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Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Yeah, team Jedha all the way!

The thing is, we can’t change the fact it’s another desert planet, and I feel like drastic changes require too much vfx work or wouldn’t be really believable anyway. So, we could at least add more flavor to an existing desert planet rather than it being a brand new one that almost looks just like another desert planet.

Also, it makes sense that a Jedi hunter like Ochi would go to a world like Jedha. Why would he go to Pasaana, of all places? It seems like nothing is there. Even the Aki-Aki feel more like visiting pilgrims than natives (which fits well with Jedha, since it was also called the Pilgrim Moon).

It was also known as the Cold Moon, although I don’t know how the Death Star test would’ve affected its overall climate. It could’ve triggered a nuclear winter. So, perhaps if you could add slight hints of snowfall if you really wanted to make it stand out from other desert planets. But the first thing I would try and do would be to regrade the Pasaana sequence to match Jedha in Rogue One as much as possible.

It also makes sense for their to be random First Order patrols on a world like Jedha. I mean, was Pasaana really significant enough for their to be any there?

This might be taking things too far, but since Jedha was mine by the Empire in the past for its kyber crystals, what if after the serpent Rey heals slithers away, while Rey is looking down, she sees a small yellow kyber crystal sticking out of the sand? Not sure how exactly you could create the shot, but it might be a nice way to set up her yellow lightsaber at the end of the movie.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Honestly, the day-to-night changes for Ahch-To is one of the more impressive changes so far in this edit to me. I’ve never seen just a really impressive day-to-night regrade that didn’t feel like they just threw a blue filter over it, but this feels really authentic.

Just for resource-sake, is there an unedited version of this scene with this regrade applied?

The <strong>Original Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

EddieDean said:

Rogue Leader, those are all good ideas. I like Leia’s politics angle for the Ewoks. Is it worth considering subtitles for the Ewoks to help sell that concept?

Hmm, I think subtitles could work if they aren’t overused. Just whenever they were necessary. I wonder at which points in the movie subtitles could be used to make this idea work. Also, I feel like Ewok chieftain could be subtitled, but Wicket shouldn’t be.

My favourite edit of ROTJ, which I don’t think is available any more and I’ve forgotten the name of, also restructured the ending.

I remember that edit! Was it the first Spence edit?

The very first rough edit I ever did was of ROTJ, and instead of doing that, I restructured the ending to where what Luke was doing tied in more with what the Rebels were doing.

I restructured the scenes this way:

  • Preceding scenes show the Rebels at their lowest point. Ewoks dying, Rebel pilots dying.
  • Leia gets shot (the stormtroopers may or may not tell them to freeze before cutting away).
  • Luke, who is hiding from Vader, senses Leia in pain and in danger. This is why Vader is able to sense Luke’s thoughts about Leia. Vader threatens to turn Leia, and then Luke goes ham.
  • When Luke rejects the Emperor, and the dark side, this is when things begin to turn around for our heroes.
  • We cut back to Han and Leia, and Leia pulls her gun and shoots the two stormtroopers. They’re able to trick their way into the bunker and begin setting charges.
  • The Emperor starts zapping Luke until Vader throws him down a well.
  • Han blows up the bunker, and Lando and others start flying through the Death Star. Rebels blow up Super Star Destroyer.
  • Luke and Vader have father-son bonding time.
  • Lando and Wedge blow up reactor, begin flying out. Like escapes, then rebel pilots and Lando escape.

This restructuring felt similar to build-up/climax of the ring being destroyed in Return of the King. Even though they are sort of disconnected, the battle outside the gate is at its lowest point (Gandalf seeing the Ring-Wraiths flying back toward Mount Doom, and Aragorn almost being killed by a troll) when the quest to destroy the ring is at its lowest (Frodo refusing to destroy it, and fighting for it with Gollum).

After the Ring is destroyed, we are celebrating as the audience, but we are also still worried if Sam and Frodo will be able to escape Mount Doom alive.

So, the Emperor dying and the bunker being destroyed happen almost simultaneously, but then Lando trying to destroy the Death Star happens as we watch and see if Luke will be able to escape in time.

I think back when I made it, I had trouble getting the scenes to flow together nicely because of how the score is, but I wasn’t working with all five channels. So if I went back I probably could make the musical transitions flow better.

The Rise of Skywalker Expanded Edition by Rae Carson: The Faraday Edit (WIP)

I love the new stuff with 3PO and the bowcaster! I see what you were saying about how BB-8 gets 3PO to shoot. I wonder if BB-8 could zap 3PO’s leg or something, which could make his finger squeeze the trigger.

I like your breakdown of the hangar scene.

Just to get your wheels turning, here is a version of that scene I did that doesn’t just drastically change the major points of the conversation:

Kylo Ren: Rey, I know the rest of your story.

Rey: Tell me.

Kylo: He saw what you would become. You won’t just have power, you’ll have his power. You… will kill Palpatine, and take the throne.

Rey is shocked.

Kylo: I feel the pull to the light. And you, the darkness. What Palpatine doesn’t know is that we’re a Dyad in the Force, Rey. Two that are one. Together, nothing will stand in our way. You know what you need to do. You know.

Rey: I do.

Luckily for you, you’re not beholden to what Kylo Ren dialogue exists out there, so you could potentially make something more interesting. One good thing about this limitation, though, is that the dialogue still feels genuine to something Kylo would really say.

<em>REY NOBODY</em> - A Collaborative Thread

No, I don’t think you are. How you handle it really does depend on how you handle Rey’s parents in the story. I mean, you probably could not change the two ships and get away with it, just say their similar ship models, but I think differentiating them or removing one entirely helps to avoid any confusion.

And the thing is, different Rey Nobody edits are going to handle it differently. I don’t think a definitive Rey Nobody edit is being done necessarily.

The <strong>Original Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Was thinking about more edit ideas for ROTJ. For a hypothetical edit where you restructured Han’s rescue so Leia’s rescue attempt before the droids show up, how would you handle the continuity of Leia not being there when the droids arrive, and also 3PO already being there when Boushh/Leia shows up? I attempted to do this in my very first edit (which was ROTJ), but I remember having to awkwardly edit/crop around 3PO, or add Leia into the droid scene. I feel like other editors have probably attempted this with much better results.

But going back through this thread gave me a few more ideas.

The scene at Jabba’s palace would be the Lapti Nek scene and Oola’s demise. During this scene, you could create an insert shot of Boushh somewhere in the room. So, Leia in disguise has already infiltrated the palace. (I would also cut the Boba shots from this scene, and insert the SE shots of Boba with the dancers) So, Oola dies, cut to the sunset shot, and transition to nighttime when everyone is asleep. Boushh sneaks around and let’s Han out.

The continuity issue arises when Jabba is revealed and C3PO is standing right behind them. So, instead of Jabba and basically everyone else at the palace being wide awake and hiding behind literal curtains, what if Han and Leia stand up, turn around, and Boba is standing there waiting for them, gun drawn? You could take his shots from the Wookie bounty scene (which have been cut from this hypothetical version), and flip/recolor them to match the palace at night. You could lay it out like this:

  • Han and Leia stand up and face camera.
  • Boba quickly raises his blaster.
  • Han and Leia (mostly Leia) reaction shot. They’re caught.
  • Boba lowers his blaster.

Then you show Han being thrown in the cells, and you could possibly keep Leia being brought before Jabba and Jabba being all gross and licking his non-existent lips, if you can crop/cut around 3PO. I think it’s be about 3 shots total.

Later, whenever 3PO and R2 come to try and give Jabba a message, Oola is dead at this point, Leia has been enslaved (off-screen) so it would be a pain to try to avoid these continuity issues when 3PO and R2 show him Luke’s message. So, an older idea I had would be for them to enter the palace, but when they encounter Bib Fortuna, he just tells them that Jabba will not bargain, and sends them directly to the dungeons. An added benefit to this is we also would lose Luke’s hologram, so our true first glimpse of Luke would be when he walks into the palace.

I know this would cut a lot of the palace sequence, and I do enjoy most of it, but I think it would be interesting to try this sequence of events and see if it livens the pace of the first act a little. I do feel like this part of the film meanders when I go back and watch it.

I also had another idea for all of the Ewok antics later on in the film. I don’t know know if I would cut all the stuff about the Ewoks thinking 3PO is a god, but I would like to make it where the reason the Ewoks don’t eat the guys be because of Leia. In the film, Leia gains Wicket’s trust and takes her back to his village, she protests their capture, but they don’t listen to her, nor even 3PO, until Luke uses the Force to trick them into thinking 3PO really is a magical god.

I think it would be great for Leia’s character (and give her something to do), if she was able to use her politics skill to gain the Ewok’s trust and have enough influence to save the everyone herself. It also makes the Ewoks seem a little less gullible.

Basically, you would just restructure the scene a little bit to where they are about to cook them, then Leia comes out. You could the shot of them aggressively pointing spears in her face, and when she says they’re her friends (and maybe asks 3PO to tell them to let them go), the Ewoks listen immediately. So no levitating 3PO or anything like that. It is Leia’s kindness that gains the Ewok’s trust, not 3PO’s “divine influence”.

Worst Edit Ideas

I know the Worst Ideas thread isn’t usually the place for nuanced discussion, but I’ve never seen ESB and AOTC compared in this way. I wonder how AOTC could’ve been plotted differently to be more like ESB.

Maybe, instead of relenting, Anakin could’ve jumped out of the ship and left Obi-Wan to fight Dooku on his own. Obi-Wan loses and Dooku escapes, and we’re left to wonder if Anakin had stayed, could the war have ended the day it began? This could fuel Anakin’s motivation to fight in this war and take more drastic measures to try and end it, leading him on the path to the dark side.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

jarbear said:

Although people are ok with it and come up with “interpretations” or “what he meant was …”

Isn’t that essentially excusing people or bad things/thinsg that don’t make sense.

I don’t think these interpretations are excusing stuff that don’t make sense, I just think some lines are being over-analyzed a little bit.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

I don’t really agree with the argument that this line should be cut. On the most surface level, it could be interpreted that a thousand generations of knowledge/experience live in her through her training and the Jedi texts. She’s the last Jedi, and the legacy of their culture. And yeah, there is a “literal” aspect of the fact that they exist in the Force, and she could possibly commune with them.

The Rise of Skywalker Expanded Edition by Rae Carson: The Faraday Edit (WIP)

CaptainFaraday said:

Lemme first just say how legit insightful and extremely useful everything you’ve written is, and it’s very helpful to me going forward.

Hey, I am glad to hear that! I try to not let my suggestions stray too far from what your objectives are for this project. At the very least it helps solidify you’re reasoning for some of the changes you want to make.

I avoided all leaks before I saw the film, and once I’d seen it, it never occurred to me to go back and read any of them. So that’s new information to me, and really interesting that by trying to unpick the tangle I wound up back at that same earlier point. That’s gotta be a good sign! Is it worth me seeking the leaks out and reading them, like the DOTF screenplay, do you reckon?

Oh, you definitely should! The leaks just summarize what the edit was shaping up to be before rewrites and reshoots, and his later update explains some of the changes that were made. So you won’t be able to pull lines verbatim like you can with the DOTF scripts, but it could give you an outline that you could potentially follow. In a way, your book edit could essentially follow what was, at one point, an earlier version of the film. As if Rae Carson had just written her novel based on the original script, and not the final cut. I personally prefer the leaks’ depiction of the Palpatine plot and the Dyad stuff. It felt more like the manipulative Palpatine we saw in the prequels, trying to groom our protagonist(s) and appearing weaker than he actually is to gain sympathy and catch his enemies off guard.

Here is all of JediPaxis’ posts collected. The tab on the left shows the different posts he made.

I personally prefer the Dyad to be part of the big reveal at the nadir of Rey’s arc; Kylo knowing something about her that she doesn’t is important, I think, especially something that connects the two of them. It gives her a more personal reason to believe maybe she’ll join him, and it also means the two options Kylo presents for her are “you turn to the Dark Side and become more evil than Palpatine, or, you turn to the Dark Side but you do it with me, someone who you already have a personal connection with,” which makes his preferred choice a lot more palatable to her. I think it should also be a reveal to the reader, since we’ve already seen all the evidence of the two being uniquely connected (Force Skyping etc), and now we finally get an explanation which we didn’t expect but makes sense in retrospect.

Yeah, I’m thinking a lot on the same lines as you. Maybe the book depicts it better, but I worry about the audience really believing that Rey could become more evil than Palpatine. It’s not like when she shoots lightning she actually enjoys the power she feels. She’s terrified of it. The movie shows that the dark side is in her, but not that she really is seduced by its power at all.

And I understand wanting the Dyad stuff to be a part of the reveal to Rey. I still think it would be nice to hint at how Kylo found out what a Dyad even is, though.

I want to avoid the stuff about killing him = he can possess you, since I don’t really see the logical connection between the two things. It’s something I found distracting when I watched the movie for the first time - it feels like a pair of unconnected events.

I’m not sure if I understand. So how are you planning to do the climax when Rey confronts Palpatine?

The Clone Wars: Refocused [COMPLETE] + Subtitles for season one!

Really clever ideas. I really like the idea of a “clone individuality” standalone episode, and we’ll be interested to see how that turns out. Your ideas for ‘Return to Christophsis’ is really smart, too, but I understand why you would consider it for a Complete Cut rather than Quality. I’m assuming the Clone standalone will be qualitity, right? I know they might be standalone stories, but I do see how it would contribute to the characterization of the clones in general.

The Rise of Skywalker Expanded Edition by Rae Carson: The Faraday Edit (WIP)

I think this is definitely along the right line.

This isn’t an issue with you’re writing, just the story in general, but I’m curious about something. What is Kylo thinking Palpatine’s endgame is? Okay, so Palpatine wants Kylo kill Rey for whatever reason. Okay, let’s say he does, but then what? Kylo gets the fleet, but then what happens to Palpatine? He’s just gonna chill out on Exegol while Kylo rules the galaxy with his fleet that he’s spent the last three decades building? I mean, Kylo asks him “What could you give me?” but he doesn’t even bother to ask him, “What’s in it for you?”

That’s something I liked about JediPaxis’ early TROS leaks. Supposedly in an earlier version of the film, Palpatine told Kylo that he was dying for good, and he wanted Kylo (and Rey) to be his successors:

According to the leak:

After obtaining Vader’s device Kylo travels to the place specified by the wayfinder. It takes him to the Unknown Regions and a dead planet of flat, black rock. I previously reported that the planet where Kylo finds Vader’s wayfinder was called Exogol. Since then my understanding has evolved and I’ve been told that this planet actually bears that name. Kylo lands outside a giant cube, floating just above the ground and begins walking toward it. Kylo walks between the cube and the ground and once he reaches the center he discovers an elevator leading down below the planet’s surface. He follows teh lift down and finds an old man, near death and lying in bed and being tended to by cloaked aids. My source believes these aids to be referred to as Sith Loyalists. The old man identifies himself as Darth Sideous. Kylo initially dismisses the old man, knowing that the Emperor had died over 30 years prior over the forest moon of Endor. Feeling that this must be a trick, Kylo claims that there must be some other explanation, such as this man being a clone. My sources specifically tell me that the Palpatine refutes the idea of him being a clone and affirms that he survived his fall. After his defeat at Endor, he left the known galaxy and traveled to the Unknown Regions to rebuild his Empire. Despite his skepticism, Palpatine begins to reel Kylo in and subsequently tells him of something known as a “Force Dyad”. The Force produces two incredibly strong users and when they unite together, both become stronger than either one could be on their own. Palpatine believes Kylo Ren and Rey to be the two halves of this dyad and shares this knowledge with Rey. (Note: I previously wrote that Palpatine wanted them to become “master and apprentice” since then this has been clarified to me as Palpatine seeking the two members of the Dyad) Palpatine claims that he seeks the Dyad because he is weak and dying and he wants the Dyad to rule together once he’s gone. Palpatine orders Kylo to bring Rey to him and turn her so that the Dyad will be a strong, unified force of darkness. Palpatine also reveals that he has been amassing an armada of Star Destroyers equipped with Death Star tech, each one capable of destroying a planet on its own. Generals Hux and Pryde are tasked with rounding up children in large numbers to train and staff his armada.

In this apparent earlier cut, Palpatine’s trick was very similar to what you’re proposing. Once Rey and Kylo are both there, he reveals that he didn’t want them to succeed him, and instead uses their Dyad bond to rejuvenate himself. So, like your version, Palpatine knew of the Dyad from the beginning, and it was always his plan to take their life Force.

Seeing Ben arrive pleases Sideous. He then uses his power to bond them together and begins to syphon power from that bond and direct it into himself. As the power flows into him, the once silky and decrepit Palpatine stands tall and strong once again, restoring himself to a much younger, healthier state.

I think you run into some logical issues with the way it is now. I mean, what is stopping Kylo from just killing Palpatine and taking the fleet from him? It’s not like his cult could really oppose him. And if they could, why would Palpatine even need Kylo to kill Rey? If you don’t mind, I would like to suggest some different options.

First, I think either Palpatine or the Oracle should tell Kylo about the Dyad. As the story is right now, Kylo brings up the Dyad out of nowhere halfway through the movie. This is important information that I believe should be revealed earlier in the movie. And I think the Oracle would be the perfect person to reveal this info to Kylo. He is called an “oracle” after all, and this is apparently concerning another prophecy. Kylo would think he knows something that Palpatine doesn’t, but then Palpatine could even later reveal that the Oracle was a part of the plan. He wanted Kylo to think he had the upper hand.

On the other hand, if Palpatine wants Rey dead, I think Palpatine should stress to Kylo that he is dying and wants Kylo to be his successor, because he has watched Kylo from the beginning and is everything he hoped he would be. But to prove to Palpatine that he really has become what Vader could not, he must kill Rey before him. She is a threat to his rule… but not in the way he thinks… Then the twist could be, like you said, she’s not going to destroy the Sith, she will become one. Maybe Kylo could say that she will even kill him in order to take the throne. Then when she almost kills Kylo on the Death Star, it freaks her out because it means the vision might be becoming true.

I actually think there is merit in the idea of Palpatine wanting Kylo to just bring Rey to him, too, and not to kill her. First of all, since Snoke wanted Rey dead and that got him killed, I feel like it would make sense that Palpatine would try a different approach. Maybe you could go with the early TROS idea, where he wants them to begin a new Sith dynasty to take his place, but Kylo will need Palpatine’s help to turn her, since he failed to do so himself in TLJ. But that is pretty similar to the set up of the showdown in ROTJ…

But here is an alternate set up. When they first meet, instead of Palpatine repeating the “The dark side is a pathway to many abilities…” line, they could have this interaction.

Kylo: You’ll die first.

Palpatine: I have died before. Kill me, and my spirit will pass into you, as all the Sith live in me.

This gives Kylo a clear reason why he simply can’t kill Palpatine right now. And then, Palpatine could offer Kylo what he really wants.

Kylo: What could you give me?

Palpatine: Everything. A new Empire. The might of the Final Order will soon be ready. Become what your grandfather Vader could not. You shall rule all the galaxy as the new Emperor… and Empress. She will be yours, if you do as I ask…

Kylo lowers his saber, and Palpatine gives a menacing smile.

This leaves us with a little mystery. What does Palpatine want Kylo to do? Then, in the hangar scene, Kylo could reveal that if she strikes Palpatine down in anger, he will possess her and become the new vessel for the Sith. This is when Kylo tries to offer her an alternative. They’re a Dyad in the Force, and together they can use their powers to find another way to destroy Palpatine for good. I think this would create an interesting and shocking dilemma for Rey. She wants to kill Palpatine, but now if she tries to, she might become seduced by the dark side and become the next Sith. At this point she knows she has darkness in her, so she doesn’t know if she will be strong enough to resist the power of the dark side. And this would be even more of a reason why she would go into exile rather than face Palpatine. And I think it makes Rey appear even braver when she chooses to face Palpatine knowing that he could possess her. She doesn’t know if her willpower is strong enough to resist it. I also think it makes Kylo a little sympathetic, because going against Palpatine’s plan shows he cares about who Rey is as a person, and he doesn’t just want her as a possession by any means necessary.

I think this would work well for Palpatine’s Dyad plan too, because Kylo would think he knows Palpatine’s plan (to possess Rey), but in reality Palpatine knew all along about their bond, and wanted to exploit it. Maybe this would make things complicated, but I think it leaves less logical gaps, and it makes each character appear smarter than they currently do in the film.

Anyway, some food for thought. Sorry for rambling.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

I personally interpreted it as Luke being afraid that he would just make things worse if he were to get back involved.

When I was really depressed in the past, I would sometimes feel that the world would be a better place without me if I just didn’t exist. That’s why I really sympathized with Luke in TLJ. He was so guilt-ridden that I like to think he had a similar mindset that I’ve had before, and he extended that belief not only to himself, but the Jedi as a whole. He made such a terrible mistake that he wanted to close himself off from the world, because he didn’t want make more mistakes and hurt more people.

So I personally think the lines works. I just see it as, “It was fear that kept me here. Fear that I would just make things worse.”

And I kind of think Rey fears the same thing. She fears that she will just make things worse in the end. But she, like Luke, has to confront that fear of failure in order to help those who need it.

EDIT: Another thought. While it was a little flimsy, the idea that Leia abandoned her training because of fear (of the death of her son) ties into that theme in a way. Perhaps you could say Palpatine was responsible for the dark visions that Luke, Leia and Rey all have that led them to wanting to abandon the Jedi path. Because Palpatine is the physical manifestation of fear, and Rey defeating him is symbolic of Rey overcoming her own fear of failure. I think it fits Rey’s whole identity crisis pretty well, too. She starts doubting her own ability to become a Jedi, because she fears that she will fail, make mistakes and ultimately hurt people. But in the end, she learns from Luke and Leia’s failures and perseveres through her own insecurities to become a strong adult, ready to take on the world.

That is a very generous reading of the Sequel Trilogy, at least.

Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope (Help Wanted Finishing This Edit) (WIP)

Hmm, I’m not really sure if that forward-reversal thing is really gonna sell it. It seems like you’re trying to imply she is trying to shake it back on, like a malfunctioning flashlight. I wonder if it would look better if it was just flickering on its own, without her really moving.

I think the trouble is trying to determine what a malfunctioning saber looks like, since there aren’t many examples of that. With that shot, you have the benefit of a clean background, so you could rotoscope a new saber blade that could flicker on and off.

I think for the other shots that were mentioned in the Ascendant thread, I wonder if you could just add some distortion to the blade, or maybe the cracking gets worse. Like, you make the crackling effect could have some hiccups of even higher intensity when she looks at the blade and sort of shakes her free hand. That way you don’t have to paint out the saber blade which would be a pain.

But, it would be cool if you could do that in the wide shot when Kylo raises his own saber to strike her. Or perhaps the cradling could just be too intense for her to use.

Anyway, you’re doing cool work! A lot of your tests have been looking good.

<em>REY NOBODY</em> - A Collaborative Thread

You could recolor the engine glow to help separate the two ships. Also, I would just suggest removing the ship from her vision from TFA if you were doing an edit of the whole trilogy.

Also, you could argue that since it was seen in a vision of past and future events, she was actually seeing Ochi’s ship in the future, flying away with her newfound family rather than her old one like we thought. Not everything in her vision was accurate to how things happened in real life.

<em>REY NOBODY</em> - A Collaborative Thread

dgraham414 said:

With the footage we have available to us what does Rey emotionally have to contend with? Why would she reach such a point of anger to strike down Kylo the way she did? What does is the reason she is so upset at Kylo during the Skype fight?

I think her anger towards Kylo comes from two places: 1) He is her primary obstacle between her and the wayfinder, which she needs in order to kill Palpatine and save her friends. 2) Kylo keeps sewing doubt in her own moral fortitude. He manifests her insecurities. So if she gets rid of him, she can erase those insecurities in a roundabout way.

<em>REY NOBODY</em> - A Collaborative Thread

I think Dom’s basically goes into as little detail as possible regarding her parents. Basically Ochi captured her parents, couldn’t get an answer out of them (maybe they were too drunk? Lol), and he killed them because he felt they were useless. At least that implication is left up to the audience. It isn’t spelled out either way.

It would require more changes, but I would personally want to cut out any mention of her parents completely (besides when Kylo mentions them in their first force bond). You then could change Rey’s vision earlier in the film to be about the future, and the battle at Exegol. She sees her friends in danger/dying, and she sees herself on a throne. Keep this vision separate from Kylo, they don’t share this vision together.

Then during their force bond duel, Kylo can say he also knows about the vision, because Palpatine saw it too. You replace the moment of Rey remembering her parents dying with seeing Finn/Poe dying/in danger again. Kylo tells her that she needs more power. So she gets angry about it and swings at Kylo some more. Then, in the hangar, he tells Rey that Palpatine saw what she would become. She will Palpatine and take the throne. This confirms to Rey that what she saw might actually come true.

Want benefit to this is it keeps Rey’s motivation to want to kill Palpatine. If she doesn’t, her new family dies. But the only way to save them is if she takes the throne.

I think having this dilemma haunt Rey helps lean into the question of having to sacrifice your morality to save the people you love. Palpatine presents her with one dark path, and Kylo presents her with another dark path. In the end, though, she finds that alternate path where she maintains her identity as a Jedi.