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The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Spartacus01 said:

Mrebo said:

My edit has been on the back burner but occasionally game out how to address things I want to address.

Changing the podrace announcer was a dream out of my reach but with AI it would be easy.

This is not perfect (link good for 2 days) but it’s pretty good:


“This video isn’t available.”

new permalink: https://streamable.com/etboqy

I like G&G’s idea, I wonder if inserting a background character could be done by having Kling animate against on a blank (green screen) background that could be layered over footage, easily removing the blank background? With Kling you can set the beginning and ending images to use so that you can generally control where the figure is moving through space. Would still have to do work in the video editor - more experienced people can think that through better…

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Thank you, Bingo!

I edit a still shot in photoshop - here to insert Max - and then upload to Kling where I gave it simple instructions (“blue creature gesticulates”).

Another use I’m exploring is simply to have a scene last a couple second longer (like reaction shots) because so many shots in Phantom Menace are cut tightly which makes makes it difficult to rearrange without it feeling choppy.

Basic advice on Kling is [describe what the subject is doing] + [camera motion].

Another scene I want to do is Anakin jumping through the window after Zam has taken at shot at Padme. Here is more of an idea of the promises and limitations. Once I get around to paying $ I can experiment more and not have the watermark.


<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

NFBisms said:

Channel72 said:

NFBisms said:

On the contrary (and I know this won’t move the needle for you), something I actually kind of appreciated here was the effort this went to show the Jedi not as space cops. I think that angle gets overplayed a bit; it’s easy to villainize them in that lens, but that’s hardly the point. This has a more productive distillation of the subtext.

Ehh… I don’t know. I haven’t watched the whole show yet, but I remember in Episode 2 they literally have the Jedi in a helicopter-like ship hovering in the sky at night with blinding floodlights beaming down, screaming things like “This is the Jedi! You are under arrest!” over a megaphone. I really could not tell the difference at that point between the Jedi and the LAPD.

The Jedi in this show did more “cop-like” things than they ever did in the Prequels, like arresting people, interrogating suspects, etc. While we often joke that the Prequels basically turned the Jedi into glorified space cops, I don’t think the Prequel Jedi ever actually arrested anyone, except when Mace tried unsuccessfully to arrest Palpatine. The closest they come to cop-like behavior in the Prequels, I think, is when Anakin starts yelling at that shape-shifting assassin outside a nightclub in Attack of the Clones. But for the most part, the Prequel Jedi were portrayed as diplomats, negotiators and advisors in The Phantom Menace, and then as bodyguards, soldiers and Generals in the other two films. In Attack of the Clones Obi-Wan took on the role of a detective when investigating the assassination attempt on Amidala, but he comes across more like a Private Investigator or FBI agent than a police officer.

I now want to see a parody show where the Jedi have to cruise around the Galaxy and show up to random people’s houses to settle civil or domestic disturbances. In the first Episode, Jedi Master Plo Koon and his new Padawan respond to a 10-16 at the intersection of Dune Street and Kerner Plaza in South Central Mos Eisley, and talk down a meth-crazed Jawa who became violent after a Twi’lek that lives upstairs complained about loud cantina-band music blasting all night.

I guess to rephrase, I think the show tries to emphasize Jedi As Cops are not The Problem™, but merely a symptom of the Order’s larger failings - an inevitable consequence of the pressures put on them, but not how they are supposed to be/structured to be. The string of murders pushes our characters into an investigative role, yes, but pointedly in this era, under the council and Senate’s noses. Sol and co. are basically rogue. And it’s especially something that they are not equipped to handle [yet]. Every Jedi we meet in this show is book-ish more than warrior.

Not to mention they fail wholly at finding leads, making arrests, or like, not all dying.

I think Headland is being too “clever” for her own good in trying to create the predictable associations early, only to “subvert” them later. The fumbled Rashomon thing for example is seeing the events on Brendok in different perspectives, and the only real difference / new information I can gather from episode 3 and 7’s depictions is the emphasis that the Jedi didn’t come to the planet to enforce law. That every way they fucked up wasn’t because the Jedi are inherently cops, but because Torbin and Sol were being a bit much. What the Jedi really want to do is meditate on the Force and scan for midichlorians in plants and stuff.

(And to tangent off of that, the whole Rashomon thing they try to do here is incorrectly implemented. The whole point of that device being used in the original movie is about the unknowability of the events that transpired! Everyone having their own truths, no one being right or wrong. It’s not about incomplete or hidden information like it is here! But I digress.)

The poor implementation was so confounding. I thought there was something supposedly “clever” going on in places (because otherwise there wasn’t a point) but then nothing was clever. How Qimir claimed killing a Jedi without a weapon would strike the Jedi like nothing else could. But convincing Torbin to kill himself wasn’t good enough. Turns out it was just “use the Force.” Which…why is that not a weapon? Why keep /use the Force/ a mystery from the audience and from Mae? Maybe her line about it being “impossible” was supposed to echo Luke’s complaint about lifting the X-Wing but it falls totally flat without a lesson being set up and explored.

Or the way the witches claimed they don’t “use the Force” but then blatantly do. Or Qimir being the Sith. Or how all the witches died. Some confusion could have been avoided if the witches had gotten an electrician in there.

Most of all, a major point of the show was depicting the Jedi as flawed. As you say, it was more about the particular individuals who didn’t act much like Jedi. They were overtly flouting Jedi ethics. Not even in a “from a certain point of view” application.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

There are clearly ideas with potential in this show. Reading through the edit description from the link above it sounds like that edit helps to present them in a much much better way.

I don’t buy suggestions that the show failed in large part because of Disney meddling. There is just too much wrong with basic story logic, general execution, and performance. Anyway, good opportunity for editors!

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Good review, Acbagel. The consistently bad writing is most frustrating when there are good ideas and good visuals. I’m withholding judgment on whether the various mysteries hold up. Yet I’m 99% convinced “kill a Jedi without a weapon” means kill an unarmed Jedi and Mae knows that so the ‘clever’ part is the audience is misled by clunky dialogue. Whether killing an unarmed Jedi strikes at the heart of Jedi (because they don’t do that) in a way that unprovoked killings by a [bad Force user] doesn’t is in the eye of the beholder. We’ll see how that goes.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

EddieDean said:

I’ve just been re-reading the thread, and have taken another crack at the opening crawl based on all of the popular ideas so far.

I was looking to include:

  • Language which both gives clarity of understanding, and evokes emotion and dynamism
  • “Golden age is ending”
  • Namedropping ‘Galactic Republic’ early, and showing it’s corrupt and bureaucratic (but in an interesting way)
  • Trade Federation vs Naboo as the central threat, with the TF greedy and aggressive, and Naboo humanised
  • Padme Amidala as a protector and central to the conflict
  • A hint of a bigger threat ‘behind the curtain’
  • Valorum (by title but not by name) ‘dispatching the Jedi’ since it’s referenced often onscreen
  • A little more description of the function and purpose of the Jedi Order, especially including hints at their magic, since this is the first chronological story
  • A deliberate inconsistency between the Jedi as protectors of peace AND tools of the (corrupt) Republic
  • A slight clarification of the Jedi Order (the institution) and the Jedi Knights (its agents)
  • Qui-Gon Jinn named early, since he’s not named onscreen until deep into the movie, and identifying him as the main agent of change in the story

I wanted to not contradict anything that is seen onscreen. I also chose to retain some of the ambiguity already in the plot and the existing crawl; as much as we often try to do this (and I’ve fallen into this trap myself), the opening crawl is not the place to fix issues with the storyline.

This crawl has the right word count (82 vs 75-88), character count (500 vs 450-500) and line length (~28 max characters).

The golden age of the Galactic
Republic is ending. As corruption
grows, the greedy Trade Federation
has blockaded the peaceful planet
of Naboo.

Desperate to protect her people,
Queen Amidala has appealed for
urgent support, but the Republic
Senate is mired in endless debate.

Fearing a more sinister motive
behind the aggressive move, the
Supreme Chancellor has directed
the Jedi Order, mystical guardians
of peace and justice, to secretly
dispatch Jedi Knight Qui-Gon Jinn
and his young apprentice to settle
the conflict…

Re-reading the thread is a good exercise. I’m back to drawing board on start of Episode 1 because what I’ve tried so far is too uneven. Started thinking a new scene is needed.

I like the way you’ve framed the story here. It is way more coherent. And I like it fitting the normal parameters of a crawl. My only quibble is about omniscient expressions “the golden age is ending,” as to opposed to merely how things are, eg “A golden age for the Galactic Republic is being exploited by [opportunists or something].”

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Darth Raditz said:

Been looking over Nev & Pan’s questions and ideas for the clone plot in AotC. Wouldn’t the simpler solution be to go with the idea that the clones were originally created for the Separatists, and that the Jedi basically claimed them for their own? Have one of the alien Separatists dialogue say “when will you finalize the Kaminoan deal?” And Dooku will respond with “I am a man of my word.” Then, after Palpatine is given emergency powers, change Yoda’s line to "Visit I will the cloners on Kamino…and barter for their army. If I’m missing any steps, let me know.

I think you would need to make it more explicit. How would you handle Obi Wan’s discussions with the Kaminoans?

SSWR's Attack of the Clones - Alternate Timeline Edit (WIP)

Hi, SSWR, I’d watched your YT videos and I agree with your thoughts on the narrative for Anakin visiting Tatooine. I’ve some ideas for the Lars homestead scene you might consider.

As Anakin and Padme walk away from the ship, dub in the (from later) line “These are good people, Padme, you’ll be safe.”

Dub [Not-3PO] saying, “It is good to see you again Master Skywalker [& other pleasantries].” (If you want to twist the knife, insert Padme’s line from Naboo, “Anakin’s not a Jedi…he’s still a Padawan learner.” JK) Possibly insert Padme’s line “I’m Padme.” Then Anakin asks to see his mother and Not-3PO directs them to follow.

Not-3PO presents the guests. Not-3PO or dubbed Owen acknowledges the step-brother relationship. I like Padme’s “I’m Padme” line originally in this place but not sure how to keep it especially with the cuts to follow.

Cut to Owen introducing Beru and then to Anakin asking, “is my mother here?”

Cliegg says, “no, she’s not,” then Anakin reaction shot, then Cliegg says come inside. Either add transition here or keep the ensuing Anakin’s dissapointes/sad reaction shot.

I think the scene needs different music to better serve the mood of Anakin’s growing anxiety/despair. Maybe different music would go toward making a brisker pace feel more purposeful as well.

Additionally, I’d want to find a way, in the next scene, to get rid of Padme only taking her cloak off when the camera pans over to her and then awkwardly pulling her chair in. It’s the little things that grate when you starting thinking about the edits.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

NeverarGreat said:

Mrebo said:

EddieDean said:

I’ve been thinking about Attack of the Clones a bit lately. Spence’s recent tightening was really good, but every time I watch or think about this movie I always find the early car chase sequence really off-putting. After the droids in the factory, I find that scene the most egregious.

So why not remove it altogether? Since we already have an attempt on Padmè’s life with her ship being bombed, that gives us enough of a reason for Anakin to be assigned her protector, and I’m sure there’s a way to use voicework to tie the bombing to Obi-Wan’s hunt for Kamino.

I feel like that trimming could really improve the pace, and combined with the usual tightening, the addition of the Anakin/Kenobi training scene early, and the addition of the usual deleted scenes with Padmè’s family, you’d end up with something more focused and interesting.

I could do without the animal fight in the arena but I think that’d be my ideal structure.

The inefficiency of the storytelling is one good reason to remove. A question is whether sufficient impetus for Padme to leave is still there without the second attempt.

I agree with your assessment the scene as it exists is too much. Yet as others say, it has the merit of showing positive character interactions I wish were more prominent.

My idea is to start the film with the chase. From crawl (explaining that the Jedi are in pursuit of an assassin targeting senators who oppose the creation of an army), pan to shot of Coruscant, cut to point where Obi and Anakin are both in the speeder on through to where they lose Zam and she removes her veil.

Then Padme’s ship comes down through the clouds, no explosion, it’s morning after the chase and we go to the two heroes in the elevator (just another day in the life of a Jedi).

Snooker made a brilliant scene edit where Anakin deflects blaster shots from the assassin droid and then Anakin jumps out of the window. My crazy notion inspired by that is while Obi and Anakin are chatting in Padme’s apartment at night, Zam’s speeder slows past the window behind them. Sensing danger they run to the bedroom and Anakin deflects blaster shots (implicitly from Zam) and jumps out…onto the speeder, thus picking up that part of the chase on through to Zam’s death.

I’ve had the same thought, that Anakin should jump out of the window onto Zam’s speeder. It really illustrates their characters to have Anakin be headstrong while Obi-wan takes his time to find a speeder, and it also provides a fun reveal when we see Obi-wan catch Anakin’s lightsaber from out of nowhere, showing that Obi-wan really has Anakin’s back even in his boneheaded moments.

Yes! Feels like a real and deliberate moment showing the characterization. Biggest challenge to my eye is the effect of Zam shooting into the room, breaking the blinds and how to deal with changing the room lighting.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

EddieDean said:

I’ve been thinking about Attack of the Clones a bit lately. Spence’s recent tightening was really good, but every time I watch or think about this movie I always find the early car chase sequence really off-putting. After the droids in the factory, I find that scene the most egregious.

So why not remove it altogether? Since we already have an attempt on Padmè’s life with her ship being bombed, that gives us enough of a reason for Anakin to be assigned her protector, and I’m sure there’s a way to use voicework to tie the bombing to Obi-Wan’s hunt for Kamino.

I feel like that trimming could really improve the pace, and combined with the usual tightening, the addition of the Anakin/Kenobi training scene early, and the addition of the usual deleted scenes with Padmè’s family, you’d end up with something more focused and interesting.

I could do without the animal fight in the arena but I think that’d be my ideal structure.

The inefficiency of the storytelling is one good reason to remove. A question is whether sufficient impetus for Padme to leave is still there without the second attempt.

I agree with your assessment the scene as it exists is too much. Yet as others say, it has the merit of showing positive character interactions I wish were more prominent.

My idea is to start the film with the chase. From crawl (explaining that the Jedi are in pursuit of an assassin targeting senators who oppose the creation of an army), pan to shot of Coruscant, cut to point where Obi and Anakin are both in the speeder on through to where they lose Zam and she removes her veil.

Then Padme’s ship comes down through the clouds, no explosion, it’s morning after the chase and we go to the two heroes in the elevator (just another day in the life of a Jedi).

Snooker made a brilliant scene edit where Anakin deflects blaster shots from the assassin droid and then Anakin jumps out of the window. My crazy notion inspired by that is while Obi and Anakin are chatting in Padme’s apartment at night, Zam’s speeder slows past the window behind them. Sensing danger they run to the bedroom and Anakin deflects blaster shots (implicitly from Zam) and jumps out…onto the speeder, thus picking up that part of the chase on through to Zam’s death.

Community Focus Thread 1: The Phantom Menace

Well said, Faraday.

Eddie, I like the directness of your approach. I struggled to think of how to make it happen in that scene.

My solution leaves much implied but I really like that Qui-Gon pulls off yet another stunt. Only I’m not sure if it gives enough to the viewer. A possible assumption is he traded the winning podracer for her freedom.

Here’s what I’ve been working on to free Shmi:



The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Peter Pan said:

Mrebo said:

Peter Pan said:

Mrebo said:

I think it helps greatly if we know that Shmi is no longer a slave. As difficult as it is for Anakin to try to forget about her, it’s more palatable if he knows she is free. I’d have this done in TPM and she is left behind because the Jedi don’t make allowances for parents tagging along. Qui-Gon gives a disapproving look and Shmi gets it and says, “my place is here. My future is here. It is time for you to let go.”

In AOTC I’d leave it implied that Anakin went back at least once, knows the Lars and plausibly had a conversation in years past with Owen about staying. So we would cut Watto in this telling.

I think the story is stronger if Anakin simply can’t let go of his mother even when she is relatively safe. Adopting Peter Pan’s idea to make it more explicitly the Jedi’s fault helps too. Especially with all of Anakin’s ranting about Obi-Wan holding him back which feels out of left field in the movie as is.

I don’t know if it might be cut so the line, “Mind your thoughts, Anakin, they betray you. You’ve made a commitment to the Jedi order…” applies to his dreams about his mother.

Today I played around with the scene you suggested and frankenbit something together, as Eddie would say. 😉
Its not perfect, I don’t particularly like the specific wording of the line I came up with, but I think this gets the idea across.


Good thought having it play in the background, it does seem to be a tough section to cut visually given how they continue walking through.

Yup, I am also trying to figure out the rest of the scene, because they continue talking about politics, with no apparent reason whereas in the original they were talking about Padmé and this lead to Obi-Wan vocalizing prejudice against politicians.
Maybe I’ll expand on the Anakin is frustrated with the Jedi angle. There are some lines, that could fit, like “I know, attachment is forbidden” or “I haven’t seen her in ten years”.

In general keeping Anakin at lot more rebellious might work for the story. Almost pushing it so far that it looks like he might leave the Jedi, would be very interesting I think. Here is a brought story outline of what I have in mind:
He joins the Jedi with the intention to help people and specifically free slaves, then ten years later he hasn’t really gotten to that and is feed up with the Jedi and their way of life. He is on the brink of leaving them to be with Padme, but the Republic goes to war with the Separatist and that’s why he stays a Jedi, because he feels that this is where he is needed the most.
Some details that would really make this work, would be to A) let Anakin and Padme know each other or even be a thing from the get go of AOTC and B) make the separatist slavers and change the title crawl to explain that they left the republic due to Padme pushing reforms in the senate.

This is a good idea to already have something between them. That would be a more credible and interesting way to tell the story. Makes it all more connected to Episode I as well.

Peter Pan said:

My attempt to implement the dialogue from the deleted scene “Anakin’s Nightmares”.


Very good. Some lines work very well. I’ve had a similar idea but hadn’t work out what lines might fit. This fits right in with where I’d want to take it.

<strong>The Book Of Boba Fett</strong> (live action series) - a general discussion thread - * <strong>SPOILERS</strong> *

A very good episode. CGI Luke sometimes excellent. Impressive voice. As much as I liked the flashback-heavy episodes, the present-day characterization of Fett has been weak. This is not helped by pushing him aside for two episodes, which also does a disservice to Temuera Morrison who does a good job when given something of substance.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Peter Pan said:

Mrebo said:

I think it helps greatly if we know that Shmi is no longer a slave. As difficult as it is for Anakin to try to forget about her, it’s more palatable if he knows she is free. I’d have this done in TPM and she is left behind because the Jedi don’t make allowances for parents tagging along. Qui-Gon gives a disapproving look and Shmi gets it and says, “my place is here. My future is here. It is time for you to let go.”

In AOTC I’d leave it implied that Anakin went back at least once, knows the Lars and plausibly had a conversation in years past with Owen about staying. So we would cut Watto in this telling.

I think the story is stronger if Anakin simply can’t let go of his mother even when she is relatively safe. Adopting Peter Pan’s idea to make it more explicitly the Jedi’s fault helps too. Especially with all of Anakin’s ranting about Obi-Wan holding him back which feels out of left field in the movie as is.

I don’t know if it might be cut so the line, “Mind your thoughts, Anakin, they betray you. You’ve made a commitment to the Jedi order…” applies to his dreams about his mother.

Today I played around with the scene you suggested and frankenbit something together, as Eddie would say. 😉
Its not perfect, I don’t particularly like the specific wording of the line I came up with, but I think this gets the idea across.


Good thought having it play in the background, it does seem to be a tough section to cut visually given how they continue walking through.