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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

EyeShotFirst said:

I say the Super Star Destroyer should be shown coming in to frame only to be shadowed by the Death Star. It would make an unsuspecting audience think what could possibly dwarf the executor? 

George always seemed to dwarf all of these humongous ships by even bigger ships. Let us continue that flow.



Indeed.  That would make a visually impressive opening.  Of course, the opening crawl will need to be re-done, which has already been discussed in the ROTJ wishlist thread.

As far as the shuttle shot as is, it works; certainly better than a bomber shuttle.  Although, I always thought of it as a square-ish troop transport shuttle.  Kinda like this:

Except bigger! :)

Must've been my Kenner upbringing....

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Darth Solo said:

doubleofive said:

RowMan said:

Darth Solo said:

My o my, its quite interesting to see how quickly we are embracing the industries new technology.

Is there ANYONE able to send me a copy of ANH:R on betamax tape and a Super HD copy, so i can compair image quality?

Gotcha covered on the Betamax (Hi-Fi even). What's your address?  ;)

I've considered making a full-frame VHS-quality version of Revisited, just to imagine what an alternate reality version of my childhood would have been like.  Sounded like a fun project.

Im actually liking that idea for some strange reason, joking aside. I can do a VHS cover (Imandix dont cover those previews though).


Is DVD in the early stage of becoming retro now?

I'm just imagining the front advertising the tape in "Hi-Fi Stereo!"  Man, that brings me back....

Episode II: Shroud of the Dark Side (the TM edit) (Released)

Yeah, I'd really like to give this a look as well.  Certainly torrenting is an option as is rs.  Another would be the newsgroup option.  Up 'em there and anyone with newsgroup access will have them available for the next year.  Anyway, if someone is able to get it online via any of these methods, I (and I'm sure many others) would be very grateful!


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Ganamae said:

And I dont know if you have noticed this, but whats up with that trooper to the right..hold his mouth "cape" thingy as he runs past..

it's quite noticeable in the film as well :)

Yeah that happens quite a bit.  I guess the Empire is cutting corners on their design, or maybe Darth let one go and the trooper doesn't want to breathe it in.  :)

And what's up with the two trooper face-mask designs?  One looks plastic and fixed, while another is more flexible. (not from the image, but the film in general) Ahhhh, what're you gonna do?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

shanerjedi said:

ImperialFighter said:

You know, that kinda reminds me about another thing that the prequels ended up blowing -  the 'mysterious' and 'whimsical' first appearance of Yoda to moviegoers at that time....  This is lost for anyone new to the saga now, if they feel they have to watch them in numbered 'order', as Yoda's 'first' appearance is anything but now.  And that's even before we mention his actual new 'look' in TPM, as it currently stands!


Honestly, I couldve lived without seeing Yoda in the PT at all. Just have his name dropped a couple of times as this great Jedi whose the master of all who lives as a monk and not as a little green frog with a lightsaber.

I mean, the PT wasn't his story. He doesn't make a bit of difference in the end. Even his duel with Palpatine comes to nothing. I was hoping Yoda would be the one to cause Palps disfigurement or inability to mask it to the public anymore(depending on which Palpatine school you adhere to) but no Yoda retreats. He gives up because........? Well, because of NOTHING!

His character is a waste in the entire PT. And they really screwed up his dialogue. Oh boy did they screw that up. He doesn't talk inverted all the time. He does it often but not constantly.

His character and 3PO's were my biggest disappointments for OT characters.



All solid points.  I guess you can chalk it up to poor writing and inadequately thought out characters.  When you treat the writing process as an eight hour per day job and have no reliance on inspiration or other avenues of thought, then you get the prequels.  If you just aren't "in" to the story, maube you should turn the reins over to someone who is....

But I digress.

Let's see...Yoda in TESB: cryptic, wise, old sage who acts crazy and aloof to gauge Luke's mindset and readiness for Jedi training.  Yoda in I-III: Window dressing with unnecessary lightsaber twirling, who holds his own against the most powerful Sith in the universe and then runs away with no attempt for retribution even though the fate of the universe is at stake.  Plus, it ruins his "surprise" appearance in ESB.

The prequels would have been much better served with entirely new stories, concentrating on Anakin and Obi-Wan.  No need for Qui-Gon, Yoda, Jabba, etc.  And how about Jango Fett actually being Boba Fett?  Then Boba's appearance is all the more powerful in ESB.  (I feel I'm repeating myself for some reason).

But this is all served better for a "Re-Writing the Prequels into Something That Builds Upon the Star Wars Universe Instead of Diluting It" thread. :)

As far a Angel's mock-ups for Dagobah enhancement: I like the new trees and a break in the clouds to allow light into certain scenes would add some emotional impact, but I have a feeling that would be hard to accomplish in motion.  But if it can, then so be it!

And corellian77's re-edit of the log scene is a solid quick fix that makes it all the more feasible that Yoda could reposition himself.  I say to Ady: make this simple, yet effective, change (or at least some variant of it as Impfighter suggests).

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

I suppose that depends on which version of the films you have watched at home.  If you're in a a PAL country, the video and audio of the Star Wars films are sped up and subsequently at a higher pitch.  If you're in a NTSC country, then the audio will be at the correct speed.  The soundtrack releases should match an NTSC release, but will be slower than a PAL release.


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Now that's a front cover that I love!  I'm a huge fan of the retro style, and I haven't seen that image before.  The title treatment with the revisited logo in the center is simply superb!  Great work here.

The re-done ESB:R logo looks great as well.  I would be interested in seeing what the new "revisited" part looks like when it's centered in the lower bar, though.

Damn, I like that ANH:R cover....

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

And I'm speaking from my good-ol' fashioned American-bred upbringing and it's with a z, damnit! :)  I fully understand the Brits' tendencies to use an s in its place, but it doesn't mean I have to like it.  It's the same with things like "colour."  There's no "u" in there!  It's color.  Deal with it!  So it's you, sir, who are mistaken "about a great many things." <--- in my best Emperor impersonation.

Okay, so I know it's hard to get this across in the printed word, but I am being light-hearted in all this (or is it "lighthearted, or maybe "light hearted"?).  There's differences in English spelling across this marble and I'm fine with it.  Now relax and go enjoy a scone, or some blood pudding, or some crisps or whatever it is you guys eat, and I'll enjoy a nice, thick American cheeseburger and fries! :)


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Darth Venal said:

Savage said:

VincentSmalls said:

Version 2 is up. Sorry if I'm clogging up the boards with this. I will post in the other thread too when I'm done with A New Hope. Is this better everyone? I hadn't finished when I posted originally and was fully aware the back was horribly bare. This is what I'm going for across each of the three covers... I'll see what I can do about the repeated At-At stencil if it's still badly noticable each of the three are the same. Enjoy!

And, just to satisfy my inner English-nazi, I would change the "Lovingly..." paragraph to "Lovingly crafted by fan editor Adrian Sayce, The Empire Strikes Back: Revisited combines elements from the 1980 theatrical release and the 2004 DVD Special Edition with hand crafted special effects shots to create a definitive version of the classic film."

Custom covers are da bomb!

Well, English-nazi (sic), your grammatical fascism also needs work. It's "handcrafted" and it has to be "the" definitive version, not "a" definitive version.

Darth V,

You are correct, sir!  I must hang my head in shame. I switched my "a"s and "the"s. "A definitive version" makes no sense; no sense at all!  :) And those damned double words always throw me.  Single word? Two words? Hyphenated? Aargh!

To revise:

"Lovingly crafted by fan editor Adrian Sayce, The Empire Strikes Back: Revisited combines elements from the 1980 theatrical release and the 2004 DVD Special Edition with handcrafted special effects shots to create the definitive version of a classic film."

Oh, and it's English-Nazi, capitalised.

And it's actually capitalized, not capitalised. ;)

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

VincentSmalls said:

Version 2 is up. Sorry if I'm clogging up the boards with this. I will post in the other thread too when I'm done with A New Hope. Is this better everyone? I hadn't finished when I posted originally and was fully aware the back was horribly bare. This is what I'm going for across each of the three covers... I'll see what I can do about the repeated At-At stencil if it's still badly noticable each of the three are the same. Enjoy!

Lookin' good!  I was actually going to use this poster, too, before I went with the more classic poster.

A few things:  The "revisited" part of the logo on the front cover looks pasted on.  If you can, try to match the background color better, and maybe make the text a little thicker to better match the rest.

The spine is alright, especially if the rest of the series matches.

On the back, I would definitely axe the dts logo, unless Ady decided to make a dts track.  The summary is good, but you may want to try to justify the text so the paragraph is squared off on both the left and the right.  For the special features section, I would change "sound" to "audio".

And, just to satisfy my inner English-nazi, I would change the "Lovingly..." paragraph to "Lovingly crafted by fan editor Adrian Sayce, The Empire Strikes Back: Revisited combines elements from the 1980 theatrical release and the 2004 DVD Special Edition with hand crafted special effects shots to create a definitive version of the classic film."

Custom covers are da bomb!


Monroville said:

I think these are some of the best covers to date; is there any way you could make the words on the front and spine metallic or chrome, so they have a metallic shine (like this - click on images for links):

Thanks for the kind words.  I had made the ANH:R way back before the first DVD was released, but some people weren't too thrilled with the older than old logo used on the original Comic-Con teaser poster, so I decided to tweak it a bit:

I actually made a set for the entire theatrical saga where the bounding boxes and logos were in a gradient metallic gold.  When I made these, I decided to go with the simple white to keep it as clean as possible.  Maybe I'll take another look at these and add the gradient back in to see what's what.

And the last poster art you linked is classic!  Love the campiness!


In order to contribute to the thread, here's my series once again (links to full-res ANH:R and ESB:R in my sig):

A New Hope:

The Empire Strikes Back:

And even a temporary Return of the Jedi with many things to be changed in a couple years! :


I love the classic poster artwork!  If I had the skills, I would love to paint something new, but alas, I do not....

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

A little OT, but I was playing with the Star Wars Soundboards and was wondering if anyone had links to the library as downloadable mp3s.  I found this link:


but it doesn't have a lot of the dialogue and effects.  These would work very nicely for a music project I've got going.

If anyone can help, feel free to PM me.  Thanks in advance!

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

And I would like to again stress me feeling that ROTJ doesn't need Fett at all.  He can easily be excised and it in no way impacts the story.  All that is lost character-wise is Han's bumbling revenge and defeat of Boba which is another bad attempt at humor and a poor end to the character.

Axe him.  He did his job and got paid.  Why would he hang around Jabba's palace macking on 'dancers' when there's more money to get in the universe?  He can have sex with skanks any time, but that's a different movie and I bet there's a fan-fic somewhere out there about just that....