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Movies Remastered

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

kewlfish said:

Thanks to Movies Remastered, I got a Blu-Ray version of Vader’s Castle,

password - Ascendant

Edit: I left the clip longer so that an editor can cut the parts they don’t like, the bulge at the beginning is the ship and that’s the only super noticeable part of where the ship used to be.

I’ve just shut my computers down but it looks amazing on my phone. I’m just off to bed but I’ll check it in the morning.

Forgot to ask if you could leave more on the front clip but you did it anyway so it’s hopefully perfect.

Thanks for a fast turn around. You’re welcome.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

specialk2121 said:

Leia does distract him. She’s not the one who redeems him, it’s Rey. Kylo starts second guessing his dark path after Rey “kills” him and then revives him. The “hallucination” of Han is a personification of Ben’s internal struggle. He’s reliving a memory of his darkest moment and realizing it could’ve gone differently.

I’ve cut Leia and given Han full retribution. It’s such an awesome payoff and flows much better without Leia at this point.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

poppasketti said:

I think there’s about 6 seconds from the original footage that’s usable (before it there’s a fade from black and after there’s titles on screen). The clip I posted is 5 seconds. So I may be able to make an alt where I add the 6th second, and have the ties come in 2 seconds later, so you have 2 seconds clean and 4 seconds of ties. Would that work?

Your version looks really good. The framing and colour seems much better.

Anything would be great. It is right on the nose as it stands now so a few seconds would make all the difference.

Do you mean this documentary? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=txLoFqFyr08&t=4738s

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

poppasketti said:

idir_hh said:

One thing that I can’t unsee is the road with the few cars on the top left corner of the forest.

Removed the road/cars from the shot. Good call!
pw: fanedit

Kewlfish, I can send you something later without any color correction so you can match your shots!

Is there any way you could add a few seconds before the tight fighters come into shot? I’m trying to work out transition times. Such a good scene. Thanks

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

poppasketti said:

MDDBatman said:

The only problem with the alt shot is that there should not be any rocky mountains in the background, they were removed in post in the rest of the shots.

Took a shot at removing the mountains for the alt-take “Rey Skywalker” shot (at 20 seconds in).

pw: fanedit

Oh, You found the footage. Nice! The thing I’ve noticed about that whole scene is the constant changing of background colours. It’s a really nice scene you’ve made there.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Darth Sadifous said:

I’ve read the interviews, but I feel they may be singing different tunes if their careers don’t have quite the upward trajectory they are hoping for. I think Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver are going to continue to go on and be involved with bigger projects and be potential leading men. I don’t know if Daisy or John are going to be able to carry a movie by themselves, but time will tell.

John seems to be burning Disney bridges on Twitter and I personally don’t think Daisy is a strong enough actor to carry her own movie. We shall see…

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Delpheas said:

That’s my theory. Disney has always had deleted scenes, and Lucasfilm too, it’s definitely a cash grab for the eventual extended directors cut

If they drop it after I finish my edit I’m gonna go mad! TROS has been the hardest edit I’ve done and I’ve almost given up a few times. It’s looking amazing now though.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Darth Sadifous said:

idir_hh said:

TRoS had a cut subplot of Rey building her lightsaber throughout the movie:


Definitely a missed opportunity. I wouldn’t mind in the future for Daisy and John to reprise their roles in a Disney Plus show or mini series with Rey reforming the Jedi Order and Finn being her first student.

Both Daisy and John have said “You ain’t gonna Disney+ me!”

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

kewlfish said:

I am currently waiting for a new external blu-ray drive so this was made from a clip from youtube which I think explains why it kind of looks grainy, but this is what the clip looks like with all of the crazy encoding that youtube does.

password - Ascendant

Also I agree with DZ-330, @poppasketti is a VFX god!

Do you want me to see if I have a higher res version of the movie and crop the clip for you?

It looks awesome on my phone screen but I’ll check it when I’m home. Great work as always.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

kewlfish said:

Yeah I can try to recolor that one. Also, I love your channel and content. You were the editor that inspired me to use the Nat Geo footage in the first place!

NO WAY!!?? That has made me SO happy! Your work is amazing! I finished my rough cut a few days ago but I’m literally re-editing scenes just to try and add your segments now. This forum is awesome!!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

poppasketti said:

idir_hh said:

Here’s the source: https://youtu.be/cwP9LB_i8P8

I wasn’t sure yet where tie fighters should go in Kewlfish’s 2nd shot, but I really like the first shot Chase Adams found in the clip above.

Here’s a possible option for a tie flyover:
pw: fanedit

You and Kewlfish are killing these scenes. SO GOOD!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

JKMaxx said:

I agree that the helmet scene works better in the opening, if only for continuity reasons.

I’m just not a fan of that piece of music over the helmet scene at that point of the movie. I’ll probably try something more dramatic but there’s too much soundtrack coming from the centre channel. I’ll play around when I get more time.

Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope (Help Wanted Finishing This Edit) (WIP)

idir_hh said:

I thought some of your changes were excellent, they even inspired some of my edits.

Wow! That’s pretty encouraging to hear. Thank You!

How close are you to finishing your edit?

At the moment I’m working out the structure of the plot. I’m really still in the brainstorming phase, figuring out the right structure for the first act, which really is the trickiest part of the film. I’m experimenting with different ideas

I’ve decided to completely redesign an opening scene between Leia & Luke to slow the pacing down. Here’s a small list of what I’ve done so far.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

Yeah, that’s very nice. I still think it seems a little weird to see him on the bridge for a second. If the helmet scene were moved there, it’d be perfect. As long as the consensus ends up saying that’s the way to go rather than leaving it during or after Rey trains.

I felt the same. I’ve moved the helmet scene several times but may move it to the opening scene now. Hopefully that’ll be the last time.

Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope (Help Wanted Finishing This Edit) (WIP)

Anakin Starkiller said:

You’re unlikely to find people volunteering to perform any significant FX work, but might I suggest EbSynth? It works wonders in my experience, so long as you provide it enough keyframes.

It seems my reply got deleted. Thanks for the heads up on EbSynth, I’ll give it a look over when I find some times.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

kewlfish said:

DorkSyde said:

Hmm, I was working with some of these just for fun-sies… Do these fit in a little bit better? I’m not the best color corrector. I was just glad I didn’t have to follow a spaceship frame-by-frame for these lol

Mustafar Iron Tree Establishing Shot 1 and 2:

Shot 1 - https://vimeo.com/419180121
password - Ascendant

Shot 2 - https://vimeo.com/419180312
password - Ascendant

I liked your other scenes so much I went back and did an edit just to try and fit them in. Shot 2 works well for that edit now. Really good work. Thanks!