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Lego Star Wars: Revenge of the Brick Mini-Movie
Got it in the mail yesterday. The BRICK movie was cute... kinda funny. The trailers for the original trilogy look like "cleaned up" versions of the old trailers that were on the Definitive Laserdisc Collection. I'd have to go back and watch those to compare them, but the ones on the dvd are definitely cleaner and are original commercials (not trailers for the special editions). -Rick
Lego Star Wars: Revenge of the Brick Mini-Movie

You guys may already know it, but the “2008 Art of Star Wars” calendar contains a dvd with trailers and a mini-movie. Here’s the info from the site where I ordered mine:

“The Art of Star Wars Wall Calendar: This DVD Star Wars calendar offers that something extra. Not only are there never-before-seen pieces of art from all six theatrical releases and corresponding products but the enclosed DVD contains 12 original movie trailers and the Lego Star Wars Revenge of the Brick mini-movie. This is one extra fans won’t be able to pass up.”

I should have it in a couple of days…


Lego Star Wars: Revenge of the Brick - Wookieepedia Page : Lucasfilm Wiki Page : IMDB Page : Wikipedia Page

Idea & Info: Grindhouse (possible fan-edit?)
When/if someone decides to do a preservation project for these two movies, I have a Best Buy freebie disc that contains a 25 minute documentary. It's Tarantino and Rodriguez talking about the movies and it breaks down into the following subjects: "Welcome to the Grindhouse", "Badass Babes: The Girls of Grindhouse", "Renegade Guys of Grindhouse", and "Trailers of Grindhouse". I'm sure it would make a cool bonus feature for the project.

If anyone needs this for the project, I can PIF it out or give it to someone to make a torrent.
Info Wanted: Questions about DVD freebie discs?
ADMINS: I believe this thread probably belongs in another topic. Feel free to move it. Thanks!

Hey Owen.... yeah, DS9 rocks! Definitely my favorite ST series. I honestly haven't watched the bonus discs yet for DS9 (just recently picked them up on ebay). Here's the list of what's on them:

Season 1: The Deep Space Nine Scrapbook: A fascinating look at the creation and launch of DS9. Features rare archival cast and crew interviews, and behind-the-scenes footage.
Run time: 14 minutes
Season 2: Quark's Story: A comprehensive look at the character Quark and the origin of Ferengis.
Run time: 11 minutes
Season 3: The USS Defiant: An in-depth look at the 'tough little ship' that debuted in Season 3 and helped change the dynamic of the series and its characters.
Run time: 10 minutes
Season 4: Deep Space Nine Chronicles: Has 2 features ('Bob Blackman's Designs of the Future' and 'Sketchbook: Jim Martin').
Run time: 48 minutes
Season 5: Has 2 features ('Deep Space Nine Sketchbook: John Eaves' and 'Ferengi Culture').
Run time: 17 minutes
Season 6: Has 3 features ('Inside "ONE LITTLE SHIP"', 'Ferengi Rules of Acquisition: The Beginning', and 'Ferengi Rules of Acquisition: The Sequel').
Run time: 17 minutes
Season 7: Has 3 features ('Special: Crew Profile: Ezri Dax', 'Morn Speaks', and 'Sketchbook: John Eaves').
Run time: 24 minutes

I also have all of the following Bonus DVD's (all original copies):
All bonus discs from 7 seasons of ST: TNG from Best Buy
Friday the 13th Best Buy Exclusive: "JASON FOREVER"
Grindhouse: Death Proof exclusive 3rd disc from Best Buy
HEROES exclusive Eighth disc which was a Target Exclusive
Buffy the Vampire Slayer: Exclusive Bonus Disc includes All-New Buffy roundtable discussion, never-before-seen featurettes and more
Total Movie Magazine Issue #1 Exclusive, which features the only DVD of TROOPS
Movie FX Magazine Issues #7 and #8, which features Batman: Dead End and the Making of Batman: Dead End
Dave School's Batman: New Times - this dvd was a promo given away by Dave School and features Minimates (Lego-type) toys that are animated and features the voices of Mark Hamill, Adam West, and more.

I know I have lots more, but this is all I can think of off the top of my head. I'm looking to gain copies of ST: Enterprise Bonus dvd's and Voyager Bonus dvd's. Will gladly swap, or PIF the ones that I have. Just PM me.

Info Wanted: Questions about DVD freebie discs?
Thanks for the clarification! I have quite a few of these bonus dvd's. All of the ST: DS9 and TNG bonus discs, The Friday the 13th"JASON FOREVER" disc from Best Buy. I also have the bonus Buffy dvd, Walmart's Star Wars dvd, and quite a few others. I had been thinking that some others may be looking for these for projects they were working on, but didn't want to post anything against the rules. I'm also looking for a few of these myself.
Info Wanted: Questions about DVD freebie discs?

What’s the official word on “preservations” of various materials, such as free bonus dvd’s (such as the discs given out by Best Buy, Target, Circuit City, etc). I’m referring to the dvd’s like the Star Trek Bonus discs from Best Buy, Friday the 13th’s “Jason Forever” disc from Best Buy, etc, etc. I’m not asking for these, I’m just curious where we stand as far as sharing these? Is it allowed? It seems to me that it fall under the same rules as bonus materials found on laserdiscs (like Star Wars), but I could be wrong.


.: The XØ Project - Laserdisc on Steroids :. (SEE FIRST POST FOR UPDATES) (* unfinished project *)
I also wish the best for Laserman. Although, I'm not a major contributor to the OT site, I have been a member of this site for sometime and really enjoy the community as a whole! I've learned a lot of things on this site, obtained some things that I was looking for, and also helped others obtain things they were looking for. I've looked forward to the X0 project since I first learned about it. Maybe we'll see it come to fruition one day, but first and foremost I wish Laserman and his family nothing but the best!
I don't know details of his illness... is there anything we can do to help (donations)?

I say forget the OOT on DVD, lets target HD-DVD/Blue Ray Now
Originally posted by: CO
Originally posted by: RickWJ324
Paramount and Dreamworks just announced exclusivity for HD-DVD! Titles like TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE, SHREK, and STAR TREK shows/movies will only be available to HD-DVD.
Both camps have their exclusives, but this is good news for HD-DVD supporters!

I personally have been pulling for HD-DVD, but will not buy either until there is a definite winner!


The problem now is that it will prolong the format year for alot longer as BluRay was winning. Now I am not in one camp, I just want one format so I can finally start buying HD movies, but this is bad news, cause this crap can last for years, and fans like myself just sit there and wait, and won't support either of them cause I don't want to get burned.

I'm with ya! I have tons of money invested in DVD and to date I'm totally content with that format. The 'tech geek' inside me wants to update to hi-def, but I will not spend money on either format knowing that I may not be able to buy a particular movie because it's format specific. I personally hope HD wins, but I really don't care either way. I want the war over and I'll buy into the winner, plain and simple. I think there are lots of other people that feel the same way.
I say forget the OOT on DVD, lets target HD-DVD/Blue Ray Now
Paramount and Dreamworks just announced exclusivity for HD-DVD! Titles like TRANSFORMERS: THE MOVIE, SHREK, and STAR TREK shows/movies will only be available to HD-DVD.
Both camps have their exclusives, but this is good news for HD-DVD supporters!

I personally have been pulling for HD-DVD, but will not buy either until there is a definite winner!

I saw it opening weekend (on my 37th birthday) and thought this film was very cool! I'm an animation nut and have enjoyed the Turtles in their various incarnations. I think this film was the best of the four! I watched TMNT 1 earlier today and I'm watching part 2 right now. I saw all of them when they were first released in the theatres, but I don't think time has been too kind to these movies. Still, they are quite enjoyable for what they are. I hope we get an animated sequel to TMNT 4.

Pan's Labyrinth
Exactly! I had an official release of Robin Hood: Men in Tights that was a European release and it came out a couple of years before the US release.....

If you haven't seen Pan's Labyrinth yet, you are in for a treat! It's not for everyone (I think most people will either love it or hate it). I've already had several friends asking for copies.. not that I would do such a thing....

Windows Vista
I'm an IT guy and received a full copy of Vista Business Editon. I loaded it on one of my laptops at home and so far I'm very undecided on it. I like the interface, but it will definitely take some getting used to. A lot of settings, etc, are in different places now and so far I've just had a little bit of time to tinker with it.

I will say that I'm more than a little disappointed with it's hardware and software compatibility. Much of my software is not compatible with it (including my Symantec Antivirus Corporate Edition and Roxio 6). I also went to plug in one of my CD printers today and found that it wasn't compatible (Casio CW-50 thermal printer). I haven't even tested out most of my hardware yet and I've only loaded a few of my apps on it, but I'm sure I'll find more incompatibilities. Very disappointing..... and I am very much a Microsoft supporter (I'm NOT a Mac fan at all!).

Song Of The South - many projects, much info & discussion thread (Released)
Is this Song of the South recording PAL or NTSC?

I don't have any of the items you mentioned for trade, but I do have lots of rare dvd's. I have 2,000+ dvd's, most of which are originals that I bought (probably 20% are dvd rips). I haven't updated my list recently, but I'll update it and get you a copy. Maybe there's something on there you want to trade for.

Off the top of my head, the most recent "rare" or hard-to-find dvd's I bought were: Disney's Ducktales: Legends of the Lost Lamp and Disney's Rocketman. Both of these are only available through the Disny DVD Club and have gone for quite a few bucks on ebay. I also have lots of "rare" cuts of horror movies that aren't available in the US.

Wanted: Scrubs Best Buy Bonus Disc Preservations - for a custom DVD edit
Originally posted by: Jashun44
I brought this up awhile ago, but there didn't seem to be much interest.
But yeah, I think it's a great idea. It would be cool to offer all of the bonus discs that people miss or just don't have access to.
Honestly, I don't like these promotions. I think if people shell out money for a dvd set, they should get the same thing as everyone. I don't know why studios make deals with stores to sell exclusive discs. People should be able to buy from and support whatever store they want, without feeling like they missed out. I guess I can understand other things like lithographs, or mini posters, etc. But when it comes to the dvds, they should all be the same with all th extras.

Anyway, yeah, it's a great idea. I actually do have the two Scrubs bonus discs from Best Buy. I'd be happy to share those, along with other ones that I have. I will find all the ones that I've gotten and post the titles here. What discs do other people have?


I also HATE the fact that they do this! I buy a LOT of dvd's, including tons of DVD show seasons. It really pisses me off when I spend all that money on show sets and then find out that I'm missing these discs because I didn't buy it at a certain retailer. In particular, I'd love to get a hold of the Star Trek BB exclusives (especially the DS9 discs). If there's anyone here that could help me out with copies of those, I'd definitely appreciate it!