum Overdrive project, which included lobby/post cards and a poster…totally unexpected and incredible:)  I mean it when I say that I’m eagerly anticipating Team Blu's releases more than 95% of what’s coming to retail in the near future. DJ, You_Too, & Deathcab…I congratulate you again on your triumphs and encourage you keep up the great work!!!


Note: I will update this post with some photos of these items when I get a chance this weekend.  

 Excellent Write up!  I'm Jealous of the fact that you've seemed to found a way of acquiring these excellent releases!  The 2 I've obtained were incredible so I have no doubt that these new projects are great as well.