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The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, & Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

I remember seeing a ton of Bond movies as a kid. All the innuendos soared right over my head, of course, but even back then I thought they were too generic and same-y. There were only a few movies that really stood out from the rest, everything else just blended into a vague jumble of memories. I don’t think I would ever want to revisit the franchise as an adult.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Superweapon VII said:

I began dabbling in AI art this past September. It was a fun toy to play with those first few weeks, but it quickly lost its lustre. From the creative standpoint, I found it an incredibly low-effort, unchallenging, soulless exercise. Since then, I’ve only used AI-generated images as components in digital collages, as “pure” AI art does nothing for me as a creator.

I hope that’s how everyone else will feel, too. AI used to seem like the coolest thing ever to me, but as the luster of “cool new technology” faded away, it was replaced by pure existential dread. Already, the “human element” of art feels like it’s being replaced by soulless robotic perfection. We’re at an inflection point here, and we can either choose to preserve our humanity or sit back as AI lifts the burden of creativity off our shoulders. I sincerely hope we choose the former.

Great movies you hate.

Night of the Living Dead. I tried watching it a couple days ago, but it has aged horribly. The protagonist is a “helpless screaming blonde” of the type that was unfortunately common in old Hollywood, the zombies never feel even slightly threatening, and the soundtrack is overbearing and melodramatic when it should be more subtle and tense. I’m sure it was absolutely terrifying in 1968 when nobody knew what a zombie was yet, but it has almost no value for a modern viewer.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

ifjg said:

Using an AI trained by Jar Jar’s lines to replace his dialogue seems a lot more respectable to Ahmed Best’s performance compared to throwing out his voice entirely. I don’t see much of an ethical issue here beyond just what comes standard with taking someone else’s work and recutting it to suit your taste. This also seems great for making edits that would stand up fine alongside canon media or others’ edits, since it can indeed be jarring going from a redubbed Jar Jar to the official voice.

It’s not really a matter of “respecting the original performance” for me. I’d argue that any form of fanediting could be considered disrespectful to the original creators, because it implies that there’s something wrong with their work. My concerns are mostly based around getting the best possible performance: an AI is inherently less capable of expressing emotion than a human being. No matter how good these AI programs get, they will never sound “human” to me.

Also, as long as the new voice is reasonably similar to the original, I don’t think canon compatibility is a huge issue. Characters change actors in official media all the time. I personally think canon compatibility is an overrated concept in the first place, but that’s another issue.

Andor EP1: Spark of Rebellion 4K [RELEASED]

smudger9 said:

szopman said:

I still hasn’t finished watching (won’t be able to watch it all at once today) but I noticed one little thing that makes the opening text feel very off.

The first line is centered, while the other 3 paragraphs are to the left. Its a little detail maybe but it really “hit” my eyes and made it look very faneditish to me.

The written content itself and its pacing is great, not too long,not too short, more like “Solo”. But still, I really think the format has to be corrected 😉

Once I watch it all, I ll be able to share more insights 😉

Thanks for the feedback. I tried a number of different formats for the crawl - all centered, all left aligned, centred with left aligned. This is the one I thought looked the best. The idea is that the first line is a sort of subtitle to the film title. Then the following three paragraphs are the exposition. I guess I could just combine the first 2 lines and keep it all left aligned if it bothers more people.

I personally think the first line would look better left aligned, although I do like it being a separate paragraph for additional emphasis.

Also, there’s a typo in the text; the first line should say “it’s a dark time,” rather than “its”. Personally, though, I think it would look more Star Wars-y to get rid of the contraction completely: “It is a dark time for the galaxy.”

EDIT: There should also be a comma in the third sentence: “But as the oppression grows, pockets of resistance have started to form.”

What will be the next physical home media release of the Original Trilogy?

Good God, that’s a bad release. It doesn’t seem like Disney put an ounce of effort into any of it. Even the covers are the most bland, uncreative crap imaginable. At least the 2015 “faces” steelbooks had a semi-cohesive theme.

Marooned Biker Scout said:

Edit: They are now listed listed at $30 each, previously they were listed at $35 each.

LMAO, the collective reaction of “who cares” was so strong that Disney chose to devalue their own products before they even released. Expect these things to go on clearance fast.


That guy with no name said:

Here it is without the camera shake.

Yeah, it’s way better without the camera shake. Weirdly, it almost feels like less shaking gives it more impact.

By the way, the explosion effect is great! Sorry if I sound too critical, you’re doing some amazing work.

TGWNN's The Cloak of deception: revisited (WIP)

Hal 9000 said:

Where are you trying to make it look like they are?

Outside Palpatine’s office, it looks like.

I personally think it’s a bad idea. One of this edit’s goals is to make Sidious being Palpatine more of a surprise, it would be weird to add more connections between the two. And even in-universe, it would be dumb for Palpatine to invite his secret evil assassin to his very high-profile apartment.


That guy with no name said:

Death star explosion final.
should I keep the camera shake or leave it out?

No camera shake, please. No offense, but it feels sort of “amateurish”. Big explosions being accompanied by camera shaking has never really been a part of Star Wars’s visual language.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

Personally, I feel sort of uncomfortable using AI voice clips for fanediting. The fact that we can now create new movie dialogue out of thin air, with no input from the original actors at all, feels sort of soulless to me. Call me a Luddite, but AI in general is a Pandora’s box that I’m not really comfortable opening.

If we’re going to change Jar-Jar’s dialogue, I think the classic “foreign dub with new subtitles” route is the best way to go about it. Sure, Jar-Jar does appear in later canon material, but you can just assume he learned English in between movies (which would explain his dialect).

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

EddieDean said:

vranir said:

“Galactic REPUBLIC” - it’d be a good opportunity to get that official setting term in there.

Starkiller, I love it! But I agree with Vranir, I think we need to namedrop ‘Republic’. And I don’t think ‘And so’ should feature, that feels a little abnormal for a Star Wars crawl. But otherwise, absolutely great.

Okay, here’s one more revision of the final paragraph:

Hearing her desperate pleas,
the Chancellor of the Galactic
Republic has sent Jedi master
Qui-Gon Jinn and his apprentice
to bargain for the queen’s
freedom, unaware that a
sinister force is behind these
shocking events…

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

I’m glad you guys like my crawl. I specifically tried to emulate the heightened, melodramatic style of the classic OT crawls, especially ANH (since this will be my personal “first installment”). In fact, the phrase “driven by greed and lust for power” was taken directly from ANH’s second draft.

As for explaining Sidious’s goal with the invasion, I already tried to partially do that with the bit about Naboo’s “valuable resources”. However, I don’t want to go too in-depth with Palpatine’s endgame here: it’s the very beginning of the story, and the best stories know to keep things simple at first.

Actually, speaking of keeping things simple, I realized that my final paragraph was a bit too much of a run-on sentence. In particular, I think name-dropping Valorum is unnecessary: he doesn’t even appear for the next two acts, and I think it’s better to emphasize Qui-Gon as the “main character” by having him be the only person named in the crawl. So, here’s my revision of that bit:

And so, Jedi master Qui-Gon
Jinn and his apprentice have
been sent by the Chancellor
of the galactic government
to bargain for the queen’s
freedom, unaware that a
sinister force is behind
these shocking events…

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

There’s been some renewed discussion of some of the ideas from this thread, and it’s made me rethink one of this thread’s main goals: restructuring the opening scene to be more engaging.

EddieDean’s idea to have Padme be the MacGuffin from the very beginning, thus increasing the parallels to ANH, was great on paper. However, in practice, cutting the opening negotiation entirely made the movie feel somewhat incomplete. So, I figured out a way to keep the focus on Padme, while maintaining the negotiation scenes: have the Jedi’s goal be to bargain for Padme’s freedom.

Here’s the crawl I’m thinking of using. I had three main goals here: to center the main conflict squarely on “saving the princess” (or queen in this case), increase the level of urgency in general, and include exposition for certain key story elements (since my planned prequel edits are intended for chronological order).

Episode I

The galaxy is in chaos. Driven
by greed and lust for power,
the ruthless Trade Federation
has blockaded the peaceful
planet of Naboo.

As the Federation prepares
to send their fearsome droid
armies to seize the planet’s
valuable resources, the last
hope of Naboo’s queen lies in
the Jedi Knights, guardians of
peace and wielders of the
mystic Force.

And so, Jedi master Qui-Gon
Jinn and his apprentice have
been dispatched by Chancellor
Valorum, leader of the galactic
government, to bargain for the
queen’s freedom, unaware that
a sinister force is behind
these shocking events…

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Octorox said:

It could allow us to try the “3PO never gets his memory back” idea.

Yeah, that would be really neat to pull off. It’s been one of my number 1 TROS editing goals from the very beginning.

One of the ideas that’s been stuck in my head for years is a potential callback to AOTC, in the scene of Rey transmitting the Exegol coordinates:

“Excuse me, friends, but this R2 unit claims to be receiving a message from someone named… Luke Skywalker. Pardon me for asking, but does that name mean anything to you?”

Worst Edit Ideas

Alter the dialogue when Luke confronts Vader in ROTJ, in order to increase continuity with ROTS:

Come with me, father. I know there is good in you, let go of your hate!

Vader pauses. He’s heard those words before, but from where? Then, he remembers.

Joe once thought as you do.

Wait… who’s Joe?


Vader continues “oooooohhhhh”-ing for the rest of the scene, as Luke walks into the elevator shaft, a look of disappointment on his face.

TGWNN's The Cloak of deception: revisited (WIP)

vranir said:

Any thoughts about making other changes based on that community brainstorming thread, especially regarding the movie start and climax?

I’m not him, but I would prefer if he just stuck to his stated goal of giving Hal’s edit the “Revisited” treatment. Making any new plot-related changes would introduce the urge to go further and further, to the point where it wouldn’t even be the same edit anymore.

How to Watch Star Wars, Part Two: The Special Editions Are the Movies, Get Over It

BedeHistory731 said:

At least they only have 1/3 of the word count that Stardust1138 had.

Oh God, don’t remind me. 😉

But it’s interesting you brought him up, because I remember he was a massive Rick Worley fan too. Why does that guy have so many loyal followers? Why do 4 hour apologia sessions for some of the most hated creators in history seem appealing to anyone?

Who is the most annoying character in Each Trilogy? Excluding Jar Jar, Rose, and C-3PO.

CarboniteSolo said:

When Anakin is courting Padme on Naboo is just so cringe. Padme is marrying this guy who’s talking about sand, and kills Tusken women and children really? But he saved her life 10 years ago, so it’s ok.

He didn’t even save her life 10 years ago, though: that was added in fan edits. In the actual movie, her decoy was the one who bailed her out. So Padme has literally zero reason to fall in love with Ani.

The Star Wars Fan Edits Request Thread: Request the links to Star Wars fan edits here

spargbotu said:

An edit of CW S6 Protocol 66 arc with The Siege of Mandalore (last 4 ep) , for a ~2h movie i feel would be great. Ticky to make, but great.

Sorry, but this thread is for requesting links to edits that already exist. If you want an edit that doesn’t exist, make it yourself. Be the change you want to see in the world.