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Info & Discussion: Fullscreen Laserdisc / DVD Preservations

Papai2013 said:

Ryan-SWI said:

Papai2013 said:


If you plan to get <span style=“text-decoration: underline;”>Harry Potter & the Half Blood Prince</span> on Full Screen, can you upload that? Please reply. Thanks.

If you’re still interested, I recently bought the FS Half Blood Prince on DVD.

Great! I am still interested. How do you plan to share it?

Sorry for the late response, I really need to start ticking that “notify” checkbox.
Send me a PM and we’ll work something out.

Info: Evidence of TFA Changes in Blu-ray?

In the other thread I started I mentioned BB-8 made a noise not present in the BD.
I stick by this.
Around 50% of the cams have that noise, and it was definitely there when I saw it in the theater 10 times, every time. Whether it was an audio error for some prints or some versions had it and some didn’t due to differing audio tracks, I don’t know.
All I know is that the BD does not have this and there are cams that do.
Take it as you will, but that noise BB-8 makes during the shot sounds exactly like a noise BB-8 would make, not an audio glitch.

Info: Bad news for anybody wanting to use the deleted scenes in a TFA fanedit or extended edition

Smithers said:

I actually like the speeder chase (if only the special effects were done), the scene that comes with the digital copy, and Kylo on the falcon. The rest I don’t care for, I hope there are more deleted scenes on the 3D release, as well as a commentary track

The Kylo on the Falcon scene is good, but in order for it to work you need to cut out the line where Kylo turns away from the female Stormtrooper and says “Han Solo” a couple of minutes earlier, otherwise it becomes unintentionally funny that he just goes around muttering “Han Solo” dramatically.

Also, is it confirmed there will be a 3D release or are we just speculating at this point?

Info: Bad news for anybody wanting to use the deleted scenes in a TFA fanedit or extended edition

I’ve made a rough extended version with the deleted scenes. Far from complete, just a rough draft at the moment.
The only solid way to remove the timestamp is cropping and re-sizing the aspect ratio to match the rest of the film. Rotoscoping may be possible, however insanely unlikely, but I have not the time nor the patience for that, but if someone else wants to they can be my guest.

The deleted scenes also don’t really match up too well with the ‘theatrical’ cut (it isn’t theatrical at all, but that’s for another thread), there’s a lot of color correction and sound editing that needs to be done, so I’ll start work on that soon.
It’s impossible to include every segment of each deleted scene in the film though so some have to be trimmed, as is a couple of them make no sense due to abrupt endings.

Star Wars vs. A New Hope - Which do you say and why?

I usually refer to each film by its Episode, or one word of the title, ie; “Menace, Clones, Sith, Hope, Empire, Jedi, Awakens.” But if I’m online I’ll usually abbreviate the subtitles (TPM, ANH, TFA).
I tend to use the Episode number more though.
It’s probably because I’m in my 20s, I grew up with the '97 SE and the Prequels so I guess I’m more used to it.

I was quite disappointed TFA dropped the Episode subtitle from everything except the crawl though. I’m a massive Star Wars home video collector first and foremost so having almost every single DVD have the numbers on the spine and match up nicely, it makes TFA look even more out of place.
Not a fan of the cover art of TFA for the DVD/BD in general actually. But alas, I’m getting off track now.

Idea: The Force Awakens - Digital only files?

The fact that the bonus content is digital only is a complete joke.
Not to mention the borderline disgraceful deleted scenes included; what happened to that dozen or so that would be included, J.J.?
It’s alright though, we got half of each scene, most of which were trivial, with a time-stamp plastered across the top… Awesome.

Help Wanted: Requesting MySpleen invite (or other rules-abiding help) for rare antique theatrical AOTC TS by Centropy

towne32 said:

Ryan-SWI said:

towne32 said:

And the only thing I think we know for sure about the DCP release is that it had the animated robotic hand. It’s not known if it has the extra speeder. Presumably the Padme lines that were changed later that year for DVD (‘is to be human’ and ‘uh huh’) were the same between DCP/35mm, since those scenes were panned by critics and it would have come up if there were different versions to be seen (and this also explains why they were indeed tweaked for the DVD).

A 35mm print would settle whether or not Jango had extra sparks added to his jet pack, but I think people are mostly in agreement that there’s no difference. Seems like just a weird assumption or false memory.

The only changes I’m certain of are the robotic hand and the Padme lines. I’m around 80% sure those speeders were taken out during the Coruscant chase, but the sparks from Jango’s jet pack are a very far stretch.

Are you talking about the DCP or just describing eventual changes?

If eventual (DVD, HDTV, etc) those are indeed all changes, including the speeder (I’ve checked) except probably for the sparks.

If DCP, I really don’t think there’s any way of knowing. There is absolutely no way anyone remembers whether or not an extra speeder was there for a couple frames. 😃 We know about the hand because it was mentioned in contemporary reviews well before the DVD came out. As I said before, I would be surprised if Padme’s lines were not mentioned at that same time. Could the DCP have used the same DTS files we have access to? Or they would include their own audio?

I’m referring to eventual changes.
I think you’re right about Padme’s lines, though I’m really not sure if there is any way of ever checking.
I’m not highly knowledgeable on DCPs, is there any feasible way somebody could get a hold of one at all? I may be wrong but I’m pretty sure some of them ‘expire’ after a certain amount of time or are permanently locked, I could be wrong though.

Help Wanted: Requesting MySpleen invite (or other rules-abiding help) for rare antique theatrical AOTC TS by Centropy

towne32 said:

And the only thing I think we know for sure about the DCP release is that it had the animated robotic hand. It’s not known if it has the extra speeder. Presumably the Padme lines that were changed later that year for DVD (‘is to be human’ and ‘uh huh’) were the same between DCP/35mm, since those scenes were panned by critics and it would have come up if there were different versions to be seen (and this also explains why they were indeed tweaked for the DVD).

A 35mm print would settle whether or not Jango had extra sparks added to his jet pack, but I think people are mostly in agreement that there’s no difference. Seems like just a weird assumption or false memory.

The only changes I’m certain of are the robotic hand and the Padme lines. I’m around 80% sure those speeders were taken out during the Coruscant chase, but the sparks from Jango’s jet pack are a very far stretch.

Help Wanted: Requesting MySpleen invite (or other rules-abiding help) for rare antique theatrical AOTC TS by Centropy

I’ve actually got the “official” (factory pressed) VCD of AOTC, though it’s literally identical to the one on Spleen.
Has anybody actually found the SVCD? I was under the impression the CTP one everyone here already has (well, most of us have), was the definitive version anyway.

SilverWook said:

Anyone who has a problem with us mods, kindly complain directly to Jay. We unfortunately have lives outside this site, and don’t see everything. We actually do a lot of things that usually go unnoticed around here, things that keep this place from turning into a cesspool like some sites I won’t name.

I confess I’m not sure what rules are being broken discussing an ancient VCD bootleg from 2002 of an alternate version of AOTC. Seems like the sort of obscure thing we care about around here, but I’ll run it by the Emperor himself just to be sure.

People talk about the AotC bootleg here all the time, why is this thread controversial, besides the direct asking for a Spleen invite?

IDontLikePocketSand said:
is a help to anyone who might want to make an AOTC theatrical fan edit

I’m not saying the AotC bootleg isn’t a very valuable source, but making even an SD edit of the theatrical version is neigh impossible without the original prints (though I’m fairly sure it was distributed digitally, so I don’t know if any would even exist), so unless someone plans to splice in major special effects edits from the bootleg into the DVD version - which would look atrocious - then a theatrical fan edit will probably never exist.

Prequels P&amp;S/Full-screen Preservation. (* unfinished project *)

First off if this has been done before go ahead and shoot me down now so I don’t waste my time. I’ve looked around and I can’t find any ongoing or completed projects, but if I can be proven wrong I’ll be happy to be.

P&S/FS has a pretty bad rep for being, well, destructive, but all the same it’s the way I and many other people grew up watching the films. The prequels don’t get a whole lot of attention when it comes to preservation material, and they’re usually the subject of more fanedits, so I feel if I’m going to undertake this task I’d like to start with Episode I - III.

The aim is to recreate/preserve the official Full-Screen releases of the prequel trilogy (I may move on to the OT later) in the highest quality possible, to match the original representation of the release.

For convenience sake I’ll be recreating the DVD versions, not the VHS.
The Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith VHS Fullscreen releases are almost identical to the DVD ones in every way, but The Phantom Menace has discrepancies, so 2 - 1 majority rules: DVD it is.

The six films will never, ever be officially released in FS form ever again, and I feel it’s something worth holding onto, even if not many others do.

I already have the official VHS’, VCD’s, LD’s, DVDs, Blu-Rays; everything (and many of them), but I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction for HDTV rips or other sources I could use. I can’t use the BD sources much, if at all, because of how many altercations Lucas made between them and the DVD releases.

Quick note, obviously I mean P&S HDTV sources if possible, but HDTV sources of the Widescreen DVD releases are welcome also.
They played the P&S HDTV versions of the original DVDs in my country recently but I stupidly forgot to record them.

Theater Performance Preservations

Darth Lucas said:

until the bluray is officially released, bootlegs can still be seen as taking money away from the studio

I’d say that fact is extremely debatable, but regardless I’m not disagreeing with the forum rules, I know the negative connotations it comes with; just pointing out that a bootleg is a bootleg.

Regardless I’ve got a feeling the job for any Theater Performance Preservations of all the films henceforth (not just E7) will be much larger in scale. The digital age is great but it also means an insane amount to sift through.

Theater Performance Preservations

yotsuya said:

From a legal perspective, I don’t think any time is the right time; but from the perspective of version preservation, this seems like the perfect time to be gathering information on the theatrical presentation to compare to the DVD/BR/Digital HD release. But forum rules come first.

Yeah, rules are rules but it’s not like it magically become legal if we wait a bit.
Technically Return of the Jedi cam bootlegs are still illegal.

Info: The Force Awakens - Home Video Version; NOT Theatrical Cut - differences?

With that out of the way, is there some kind of general rule or consensus as to when we’re allowed to start discussing actual preservation and/or fan edit attempts on the boards for TFA?

For example I’m interested in making a P&S edit of TFA, would this be clear to discuss after the official release of the film or are we waiting a bit for these topics?

Info: The Force Awakens - Home Video Version; NOT Theatrical Cut - differences?

towne32 said:

Nope, Frink is 100% right on this matter. The rule is quite clearly about situations exactly like this.

My posts are more of a food for thought type thing. The answer as to when the cams will be acceptable is: definitely not now, but obviously not never. We can probably look to RoTS to see at what point things started to be more acceptable around here. But I suspect that the stigma around the cam will drop fairly rapidly as it’s no threat at all compared to a proper HD blu-ray. But there’s no reason not to play it safe for now.

The most important thing to be vigilant about right now are the constantly appearing ‘I just torrented the blu-ray rip’ posts from various 2016 registrants, though. To be clear: In those cases, no one cares if you’ve preordered anything. If you’re morally okay with it, good for you, but it’s absolutely against the rules and etiquette of this forum to post about crap like that.

And I’m not saying it shouldn’t be. I think things like that have a time and place and right now is not that time, nor place. However the instant dismissal of conversation at all surrounding the matter seems a bit extreme.
I’m not advocating for people to go download a billion different copies of the film from torrent sites to do all the cross-checking now, I was merely pointing out an irregularity in versions I had watched, which other people have noticed too. My observations had nothing to do with illicit material, they were mere observations.

If someone else brings up the fact that they downloaded a BD rip that’s on them and they can be called out, fine, but derailing an entire thread and going completely off topic on the matter because of it is excessive.

Info: The Force Awakens - Home Video Version; NOT Theatrical Cut - differences?

“3. No discussions regarding traditional “warez”, such as bootlegs of current or recent theatrical releases, screeners, pre-retail/retail DVDs, and cracked computer software.”

And how recent is too recent? Revenge of the Sith is a ‘modern’ film, and in fact all the films are still easily available at retail and not OOP, so where is the line drawn?
I’d also like to mention that not once in my OP did I mention piracy, at all.