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STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

ray_afraid said:

sonofjones said:

I am astounded you can accuse me of ridiculing someone else's opinion (which I WASN'T doing btw) when you turn around and call my idea stupid just because it is, without even bothering to actually address what it is i'm saying.

 We've been addressing what you're saying for almost two pages now. You're idea is stupid. Drop it. You can do it yourself once Ady is done.

 I think his idea is a bad one. But do you really need to call people stupid? Let get go of your hate. 

My star wars prequel trilogy fan Edit (new episode I, II, and III) (* unfinished project *)

Having the fake pupil is such a stupid idea to me. Seriously, this whole tip-toeing around the Darth Vader thing is just insane. Everyone knows at this point, and everyone is going to know in the future. And any attempt to try to change that in a fan edit is going to sacrifice the enjoyment and coherence of the story.

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

brash_stryker said:

That is the only way I can imagine sorting it for ANY edit. My idea is not specific to Ady's (though this is a Revisited thread).

You simply cannot get around the slave thing without either ignoring how retarded it is, or filming enough extra material that Anakin isn't a slave in the first place and for that matter we might never see or hear about Shmi (what a fucking stupid name) at all.

Lotta aggression here. XD


Listen, I have no problem with her being a slave, the issue for me is that Anakin never frees her, either on or off camera. So does anyone have any ideas on how to accomplish that? 

The Unofficial Complete REVISITED SAGA Ideas and Random Discussion Thread

Bingowings said:

I'm not sure it would 'solve' anything.

Surely a source of much of Anakin's later anti-Jedi sentiment stems from them not doing enough to save her and seeming to forbid him from seeing her???

If Anakin freed her before Episode 2 he would be filled with self loathing rather than resentment (she would have not have been captured by the sand people if she was still Watto's slave).

It makes more sense if the Jedi bought her freedom (which is the least they could do) but prevented Anakin from hanging around her and making an attachment outside the order.

That way the Jedi don't look like total jerks but Anakin still has enough material to build a grudge with.

If you make Geonosis into Tatooine Anakin has a multiple good reasons for being there (rescuing Obi-Wan, rescuing his Mother, rescuing the slaves as in his dream). it even buys the Jedi a bit of time from Anakin's anger if they stage a planetary liberation of his homeworld. It also explains why the Jedi are too late to save his mother (the planet is an occupied territory)... heck it even explains why old timers still don't like droids in their bars come ANH.

Yeah, I hate the Jedi idea of no attachment, so I kind of view them freeing Shmi as a huge solution. How can we root for an organization that bans the love of a mother and son? 

Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded)

aalenfae said:

I'm glad you like how the scenes are arranged.
One of the biggest reasons behind that was the fact that I hate hate HATE the taxi bit between the landing pad and Palpy's apartment. It just does not sit well with me. So I chopped it. But that brought up new issues with flow. So I went to Qui-Gon's line, and felt that was a really natural way to set up the Council scene. And that's how that idea was born.

Hmmm - I hadn't thought about that, actually.
But I'm pretty sure we'll be hearing the Force Theme on Tatooine somewhere.

And yeah, I'll be pitching her voice back up.
But the current work is only for demonstration. I'll be doing it a little more high-tech for the final version.

The Force theme should honestly be introduced when Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan first take off their hoods on the Nemoidian's ship...at least in my opinion. Although I don't know if you even kept that scene.


Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded)

Very true. And you know, with all this talk of flips, and stairs, and Dookus, I thought this would be a good time to show MY edit of the Dooku duel.


A few things to note:

1. The falling balcony thing is caused by the Invisible Hand getting hit. I haven't added camera shake yet.

2. Dooku's theme in my edits is Xizor's Theme from Shadows of the Empire. Just in case you were scratching your head over that last cue.

Anyways, yeah. I was watching the cave scene from Empire, where Luke confronts Ghost-Vader-Who's-Actually-Him-Kinda, and the surrealness of it inspired me. I tried to edit Dooku's death to match that creepy surrealness. I think atmospheric things like that are lost on the PT a lot, so I felt like it needed a little weird injected into it. 

Aalenfae's PREQUEL TRILOGY (Heavily delayed - computer exploded)

I don't understand what the issue is with the entrance. 

Why can't you have him enter on the balcony....cut to Obi-Wan and Anakin talking about "doing it together"...and then cut to him walking over to them saying "Your swords please."

There's enough time in-between shots to believably assume Dooku just walked down the steps towards them.