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Star Wars In 3D
So, does anybody remember the lenticular 3D Star Wars cards from '97 or so? The depth effects on those were impressive considering they were working from 2d film frames. It still bugs me to this day with all the merchandising you can think of in existence, George never thought about having viewmaster reels shot on the set.
Emmet Otter's Jugband Christmas (Complete) - (Released)
I have already burned a disc of it. I'm going to be out of town for the next two weeks, but I'd be happy to send you a copy when I get back. This is my Mom's favorite Christmas special and she hates the cuts that have been made. I picked up the older DVD a while back with the same idea in mind you have.
Sorry, I don't have the other special.
The EWOK Film Trilogy
It's hard to nail down the precise timeframe the Ewok movies take place in. There was an article in the old fan club newsletter Bantha Tracks referencing a scene (apparently cut) where a young Ewok plays with a carved wooden Imperial Scout Walker. Wicket has learned to speak english (Galactic Standard?) in Battle for Endor, but there have been cop-out explanations to explain away the fact he doesn't speak it in Jedi.
On the other hand, if all the characters introduced in BFE laid low during the Imperial presence, why didn't Wilford Brimely's character try to contact the rebels or go looking for tech he could salvage when there would be tons of wrecked Imperial hardware lying about?
The fan film "The Invisible Enemy" would fit in nicely before Jedi.
Info: Hold onto your old Little Mermaid discs!
Interesting. Perhaps the theatre I saw BATB several times at back in '91 (the last time I recall a movie staying in release almost a year!) goofed up? Because it looked more like 1:66 at the time. One showing I actually had to go bug the manager because the the framing was screwed up vertically, (much like an old tv with a bad V control knob) and there didn't appear to extra image info visible before they fixed it. This theatre was actually pretty good with it's presentations most of the time, something I kind of miss now.
Info: Hold onto your old Little Mermaid discs!
It's a minor edit, but the fact they changed it for the third(?) home video incarnation speaks volumes on the lack of spines at the house of mouse. (They've all but validated the people who said it was a boner all along!) The lack of the original sound mix on this new release makes me glad I have the LD! I'm starting to wonder if any Disney "classic" has made it to DVD in it's original form at all.