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***The "Darth Editous" Episode IV DVD Info and Feedback Thread*** - a partially "de-specialed" DVD
Looks good to me, but I can't help but wonder what it would look like if you shaved three frames off immediately after cutting to Han preparing to fire, and an additional three immediately after the frame where the laser blast disappears from the screen (into Greedo). As it stands, there seems to be too much delay between Han saying, "I'll bet you have," and firing his gun. And again between the laser blast disappearing and the subsequent explosion. Cutting those six frames may speed it up just enough, however, I don't know if it would affect the sound mix (skip or jump).

Just something I'd like to see although it may not even work.

I still can't wait to have this edit/fix, which I'll consider the "ultimate" version of Star Wars, that is, until you do the same re-edit of the eventual hi-def release, right?

***The "Darth Editous" Episode IV DVD Info and Feedback Thread*** - a partially "de-specialed" DVD
Excellent to hear that further tweaks are coming! For me, just having the proper dissolve to Hangar Bay 94, subtitles in the picture rather than out (both of which were fixed in the avi release...still waiting on that DVD version, btw ), and (and I know you said not to mention it since you're giving it a try, but...) consistent lightsaber colors throughout would make this version pretty much perfect to my eyes and ears.

Keep me on that list for the version 3 DVD when available...

***The "Darth Editous" Episode IV DVD Info and Feedback Thread*** - a partially "de-specialed" DVD

Sorry, I guess I didn't make my question all that clear. My bad.

I was referring to the additional changes you've made in the bugfix version. Aside from improving on slow down that takes place before the Jabba scene deletion, moving the subtitile into picture, and fixing the frame before the end credits, what other tweaks have you made to the new version?

***The "Darth Editous" Episode IV DVD Info and Feedback Thread*** - a partially "de-specialed" DVD
While re-reading most of this thread (damn it's long) it seems that perhaps the final bugfix DVD isn't even out there. Regardless, I would certainly be willing to participate in the pay-it-forward system.

I also had a thought that if there were a half-dozen or so of us who would be willing to start seeding a torrent of the bug-fix DVD, we could get it out faster to the others who want a copy. I could upload a torrent onto demonoid (been a member for long time) or myspleen or whatever. Provided the others had the same folder/content/labeling that the torrent links to, we could start full seeding right from the get go. In order to prevent any ripping artifacts, sending copies of the raw image file or VIDEO_TS folder on DVD-ROM should ensure matching files and easier seeding.

Just a thought.
***The "Darth Editous" Episode V DVD Info and Feedback Thread*** - a work in progress
One thing I'd like to see corrected is the explosion of the final two TIE fighters in the asteroid trench as the Millenium Falcon escapes them. It's always appeared to me as a badly composited explosion effect. The 'fireballs' (or whatever you want to call them) seem very floaty and don't seem to match well with the camera movement. This may be a hard thing to fix, but would make the explosions seem more real.
***The "Darth Editous" Episode IV DVD Info and Feedback Thread*** - a partially "de-specialed" DVD
Well, PM's turned on now...finally. I had assumed that since the message link was at the top right of the page that they were on, but I guess not.

I'm new to the forum, but have been following for quite some time. I know Darth Editous may be busy sending out copies of the bug fix DVD over the next few weeks as well as working on the Empire Strike Back, so if someone in the US would be able to make a copy for me of the latest DVD, I'd appreciate it. I'll of course pay you for the disc/shipping/time and send the man a few bucks as well. Please PM me if you can help!

Thanks for the work on this DE

***The "Darth Editous" Episode IV DVD Info and Feedback Thread*** - a partially "de-specialed" DVD
Excellent work here! I dl'd the NTSC version from Demonoid and watched it this weekend.


There are a few cuts/changes that you made that I probably wouldn't have touched (Stormtrooper bangin' his head and all), but all the FX fixes and Han shooting first more than make up for it. It's soooo nice to have the clock actually match up with the announced countdown time for the attack on the moon.

I'm a big stickler on the soundtracks and was wondering if you tried to re-incorporate the 'imperial stormtrooper theme' back into the introduction of the Sandtroopers on Tatooine? (this cue can be heard in both the original theatrical version as well as the SE re-releases after the wipe from the Sandcrawler) It's just gone as is. Also the music doesn't quite keep the beat after the deletion of the Ronto/Jawa scene, did you tinker with this further?

Just nit-picks, but this is certainly going to be my preferred way of watching A New Hope!
