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KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

NFBisms said:

This is something I put together in the other Kenobi redux thread, just in case it could be relevant to this project in some way:

NFBisms said:

I was one of those suckers who was actually really excited for Obi-Wan Kenobi (2022) because Deborah Chow and Kelley DIxon’s work on Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad fuckin’ rule. Needless to say, that was a bit misguided.

So I took a crack at editing the show to be closer in tone and style to what I expected out of BB-verse alumni.

I don’t think I’m going to do the whole show, but it was just a fun little experiment. The edit isn’t supposed to be like BB/BCS fwiw, just approaching the material with some of the storytelling philosophy I learned from them.

At the very least, Deborah Chow’s sensibilities as a director were still conducive to being arranged in this way so at least some of my excitement wasn’t unfounded

This is really great!
Anjohan: I hope that you use this in your edit! 😉

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

Broom Kid said:

I was wondering - it’d probably necessitate some VFX work alongside some sound effects reconstruction and flipping some shots for continuity/180-degree rule - if there’s a way to reconstruct the duel so it ENDS with Ben getting buried, Vader walking off, and Ben escaping the hole and leaving the planet.

Basically, duel starts as normal, when we get to the part where Obi-Wan tries to topple a pillar and Vader catches it, throws it at him, cut to the 2nd half of the fight where Ben is out of the hole, they clash again, Obi-Wan throws him, then throws all the rocks at him and cuts his helmet half off. They talk, Obi-Wan says “Goodbye, Darth” and then after Vader screams “Obi-Wan” then have him slap the ground and send him into the hole?

It’d be tricky (aside from shaving some shots down carefully and re-using one or two from earlier in the duel - and might necessitate generating sparks from the helmet and/or some head replacement of cracked helmet Vader) but it honestly seems like that’s how the fight SHOULD go. Vader literally “leaves” Obi-Wan (When I left you…) and thinks he’s dead, and walks off. Obi-Wan escapes with nobody knowing he’s gone and heads back to Tatooine to watch over Luke (who is in that vision that inspires him to push all the rocks out of the way and jump out of the hole)

Once he’s out of the hole just cut to the ship leaving the planet.

This is such a great suggestion, one which I will try out for my own edit!

Obi-Wan left Vader for dead in ROTS, and now Vader can do the same here.

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

Anjohan said:

So, what about Reeva?

Her entire story in EP 6 is CUT. Not because I hate her character (although I am not fond of it), but simply because her story fit the series format but definitely not the film format I am going for. This is really the story about Obi-Wan overcoming his grief and truma, something that becomes very obvious when you trim the fat and the cringe and pace the film into a working film format. In a series format Reeva has her place, even if her place is forced into the story, but in this film and definitely in the climax parts of it she does not belong at all. Although she is in the film, her presence is only granted when it serves the story.

I’m so glad to hear this! Reva during episodes 1-4 was ruthless and angry; Disney ruined the character with the weak “redemption arc” nonsense. Why can’t Disney let villains be villains?

Oh and since when did Lightsabers no longer kill people? It seems that the Disney Lightsabers give little more than flesh wounds. Both the Grand Inquisitor and Reva survived being stabbed in the stomach…what poor writing this is…The whole “revenge does wonders for one’s will to live” line is utter nonsense. Why can’t Disney let characters die?

Obi-Wan not killing off Vader in the final episode was…odd.

Anjohan: your most recent video updates for the final episode look and sound great, especially the third video! Going from leaving Vader behind, to Alderaan is a fine choice!

Is there a way to cut the episodes so that at the end of episode 5, the refugees depart the planet, Obi-Wan leaves the ship to confront Vader, and the refugees jump into hyperspace? As in: remove the “chase” (and I use the term lightly) with the Star Destroyer altogether? Not using the tractor beam, not sending out TIE Fighters, and not simply blasting the starship into oblivion makes no sense at all.
Removing this chase would remove the more silly aspects of episode 6; just cut to the important stuff:
Reva’s fate is unknown (presumably dies) / The people escape / Obi-Wan leaves the starship / Obi-Wan confronts Vader / Goes to see Leia / Goes to see Luke.

Or: what if Obi-Wan doesn’t leaves Jabiim with the refugees at all? As in:
Reva’s fate is unknown (presumably dies) / Obi-Wan asks the fake Jedi to take Leia home / Obi-Wan stays behind / The people escape & jump to hyperspace / Obi-Wan confronts Vader / Goes to see Leia / Goes to see Luke.

Furthermore, is it possible to only have 1x kidnapping with 1x rescue of Leia, as opposed to 2x of each? It reeks of bad writing to have two of every event happening!

What do you think?

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

Anjohan said:

Would people like to see the Anakin & Obi-Wan sparring sequence as a whole in the beginning of the film, as a memory when Obi-Wan is dreaming, before later showing up again in the way it is presented in EP 5 (apart from cuts and trims)?

The reason I ask is because introducing it as a happy memory, for instance BEFORE the bad memories/flashback nightmare sequence, could start the film with a kind of realization that those happy times are definitively over, and also have Anakin’s death (sort of) kind of looming even harder over the overall film. Not to mention it is impactful to have the seeds of Anakin’s arrogance re-planted before “EP 5 happens”.

The downside and the counter-arguement is of course that the viewer might feel less impacted by the flashback, and perhaps the film starts on one too many of them.

Share your views - I would be very interested to hear them.

I’d love to see the AOTC flashback portrayed as Obi-Wan’s dream in the beginning, instead of the re-used footage from the three prequel films. Flashbacks in the fifth episode (and I’d argue that flashbacks being used at all) are wholly unnecessary, and to me breaks the flow of the story.

Obi-Wan’s dream sequence seems to be an excuse to use more footage from the prequels (filler footage). It even shows Anakin in situations that Obi-Wan wasn’t even physically present for (namely young Anakin in the Naboo Starfighter).
You wouldn’t even need to use the entire AOTC flashback as a dream sequence, you’d need just enough footage to illustrate Anakin’s anger and need for victory.

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

Anjohan said:

And of course things can be edited around, but I find Obi-Wan to be a more interesting character with all this baggage (regardless of copy-paste Luke TLJ storyline and some trimmed moments from ep 1 with Organa) than someone who goes straight back to Badass after meeting Vader and two minutes in a bacta tank. In fact, even though he starts out as TLJ Luke, his character arc is way more fitting to the losses he has endured and his growth in the series far more rewarding than TLJ Luke ever came near to. And with that in mind, diminishing the importance of a redemption arc done well because of the failures of another film should NOT make Obi-Wan - as it’s own thing - sacrifice a working series component because of the mirrored arc with a character arc that did absolutely and utterly NOT work. And I’d debate anyone that I’d rather watch episode 4 WITH the cringe ten times unpaid than watching The Last Jedi or The Rise of Skywalker one time with payment.

I 100% agree; maintaining the emotional component of Obi-Wan’s character arc in this series is vital to the show. He is much more of an interesting character that the audience can get emotionally invested in, knowing that he has gone through trauma and is now regaining his composure and focus in life.

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

I’m wondering, if you cut out episode four entirely, how will you work around how the Empire was able to track down Obi-Wan and Leia? The tracking device was in Leia’s droid, plus the little droid was responsible for shutting the door; if you excise episode four, would it not create an inconsistency / continuity error?

I second your call for a ‘deepfake’ of Anakin! I was surprised to see the current-day Hayden in that scene as opposed to an AOTC-era Hayden; it would have looked great if there was a ‘de-ageing’ process applied!

Another thought (for a different fan edit): could the flashback of Obi-Wan & Anakin be easily incorporated into an AOTC fan edit? It would need the ‘deepfake’ treatment, but I think it would look great if it could be used elsewhere. Also, the ROTS Jedi Temple flashback at the start of episode one would look great in an ROTS fan edit. But, these are thoughts for other fan edits haha!

Anjohan said:

Part IV has to be cut. Episode 5 was decent enough. Gotta trim stuff for sure. A lot of things looked like a B movie, and there were some deliveries that were off.

The flashback with Anakin will probably be included when he’s in the Bacta Tank. I’ll also have to take a look at deepfaking his face. Or perhaps someone on YouTube will do it for me/for us.

This was episode 5, and the narrative overall has been very underwhelming thus far. Although the episode on its own was okay, the pay-off for FOUR episodes of literally two plot lines is just… pathetic?

KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

The odd thing I found with episode 4 was the exchange between Leia and Reva. It went on for far too long, with tired old dialogue found in a thousand other movies.
How about cutting it so that after Leia says “I’ll never tell you where they are”, Reva then gets the Stormtroopers to take Leia away. No more long-winded, boring conversations!

The Disney style of writing is atrocious…

The rest of the episode was great though! It’s so good to see Obi-Wan in action again!

Are there deepfakes for Palpatine in ROTS & Dooku in AOTC?

Hello all,

My apologies if this has been asked before! As per the thread title, does anyone know of any deepfakes that replace the CGI faces on the stunt doubles during Palpatine’s duel with Mace in ROTS, and Dooku’s duel with Yoda in AOTC?
Even back in 2002 and 2005 the CGI looked awful in the cinema; hopefully we can get those shots replaced!


KENOBI: A STAR WARS STORY [The Radical "Help Me Obi-Wan Kenobi" Cut]

I love your ideas for this edit! The preview clips you’ve done look fantastic. 😃
Could I make a suggestion? How about removing Reva’s unnecessary dialogue at the end of the conversation with the other Inquisitors?
Inquisitor: "I will get what I deserve, Third Sister, and so will you!”. The camera then goes to Reva; cut it there, leaving her in silence.
Cut her timewasting speech of “I hope so. I certainly hope so”.
It’s much more dramatic to leave her in silence, rather than have her voicing her thoughts to an empty room.

Help needed! I’m after blue Lightsaber footage for Mace in ROTS.

Oh cool! Thanks for your offer of giving this a try! I’m not sure what’s involved in doing something like this; hopefully it won’t be a monumental task.
Let me know if I can help you out at all!


The Star Wars Purist said:

I can most certainly try.
The only problem (maybe) is that the final product will be in 720p, due to my editing/effects software’s free plan limitations.

However, this doesn’t stop me from doing things like this.

Help needed re: Jango extended death scene – blue Lightsaber for Mace in AOTC.

I recently saw a short fan edit clip with finished CGI of the extended Jango Fett death sequence, where Mace cuts of Jango’s left arm prior to decapitating him. This footage was previously shown in the Blu-ray Star Wars Saga boxed set, but had unfinished CGI.
For anyone who hasn’t seen the now-completed scene, it’s here:

I’ve tried to contact the person who made the clip, to no avail. I have extracted the footage, and have it as an individual clip; please see here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/140MhO9gbGh2mt-viCMeFVr9bQ8LJLKnC/view?usp=sharing
Would anyone here be able to please change Mace’s Lightsaber colour to blue?

Removing burned-in subtitles from Adywan's ANH:Revisited.

Oh that would be amazing! I will send you a PM.


That guy with no name said:

Phase3 said:

Unfortunately that method won’t work, as the subtitles are burned-in during parts where Han and Greedo talk in the Cantina. I could easily replace the subtitles where Han is talking, but I can’t replace it during Greedo’s scenes, as it would wipe out the amazing VFX work that Adywan did.
So, it looks like I’m stuck with these subtitles!
I had been hoping to replace the subtitles, so that they would match the original releases, such as what you see on the 4K77 release.


That guy with no name said:

Phase3 said:

That’s a good idea! I will try that out.
Thanks very much!

That guy with no name said:

The subtitles are actually burned in. But I think the best way to do it, is to got to the end frame where the subtitle fades off, and just take a freeze frame of that and place that part on the rest or the moving footage.
I may actually give it a go later.

How’d it go?

Well can’t you just replace that scene with adywan’s color adjusted Blu-ray?
(which I can hook you up, just send me a pm.)

Removing burned-in subtitles from Adywan's ANH:Revisited.

Unfortunately that method won’t work, as the subtitles are burned-in during parts where Han and Greedo talk in the Cantina. I could easily replace the subtitles where Han is talking, but I can’t replace it during Greedo’s scenes, as it would wipe out the amazing VFX work that Adywan did.
So, it looks like I’m stuck with these subtitles!
I had been hoping to replace the subtitles, so that they would match the original releases, such as what you see on the 4K77 release.


That guy with no name said:

Phase3 said:

That’s a good idea! I will try that out.
Thanks very much!

That guy with no name said:

The subtitles are actually burned in. But I think the best way to do it, is to got to the end frame where the subtitle fades off, and just take a freeze frame of that and place that part on the rest or the moving footage.
I may actually give it a go later.

How’d it go?

Removing burned-in subtitles from Adywan's ANH:Revisited.

That’s a good idea! I will try that out.
Thanks very much!

That guy with no name said:

The subtitles are actually burned in. But I think the best way to do it, is to got to the end frame where the subtitle fades off, and just take a freeze frame of that and place that part on the rest or the moving footage.
I may actually give it a go later.

Removing burned-in subtitles from Adywan's ANH:Revisited.

Hello all,

I’m making my own custom ANH SE edit, and was wanting to re-do the subtitles in Adywan’s ANH:Revisited edit, however the subtitles appear to be burned-in. I have tried software programs such as Handbrake, MakeMKV, MKVtoolNix, and even VLC, all to no avail (unless there was something I completely missed doing, which is possible haha!).
Would anyone know how to remove the subtitles from this film?
