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GOUT image stabilization - Released

When you demux with pgcdemux you have to select 'create Celltimes.txt' but make sure you unselect 'Include end time'.

Pgcdemux gives you the chapters in Celltime.txt.

Now when you mux with muxman you need to select 'file' on the top left side of muxman and then 'Import chapter'. Then you browse for the Celltime.txt that pgcdemux created.  Then import all the streams you want to mux. Thats it.

GOUT image stabilization - Released

There is some ghosting visible in chapter 45 of ESB, look at the left hand of the stormtrooper, Leia shoots down. There is also ghosting visible in the cantina scene in ANH. This is visible on the original DVD, too.

Btw, I compared the scene when Ben deactivates the tractor beam in ANH with the transfer of Dr. Gonzo. Although the image of Dr. Gonzo is much softer than the image of the GOUT you can see slightly more detail on Dr. Gonzo's set. I wonder if this is caused by encoding the NTSC master to PAL or if there is less detail on the NTSC DVD also.

GOUT image stabilization - Released
DarthJardus said:

Oh man, now you tell me I should have chosen 16:9 in HCEnc!  :(

Only 35% done now....after  15 hours!


I really do not want to do it all over again.


I second the request, can someone please upload these versions?  I do not have newsgroup access so would also prefer a torrent site. 

It does take a lot of time to figure this out and then hope it works.


The encodings are really sloooooow, be partient.

When I did the encodings, HCenc. selected 16:9 output automatically when I loaded the avisynth file. While the encoder is doing it's work you can see if the encoding is in the right aspect ratio: on the right side of the encoder mask at the top you can read "aspect" and then 16:9 when everything is ok. If you read 4:3 there then something is wrong.

I finished all three movies but for some reason I cannot upload them somewhere, as willingly I would.

GOUT image stabilization - Released
   Also are there any before and after examples to get a qualitative feel of the improvement?


Negative1 posted a short clip of ESB for comparison. You can get it here.

The bottom video is the filtered video, the top video is the original, unprocessed GOUT video. Please note: Negative1 used script v. 3.09b; the actual script (v. 4.00) is better than the one used for this one.



Guide to convert the GOUT DVD from 4:3 to 16:9 using freeware-tools
Jonno said:

I'm just making a first attempt at converting my ESB disc to 16:9 - this is a great guide, really useful. Just one or two questions, though -

In the HCgui settings it's advised to 'Open settings1 tab and choose "progressive"'. Presumably this only applies to NTSC sources? Only it seemed that the original demonstration was actually based on a PAL disc, so it seems a strange thing to suggest...

Also, VobBlanker is recommended for reintegrating the new video into the old menu structure. I've had a look, and the 'replace' option seems to need an IFO file for the new stream - does the HCgui encoder actually produce one of these, alongside the converted video?

Thanks for any thoughts!

I have done my encodings only with the PAL-DVD so I have no idea about your "progressive" on settings1 tab question.

Once you have authored the video with the audio and the subpics using Rejig there is a new (second) created Video_TS folder that contains a new IFO file. Vobblanker uses this IFO file automatically.

THE STAR WARS SAGA - 1080P AVCHD DVD-9 for PS3 & Blu-Ray players - Episodes 1, 4 & 5 available now


Oldschooljedi, I think you're missing a word in your above statement... I can't quite tell if you're saying you want the "Jedi Rocks" dance number left in Jedi or if you don't want it, LOL.

Sorry, I meant to say: please do not edit the dance scene out of the AVCHD-release, please.


Info: Auto-correction from SE colours to GOUT colours (lots of information)
And for PaulisDead2221, here is the section of my script that deals with the colour correction:


I couldn't find a working link for the polarcolourlike and the colourlike-plugin. Where can I download them or could someone upload them, please?

GOUT image stabilization - Released
INv8r_ZIM said:

Missing plugin, maybe?

On a different note, I'm assembling Empire now.  Has anyone noticed an occasional diagonal (high left to lower right) streaking, particularly during visually busy scenes (like the lost in the snow stuff, or the duel in the carbon-freeze chamber)?  Is this a by-product of the script; an encoder error, or is it in the GOUT (though I can't seem to see it there).

Haven't notice this, but I hadn't time to watch the whole movie yet.