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A plan: Despecialization. We know it can be done. Now the question is... Can <em>Molly</em> do it?

Warning: This may yet end in failure. These kinds of things happen all the time.

This is why I’ve been watching for Poita’s SE project and for 4K77. 😉

I made my first attempts at despecialization right when the DVDs came out, but at the time I knew nothing about video editing and all I had to work with was Virtual Dub. I’ve got a lot more resources at my disposal now, and I’ve started to wonder if I could pull it off now.

While I have tackled similar projects before with my current toolset (and they were larger in scope though simpler in nature; for example, I’ve done rollbacks of Pokémon) I haven’t gone back to do Star Wars. I think when we have a full scan of the 1997 edition, I’m going to do just that.

So let’s see, what would this entail sourcing?

  • Obviously, the BluRays.
  • An HD TS of the DVD master (2004). I don’t know what the best source of this is. I might even have access to at least one although if it’s Spike it might be cropped and thus less usable?
  • Scans of the 97SE. Waiting on this.
  • Scans of the OUT. In ANH’s case, I think I’ll wait for 4K77, but we do have the SSE too.

This would be a slightly different approach, I think, and will produce different results. I’m not trying to compete with Harmy, just take care of some unfinished business.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

nightstalkerpoet said:

I guess it’s time for the new mob craze “George Revisited First!”

But at least those folks have the GOTSE (George’s Original Trilogy Special Edition).

Wait… No. They’re stuck with the GTROTSE (George’s Thrice Revisited Original Trilogy Special Edition).

George’s Original Altered Trilogy Special Edition…oh wait…


Dragon Ball Series Preservation (* unfinished project *) - much info &amp; ongoing discussion

I operate under two principles:

  • “First do it; then you can go back and do it better.”
  • “Perfect is the enemy of good enough.”

All I can say is the audio came from a FOAF, who got it from someone else who got it from someone else (except 2-17, those were one step from the source).

And indeed, those are exactly the sources I used, videowise.

Info: Dragon Ball Z, and the Dragon Ball series in general...

I know, right? I did what I felt was right, and while there’s the usual questions and comments, half of it is the greedy clique we had to go through to get the audio, raging because I slaughtered their golden goose. I was well informed what the situation was with the audio going into this - and I was warned that there would be a lot of butthurt, but I wasn’t exactly prepared for what I got. These guys don’t have two brain cells to rub together, even though some of them (like enigmo) definitely have humongous egos.

Info: Dragon Ball Z, and the Dragon Ball series in general...

It’s just Z. There is some broadcast audio of the original Dragon Ball but not enough to make it worth trying to do anything with.

(ETA: That went over like a lead zeppelin. Can’t say I didn’t expect it, as I was warned that exactly that would happen, but still. What is it about the DBZ fandom?)