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The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

Okay cool, thanks for making a mock-up of it!

I see what you’re saying. It feels weird to cut right when Finn starts talking. I guess you could argue Finn could mean “they’ve done it” as in they’re actually invading a planet not in First Order space (although Jakku wasn’t either).
Another interesting thought I had about why no one is running might be because no one has seen TIEs (nor a Star Destroyer) in possibly 30 years, so everyone could be stunned by what they’re seeing. So Finn could be saying “they’ve done it” in the sense of they’ve built a new fleet, explaining it to Han. In a way, the Empire has returned. But I know, that is just me pulling straws.

The only other thing I can think of is not have him say anything at all besides “Where’s Rey?”. Just have him run up, cut to sky for a second, then cut back to him looking around for Rey before he asks where she is. Because if you think about it, Finn is sort of pulling a Ric Olie since Han probably knows exactly who it is.

Sorry for the long messages. Just trying to think of different ways to make it work, because I really like this idea of moving the Hosnian destruction until later as well.

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

I’m checking for alternate dialogue that’d fit as well. No luck so far. Say if nothing really fits, you could rearrange the shots. First, you could have the patrons and Han looking up, then cut to Finn running up to Han, then cut to the insert shot of the sky above them. And just have Finn’s line be said over the insert shot. Then cut back to Finn when he asks, “Where’s Rey?”

The Force Awakens : Fan Edit Ideas

You could add TIEs, or you could add a still image of the Finalizer floating in the sky far above them. Might be easier effects-wise. You could maybe even show little specs flying out of it if you wanted, as if they were TIEs and transports. Also making it just the Finalizer, as if the fighters have not made it yet, could help explain why no one is running yet.

Something else I think would be interesting to add (while not really necessary at all), is some lines from the first teaser. I always liked when Snoke mentioned the awakening, he specificied it being both the dark side and the light. I thought it would be interesting to add that to his conversation with Kylo. Especially if one were to omit the Han Solo reveal, Snoke mentioning “the light” would add some context to Kylo saying he won’t be seduced.

The only problem is that while Snoke saying “and the light” is clean, “the dark side” has a lot of background noise that would be hard to take out. Alternatively, you could have Kylo Ren say either “the dark side” or “the darkness” as he says both within the film, then Snoke could retort with “and the light”.

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I’m not aware of all of the scenes he is talking about but recoloring black and white scenes would be extremely time consuming, wouldn’t it? I’m not saying it is impossible because I know there are some reference photos for the pilots at least, I just don’t if it would be worth the time it would take, and if it would look natural.

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I don’t want to add to your list of things to do, and I would be willing to do it myself if someone could point me in the right direction of how to do it, but could we possible change the Death Star hologram in Episode 2 with a hologram blue-print of Grievous? Not sure how interested people would be in this, so if their isn’t any we can move on to something more important.

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The Death Star test is actually a pretty interesting proof of concept. Having two rings instead of just one makes the explosion a lot more grand. I agree with Darth Lucas as well. I think the way the Death Star II explodes is kind of like that; it glows a little bit then blows up completely.

Speaking of your 3D model problems, do you think making an actual model could work too? I have access to a green screen so I could film it possibly. I’d have to learn how to make a decent model though. Not sure which would be more work. You also run into the problem of not only making a Death Star model (whether it be real or CG) but also having to make it break into pieces in a way that is similar to the Death Star II, if you want imply they are the same station.

I understand this may be rather difficult to accomplish so I am behind any other ideas we can invest in that might actually benefit the story more.

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hundsdorfex said:

Hmmm… ok, i think one thing that could be cool is to make the death star explosion on ANH different, this way, in ROTJ, instead of building a second death star, they could be rebuilding it. I saw this idea somewhere in the forum. You think thats a good start?

I actually suggested this awhile back! This would be great to see, and could even be useful for 3-in-1 edits that other people have suggested.

I’d also like to see Dooku with a different color lightsaber. From what I understand, changing the color is the easy part, but the actual rotoscoping is what makes it so time-consuming. I’d recommend even making one or two other versions where he has a green/blue lightsaber as well, and you could add it to this edit database that is being suggested.

I’m wanting to improve my editing skills as well so I would be interested in helping you out with this endeavor.

Idea: What if there was only one Death Star?

You're absolutely right regularjoe. It is a powerful weapon so you'd think they'd make more than one.

On the other hand though having multiple ones takes away from its uniqueness and in a way makes them appear weaker. With two, they are both taken out pretty quickly, not making them very effective war machines if they're so easily destroyed. But by having one it shows how even a direct hit to its main reactor didn't completely obliterate it, and that it was once again operational in only a few years. It takes two attacks to actually destroy it completely. But I think the argument can go either way, like you said.

And yeah, this is definitely a low priority change. There are many other changes that are more important to be made. This was just one idea I had not seen a lot and I was curious about other people's opinions and actually if this little change would have small or big affect on the narrative.

The Boba Fett removal is a good example of a change that needs to be considered. My only concern with taking him out completely is that is apparent death might become relevant in future movies. Seeing how he's one of the most popular characters and how ROTJ is canon this event will likely be referenced if he is brought back. 

Idea: What if there was only one Death Star?

Thanks for replying timdiggerm! Your point is my main concern with that change. Ray_afraid pretty much is on the same wavelength as I am. 

A part of me thinks it wouldn't take away from Luke's victory because he still saved the Rebellion because he still destroys it. They made the Empire look weak and bought themselves more time to fight back. And does them building another Death Star not take away from his victory anyway? Either way, you end up with an operational Death Star in Jedi, the only difference is they rebuild the original one instead of building an entirely new one. But I think you bring up a really important point. If it takes away from Luke's victory then it needs to be reconsidered.

I know it almost seems like, "what's even the point of changing this then?" It is like I said before, a lot of people felt that a whole new Death Star was just a rehash of the first movie, and not very creative. I pretty much want to hint at the Death Star's return, so it doesn't feel so all of the sudden. The Death Star also becomes a character itself as well in a way.

And thanks for your comments Ray! I have an idea for that scene but I feel like I should have something to show before I start talking too much about ideas.

Idea: What if there was only one Death Star?

Thanks for replying regularjoe! I know I'm a nobody on these forums but I appreciate you guys taking your time to give me your thoughts.

You actually read my mind. I'm wanting to make a Return of the Jedi edit, the reason I brought this topic up, and I've read a lot of forums talking about different edits and ideas for the movie. I've watched darth ender's edit and one or two others. They all have really good ideas, like yours.

I actually want to address the issues of Luke training on Dagobah and the sister reveal also, so it is cool that you've focused on those two aspects as well. I'd definitely love to see it.

Although I think I should have something to show before I say what I want to do, so I'll probably be on here a lot trying to learn more about the technical aspect of fan editing. In that, I'm quite amateur.

Idea: What if there was only one Death Star?

Thanks for replying! I really appreciate it.

I see what you're saying about detracting from the impact of the film. I mean, Luke still destroys it, it just breaks into pieces rather than into smithereens. But if it returned I see what you mean. So you don't think there is a problem with the second Death Star? I've just heard people complain about it before, because they think having another one also takes away from ANH, being like a repeat of the first film, and inconsistency issues. If it wasn't the same Death Star, do you think it could at least be foreshadowed in Empire?

If you don't think the second Death Star is a problem though, that is cool. I apprecite you giving me your opinion!

Idea: What if there was only one Death Star?

Hey, I’m new here so sorry if I’m going about this all wrong. I’m sure this has been discussed before but I was wanting to get some opinions on the possibility of editing the original trilogy to where the Death Star I and II are a single Death Star.

I’ve heard people in the past say that felt that it was lazy writing to just have another Death Star (I think this was what actually made Gary Kurtz leave Jedi). While I know there are arguments for both sides, I think it wouldn’t be impossible to do.

For A New Hope, the primary thing would be to replace Death Star blowing up completely to where it breaks into large pieces, similar in shape to DSII. You possibly could edit the briefing scene as well, but I don’t think it would be necessary.

For Empire, you would need to change the word “destroyed” in the opening crawl to “devastated” or something similar. You also could add a shot of it being rebuilt in the scene where we first see the Super Star Destroyer. It could take away from its reveal possibly, but on the other hand could make the Empire’s introduction that much more intimidating. It shows that the rebel’s victory was only temporary and the audience will know that it will be a threat in the future. That way it feels less lazy and that it was planned. But showing it in Empire isn’t exactly necessary.

Return of the Jedi, first of all, it would need to be made clear in the opening crawl that they are reconstructing the Death Star rather than building an entirely new one. I believe the only other time you would have to alter dialogue is during the rebel briefing. Mon Mothma calls it a “new battle station” and says “construction of this Death Star”. Both her and Ackbar call it “this Death Star” more than once. Luckily, there isn’t a close up on her face when she says “new” and “this” once, so those would be easier to fix. It would also be helpful if “re” could be put before “construction”.

I believe that is all you would need to do. I’m mainly wanting to bring this up for an fan editors who would be interested in this idea, and getting feedback if I decide to do it. I’m hoping this alteration could help tie the original trilogy together more and get rid of any questions regarding the idea of multiple Death Stars.<span style=“color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.701961); font-family: UICTFontTextStyleBody; font-size: 17px; -webkit-composition-fill-color: rgba(130, 98, 83, 0.0980392); text-decoration: -webkit-letterpress;”>

Also, I just wanted to say that I really enjoy following what you guys talk about and I think this is a great community. Thanks for all of the hard works you guys do and I hope I can contribute to it as well in the future. Sorry if I posted this wrong, just let me know if I need to delete it or put it somewhere else.